Screw You Bloggers!

Started by The_DARK, Apr 21, 2008, 09:22 PM

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Most of the comments on that first review are pretty positive...
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Quoteit ain't fake, i assure you. not that I've heard it or anything.

You probably wish it was. That was terrible pop bullshit. I really had high hopes for this new record and all, but this song puts a bad taste in my mouth. Fuck, give me some Heartbreakin' Man for christ sakes.

If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


QuoteMost of the comments on that first review are pretty positive...

Because they didn't start listening to MMJ until Z came out.


"bloggers are idiots", said a co-worker. i did the nervous laugh/smile thing, and said, "they sure are!", thinking to myself, did i just rip on myself? i mean, what are we? what is the technical name for us? sure we're fans, but what are we? am i a blogger?

Much Greater Than Science Fiction


QuoteMost of the comments on that first review are pretty positive...

Because they didn't start listening to MMJ until Z came out.

dude, I don't agree with you at all, but I seriously love it when you post about the early stuff!  :)
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

Angry Ewok

QuoteMost of the comments on that first review are pretty positive...

Because they didn't start listening to MMJ until Z came out.

dude, I don't agree with you at all, but I seriously love it when you post about the early stuff!  :)

Yeah, realdeal can be a realasshole - but this comment in particular I not only laughed at, I agreed with. He's exactly right - the was I see it is, we've basically got three camps: a) the people are so attached to the early Jacket that nothing new will ever appease them, b) folks who are actual fans of the art, and almost can't be disappointed because they don't care where this wild ride takes them, c) people who only caught on after Z, who expected/wanted/hoped for MMJ to somehow evolve into Radiohead (or whoever).
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Jon T.

Quoteit ain't fake, i assure you. not that I've heard it or anything.

You probably wish it was. That was terrible pop bullshit. I really had high hopes for this new record and all, but this song puts a bad taste in my mouth. Fuck, give me some Heartbreakin' Man for christ sakes.

Good news for you.  Heartbreakin' Man has actually already been released.  Officially too.  You can put that bad boy on repeat for eternity and never have anything to complain about.


I never read music reviews.  Or movie reviews for that matter.  Art's subjective in my opinion.




I think it's all about enjoying whatever music one likes. If someone likes the Tennessee Fire music then fine. If someone likes the new stuff, good. I dont necessarily see the connection between being a fan of one type of music and by default having to like other stuff put out.


I also think in today's day and age people don't really LISTEN to the music a lot of times.  Albums get put out; bloggers listen to it once, make a review, and then move onto the next release.  Buzz gets created, Buzz gets killed, magazines are written, money changes hands, late night shows are booked, etc. etc.  I read too many reviews that are really superficial.  Blogger Buzz Diarrhea.....It's sweeping the nation.  I made the mistake of thinking the discussions would be about the album, instead it's just a bunch of...."Highly Suspicious is gay"  "That last track "Good Intentions" is a stupid waste of a track, this album sucks"   :P      
There's Still Time.........


The hype for this record was HUGE......everyone was going to have their opinion.  MMJ built their following and buzz on the quality of the music, and the shows anyway....I hope the bloggers hate it.  I don't even think half of the people that expect this record to be great have any idea why they expect it to be great.  Whatever, We'll all show up at church on Sunday anyway.

There's Still Time.........

Angry Ewok

QuoteI hope the bloggers hate it.

I actually wished a curse on all of them. I hope it sounds like ass to them...

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


"this reminds me of when blind melon put out soup. everyone said it sucked, choppy guitars and drug induced lyrics.....i think rolling stone gave it 1 star. it turns out that soup is the best thing (as a produced album, not demos) blind melon did. albeit they only had 3 albums with hoon"

sorry to pick but I count Nico by Blind Melon as an album and I consider it their best ,although I love them all. (new one's not bad)




   Just being honest...
  It took a few listens to really "get" what these guys are up to.  I betcha these bloggers and reviewers are only listening to it once before reviewing it and in doing such, miss the whole jist of the record.  
  I'd always take a difficult to digest album over a "1st listen favorite" anyday.  Those seem to go stale quickly.  I think this record will last a long, long, time in my favorites stack.
These, incidently, are the first words i've mentioned on this record.  I thought it would be rude to comment on the specifics of a new record that many here haven't heard yet.
O, How time flies, with crystal clear eyes.  But it's cold, it's cold, when you're ending with diamond eyes.


Wow. It's not bloggers that are the problem but a particular blogger.

For the honest record, I love the Curtis Mayfield-Prince influence, and I intend to BLOG about it.

That said, I am so out of some loops that I completely missed the leak.

Is everyone else listening to it or are we waiting good and proper for the real deal?

peanut butter puddin surprise

waiting for the sun...waiting for the sun...waiting...for the sun....WAITING....WAITING......WAITING!!!

Ha.  It's funny, having written a blog or two myself, I can honestly say sometimes blogs come off as self important, masturbatory exercises in narcisscism.  Who fuckin' cares what ONE blog says.  There's millions of 'em.

Not everyone likes chocolate covered ants, but I bet there are folks out there who do.  Should we blog about chocolate covered ants, and scare the "chocolate covered ants" segment of the world away from eating chocolate covered ants?  Hardly.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I love choco-ants.  they taste like chocolate.

A couple'a valid music blogs/sites to peruse...
Sloan Simpson's blog outta Athens, Ga.
// &
O, How time flies, with crystal clear eyes.  But it's cold, it's cold, when you're ending with diamond eyes.


I know what I like and that's MMJ. Takes more than a negative blogger to dissuade me. Especially when I've checked out MMJ's music (started with Z then bought all others past and present), seen them live, and willing to purchase EU and see them tour on it.

Those who blog and try to either bash or praise MMJ are granted to their own opinions. To think themselves as bona fide music critics and impose their will on the people, let's see some credentials. I doubt they are reincarnation of the late, great Lester Bangs.

Good or bad, no matter what any blogger or critic says about the band, I know that MMJ has a great sound, great chemistry, and a loyal fan in me.
