oh man am I hungover

Started by johnconaway, Jul 12, 2005, 08:47 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

sat on the porch late last night, bourbon in hand  
watched the tropical storms dump tropical rain all over the land
stayed up too late and my head's a poundin'
john henry's hammer on an anvil it's soundin'
here's hoping the day goes by quicker
before elijah makes me any sicker

where's the hair of the dog that bit me
i wouldn't need anyone to convince me
alka seltzer tablets are what i'm needin'
or ten more coffees so i'll be a speedin'
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


WOW! Is that your own work, John? It's really good. And doubly impressive with a hangover  8)


I feel your pain, John.
Drink lots of water and get some rest when you can.

Going to a little party myself tonight, a hangover might be waiting for me tomorrow...

peanut butter puddin surprise

that's all mine....so thank you!  for you southerners, i just had lunch at Waffle House...so I'm on the train to recovery...

just had a waffle and some ham
my hangover will soon be a sham
hopefully my email won't be spam
wish i would go to a poetry slam
damn, the sham of my slam is diabolically fam

and so forth...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


a) (I think) I'm the funniest when I'm hungover, and b) I feel the most creative.

Which is weird.  And where I may feel creative, I don't necessarily do anything about it because I feel like crap.

But your poems indicate that I need to try harder.  Good work.

There are few nicer things that I can think of than to sit on a porch drinking bourbon and watching the rain.  Was it really fun?  I love watching storms.

I hear you on the Waffle House.  I love their raisin toast.

peanut butter puddin surprise

waffle house is da bomb.  gimme some smothered, chunked, and capped any day of the week...(sounds kinda pornographic, IMHO)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quote gimme some smothered, chunked, and capped

Scattered, covered, smothered, chunked, diced, topped and capped has gotten me back on many a hideous night.

We used to have an underground club in Atlanta that opened at 0430 and closed at 0700. 5 bucks to get in and all the screwdrivers you could slam in that minor time period. 4 people in the front cab of my Chevy S-10 and usually 5 or 6 people in the back heading for the Aweful Waffle.

I miss Peter's Street.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.



Scattered, covered, smothered, chunked, diced, topped and capped has gotten me back on many a hideous night.

We used to have an underground club in Atlanta that opened at 0430 and closed at 0700. 5 bucks to get in and all the screwdrivers you could slam in that minor time period. 4 people in the front cab of my Chevy S-10 and usually 5 or 6 people in the back heading for the Aweful Waffle.

I miss Peter's Street.

Ha, that sounds like my kind of place!

Actualy, I got kinda wasted myself last night, mostly on cuba libres.
But it was a great night anyway!



Actualy, I got kinda wasted myself last night, mostly on cuba libres.
But it was a great night anyway!

Anytime you can recover from a wasted night, whether you wake up on the floor or the bed, it's a good night. Haha,
then you say good night. You can always "weed" yourself into life the next day.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Yes you can!
Actually I feel pretty good today, which is kind of a pleasant surprise considering my state at the end of the yesterday night  8)
A little bit tired though, it was late...


it's ok to be tired. You exerted a ton of energy last night and you need today to get through the 'Oh fuck' mutterings. A good 'son-of-a...oh fuck' don't hurt non either.

The fact that you can sit at a computer and type is much more handier than I could mass on a good 'oh shit' night.

Goody's powders and weed my friend. OK, just the weed.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Quoteit's ok to be tired. You exerted a ton of energy last night and you need today to get through the 'Oh fuck' mutterings. A good 'son-of-a...oh fuck' don't hurt non either.

The fact that you can sit at a computer and type is much more handier than I could mass on a good 'oh shit' night.

Goody's powders and weed my friend. OK, just the weed.

Haha, it was a good night, but not a real 'oh shit' night!
I still remember everything I did last night, that's a good sign!
An 'oh shit' night is something else... And believe me, I wouldn't be typing this after an 'oh shit' night  :D



Haha, it was a good night, but not a real 'oh shit' night!
I still remember everything I did last night, that's a good sign!
An 'oh shit' night is something else... And believe me, I wouldn't be typing this after an 'oh shit' night  :D

Understood. Actually, I stayed logged into the forum all day today due to a wrestling match with Lemon Bacardi. I lost big time. Woke up on the couch with the cat looking at me and asking 'where the fuck's dinner you drunk bastard?' That translates into a nonstop meow.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Damn jonjon, you posted a lot yesterday, impressive!

PS: Lemon Bacardi heh, interesting...
Another great combo: rum/ice-tea, Yes it works...


QuoteDamn jonjon, you posted a lot yesterday, impressive!

Yeah, drop a quarter in me and you can't get me to shut up. There's a dodgeball team I'm trying to get on. Posting my way into the final cuts. Don't have cool socks, don't have neat wristbands...but I got a shitload of bandanas. Mix and match baby!!!!!
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Oh. Man.

Everybody left, and I got ready for bed (Jen was already asleep), and then more people came.

Very very very very very fuzzy.