Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Started by EC, Jul 15, 2005, 09:02 AM

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Has anybody seen it, yet?  I'm thinking about going this afternoon on my day off.  When movies are marginally cheaper.

I'm kind of excited about it.  Maybe too excited.  I really liked the original one.


I'm going to see it within the next week, even though my feelings towards it are somewhat negative. Johnny Depp is no Gene Wilder.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


I've seen the trailer and Johnnie Depp looks weird. I know it's a weird character but those teeth! I saw War of the Worlds the other day and loved it.


QuoteI'm going to see it within the next week, even though my feelings towards it are somewhat negative. Johnny Depp is no Gene Wilder.

my lack of faith in johnny depp it outweighed by confidence in tim burton.


i went to a press screening on tuesday night and it was well worth the wait. i remember hearing about the remake in 2003, and being pretty excited by it, followed by a disappointment in the previews. they don't do the actual film justice though, it really was spectacular and incredibly fun to watch.
it's more based on the book than the older movie, so there are some significant differences. the most hype has been about how creepy it will/won't/should be, and all i'll say is that each film has it's creepy moments, though it really is hard to judge which one is moreso.
i went in expecting some kind of "cat in the hat" ridiculous type of film but was very pleasantly suprised.
i'd recommend goign to see it, but go to enjoy the movie, not to critically analyze everything and compare it to the old one.
it's bright white and blinding


Hey, just saw it a little bit ago, still like the original better (of course) but it was fun and trippy. Enjoyed the 2001 reference.
They had a preview for the latest Antonio Banderas vehicle Zorro, and the tag line was "This Fall, Adventure starts with the letter Z!"
You know it baby! ha ha ha  :)


QuoteHey, just saw it a little bit ago, still like the original better (of course) but it was fun and trippy. Enjoyed the 2001 reference.
They had a preview for the latest Antonio Banderas vehicle Zorro, and the tag line was "This Fall, Adventure starts with the letter Z!"
You know it baby! ha ha ha  :)


Oh yeah, the 2001 reference was amazing. Haha, it sucked being the only in my group who "got it". Definitely worth seeing. I would highly suggest that you've read teh book at some point in your life. If you haven't, I would. It'll take a day, maybe two if you go slow. And it's worth it, because you'll appreciate this version a lot more for what it is, rather than comparing it to the old movie, which was terribly non-book-based.

It's an awesome movie, and Depp does a grrrreat job.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


So.  We went to see it tonight.


We didn't even know it was going to be on there.  I kept checking my ticket "It says number twelve, but this can't be right."

Holy shit.  The music is so fun, the film is so dark but also awesome.  I kept thinking that it's really cool that kids will see it, because they'll get it, but it doesn't hold back for them.  

I was reminded of Michael Jackson a lot in this film.

The 2001 reference is ridiculous. (In a good way.)  And I have to say that the sunglasses worn throughout are very hot.  

I was thinking that each of the songs for each of the kids was some kind of hommage to a style or person, but I think I might need to get the soundtrack to be more sure about that.

I love Tim Burton movies.  They're so fantastic and magical and you leave them looking around you with different eyes.  

And dudes.  If it's on an IMAX in your town, do it that way.  It's insane.  :)