northwest arkansas blues

Started by wellfleet, Aug 26, 2005, 03:25 PM

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i just moved from montreal to northwest arkansas and feel like the world as i know it has ended. anyone else share my misery? or else live in NW arkansas and hate it? or live here and love it? i'm so homesick.
everything sucks. really.


my brother's gf is from Arkansas...we live in NJ and he goes out there every summer to see her. He says its totally different. I'm actually heading out there in november for an arkansas football game. Do you know anybody at all?


i'm going to see a UA football game nov 5th, it's homecoming or something. the only person i know is my fiance. this place is like mars. i'm such a northern girl and this town is the size of my burb back home. the whole scene is weird. the mountains are pretty. i also went into a walmart for the first time ever...
everything sucks. really.


Quotei just moved from montreal to northwest arkansas and feel like the world as i know it has ended. anyone else share my misery? or else live in NW arkansas and hate it? or live here and love it? i'm so homesick.
My friend just moved from Toronto to Iowa City, and she says it's taking a fair amount of adjusting...   :-/


Quotei'm going to see a UA football game nov 5th, it's homecoming or something. the only person i know is my fiance. this place is like mars. i'm such a northern girl and this town is the size of my burb back home. the whole scene is weird. the mountains are pretty. i also went into a walmart for the first time ever...

thats when i'm going! Its against South Carolina...we're going to be in the same stadium at the exact same time....lets make a 5:55, we'll look to the sky and say "Ging Gong Gooley"....that'll be neat!


horko i live in northwest TENNESSEE and i think i can feel you on this one.. i've ventured over to NW arkansas aka the "show me again state" and i know how it is.


Quotei also went into a walmart for the first time ever...

I'm sorry to hear that.


yeah it was a bit traumatic. you would think it would be so convenient, open 24/7, you can buy, like, eggs, a DVD and a garden hose all at once, there's even a freakin McDonald's in there... but it wasn't convenient for my soul! i kept thinking about all the little businesses this megalopolous (not a word, but a good made-up word) structure put to pasture... everyone is very friendly, but jesus is really big here. i passed by this one house that has "warriors for the lord" emblazoned on the garage door. that freaked me out. which reminds me that my town will have a battle of the christian bands tonight... i dig the jesus, and dig people who dig jesus, but i think here it's like, a religion or something....
everything sucks. really.


Being a Canadian in the south, the religious stuff freaked me out a lot.  And the gun stuff.  

At Bonnaroo, some churchy people were handing out water with this sticker on the bottle:

"Jesus said, 'Everyone who drinks water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I gave him will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."  A gift from the Manchester Area Churches

So I popped 'er open and said "Perfect, I won't need to find water all weekend, and I'm never gonna die."

Here was a series of billboards on the I-74 east in Illinois:

Tell your senator
When he runs
Ban the criminals
Not the guns

Guns are neither
Good nore evil
How they're used
It depends on people

On unarmed folks
Thugs do prey
Illionois law
Keeps it that way

(the third one was my favourite of the three)

Also, I believe it was Kentucky with the massive:
Hell Is Real.  

:)You crazy Americans.


At Bonnaroo, some churchy people were handing out water with this sticker on the bottle:

"Jesus said, 'Everyone who drinks water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I gave him will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."  A gift from the Manchester Area Churches

So I popped 'er open and said "Perfect, I won't need to find water all weekend, and I'm never gonna die."

HAHAHAHA.  Technically, you could've sued if you died of dehydration...right?



HAHAHAHA.  Technically, you could've sued if you died of dehydration...right?
I think I have the option to do that for the rest of my life, now...

Ah sweet, sweet legalities.  ;)


But the ultimate question remains...who would you sue?  I guess Jesus is out of the question :o


QuoteBut the ultimate question remains...who would you sue?  I guess Jesus is out of the question :o
I'm sure somebody out there is in charge of Jesus' estate.  I could sue them...  

I'm actually surprised that nobody's tried that, yet.  :)


Which is EXACTLY why you should be the first one to do so.  The first case ALWAYS wins...right?


I'm really tempted to go ahead and explain that metaphor for you, Meg. But I think that if you figure it out yourself, you would probably appreciate it a lot more.

And wellfleet, I feel for you. I've moved a lot and to many different places. Probably the worst was when i moved to a town on the Chesapeake Bay that was populated entirely by old people. There were no kids my age that I knew of. Well, kids that I wouldv'e actually fit in with. So I just stayed in my rooma nd played guitar for two years straight. So I did reap some benefit from it.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteI'm really tempted to go ahead and explain that metaphor for you, Meg. But I think that if you figure it out yourself, you would probably appreciate it a lot more.
Oh Eisey, you're very sweet.  I know you want me to love Jesus, and I do understand the metaphor.  :)  I actually almost put in a p.s. for you up there, so that you'd know I wasn't trying to be offensive.  

peanut butter puddin surprise

..."Jesus is just alright with me...Jesus is just alright...oh yeah!!!  Jesus...he's my friend.... ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there