Good luck Miss Jen!

Started by EC, Jul 28, 2005, 07:21 AM

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Jen is writing her GRE this morning in the city of my name.  She's been studying since the road trip.  

I mean, whatever, the dude is smarter than fuck, but she's still nervous, so we should all send her niiiiice, caaaaalm, "yooouuu'llll beeee fiiiiiiiine" vibes.  If you feel so inclined...

(Why the hell do you guys have so many damn tests?  And why do you have to PAY for them?!)

Go Jen!  Git 'er done!!!!

peanut butter puddin surprise

you can do it!  put yer head down and make it happen!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Good luck Jen!

(What's a GRE?)

peanut butter puddin surprise

something about grad school...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quotesomething about grad school...
Eeeeeexactly.  Why the hell does a person getting their masters in playwriting need to worry about damn math?

She just left.  She seems calm.  I feel better.

peanut butter puddin surprise

good.  i've met her and she's awesome.  so smart that she'll blow the doors off of it with no trouble...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Good luck Jen!  

The GRE is just another worthless standardized test.  Your score will in no way have any impact on how well you will perform in grad school.

Anyway, taking this damn test today will give you guys a good reason to get bent this evening!  


Yes, Jen and Meg need to celebrate the test's over.


Yes, I definitley need to celebrate.  This damn test studying has been very stressful for me.  ;)

But truly.  There we were in Iowa City waiting for the doors to open for the new Star Wars movie.  Jen is sitting on the curb studying math.  I'm like (thinking I'm so smart), "Hey, throw me a question."  So she did.  And I understood the words "the" "and" "add" and "seven".

We tried word problems in the car.  I'd read them out while she was driving.  Now, I'm not a stupid person, but holy shit.  

Okay.  Two more hours until she starts.  Go Jen!!

There may be a liquor strike today...  But we're ready for it.  :)


Okay.  Two more hours until she starts.  Go Jen!!

I keep forgetting it's still the morning there. I thought she'd finished. Turning those positive vibes back in her direction right now  :)


:)  Yeah, she doesn't actually start until 1pm our time (which is around sixish your time), but she had to go far to take it.  

So yeah.  She gets into grad school.  Then they tell her she has to write this GRE, that she has to PAY for and hire a math tutor who's barely out of highschool (that was hilarious.  that kid was smart.  holy shit), and THEN she has to TRAVEL to get there to take the damn thing.  

And she's going to study playwriting.  AND she's already in.  AND she got a fellowship (did I mention that?  She gets really embarassed when I tell people).

It's so weird.  Not that she got a fellowship.  That part is totally awesome and totally not weird.  Just all these tests are weird.

(I'm used to theatre school where we had to lie on the floor and breathe the city of Toronto into our bodies for five hours.  That isn't a lie.  We also did something called the "big spoon" where everyone in the class basically spoons each other in one big line on the floor, and we keep switching so that the end person doesn't get shafted.)


I am so happy for her. Yes, sending all the good vibes waaaaayyyyyy up north.
Quote:)  We also did something called the "big spoon" where everyone in the class basically spoons each other in one big line on the floor, and we keep switching so that the end person doesn't get shafted.)
Sorry, but if everyone is in a spoon, it seems like the only one that would not be shafted is the person on the end. Was that a really really bad joke?

I am totally proud of her and I'm assuming that a fellowship is similar to a grant?

Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


QuoteI am so happy for her. Yes, sending all the good vibes waaaaayyyyyy up north.
Sorry, but if everyone is in a spoon, it seems like the only one that would not be shafted is the person on the end. Was that a really really bad joke?

I thought it was pretty funny...  

QuoteI am totally proud of her and I'm assuming that a fellowship is similar to a grant?

Sho is.  Because she's soooooo gooooooood.  :)


Oh my gawd, you are so suthen wit cho sho is. For us down here, a grant is when someone else lets you use their toes to keep counting past 20. Generally, only used by smart folks who graduated from UGA.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


You know that she's going to U of Iowa, right?  Not only did she get into the damn school that Tennessee Williams went to, but they're basically paying her to do it.

I should seriously stop gloating.  It's not like she's my child.  

Plus it means she's leaving, which = suck.


hearing you mention my new roommate did make my heart stop. My brain was buzzing," But why, but why, but why?" I could not understand, but now it all makes sense. Iowa huh? I'm sensing another roadtrip. We're glad to have her in the states, I'm very sorry that you're losing a good mate. Please, gloat on sista, you should be as proud as she is. What was the song that you did about a certain insane relationship that continues on and rethinks, then continues again?
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


QuoteWhat was the song that you did about a certain insane relationship that continues on and rethinks, then continues again?
You mean After Dreams?  


that's the one. It was so true to life. Another enjoyable song that went over really great.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


right back at cha babe
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.