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Started by SMc55, Aug 04, 2005, 06:10 AM

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I've got three kids. They are 19, 17 and 12 (yes, I'm very old but that doesn't stop me rocking :D) The oldest has his own flat but still relies on me, and not just for money. I often get phone calls like "Do I really need insurance for my motor bike?", "Can you cook a chicken in the deep fat fryer?" and "My toilet's blocked, can I clear it with the vacuum cleaner?". The younger two are away at camp this week. I've got a lot done in the house, decorating and stuff, but now I'm missing them like hell. Got a call last night to say the youngest had been hit by another kid. The other kid was sent home and Ed was fine but they wanted to warn me there'd be a mark on his forehead. I was getting my car keys as she spoke but she put Ed on and he said he was fine and didn't need to come home early. I'm picking them up on Saturday but I can't stop thinking what a bad mother I am for sending them away, then telling myself not to be daft and they're having a great time. My daughter's loving it. She's completely fearless and trusting and always willing to abseil down a cliff or whatever without a care.

What I want to say is, it never stops, does it? You never switch off the loving, protecting, fearing for them thing. They're completely worth it but that 'fist round your heart' thing can happen at any moment.

I know some of you are parents, do you know what I mean?


im there with ya, my kids are young young young, too.  my son will be 4 august 19, and my daughter will be 3 in november, day after my birthday.  (don't fuck with a 2 scorpio family, bitches!)  i know ive done many stupid things, and i always feel bad about going to shows or my time away, but its all good as ive seen how much they need time away from us parents as well.  my wife has been a stay at home parent for their entire lives, and ive had the luxury of working at home for almost two years now, so its almost worse to try to leave them being around them so much, but then again you ache for free time together.  all you with older kids, tell me all i have to  look forward to, all the worrying and such!  hehe

couldnt be parenting be called the justified insanity club?


I'm not a parent, dith, but my Mom STILL puts her hand out to stop me from crashing into the windshield if she has to stop a little faster than she normally would in the car.  We still get Santa presents, and there's always chocolate hidden at Easter.  Every time I go to visit, I always leave with a new toothbrush, toilet paper and paper towels, and whatever food she just so "happened" to have "lying around the house" that she "never uses", but certainly wasn't there a couple of weeks previous, and just so happens to be my favourite stuff.  We're fairly close, and so she knows most things, and if something hard happens, I usually don't want to tell her at first, because she'll take it worse than me.  And she WORRIES.  Jesus.  

Okay, if I'm staying there over Christmas, and I go out, I have to say goodnight when I get home because she can't sleep otherwise.  Or, when I leave her house, I always have to call so she knows I got home okay (these things are true for my brother, as well).  She calls my brother and I and makes sure that neither of us are lying to her if we say that things are all right.

I hope I'm not making her sound crazy.  It's actually kind of nice to have a house full of balloons and streamers on your 31st birthday.  She's just really lovely, but she's not forceful about it.

Oh yeah, another thing.  I'm not allowed to go anywhere NEAR a balcony if she's around.  And I mean it.  She still thinks I'm going to somehow get picked up by the wind and fall over the edge.  That part drives me a little crazy, actually.  Actually, I go near balcony ledges on purpose.  

Which is bad and wrong.

Moms.  :)


Quotemy Mom STILL puts her hand out to stop me from crashing into the windshield if she has to stop a little faster than she normally would in the car.    :)

I do that! Moms.  :)


Quoteall you with older kids, tell me all i have to  look forward to, all the worrying and such!  hehe
I don't think it ever stops. My mother worried about my until the day she died. Her love was like a warm blanket on a cold day.
couldnt be parenting be called the justified insanity club?
Definately  ;D

peanut butter puddin surprise

I can tell you that it's the most insane and wonderful thing, ever.  Amelia is only 5 months old, but she's starting to become aware of everything and it's like having another person around, instead of that fluid-expulsing larva she was a short month ago...

all she ever does is smile and laugh.  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


And I guess Chris gives a different but similar set of experiences. Kids are cool (and pains in the butt at the same time  :-/)


Quotefluid-expulsing larva
What a beautiful description for your daughter!  :D

It reminds me of the carnage that Jen and I created when we maliciously destroyed an entire colony of hornets.  There were a lot of hornet babies (ie larvae).  

Wait a minute.  No.  Amelia is not like that at all.  She's stunning and beautiful and has a very awesome Dad to boot!

I think parents are supposed to worry about their kids forever.  And then kids start worrying about their parents.  And then everybody's just damn worrying all the time from the love.

(I thought this thread was going to be about that awesome movie.)



(I thought this thread was going to be about that awesome movie.)

Oh yeah. It was pretty funny. And it had some truly recognisable moments.


being a dad ++

i recommend it to everyone. and it's easy. hell, i wasn't even *trying*.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteWait a minute.  No.  Amelia is not like that at all.  She's stunning and beautiful and has a very awesome Dad to boot!

 ::) well, i'm blushing!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



::) well, i'm blushing!
Good! :)


My Mom just phoned.  She always calls every time I have a show, to say that she's thinking about me and to say have a good show.  And then she makes me promise that I'll call her the next day to tell her about it.

So I told her that it was really nice, and I told her that I really appreciate how she's always doing that.

And it made her really happy.  :)


i love moms. i'm not a mom myself, but i have a good mom. i also have a nephew, who is the best kid ever.

he's in the song writing zone, right now. very pensive.


What a cool picture with a beautiful little man.

Quote Every time I go to visit, I always leave with a new toothbrush, toilet paper and paper towels, and whatever food she just so "happened" to have "lying around the house" that she "never uses", but certainly wasn't there a couple of weeks previous, and just so happens to be my favourite stuff.  

And she WORRIES.  Jesus.  

Same thing here EC. My parents came up to see my new kitten(their grandcats) and I had food left in my frig. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, I had to work a 20 hour shift at work, so I called to let them know that I was not at home. My mom said that 20 hours was too long to work and drive home, so she and Dad were coming to get me. I had to actually promise to take a nap before driving home. But my parents are gold and I would not/could not trade them for the world. That's why when I hear young folks say "my mom is such a bitch", I cringe and then get mad, then want to cry because they were not as lucky as me.

Parents Rock!!!

Oh yeah, my first concert was Blood, Sweat & Tears....with my Dad.

Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Parents Rock!!!
So glad to see you say that Jonjon. I don't think I really understood how much mine meant to me until they were gone. I miss them every day. If I can do half as good a job as them I'll be happy.


Oh yeah, my first concert was Blood, Sweat & Tears....with my Dad.

What a cool dad!


The fact that you care enough and express yourself the way you have proves that you not only care for your little peeps, but the love goes so deep that you hurt when they hurt...or even when they are not. That's what it takes to be a wonderful mommy.

Keep up the great job and sharing of much love. It will be reflected in them for the rest of their lives.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


not "technically" a parent yet but i lost my oldest brother a little more than a year ago in a car accident and i feel it's been my duty to help raise his little son as best as possible for him. he's definitely one of the best things in all of our lives these days and he's growing up too fast.


Jonjon, How lovely of you to say that. I'm missing them a lot tonight (my kids, I mean, but it also applied to my parents).

They'll be driving me nuts in two days' time. I'm looking forward to it  ;)

And darkglow, so sorry about your loss. Good for you for being a good uncle. Uncles are fun!


Just 'calls' it like I 'sees' it nice lady. I have cooking directions written down too. Got a lasagna recipe that uses ground turkey with the spinich. Suppose to be healthy and all that. Thanks to mommies, we kids get to eat good too.

Quotenot "technically" a parent yet but i lost my oldest brother a little more than a year ago in a car accident and i feel it's been my duty to help raise his little son as best as possible for him. he's definitely one of the best things in all of our lives these days and he's growing up too fast.

To be a part and influence of the growing process is excellent. Not to mention, you are lining up good karhma for taking the time to raise a young one. It's kewl to see that both you and your nephew will grow from the terrible tragedy. I'm really sorry for your loss as well.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.