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Started by primushead, Sep 19, 2005, 10:38 AM

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If you could meet anyone (alive or dead) who would it be?  I would've liked to meet Ghandi, because anyone who wears diapers has to be interesting.


QuoteIf you could meet anyone (alive or dead) who would it be?  I would've liked to meet Ghandi, because anyone who wears diapers has to be interesting.

I wouldn't have minded having a chat with Johnny Cash.

I'd like to talk to Emmylou Harris.  If I didn't know how much he didn't like to talk to people, I'd probably like to have a powdered doughnut and a coffee with JD Salinger.

And Issa.  I really would've liked to have met him.


George Harrison.

Spiritually, mentally, and musically, the man had it all.  He was so at ease with himself and everything around him.  I've never looked up to a celeb/artist more than him. He had everything in its right place and I have the utmost respect for that. Plus, he was the best beatle :)

I answered this question the exact same way in one of my interviews last year...I got the job :) Thanks George!

peanut butter puddin surprise

Ben Franklin, about the state of affairs in our country right now.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteBen Franklin, about the state of affairs in our country right now.

OOOoooo, good one.


i´d like to hang out with the guys of Broken social scene!! :D that would be very cool!


Probably Jimmy Page. He's always been the top of my list.

I wish i could have some more time with my great grandpa, get to know him better. I suppose maybe one day I will. He was such a fascinating man.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


George W to see wtf is up with him. ;)


Samuel Clemmons (Mark Twain)

Best American writer.
First stand-up comedian.
One hell of a conversationalist.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I'd like to talk to Emmylou Harris.

I was watching the Last Waltz again the other day, and I thought I wouldn't mind kissing Emmylou.  and Joni Mitchell.  in 1975.  If I were single.


Dude, i'm all about some vintage emmylou.  What a looker.


Ummm, she's still pretty hot, as far as I'm concerned.

Didn't we talk about this before?  How much I love that dress she's wearing in The Last Waltz?  My Mom kind of looked like her.  And my Mom is still pretty cute now, too. ;)  For my Mom.

But NONE of you fellas better talk about kissing my Mom, please.

I'd like to talk to Thom Yorke, too.  Is there an e on the end of Yorke?  hm.  Whenever I go to the radiohead site and check out all the stuff there, I get really happy.

Plus, and I don't know if this is documented, and I don't know why I think this, which makes me think I probably made it up, I think that he really loves My Morning Jacket.  So he's gotta be good. :)


Willie Nelson or Johnny Cash.
Of course, I'd like to meet Jim. How much do you suppose he charges for a solo gig?
Keep on saving the Yen Andy...

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.



Plus, and I don't know if this is documented, and I don't know why I think this, which makes me think I probably made it up, I think that he really loves My Morning Jacket.  So he's gotta be good. :)

no, i know what you mean.  my friend told me he read about it somewhere.  i guess thom has a very nice apprecation for the jacket.  ill have to see if i can find out where he got the info.   ;D


having a drink with george harrison would rock my world. i would also like to sit down with richard manuel. he seems like an otherworldly being to me.