Necessity. Inventions.  Mothers.

Started by EC, Aug 15, 2005, 05:44 AM

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I fucking knew this would happen, too.  Before Fawce moved away, I bought two big bags of my favourite coffee beans, and had meant to grind them with her grinder.  Well, I only got through one.  And yesterday as I was making coffee I though "Oh, the ground coffee's done, I should get that other bag ground so I'm not stuck for tomorrow."

And then I proceeded to slip into a comatic haze, because I forgot.  

So this morning, tired, fuzzy, sleepy and coming down from a series of very very very weird dreams, I go in the kitchen and...

"ooooohhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuck."

Did I let that stop me?  NO.  I GROUND those beans by HAND.    Yep.  Put them in a separate bag and rolled a glass jar over them until they were ready.

What inventions have y'all found yourself creating in emergency situations?

(I realize that my coffee one is kind of lame.  I'm sure there will be stories of "I made a samurai sword out of silver I found in a cave while I was in the wildnerness by myself for five years, and I used it to slay bears for their meat and hide.)

peanut butter puddin surprise

well, there's always the inventiveness that occurs in (ahem) paraphanelia situations.  not that i would know anything about that.... ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quotewell, there's always the inventiveness that occurs in (ahem) paraphanelia situations.  not that i would know anything about that.... ;)
Holy hell, I called that as soon as I wrote it.  I thought "John Conaway is TOTALLLY gonna say about the thing."

hahaha.  :)  Yeah, I have been highly creative in those situations as well.  I remember once something that involved a toothpaste box and some silver foil...  

When I was in highschool we dried banana peels and when it came time, we had no papers, so we used ...  post-it notes.

They don't work too good, by the way.  ;)

peanut butter puddin surprise

there's always:

-aluminum cans.  poke a few holes, bend it in the middle, and voila!

-pens with really hard plastic cases.

-the good ole toilet paper roll with foil

or, then again there is this:

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Nice pipe there,John...where can I get one like that?

The cable TV connectors on the end make a good bowl in a pinch.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need

peanut butter puddin surprise


just type in "vaporizer" in any search engine.  very healthy alternative.  haven't personally tried one, but some friends have reported "dude, this shiznit is awesome".... ;D
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I have also been known to be a safety pin queen.  Don't have time to hem your pants?  Safety pins.  (I have pants that are four years old that I still haven't properly hemmed.)  Nice little flashes of silver down by the seams.

Zipper broke?  pin

t-shirt too big?  pin it

I have more safety pins in some of my clothes than I have thread.

peanut butter puddin surprise

do you remember the "friendship pins" that people put on their shoelaces back in the day?  sounds like you pre-invented it!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quotedo you remember the "friendship pins" that people put on their shoelaces back in the day?  sounds like you pre-invented it!
Do I remember the friendship pins?

I had the damn loafers with the string that went all around your shoes, and crammed along the strings were the friendship pins.  I had 'em pinned on my shirts, I had them pinned to my (what the hell were those horrible hair things called, squishees? squingees?  you know, that bunchy fabric elastic thing that all the girls put in their hair?  scruncheeeee that's it)  

You know friendship pins are back in style.  Naomi has a really cool one that's all kilt pins (the big big ones) beaded and strung together.  I could make one of those.  I should make one of those.  

I used to, this is hilarious, I used to put a safety pin in the side of my mouth so that it looked like it was actually pinned to my face, and go to school like that so that people would think I was a punk.  Grade four.  Not a lie.


shoelace as belt.
scope as vodka.
zanax as cocaine.(not recommended)
kathleen edwards dvd as porn.

those are my top 4.

peanut butter puddin surprise

hmmmmm....I forsee a future MMJ merch object...

the My Morning Jacket friendship pin...?  thoughts?  is that a bad idea?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quoteshoelace as belt.
scope as vodka.
zanax as cocaine.(not recommended)
kathleen edwards dvd as porn.

those are my top 4.

Very funny. ;D
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Quotehmmmmm....I forsee a future MMJ merch object...

the My Morning Jacket friendship pin...?  thoughts?  is that a bad idea?
That is an AWESOME idea!!!!!  with little beads that spell mmj and then a spacer bead and then a z.

That's lovely.  I'd wear that.  :)

You could get little lightening bolt beads, little letter beads, cool weirdo skull beads, little bear head beads if such a thing exists, little clover beads, sandalwood beads for the hippies...  You could wear them on the sleeve of your tshirt, or on your shoes.

I hope you were being serious, or else I might look really really spazzy right now.

I love beads.  I think chicks would dig mmj friendship pins.  C'mon girls, who's with me?

I'd fuckin' make them for god's sake.  My friend has a jewellery business, and she has loads of beads.  I wonder if you can custom-make beads...  Actually you can.  Actually I have.

Okay.  I might actually steal this idea for myself, too.  If I'm allowed.


Quoteshoelace as belt.
scope as vodka.
zanax as cocaine.(not recommended)
kathleen edwards dvd as porn.

those are my top 4.

I've used a necktie as a belt.  A few times.  I've used vodka as a "mouth freshener" if I've smoked too much.

I've also used baby wipes as a "shower" when I was in tent city.



I've used a necktie as a belt.  A few times.  I've used vodka as a "mouth freshener" if I've smoked too much.

yea, me too.  i know you have used kathleen edwards too. :o
I've also used baby wipes as a "shower" when I was in tent city.
that is why tent cities smell so bad.  anyone know why they still make deodorant and not all antipersperant? ???


Quoteyea, me too.  i know you have used kathleen edwards too.
Why do you think I bought the Gram Parsons tribute dvd?  ;)

Quotethat is why tent cities smell so bad.  anyone know why they still make deodorant and not all antipersperant?
Well, at Bonnaroo there wasn't a whole lot of choice...  

Antiperspirant is not really great for you.  Along with sweat and stuff, toxins are released through your glands, and so blocking that up can actually make you kind of sick over a prolonged period of time.  

It's good to switch back and forth.  But NOT at Bonnaroo.  At Bonnaroo I was tempted to duck tape my pits to stop the sweating.  


wow, duct tape on pits.  very fashionable as well.   ;D


Good thread!

stoner inventions:
i've made many apple and potato pipes.
you can make a hell of a pipe or steamroller from a socket and a piece of screen (I like to call it the socket-to-me).
I have used Bible paper and honey to roll joints when there are no papers around (some might consider it sacrilege but I guarantee that it smokes better than post-it paper).  
Aluminum foil by itself can also be fashioned into a quick, cheap pipe.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


i am sure Jesus would be very proud.  anyone remember Styper, the Christian metal band?  good shit.  


remember the different types of smokers a la the movie half baked?  it seems we have a lot mcgyver smokers here, very creative!  

it reminds me of that webcam skit on SNL with jimmy fallon and horatio sanz (goby).  jimmy fallon says something like "this if my friend, goby.  he's the only person i know who can make a bong out of a bong."

i love that.   ;D