(that isn't music...) & any other funny video clips.
Faces' excellent Nintendo 64 clip reminded me of this classic that's been kicking about on the web for a while:
People & video cameras :-/ ;D
Will Ferrell as G W Bush ;D
I got a good feeling about this thread Andrew!
Cheers Sean, I thought I was going to get a 'this thread never really got going' & bumped it myself with the Will Ferrell clips :)
I'll keep it busy...
ha ha
I'll repost this madness:
You mean there is other stuff besides music on haven't gotten that far yet. ;)
Didn't think I liked Chris Rock until I saw this:
QuoteDidn't think I liked Chris Rock until I saw this:
haha this is awesome!
Isn't it?!!
QuoteIsn't it?!!
tOO fUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that Patches, where did you find it?!!
Dr. Spock on Cribs:
"This boy LOVE that left over roast beef!"
"This is where I chill, this is where I relax...this is where I chilax."
Jesco the Dancing Outlaw
"I took the butcher knife & held it up to her neck & said If you wanna live to see tomorrow, you better start frying them eggs a little bit better much you frying em, I'm tired of eatin sloppy, slimy eggs" WTF?!! ;D
"I Wrote This Song in '94!..." ;D
Haha, hilarious! I haven't seen this clip, I guess it's from the unfinished 3rd series? Cheers Sean ;D
QuoteI love that Patches, where did you find it?!!
found the link on a german site. i knew that you´d like it! ;D
too funny....
Quotetoo funny....
Here's another:
Here's another clip from Dave Chappelle's third series:
+ a couple of classics!
Samuel Jackson Beer:
Street Hoops:
& my hands down fav, Rick James ;D
This made me smile (& think of packing it all in & going travelling...)
Rwanda is my fav ;D
Best fight ever - I watched it live on the CBC. From the conference final between Montreal and Boston circa 1977. Stan Jonathan (my hockey hero) vs. Montreal's Pierre Bouchard. Pierre's career ended after his nose was shattered in this fight:
OMG Jaimoe! :) GOONS! ha ha Damn The vastness of this website. That inspired me (and seemingly there are better ones but):
I hate fighting btw. :-X
Stan Jonathan was never a goon, he was just one tough S.O.B.
I love the fights. I loved it when Domi gave it to that fucking Flyer fan.
p.s. Jaimoe sorry for calling your guy a 'Goon'. Drunk posting is to blame. ;D
No problem Murph.
That Bruins team was really tough, but only had one "goon" player: John Wensink.
I used to wear #17 in homage to Stan Jonathan when I played hockey. I liked him better than other Bruins of the day like Terry O'Reilly, Brad Park, Peter McNab, Rick Middleton, Wayne Cashman, Derek Sanderson and even Bobby Orr.
Jazz Club.... Nice :D
Remember Space Invaders? This is too funny...
Big Lebowski (F**king short verison)
Great idea this topic
Some guy animates his day using stop motion - great stuff! ;D
(+ a slammin' D&B tune!!!)
A Drink With Your Co-Workers ;D
Some 'not too bright' Brits power a merry-go-round with a if something like this wasn't going to happen :-/
The Little Rascals:
Mel Gibson's SIGNS (of Anti-Semitism)
Yogi Bear & Boo-Boo in "Jellystoned Park"
Fans of The Big Lebowski should appreciate this one:
Man, I miss weed :-/
Bunny (Animated Short with Music by Tom Waits)
That rabbit video was great! I like the idea of the oven being a gateway to "metamorphosis" :)
QuoteJesco the Dancing Outlaw
frickin weird. West Virginia?
there's my contribution
The worst Price is Right contestant of all-time?
My current favorite Family Guy clip--Stewie is priceless "Bing Bong HELLOOO!"
A Drink With Your Co-Workers ;D
Ha ha. 2 of my friends Adam and Todd Stone are extras in that. ;D
QuoteMy current favorite Family Guy clip--Stewie is priceless "Bing Bong HELLOOO!"
I love Family Guy!!! I got my Season One DVD yesterday! Stewie kicks ass!
I watched me some Family Guy last night, every episode is a classic!
QuoteThe worst Price is Right contestant of all-time?
"You've used the 1 twice, Joy" I think she was just nervous, people do stupid shit under pressure. Good for her for gettin the car in the end. Bob Barker was completely baffled.
I felt pretty bad for laughing at this but boy did I laugh hard (not so much at the poor kid but his Mum's reaction!)
Check out this amazing magician - seriously, how does he do that?!! :o
He's Belgium's most famous impersonator!
I know, I know, where a pretty wild country ;)
QuoteHe's Belgium's most famous impersonator!
You can be very proud Mr T! ;D
Any more clips?
Hope you like Mr. Show..
Eatin' an orange... that was like takin' a trip through a citrus mountain.
No, dude it's classic.
No shit!
Oh, and this...
It's just the funniest thing--ever. A spoof on "Boogie Nights"...Bob as Dr. Hamilton Hayward kills me!
link (
jim as kermit...or kermit as jim.
hahaha who made this?
Battle Of The Album Covers:
I only say [size=9]OUCH[/size]
;D ;D ;D ;D
Here's a few Walker Texas Ranger clips from Conan O'Brien...
...i might be the only one that finds these halarious. enjoy!
quite cool animations
you could look at this either way.
i think it's fucking hysterical.
other people think i'ts obnoxious...
(and i just realized eleven posts till five hundred. what has my life come to? heh)
It's The Hoff again!
QuoteIt's The Hoff again!
how embarrassing, german TV :-[ know the names with the following amounts?! these are the prices the german audience paid in order to stop The Hoff singing again ;D
WTF?!! Is this for real? Some guys explains how his Mum 'spanked the gay' out of him:
The interviewer's face is priceless ;D
The Fast Show - Jazz Club (Piles Husain)
And the official Kurt Loder interview with Bucket:
Bucket is a sweet guy--brings presents for the fans 8)
Check out this excellent ad for firefox ;D
I'm offcicially bringing this thread back. I really miss this show. heres a classic, the terrier song:
what men really talk about:
I might have to get the dvds.
Heres another good one, Wigging out:
Tracy Morgan + Jackass = Blackass
whatchu know 'bout TTOMO?
(this is one of the songs they played while setting the stage up Monday night at the Ryman)
My favorite part is when Bob breaks it down.
"Reason #571 why public access television rules: A woman letting her "psychic intuition" draw a customer, only to have the picture resemble genitals."
my cat's sort of retarded.
this is why i love bob odenkirk so goddamn much.
"and them motherfuckers had been to the goddamn moon!"
see if you can catch his little ashcroft spoof.
Merry Christmas to the best forum on the intraweb.
3 scenes from Coffee and Cigarettes
Tom Waits and Iggy Pop "Well, I'm sorry I'm late Jim." ;D
RZA GZA & Bill Murray
Jack and Meg White:
wrong link for the jack white and meg video
Oops. True that! :)
;D Gets me every time. Brings me back to philly!
this is ridiculous, i thoroughly enjoyed it:
Something for basketball afficionados.
Street moves in the NBA
Jason Williams moves
Jason Kidd
;D Gets me every time. Brings me back to philly!
Yeah ha ha. That was a great night! Hi 5 D!
;D Gets me every time. Brings me back to philly!
Yeah ha ha. That was a great night! Hi 5 D!
what happened in philly stays in philly. ;)
This happened a few days ago in an NHL game between the Edmonton Oilers and Dallas Stars. I've never seen anything like it in my 37 years of playing and watching hockey. Note: You don't have to know or like hockey or sports to find this entertaining:
QuoteThis happened a few days ago in an NHL game between the Edmonton Oilers and Dallas Stars. I've never seen anything like it in my 37 years of playing and watching hockey. Note: You don't have to know or like hockey or sports to find this entertaining:
Holy shit! Worst thing that can happen to a player.
QuoteQuoteThis happened a few days ago in an NHL game between the Edmonton Oilers and Dallas Stars. I've never seen anything like it in my 37 years of playing and watching hockey. Note: You don't have to know or like hockey or sports to find this entertaining:
Holy shit! Worst thing that can happen to a player.
Although Stefan's team bailed him out since the game went into overtime, and eventually a shootout (which Dallas won). Still, the Oilers got a well needed point in the very tough Western Conference (in the NHL, both teams get a point if the game goes into overtime - if you win, you get an extra point).
The Brothers Quay
Dark, moody, exquisite stop-motion animation by reclusive identical twin brothers. They've done music videos for Michael Penn and His Name is Alive. These are impressions of Czech animator, Jan Svankmayer's work. Anyone else into them?
Hometown hero.
go to youTube, search for "angelaria". Non-Violent TaeKwonDo something.
I can't get this to post...maybe for good reason.
This guy kicks ass. Gotta dream!
New boot goofin!
Gollum sings Barry White:
I've watched the New Boot Goofin' about 18 times now. ;D
Thanks, red.
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace:
I love this show!
QuoteI've watched the New Boot Goofin' about 18 times now. ;D
Thanks, red.
It's pathetic when my friends and I start talking Reno.
Vic Reeves & Bob Mortimer!
Michael Douglas in Falling Down:
The Incredible Hulk:
Not YouTube, but a great stop-motion mini-movie:
How drunk is Paula Abdul?!!
QuoteHow drunk is Paula Abdul?!!
I believe that was her medication kicking in at the wrong time.
Are you serious?
I read something about her having to take painkillers regularly for something serious but I also read that maybe she's an alcoholic...
?uestlove of The Roots in Osaka, Japan this week (strawberry kit-kats)
In Tokyo (earthquakes)
Holy shit. I love WIllie. I think today I´m getting my Simpsons DVDs out.
Bizarre video by No More Kings? staring all of the Karate Kid's Cobra Kai students 20 years on + a cameo from Ralph Machio at the end (difficult to watch though as the music is shit!)
Bride-to-be freaks out and cuts all of her hair just before her wedding. I really hope this is staged.
QuoteBride-to-be freaks out and cuts all of her hair just before her wedding. I really hope this is staged.
:o Wow somebody hasn't taken their prescription for xanax lately. :(
my friend finally returned my mr. show collection yesterday! i had missed it so!
watch these, two of my most favorites:
"The east coast is the better of the two coasts."
"...until you admit you're a pussy, or until one of us dies."
Some priceless advice for all you aspiring actors :D
QuoteSome priceless advice for all you aspiring actors :D
Brilliant, just brilliant! ;D
'How did I know where to stand? People told me..."
This is released at the end of Mar in the UK, needless to say I have my copy on pre-order!
QuoteQuoteSome priceless advice for all you aspiring actors :D
Brilliant, just brilliant! ;D
'How did I know where to stand? People told me..."
This is released at the end of Mar in the UK, needless to say I have my copy on pre-order!
Yay, good for you :)
How did I knew what to say? The words were written down in a script ;D
QuoteHow did I knew what to say? The words were written down in a script ;D
I've watched this so many times today!
Did you see the whole series? Who were the other guests? I know that David Bowie, Orlando Bloom (friend of the Jacket, don't you know?) & Harry Potter also featured.
No, think I've seen about half of the episodes now. Just a couple from season 2, but I'm gonna buy both soon enough. Ben Stiller, Kate Winslet, Samuel L. Jackson and Vinnie Jones all feature, among many others. Apparently Robert De Niro is on the last one, which I haven't seen yet.
I've already professed my absolute love for this fragment so many times, but I'll have to do it again now. Patrick Stewart is the man!
"So it's mainly you going around seeing ladies tits?" ;D
I have the first series on DVD.
That was Ben Stiller, Patrick Stewart, Kate Winslet, Samuel L, Les Dennis (UK 'comedian'/TV presenter) & Ross Kemp (UK Eastenders)
That's right, I read that Robert DeNiro had been approached.
I didn't knew who that guy was, but still enjoyed the episode.
This is from a number of years ago in the NHL, but it's one of the best sports/fan karma ever. Steve Sullivan gets a broken nose and a fan laughs and points at him. The rest is unbelievable:
DeNiro's episode of Extras is amazing.
Valentine for complete strangers:
I love things that are funny, cuddly and disturbing all at once.
xo c
Mitch Hedberg on Dr. Katz
Craig Ferguson speaking from the heart. He just earned some points in my book.
Honest and Beautiful. I'm glad he shared that with us. I hope he sleeps well at night.
thanks for posting red.
crab people crab people
craaaab people craaaab people craaaab people craaaab people
the new rap war. its on and poppin'
Quotethe new rap war. its on and poppin'
WTF was that all about?!! ;D
QuoteQuotethe new rap war. its on and poppin'
WTF was that all about?!! ;D
i don't know, but i just hope it gets settled before someone or donut gets hurt.
I've heard absolutely terrible reviews from people I trust but I refuse to believe them.
I got one. i don't think this is posted on here yet. These are some guys from Madison, WI and is filled at the Willy St. Co-op.
Chad Vader
Also, this is kinda funny. oh, travis and johnathon....
Hilarious clip of UK talk/game show with recut audio:
Eddie Griffin crashes a car worth over $1 million.
Hey guys, check out a video a friend and I made for The Hold Steady's make a music video contest.
QuoteHey guys, check out a video a friend and I made for The Hold Steady's make a music video contest.
I forgot to mention, see if you can spot the fruit from the beginning during the video.
Watched it last nite Red. Neat! This is a Great clip from Planet Earth about a boogie down bird. :)
a bit of a guilty pleasure.
Time for another classic scene from The Office:
This will never get old for me :)
QuoteTime for another classic scene from The Office:
This will never get old for me :)
This'll be right up your alley.
QuoteQuoteTime for another classic scene from The Office:
This will never get old for me :)
This'll be right up your alley.
I'm in the middle of the 2nd series of Extras. It's equal parts hilarious/embarrassing to the point of being almost too much to bear ;D
QuoteI'm in the middle of the 2nd series of Extras. It's equal parts hilarious/embarrassing to the point of being almost too much to bear ;D
I really really love the second series. Just wait until the last episode, the one with DeNiro. Man it's great.
I'm so glad Ricky and Stephen are doing a special for Extras, just as they did for The Office.
QuoteQuoteI'm in the middle of the 2nd series of Extras. It's equal parts hilarious/embarrassing to the point of being almost too much to bear ;D
I really really love the second series. Just wait until the last episode, the one with DeNiro. Man it's great.
I'm so glad Ricky and Stephen are doing a special for Extras, just as they did for The Office.
Saw this last night. All I'm going to say is 'the pen' ;D ;D ;D
Excellent finish to another classic series by Ricky (local boy don't you know!) & Stephen [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
what do you know about THIS???
what's a pederast, walter?
borat's humble beginnings
QuoteQuoteTime for another classic scene from The Office:
This will never get old for me :)
This'll be right up your alley.
That was great, thanks!
Tarantino gets interviewed! ;D
Patches, that Mar CD came last week, nice stuff.
Ahh, its The End of The World! ;D
QuoteHey guys, check out a video a friend and I made for The Hold Steady's make a music video contest.
That was great Red! I Hope you win!
Thanks Ghosts, results any day now.
I wish this was real. Always loved this commercial:
QuoteQuoteHey guys, check out a video a friend and I made for The Hold Steady's make a music video contest.
That was great Red! I Hope you win!
I missed this one Red, you really made that?!!
That's so cool!
QuoteQuoteQuoteHey guys, check out a video a friend and I made for The Hold Steady's make a music video contest.
That was great Red! I Hope you win!
I missed this one Red, you really made that?!!
That's so cool!
also missed this one too. that was awesome, red did you hear anything yet?
Thanks guys!
The contest closed May 1st, but haven't heard anything yet. I imagine it won't be very much longer. :D
More Jazz Club.... Nice ;D
Does anyone know about this verichip thing? WTF????
If you are afraid of Big Brother, check this out! :(
Brilliant excerpt -- Ricky Gervais stand-up.
lunch with christopher walken
Nicholas Cage's Japanese ads for Pachinko:
& for those of you who don't know what Pachinko is:
Brilliant excerpt -- Ricky Gervais stand-up.
"There was a shower scene"
Thanks Red :)
QuoteNicholas Cage's Japanese ads for Pachinko:
& for those of you who don't know what Pachinko is:
That was WEIRD :o
QuoteThat was WEIRD :o
That's Japan for you ;D
I love number3 "and also...PACHINKO!!!"
QuoteQuoteThat was WEIRD :o
That's Japan for you ;D
I love number3 "and also...PACHINKO!!!"
Holy, number three was awesome.
Pachinko to you my good man ;D
Just to prove it's popularity in Japan he's a pic of a stormtrooper playing pachinko:
The only time I go into a pachinko parlor is to use the toliet, pachinko parlors have the best toilets in the whole of Japan :D
You just know I'm gonna have to use that picture :D
Jeff, I love you, but you will be out soon and replaced by a hilarious stormtrooper.
Oh yes, this is now officially my favourite quote in the world. It's one of the insightful youtube comments:
"I love this guy. Saw Ghost Rider. Good movie. He's is soooooooooo cute when he's not making wierd faces and saying PACHINKO."
QuoteYou just know I'm gonna have to use that picture :D
Jeff, I love you, but you will be out soon and replaced by a hilarious stormtrooper.
Oh yes, this is now officially my favourite quote in the world. It's one of the insightful youtube comments:
"I love this guy. Saw Ghost Rider. Good movie. He's is soooooooooo cute when he's not making wierd faces and saying PACHINKO."
;D ;D ;D
You are
so the man Chills!
lunch with christopher walken
I got tears on that one.
WARNING: Very cringe worthy...
QuoteWARNING: Very cringe worthy...
wow, what the fuck was that mom thinking?
Planet Unicorn Episodes 1 and 2:
Bruce Campbell sings Duran Duran for Old Spice:
QuoteBruce Campbell sings Duran Duran for Old Spice:
Haha, love it!
Is there anything this man cannot make turn to gold?!
Fake beer for kids in Japan:
karls ma-lone
This is one of the better Manager temper tantrums.
QuoteNicholas Cage's Japanese ads for Pachinko:
& for those of you who don't know what Pachinko is:
WOW...He'll do anything for a buck.
Sci-Fi channel prank...rat monster...
if you don't laugh, you don't have a soul!!!!!!
Marty McFly at the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance:
educated yourself...
New Coen Brothers film, No Country For Old Men trailer:
the laughing is annoying but its a great clip.
QuoteNew Coen Brothers film, No Country For Old Men trailer:
Heh, I've read the book and couldn't help thinking, "did anyone imagine Chigurg to look like that?" I mean, look at his hair! Still looking forward to the movie though :)
Human Tetris, my bro said "Stupid", I say ;D you gotta love Japanese TV
two clips from koyaanisqatsi...
if you've never seen the film, i highly recommend it. it's beautiful and tragic.. really makes you think about the impact humans make on the planet.
more info:
QuoteHuman Tetris, my bro said "Stupid", I say ;D you gotta love Japanese TV
Was that Andrew on there? :D
Some kid playing The Simpsons' theme song on two guitars:
QuoteQuoteHuman Tetris, my bro said "Stupid", I say ;D you gotta love Japanese TV
Was that Andrew on there? :D
Gotta love Japanese TV!
This is
hands down the best clip I've seen on you tube yet:
;D ;D ;D
...just don't ask how i found it :-[ ;)
OK, that made me snort as I laughed.
EDIT- Call me Pipelaya
QuoteOK, that made me snort as I laughed.
;D ;D ;D
This clip almost deserves a thread of it's own!
1st Allen P. Hasberry A.K.A. Relentless
Oh fuck, THEY deserve their own thread. This is some funny ass shit. Wife and I are laughing our asses off right now. Dudes threw on surgical masks for fuck sake in one of the movies.
EVERYONE- do yourself a favor and watch and laugh.
I didn't realise they had more than one clip! The talent!!! ;)
Warning! This clip may cause wet panties:
;D ;D ;D ;D
welcome to my home
crazy german kid, you have to watch this...
Real Transformers?!! Real dorks more like ;)
QuoteI didn't realise they had more than one clip! The talent!!! ;)
Warning! This clip may cause wet panties:
One of those dudes has one sock on. I think he lost while humping the air or the chair or the mantle.
Oops nevermind, I think it's just dirty!
This song just brings a smile to my face. Video is a bit strange, but that's what Supergrass is known for. These guys are just infinately cool.
now we have fleas
this guy freaking loves coors light!!! 8-)
this guy also loves coors light 8-)
I don't know if any of u have seen this but I'm curious, which one of u is this?
QuoteI don't know if any of u have seen this but I'm curious, which one of u is this?
That's pretty out there :o
woah, dude. :o
was santa being crucified?
QuoteI don't know if any of u have seen this but I'm curious, which one of u is this?
please whoever did this, let yourself be known. so i can thank you!!!
Cocaine a helluva a drug
He reminded me of that freaky dude in Lost Highway :o
Pretty far out indeed.
i love this thread. i don't have to rent movies for a while. you guys rock.
here's a great blast from the past. oh, madonna, mike meyers, and rosanne barr. it's like herion. like on 20/20. it's like butter.
OK, here is the funniest f'n movie I have ever seen. I litterly in tears right now. This isn't a youtube link but fuck it.
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
I have all of Ali G's DVD from his UK & US shows & never grow tired of watching them.
Just yesterday I was on an Ali G youtube kick...booya-ka-sha!
Anyone else grow up on this...took me back when I watched the intro...
At least I know the writers on Family Guy were right there with me at that time in my life (perhaps 5 or 6 years old...)
Elijah Wood in a classic episode of WTF?!!
Quite possibly the grossest thing I've ever seen. And I only watched the first 30 seconds.
the revisionist history channel. i love it.
Eric Clapton has reinvented himself. Gotta love his new, jazzy style!
Haha, that was class! ;D
LMAO & WTF?!! ;D ;D ;D :-/ :-/
How many days a week would I be required to like...STRETCH A CANVAS!!! ;D
LMAO & WTF?!! ;D ;D ;D :-/ :-/
I give her a 9.8 for her camel toe. Very Solid.
LMAO & WTF?!! ;D ;D ;D :-/ :-/
this is the sole reason I drank during the entire decade of the 80's
How many days a week would I be required to like...STRETCH A CANVAS!!! ;D
i didn't know british people said "n' that", its a pittsburgh thing too.
I saw that live. It was great! I've always hated his audiences, now I think he does too.
Haha, this is awesome:
One of my favorite simpsons moments:
i don't know if this has been posted, but it's one the funniest things i've ever seen
i don't know if this has been posted, but it's one the funniest things i've ever seen
Gotta love The Boosh!!! "it's attached to your rod motherlicker!"
Season 3 just started in the UK :D
this is hilarious. will ferrell, john c. rielly, and adam mckay are the GREEN TEAM!
A kid gets err...'attacked' by his dog whilst playing Wii.
Kind of NSFW. Kind of disturbing. Hilariously funny.
My friend cracks me up and impresses me:
QuoteMy friend cracks me up and impresses me:
first how good of friends are you with him?? if you're good friends, or at least talk to him...tell him that i said, that shit was funny as hell! i seriously laugh out loud numerous times and its only a 2min bit.
favorite part? the ferris bueller part. or if i'm feeling like a real motherfucker, i'll put some jam on that bitch ;D
Quotefirst how good of friends are you with him?? if you're good friends, or at least talk to him...tell him that i said, that shit was funny as hell! i seriously laugh out loud numerous times and its only a 2min bit.
favorite part? the ferris bueller part. or if i'm feeling like a real motherfucker, i'll put some jam on that bitch ;D
Haha, glad someone else liked it. We've been best friends for years, I see the guy way
too often. I'll let 'em know tonight that you dug it.
My favourite part, the Risky Business slide - "oh fuck" into the "Lindsay fucking dirtbag".
Ferris Bueller is one funny motherfucker.....and it's his day off. ;D
That was some funny shit right there. I'm a fan.
what the fuck? Wait until the 19 second mark. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
what the fuck? Wait until the 19 second mark. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
mmmmm....golden showers have finally made it to mainstream!
what the fuck? Wait until the 19 second mark. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
mmmmm....golden showers have finally made it to mainstream!
I saw this commerical at least 3 times yesterday on tv. good grief.
Gotta love The Onion. Check out Leon Rice talking about the 'costume party' ;D
Walt, Brian, everyone else...just wait till you see the second installment in my friends Gunderson series. Gunderdate should be up in a day or two, and it trumps lonelygunderson15 over and over again.
I am sure this one has been posted, but its so good it needs to be seen again! Its priceless!!!!!
QuoteWalt, Brian, everyone else...just wait till you see the second installment in my friends Gunderson series. Gunderdate should be up in a day or two, and it trumps lonelygunderson15 over and over again.
YES!!!!!! I'm excited, bring it on Gunderson!!
Oh Yeah, take it you fucking noobs!!!!! ;D
Gunderson is my favorite youtube movie director/actor/writter, he's a master!!!!
"and sometimes, i wear both of them shits" ;D
and what a director. the way he positions the camera. the "package" cam while playing vids. ;D
And that sweater!
Yeah, he's a master with the perspective on the camera angles, the shot right into his balls while he's playing the videogame is fucking hilarious.
Tell, Gunderson his fans are anxiously awaiting the next installment.
I'm not sure what he's got up his sleeve for the third installment, but I can say for certain that come Spring/Summer he'll be leading our group of friends in the filming of Gundersons: Facerockers which will be something like a 22 minute short. I'll keep ya posted.
HAHAHAHA mindless random office violence
GnR's Sweet O Child Of Mine played on the sitar!
I love the way she just kept making it worse "Really?
Really?" Ouch! :-[ ;D
"I get constipated once a week mothafucka!" ;D
"I get constipated once a week mothafucka!" ;D
So many classic quotable lines, that was hilarious!!! ;D
QuoteGnR's Sweet O Child Of Mine played on the sitar!
man, that was cool, but was that kenny g playing the sitar?
Did this get posted already?
New video with Will Ferrell & his daughter, Good Cop Baby Cop:
Teaser for the video my friend (of the Gunderson videos) and I are in the process of completing:
Welcome To Yorkton
Teaser 2
how much longer??!!
Quotehow much longer??!!
It'll be completed by February 1st, and will hopefully be online then too!
QuoteQuotehow much longer??!!
It'll be completed by February 1st, and will hopefully be online then too!
feb 1st?? that's like....(not going to count)...17 days from now. i want more teasers then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;D ;D ;D
After years of deliberation, I can honestly say that Election is my absolute favourite movie. Followed closely by Before Sunrise / Before Sunset.
After years of deliberation, I can honestly say that Election is my absolute favourite movie. Followed closely by Before Sunrise / Before Sunset.
obviously haven't seen Fun In Acapulco ::)
Obviously! ;D Although, I am watching This is England tonight. Simply on your recommendation and this man's (who said it was his favourite film of last year)...
Hope you like it! My good man MJ is another recent convert to the stunning films of Shane Meadows. Just like him you'll want to see Dead Man's Shoes pretty soon after you've watched This Is England...
Yep. I have been converted. You'll flip[smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] when you watch Dead Man's Shoes.
I won't go as far as you K and say Election is my favorite, but it's high on the list. Its actually better then the book which is a rarity. I'm partial to it also as a lot of it was filmed in Omaha (my hometown). Several of the scenes/locations I have a personal connection to so it makes it fun to watch from that angle as well.
Welcome To Yorkton
Teaser 3
This scene (Complete with my terrible acting, our collectively amazing awkwardness, and extreme use of profanity. Seven F-bombs in like 30 seconds?!) has turned out to be an outtake, but Tyson thought it worked well to give another little taste of the vibe that's soon to come. ENJOY!
;D this by FAR, was the best teaser.
one question...was your science teacher really hot??
;D K you know this needs it's own thread already!!!
Quote;D this by FAR, was the best teaser.
one question...was your science teacher really hot??
Pre-pregnancy she was gorgeous. Too bad I only had her for one year. :-/
We're filming shooting today, tomorrow and Sunday, so I'll compile it into a thread this weekend db!
Oh dear lord.... ;D
;D ;D ;D
Holy crap
Powerthirst 2:
"With all new new flavours like fizzbitch...& GUN!!!" ;D
Juice Springsteen ;D ;D ;D
Welcome To Yorkton
Teaseer 4
Our rough-cut is being shown to a few friends tonight, the wait won't be long!
anyone else watch the bootlegged copy of welcome yorkton??
Quoteanyone else watch the bootlegged copy of welcome yorkton??
Yorkton Bowl Arena cameo at 0:08! ;D
The last 1:33 of Brad Will's life.
Do you remember the staring Hamster clip from last year?
This is freaky!!!
neko case and kelly hogan appear on aqua teen! from last sunday.
No question, the best video ever on YouTube. What starts at 0:12 has had me laughing for the past 5 minutes. Amazing.
Finally, I present you Episode One of Welcome To Yorkton. We've decided to break it up into webisodes instead of a 10 minute or so short. Enjoy!
Made from the blood of Ethiopians.....NICE!
sort of about music... but not.
it's also not youtube, so i really don't know if it belongs here but YOU CAN'T STOP THIS TRAIN
great ad for a french electro radio station:
QuoteNo question, the best video ever on YouTube. What starts at 0:12 has had me laughing for the past 5 minutes. Amazing.
one word....MEDICATION :-/ :-/ :-/
Welcome To Yorkton
Episode Two
We seriously bowl like that...
QuoteWelcome To Yorkton
Episode Two
We seriously bowl like that...
i didn't know you posted episode one. :o
3 hours a day! that's funny...mult-tasker ;D is there a buzz around town about this? i'm still waiting for the mayor!!
anyone else see this guy on divorce court the other day? he earned a gold he works at a burger joint. anyone remember this song? i don't. but seriously gold record to divorce court ;D
B-Rock & The Biz "My Baby Daddy"
QuoteWelcome To Yorkton
Episode Two
We seriously bowl like that...
uhhh wow. What the hell kinda bowling balls were those? I need one of those. I may actually score higher then 100 with one of them.
Welcome To Yorkton
Episode Three
We take on our local night 'hot spot'.
[size=24] ;D ;D ;D K's BUM!!! ;D ;D ;D[/size]
Shitty Dancing!!! ;D
Def the best one yet, great job K!
Def the best one yet, great job K!
;D that was the best the one so far ;D
how many more??
Quote;D that was the best the one so far ;D
how many more??
One more to tie things up somewhat. It's got the mayor scene! Then one with outtakes/bloopers. There's a lot of stuff we didn't use and tons of bloopers (ie. us swearing). I think we're going to do a couple come summertime too.
Nice one Governor!!! ;D
QuoteWelcome To Yorkton
Episode Three
We take on our local night 'hot spot'.
I fuckin' love it! One of my friends in high school was from Saskatchewan and he always talked about how awesome it was up there so he moved on up there after he graduated.
He's back.
love it
Quite possibly the best video on YouTube:
QuoteQuite possibly the best video on YouTube:
That's awesome.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D that was awesome!!!!! that bailiff was fucking funny. when laughed at him for kissing the ladies. and when he said...stop man. but the whole bet was just priceless ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
QuoteQuite possibly the best video on YouTube:
i'm sorry, but i'm still loving this. turns out he has a myspace profile, and it seems that he is a huge fan of the hold steady.
Holy shit...hahaha
(2 parts)
and, second:
QuoteQuoteQuite possibly the best video on YouTube:
That's awesome.
I think they made the whole thing up to get on tv the defendant is a bad actor. and they became a youtube sensation. but, hey, it worked.
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuite possibly the best video on YouTube:
That's awesome.
I think they made the whole thing up to get on tv the defendant is a bad actor. and they became a youtube sensation. but, hey, it worked.
i was listening to a talk radio show the other day, and the topic court tv shows came up. i guess what happens in most cases, they contact you.
ok here's how it goes, say i'm suing AMD for $1000, win or lose, they'll pay the $1000 for AMD but they'll pay me $2000. making it a win-win for everybody.
Quotei'm sorry, but i'm still loving this. turns out he has a myspace profile, and it seems that he is a huge fan of the hold steady.
I found it on THS forum, had no idea that was the actual dude! AMAZING.
I've watched it like four times, it just doesn't get old.
he's on THS forum? if he is, tell him that he is a GOD!! and you're right, it doesn't get old!
Inspiring stuff:
Oh my god.
Welcome To Yorkton
Episode Four
It's really shitty because we ran ourselves thing, but we're proud of the end. This'll be it for episodes until we fire things up again this summer.
Not sure if that's German Yankee Doodle or not:
How is it that I don't see any references to the Jimmy Kimmel/Sarah Silverman showdown on here? I just watched Jimmy's response (Second below). Sooooooo funny. Sorry if this is a repeat (and is actually music too, meh, whatever). ;D
First - Sarah to Jimmy:
Second - Jimmy to Sarah:
QuoteHow is it that I don't see any references to the Jimmy Kimmel/Sarah Silverman showdown on here? I just watched Jimmy's response (Second below). Sooooooo funny. Sorry if this is a repeat (and is actually music too, meh, whatever). ;D
First - Sarah to Jimmy:
Second - Jimmy to Sarah:
Actually vc, I posted that in the youtube music and then realized that mjkoehler had already posted it above in this thread, but it doesn't matter becuase it's so damn funny it needs to be posted several more times! How did they get all of those famous people in one place at the same time! Amazing!
I posted the Kimmel/Ben one a few posts up also.
Trailer for The Onion Movie ft Steven Seagal's Cockpuncher:
I don't know what is funnier the actual clip or the title of the clip.
This is sweeping the nation (SK house parties):
This is funny shit.
Byron Evans dancing.
Patrick @ No.1, this guy @ No.2 ;D
as a fellow artist and lover of animals this sickens me. please sign the petition ;D
Can I take this chair?
:D :D :D
:D :D :D
Thank the lord for double sided sticky tape!!
Eagle throws goat off a cliff. :o
This isn't youtube, but figured this was the thread for it.
QuoteEagle throws goat off a cliff. :o
This isn't youtube, but figured this was the thread for it.
wow, that eagle is a dick!
someone once posted a looped video of this (don't know the technical term) here it is in its entirety:
Quotesomeone once posted a looped video of this (don't know the technical term) here it is in its entirety:
So FUCKING WEIRD......loved it........where WAS the pickle ;D
What day is it today?
QuoteWhat day is it today?
Oh my god that is hysterical. I nearly pissed myself.
I think this is my favorite scene, in my favorite comedy of all time.
[media] [/media]
i can now see the videos being posted, but i don't know how to do that.
Quotei can now see the videos being posted, but i don't know how to do that.
Click the Insert Media Button (it's the one to the left of the 3 grid looking buttons) and put the youtube link inbetween.
Wow. I could totally see this happening in any office here in the US of A.
stop what you are doing and watch this now. it is the greatest commercial i have EVER seen.
the eagleman! ;D
oh, and there is a sequel, too:
Haha! Some crazy shit out there.
Here's a couple of Oklahoma real estate commercials. Pure fuckin cheese.
Still one of the greatest things ever:
QuoteStill one of the greatest things ever:
AaaAAagggguuggh! Tucker Carlson....Suck it!!!!! What a world class dip shit. Thanks for posting, K.
My head hurts from banging it against the cinder block wall....
[media][/media] this one, I watch nearly everyday since I first saw it....
Beautiful!!.........and sad.
looks amazing
ive waited so long for that to come out
Has everyone voted for the Stoner and Stonerette of the Year?
We really need Bill Hicks these days...
"....get the fuck in here!"
shut the fuck up and eat the burger ;D ;D mr show rocks
so does david cross
perhaps the greatest show in history.....!
Quoteperhaps the greatest show in history.....!
Man those were hilarious!!! ;D
(& so were the Mr Show clips too, of course!)
i lost it at the "get a pizza?" part
i totally remember that from when i was a kid the lesson still in my head
dont talk to your drug dealer just get the stuff and go
i just saw this commercial. it is the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen.
"Don't hate the player, don't hate the game" ;D
Seriously, is this legal? So glad I live a boring life......
wonder if they secured the rights to use those iphones in the commercial...
"catch a cheater... be a cheater... dramatel."
I'm with Wiz, is that even legal. Be a cheater... ;D ;D ;D
Leon for President.
my vote would have to go to krazy eyes killa
I'm getting a little carried away having just figured out the media ][ things.
Well, this is music... but it's mixed with TV... and I think its quite well done. Plus I felt it would make for a good 1000th post.
Simply astonishing!
I'm getting a little carried away having just figured out the media ][ things.
This is so great. Saw it a few months back on CTV or CBC and have been wanting to watch again.
I'm getting a little carried away having just figured out the media ][ things.
This is so great. Saw it a few months back on CTV or CBC and have been wanting to watch again.
I know, what a lucky little kid!
I love this movie.
Wow, if you could harness the brain power of this person you couldn't toast bread....even lightly.
QuoteWow, if you could harness the brain power of this person you couldn't toast bread....even lightly.
That was classic!!! Pretty sure I saw a McCain/Palin banner on the fence back there ;) ;) ;)
QuoteQuoteWow, if you could harness the brain power of this person you couldn't toast bread....even lightly.
That was classic!!! Pretty sure I saw a McCain/Palin banner on the fence back there ;) ;) ;)
You've quoted me so now I can't delete it!!! ;D
My Backyardporch
Didn't see this during the Olympics, I love Jamie Hewlett!
Tank Boy/Gorillaz Jamie Hewlett? Nice
QuoteTank Boy/Gorillaz Jamie Hewlett? Nice
No Tank
Girl/Gorillaz Jamie Hewlett ;)
QuoteQuoteTank Boy/Gorillaz Jamie Hewlett? Nice
No TankGirl/Gorillaz Jamie Hewlett ;)
wow. I am so hiiiiiiiiiiiigh....[size=8]on wine[/size]
I used to love TankGirl (the comic, not the movie!)
I was looking for a good TankGirl pic & found this:
Nice. Yeah, the movie was pretty bad. Strangly, I find Lori Petty attractive so I never tire of watching it. :-[
check out this guy.
Star Trek is...FUNKY!!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Quotecheck out this guy.
Leon for President.
1 of my favorite scenes from the last season
"You open that asshole Larry, step in, spray paint Larry Was Here" ;D ;D ;D
This show makes me laugh!!!
QuoteThis show makes me laugh!!!
No longer available?
Here you go: :)
Wow, that's creepy.
Here is my favorite Will Ferrell moment of all time.
i dont know if this has already been in here before but heres a reminder if it has
I feel bad laughing @ things like that but that guy's reaction was classic ;D
just wait for it..
The first one is too fucking funny. That's a lot of weight coming down on that table.
The second one, as funny/sad as it was, was a pretty jackass move. The girlfriend story sounded like BS, and I'm guessing he hasn't gotten laid since the last hooker he picked up. ;DReally though, this guy is a douche(sp?).
QuoteThe first one is too fucking funny. That's a lot of weight coming down on that table.
The second one, as funny/sad as it was, was a pretty jackass move. The girlfriend story sounded like BS, and I'm guessing he hasn't gotten laid since the last hooker he picked up. ;DReally though, this guy is a douche(sp?).
The guy who filmed that has his own youtube subscriber thing and has around 90 videos of people he busted with hookers
I guess theres this 1 road in Oklahoma City that is terrible (or awesome, depending on what side youre on) with how many hookers the have working it. The dudes name is Brian Bates, and I think his youtube page is Video Vigilante or something
Theres a few other ones that are pretty funny (at least to me ;D)
This is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. The old man looks rather Druidic.
QuoteThis is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. The old man looks rather Druidic.
That is too funny. It took me the longest time to realize they were being serious. ;D
"Blankets just slip and slide"
The cartoon is alright, but what I really like about it is the song used in the end credits. Anyone know what it is?
QuoteAnyone know what it is?
;D [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
QuoteQuoteAnyone know what it is?
;D [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Whats the song?
And where do you find these thumbs up smileys and stuff. All I see I 15 thumbless smileys
I'm sure Jaimoe is familiar with this. It's beyond ridiculous.
Quite posibly one of the funniest f'n things I've seen on TV in a while. I heart Joel McCale.
QuoteQuite posibly one of the funniest f'n things I've seen on TV in a while. I heart Joel McCale.
indeed ;D
"Not my chair, not my problem" ;D
Still cant decide if this is funny or stupid..Its no Lazy Sunday, but Im leaning towards funny
"when bruce willis was dead at the end of 6th sense, I.."
I know how played out this is but I can't stop:
QuoteI know how played out this is but I can't stop:
Is that a tumor?
Is that a tumor?
It's not a tumarBut stuff keeps falling out :-[ 1:08
[size=9]this is worth fullscreening[/size]
That is just wrong on sooooo man levels.
I like the fact that he took the time to find a giant leotard and learn the moves but he couldn't clean up a little.
Check out this Santa!!!
These are great. I'm sure some of you have seen them by now. (This is my favorite)
QuoteQuoteThis is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. The old man looks rather Druidic.
That is too funny. It took me the longest time to realize they were being serious. ;D
"Blankets just slip and slide"
;D ;D the sporting event is when i lost control of my senses ;D
Ahhh. An oldie but goodie.
jizzed in my pants!
QuoteStill cant decide if this is funny or stupid..Its no Lazy Sunday, but Im leaning towards funny
"when bruce willis was dead at the end of 6th sense, I.." one can look 1 page back ;D ;D
andy samberg is pretty much the only funny person on SNL
QuoteQuoteStill cant decide if this is funny or stupid..Its no Lazy Sunday, but Im leaning towards funny
"when bruce willis was dead at the end of 6th sense, I.." one can look 1 page back ;D ;D
andy samberg is pretty much the only funny person on SNL
LOL sorry capt! i didn't see your post. i only saw that for the first time this week. did you know he's making a whole album (guests norah jones, rihanna, etc) ha ha...i can't wait. rachel dratsch (sp) is still pretty funny but the writing's gone back to awful.
QuoteQuoteQuoteStill cant decide if this is funny or stupid..Its no Lazy Sunday, but Im leaning towards funny
"when bruce willis was dead at the end of 6th sense, I.." one can look 1 page back ;D ;D
andy samberg is pretty much the only funny person on SNL
LOL sorry capt! i didn't see your post. i only saw that for the first time this week. did you know he's making a whole album (guests norah jones, rihanna, etc) ha ha...i can't wait. rachel dratsch (sp) is still pretty funny but the writing's gone back to awful.
I think it actually was on the SNL from 8 days ago now, so its new. Didnt know about the album thing, though I was wondering why the band apparently had a name and stuff. I love when they break it down from 2:00-2:18 ;D
And I shouldnt say Samberg is the only good one. Amy Poehler is good, Fred Armisen is pretty good, and Ive become a Bill Hader fan after his turns in movies like Superbad and Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
The writing does blow though
sorry if someone posted this already:
High as F***Ck
Quotesorry if someone posted this already:
High as F***Ck
That was excellent! ;D
QuoteQuotesorry if someone posted this already:
High as F***Ck
That was excellent! ;D
ha ha ...did it hit home w/you ...
sign me up for eating the non crispy crackers........not the soggy kind pervs
QuoteQuoteQuotesorry if someone posted this already:
High as F***Ck
That was excellent! ;D
ha ha ...did it hit home w/you ...
Alas, my High As f**k days are long behind me but some of it definitely rang true...I loved the bit about going to the store ;D
Found this after watching Penny's clip:
i'm addicted to this site now:
Quotei'm addicted to this site now:
That one's a classic! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Quotesorry if someone posted this already:
High as F***Ck
fantastic true too
a couple of his other songs were pretty good too
Special gift (from those nutty Brits):
Tears of laughter.
Aunts & Stepdads ;D
This is one of my fav onion clips:
QuoteTears of laughter.
Zach: The women in the show are awfully pretty...Do you ever get around to fingering any of them?
Guest: You mean like identifying them in a lineup?
Zach: Yeah, identifying them in a lineup, I know what you mean
Zach: I understand you won a Golden Globe award?
Guest: Yeah, I did.
Zach: Mark that under 'who gives a shit'
;D ;D ;D
QuoteQuoteTears of laughter.
Zach: The women in the show are awfully pretty...Do you ever get around to fingering any of them?
Guest: You mean like identifying them in a lineup?
Zach: Yeah, identifying them in a lineup, I know what you mean
Zach: I understand you won a Golden Globe award?
Guest: Yeah, I did.
Zach: Mark that under 'who gives a shit'
;D ;D ;D
I'm alergic to ferns! ;D
There are two other interviews as well, one with Jimmy Kimmel and one with Michael Cera.
QuoteQuoteQuoteTears of laughter.
Zach: The women in the show are awfully pretty...Do you ever get around to fingering any of them?
Guest: You mean like identifying them in a lineup?
Zach: Yeah, identifying them in a lineup, I know what you mean
Zach: I understand you won a Golden Globe award?
Guest: Yeah, I did.
Zach: Mark that under 'who gives a shit'
;D ;D ;D
I'm alergic to ferns! ;D
There are two other interviews as well, one with Jimmy Kimmel and one with Michael Cera.
Thought the Michael Cera 1 was good, especially the ending...Didnt think the Kimmel 1 was funny though
This 1 was easily the best
Iraq Shoe Throwing Store:
& George W signing off:
I don't know what it is with these damn infomercials, but I want this.
Quotei'm addicted to this site now:
sorry I watched that.
Editing a video from a children's TV show that simulates a 5 year-old girl jacking off a puppet is funny? :-/
good grief people, exploiting children through sexual innuendo?
Why is this acceptable?
saw this on the daily show and it brought me to tears:
Quotesaw this on the daily show and it brought me to tears:
Watch the hand, Sax!
this one's quite sad, actually...
I haven't gotten this excited about spelling since grammar school.
love food jammers.
Where are the Space Sentinels when we need them?
she had me at the palm to the face
genious. anti-humour perfection.
that norm was fuckin perfect thanx for posting that
Here's me getting sprayed by a tiger - in the face.
Watching Motown clips I came across this (NSFW) ;D
I need to watch my Chappelle Show DVDs again & Dave needs to hurry up & give is something new...
QuoteWatching Motown clips I came across this (NSFW) ;D
I need to watch my Chappelle Show DVDs again & Dave needs to hurry up & give is something new...
He sure does need to make another season
He claimed to be running out of ideas and didnt think he could keep it being so funny...So much shit has happened the last 4 years that I dont know how he
couldnt have enough skit ideas at this point
I think Ive watched this 20 times today and still cant stop laughing the whole damn time
This is one of my fav clips:
This is a short film about a cupcake who falls in love with a squash and they have sex. It's actually really cool, and not dirty.
Did this already get posted? Did she really just say that?!!
QuoteThis is a short film about a cupcake who falls in love with a squash and they have sex. It's actually really cool, and not dirty.
Aww, what a beautiful little film. Thanks.
Let me counter that beauty with an ugly dose of realism: The WTF Blanket
its about 3 pages back, but either way, slanket > snuggie
Good luck not having nightmares tonite
You don't even know how hard I was laughing my ass off when I first saw the commercial for the snuggie. I was all by myself and laughing my ass off ha the "WTF blanket", I'll remember that.
I challenge you to not laugh.
QuoteI challenge you to not laugh.
You've won that challenge, I'm still laughing.
Damn hamsters. I knew they were evil.
wow. Work you goddam cocksucking piece of shit. AWESOME
Haha that's classic! ;D
From the Boston Celtics game a few nights ago...
[media][/media] only question is, if he's hugging dudes left and right, why not hug that hot lookin blonde and sneak in a peck on the lips :)
God damn women drivers !!!! Get off my road!!!! ;D >:( ;D
Watch all the way through
Holy shit. This is the GREATEST commercial ever.
QuoteHoly shit. This is the GREATEST commercial ever.
Yeah, that was crackin me up the other day ;D
Jeremy Piven is so great on Entourage
While both good, this still remains my favorite Ari Gold scene:
"You need JoJo the dog faced bitch boy, call Josh Weinfuck, the lightweight pen stealing fuckface" ;D
Cant wait for the next season. Vinny working with Scorsese should be sweet.
This clip makes me laugh:
Love this, possibly because it reminds me I need a helmet asap:
if only for the last thirty seconds (start at the :45 second mark)
if only for the last thirty seconds (start at the :45 second mark)
that there is what I'm talking about. thank you.
(hi face)
(hi tracy --- that cat is jamming)
if only for the last thirty seconds (start at the :45 second mark)
;D Lots more here:
If the reviews are to be believed then this clip is probably better than the movie ;) ;D
Quote ;D
Man, I love the Onion. One day I'll have this hanging on one of my walls (sorry for the size):
Def Poetry.
Ummm, not to divulge to much about myself but I've seen enough pole work back in the day, but this is fucking amazing. It's PG.
Ok, my wife is a fan of the site This video is the buyers going back to the store about this wreck of a cake. For some reason, Kelly and I couldn't stop laughing.
Craig Ferguson has been on absolute lately.
Ever seen a cop blow past you without the lights on? Ever think that maybe the cop is just doing it because they can? You gotta keep them in check. Sure there are many good cops, but you know some bad ones are out there. A lot of swearing, a lot!
QuoteEver seen a cop blow past you without the lights on? Ever think that maybe the cop is just doing it because they can? You gotta keep them in check. Sure there are many good cops, but you know some bad ones are out there. A lot of swearing, a lot!
Despite that guy sounding like a douchebag, that was pretty funny
ummm def NSFW. Wow, German's apparently know how to make commercials.
If you laugh at this you're going to hell with me
OKAY boys and girls the Sesame St word of the day is "INDOCTRINATION":
QuoteOKAY boys and girls the Sesame St FoxNews word of the day is "INDOCTRINATION":
That was the talking point on all the news channel's last week. Now who's being indoctrinated?
QuoteQuoteOKAY boys and girls the Sesame St FoxNews word of the day is "INDOCTRINATION":
That was the talking point on all the news channel's last week. Now who's being indoctrinated?
Hey its good to see you watching a real news channel that looks at both sides of a story! Unfortunately for me, my work and personal schedule have been too busy for me to watch any news--I saw this video via an e-mail sent to my personal account from an aquaintance (who I know doesn't watch the news). So I'm scratching my head about your question about indoctrination. I do know if any of those kids were mine--regardless of who was president (Conservative or liberal) I would have gone ballistic on the school! They won't allow prayer yet they have the kids sing creepy songs of worship to political figures? YEEESH
I guess nobody else takes issue with the fact that this is happening in a school when the children are supposed to be learning mathematics, spelling--ya know, things that will help them get a job and support themselves so they don't need a public option federally funded health care plan ;)
QuoteI guess nobody else takes issue with the fact that this is happening in a school when the children are supposed to be learning mathematics, spelling--ya know, things that will help them get a job and support themselves so they don't need a public option federally funded health care plan ;)
lets not get started on the education system in this country... yikes...
QuoteQuoteI guess nobody else takes issue with the fact that this is happening in a school when the children are supposed to be learning mathematics, spelling--ya know, things that will help them get a job and support themselves so they don't need a public option federally funded health care plan ;)
lets not get started on the education system in this country... yikes...
Agreed. I am outraged by the things they serve kids at school to eat. They are literally drugging and poisoning our kids with crap and making them sugar addicts so they have little chance of not becoming diabetic and a drain on our system, whether we have universal health care or not.
School kids have been taught that Presidents can do no wrong since someone made up the George Washington chopping down the cherry tree story. It's really of little consequence, especially compared to the numerous other injustices that take place in most public schools everyday.
I dunno. I thrived on sugary foods when I was growing up.
Then again, I walked to school and I also went out side to play after. My parents didn't lock me indoors out of fear that if I went outside a child molester was going to take me and leave me in the sun so I got sun cancer and then wonder why the hell I was so fat.
You also have to wonder if those kids who can't sit still because their parents decided they need to diagnose them with an acronym were really just born to dance.
2009 fail compilation set to Fatboy Slim's greatest tune:
how did i miss this the originally...midget kiss ;D
actual interview:
the REMIX:
I can't embed this but I really suggest watching it. It's artsy fartsy awesome.
Sadly, I want to go to this. This IS why the internet was invented.
Oh man.
QuoteSadly, I want to go to this. This IS why the internet was invented.
how teh hell did you find this?! ;D
A friend of a friend
and that friend said, and I quote
"If she's a true elf, and judging by the nice Arwen headdress replica, she is. Any fool knows a true elf NEVER needs help with archary."
so you cant embed FOD stuff on here, just youtube? Lame
Great way to promote your new movie & win back all your fans Mel!
QuoteGreat way to promote your new movie & win back all your fans Mel!
2 seconds later
"uh, Mel.... your mic is still hot!"
Mel: "God dammit!"
Click Closed Captioning, and transcribe audio. ;D
I think everybody knows about the N64 kid. Tosh.0 is great. This combination takes it up another notch
Someone captured Jim James taking a fall off the stage in '08. My heart stopped when I saw him go down.
QuoteSomeone captured Jim James taking a fall off the stage in '08. My heart stopped when I saw him go down.
Haha. You had me going there for a second.
Was that Donnie Osmond?
cool, but can he do it on a unicycle?
Haha. You had me going there for a second.
Was that Donnie Osmond?
Im guessing Wayne Newton, but Im not sure
cool, but can he do it on a unicycle?
I don't know if
he could, but this guy.... maybe.
I'm sure that most of you have seen this, but I just love this scene. Kevin James can move for a big man.
...and I dont care what anyone says, this show is real!
i don't even know what to say about that. The little war dance he did before kicking the guy in the taint was spit take worthy.
Who the hell thought this was a good idea?
QuoteWho the hell thought this was a good idea?
Who doesn't love a fresh smelling that is.
QuoteWho the hell thought this was a good idea?
I like how it says "Pet Spa" on the side. I thought that spas were meant to be relaxing. That cat has never experienced Zen like that, I bet.
Who doesn't love a fresh smelling that is.
Glad to see someone bite on the wet-pussy-joke bait. ;D
That video is awful and hysterical at the same time, and the experience for the cat was probably not at all refreshing.
Who doesn't love a fresh smelling that is.
Glad to see someone bite on the wet-pussy-joke bait. ;D
That video is awful and hysterical at the same time, and the experience for the cat was probably not at all refreshing.
I definitely thought about it, but I didn't figure that I had the forum post cred to pull off a comment like that. I'm glad that mjk manned up.
That was a hanging curveball if I've ever seen one.
Who doesn't love a fresh smelling that is.
Glad to see someone bite on the wet-pussy-joke bait. ;D
That video is awful and hysterical at the same time, and the experience for the cat was probably not at all refreshing.
I definitely thought about it, but I didn't figure that I had the forum post cred to pull off a comment like that. I'm glad that mjk manned up.
That was a hanging curveball if I've ever seen one.
I hit it, hit like Pujols should be hittin it. Yes, afwul and funny at the same time. I totally want to do this with my cat just for the pure comedy factor.
I was watching Colbert last nite and he showed this video of a bullfighter getting gored through the neck and mouth. I usually can't watch shit like this but I was amazed the dude lived.
[size=18]****warning graphic material *****[/size]
I could see how he lived since youre not going through any organs and you would still be able to breathe, but Im amazed his mandible wasnt completely ripped from his face/skull
I think Patrick should take a few cues from this guy:
HA! This guy makes clock arms look like amateur night!
I think that guy has watched Drumline a few too many times.
Is this music?
Tweet, tweet, biiiitch.
Yeah, wrong thread, that is TOTALLY music. ;D
QuoteI think Patrick should take a few cues from this guy:
As if being the drummer in a band isn't cool enough...
I thought this was pretty cool....
Just found out about this...
Has everyone seen a double rainbow? This guy hasn't...
The song...
Worst prank ever?
QuoteWorst prank ever?
Damn, I would beat the crap out of him when we got to the ground.
QuoteQuoteWorst prank ever?
Damn, I would beat the crap out of him when we got to the ground.
I was thinking the same thing. As soon as the wheels touched the runway I would start the beating.
QuoteWorst prank ever?
Man, that's no prank...the guy didn't drop the camera when he shit his pants!
QuoteWho the hell thought this was a good idea?
oddly, that video reminds me of this video:
My buddy from Huntsville sent this to me earlier. The guy at the 1:00 mark is pretty entertaining.
QuoteMy buddy from Huntsville sent this to me earlier. The guy at the 1:00 mark is pretty entertaining.
You're welcome
QuoteQuoteMy buddy from Huntsville sent this to me earlier. The guy at the 1:00 mark is pretty entertaining.
You're welcome
Ha. You beat me to it. I got this about ten minutes after the first.
This quite possibly may be my summer jam.
I'm sure many have seen this but for those not peeking into the baseball thread...
Hands down funniest vid.
what in the name of!!!! hahahhahahahah ;D ;D ;D
I knew MJ wasn't he's working at a car wash... ;)
I've watched that like 12 times already and I still laugh every time.
Always wear your seat belt.
Potentially an idea for our next ginormo get-together in NYC????
;D ;D
QuotePotentially an idea for our next ginormo get-together in NYC????
;D ;D
I would never be able to do that without starting to laugh my ass off if someone started staring at me. ;D
Best part of that clip might be the kid at 2:06 who looks like he's on the balcony at T5 during Run Thru
I defy anyone to make it longer than a minute into that awfulness.
I defy anyone to make it longer than a minute into that awfulness.
I listened to the whole thing! I had to hear the solo ;D
I defy anyone to make it longer than a minute into that awfulness.
I listened to the whole thing! I had to hear the solo ;D
OK, OK, I gotta hear that solo...
Love this:
Dwight David Honeycutt for Conway School Board (
SNL : Andy Samberg and Pee wee Herman Beat the Shit Outta Anderson Cooper (
This is the first SNL short to make me laugh
Phil Davison, GOP Candidate, Delivers Stark County Treasurer Speech, 9 8 2010 (
Phil Davison, #1 FAN! (
Palin's Breath (
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jan 19, 2011, 08:18 AM
Palin's Breath (
Excuses M. Magritte (
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jan 19, 2011, 08:18 AM
Palin's Breath (
Wizards GManDunks Fan Dunk (
Totally didn't expect the end of this
Wandering Mindless - psychedelic surreal video art by Larry Carlson (
I guess you'll have to go to this link; I couldn't figure out how to embed it.
Pretty amazing. (
My Push up Bra will help me get my man (
Keeping your refrigerator stocked will get you many women (
That's the Most Illegal Thing I've Seen in the History of Wrestling! (
Making of a Boeing air plane (
this autistic dude is awesome at piano:
The Musical Genius - Derek Paravicini - Part 1/5 (
he was on that Stan Lee's Superhumans or whatever but I can't find the clip online. remembers every song he's ever heard after one listen. insanity.
Thought this was pretty funny... :)
The Force ( (All 5 Ads) (
Disturbing doesn't to those clips justice.
All you need is love...
LSD Testing (British Troops) (
Old Gregg (FULL VERSION) (
Daniel Craig in drag for International Women's Day ( (that isn't music...) - International Women's Day edition!
Play these at the same time and play them L O U D ! (Give Sarah a 10 second head start)
Glenn Beck Making Funny Noises Mashup (
Palin's Breath (
I couldn't get the video to embed but watch the video in the link. This guy gives the two best answers ever! ;D
[ (
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 23, 2011, 11:13 PM
Play these at the same time and play them L O U D ! (Give Sarah a 10 second head start)
That made me feel dirty on the inside......... :beer:
I think I love turkey burgers!
Miss Turkey - Charbroiled Turkey Burgers at Carl's Jr. (
Well Well Well
Joel Gertner @ Heat Wave 1999 (
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jan 30, 2011, 09:34 PM
Keeping your refrigerator stocked will get you many women (
oh shit ;D ;D ;D ;D
BAM!! Hit these lil niggas with a freeze pop!!!
Quote from: Jon T. on Apr 06, 2011, 09:07 AM
I couldn't get the video to embed but watch the video in the link. This guy gives the two best answers ever! ;D
[ (
This should be used for some kind of "Fuck Skinny Jeans" campaign ;D
..I always knew theyre was a reason I still go extra baggy, and from now on, if anyone asks, its so I dont get bit by a Copperhead or a Rattlesnake
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 06, 2011, 11:08 AM
I think I love turkey burgers!
Miss Turkey - Charbroiled Turkey Burgers at Carl's Jr. (
Turkey Burgers...the most sensual of grilled sandwiches :costanza:
potpourri of friday youtube finds....
People of Walmart - Music Video (
McDonald's 4 Year Old Cheeseburger Video (
10.26 million views in a month :o
AA-12 Fully Automatic Shotgun!!! (
"mayybe you got some meedjets on your entry team" ;D
Here is one of my favorite political speeches of ALL TIME!!!!
Phil Davison, GOP Candidate, Delivers Stark County Treasurer Speech, 9 8 2010 (
It was a like a train wreck that I could not look away... then I had to hit google. No, he did not get the GOP nomination. :o
Quote from: ChiefOKONO on May 28, 2011, 01:27 PM
Here is one of my favorite political speeches of ALL TIME!!!!
Phil Davison, GOP Candidate, Delivers Stark County Treasurer Speech, 9 8 2010 (
Dudeman needs voted into a psych ward, not office ;D
Ya Davison almost approaches this guy's wackness: (
Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on May 29, 2011, 01:29 PM
Ya Davison almost approaches this guy's wackness: (
I saw a UFO once. I was with about 10 other shipmates on a Coast Guard boat and we were all stone cold sober and what we all saw was unexplainable.
Manager of the Sex Pistols discussing Creativity (an hour well worth it)
Malcolm McLaren - his life, authenticity vs karaoke culture (
Don't Talk - Angry Voicemail (Uncensored) (
Quote from: el_chode on May 30, 2011, 09:46 PM
Manager of the Sex Pistols discussing Creativity (an hour well worth it)
Malcolm McLaren - his life, authenticity vs karaoke culture (
Interesting that You Tube is keeping track of the vids we embed on this here forum. (
The Nic Cage Song Video (
Quote from: EasyRyder on Jun 29, 2011, 07:07 PM
The Nic Cage Song Video (
made me think of this..
Nicolas Cage's Agent (
Quote from: capt. scotty on Jun 29, 2011, 11:08 PM
Quote from: EasyRyder on Jun 29, 2011, 07:07 PM
The Nic Cage Song Video (
made me think of this..
Nicolas Cage's Agent (
Headdy, that college humor video had me and my girlfriend dying last night. I love me some Nic Cage. I don't care what it is, I'll watch it, particularly Space Ass
This is music but i don't think it should be in the music thread
South Park - Gay Fish (
Funny stuff :D ;D :D
Federer and Nadal: Fit of Laughter During Shooting (
In physics, describing motion requires a frame of reference. For example, to one standing on a train platform, a passing train is moving. To one seated on the train, the person on the platform is passing THEM by.
Witness this cool video, brought to my attention courtesy of my NSTA (National Science Teacher Assoc.) peeps- a wild bunch.
From the hula hoop's frame of reference...
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 03, 2011, 01:44 PM
Federer and Nadal: Fit of Laughter During Shooting (
Why is watching strapping young men with bad accents giggle so funny? They looked so young there.
Also, this may be the single greatest piece of in game analysis ever recorded. I am a true fan of Walton the commentator and I really miss him. With Mark Jackson going to Golden State, maybe they'll chuck him back in with Van Gundy ;D I would do anything for that tandem.
Bill Walton on Boris Diaw (
When I think of Boris Diaw...... ;D ;D ;D
Classic Jack
The Last Detail (
Funny old man (
i love how this guy walks up with this "devil may care" saunter and just lets go of that first "meow" so effortlessly..
i've probably watched this 25 times this morning
Favorite YouTube video EVER. iZ YoU DrUnk???
Monkey vs African Soldiers (
Little North Korean Girl Playing Guitar 北朝鮮少女のギター演奏 (
Outside Lands 2010 - Random Dancing Man (
This is fantastic.
Geoff Peterson makes Craig Ferguson CRY! (
Joe's wisdom teeth experience (
Even funnier (I think) than david after dentist...
Bin Laden tape interview (
VIDEO | Missouri woman's rant at state troopers caught on video (
KRCG Uncut Teeter apology (
uhm, nice work, Jack? :-\ (
Cats Playing Patty-cake, what they were saying... (
I just discovered this web series called awkward black girl and it is hilarious. all the episodes so far can be seen here: (
Quote from: woodnymph on Sep 05, 2011, 11:48 PM
Cats Playing Patty-cake, what they were saying... (
woody... oh my god...
my sister gave me her cat a few months ago, and now I loooovvvee cats and I've always been a huge dog person.
I guess you could argue that this is music-related...
Black Metal Babysitting (
Mountain Biker gets taken out by BUCK - CRAZY Footage - Only in Africa (
Man I havent laughed this hard since watching the video Sticky posted in here about keeping your fridge stocked with various drinks to get women
Nigella Talks Dirty (
this would get the heart pumping.
Surfer Almost Swallowed by Whale (
Cathedral City Chedds - Bow and Arrow (2011, UK) (
Cathedral City Chedds - Statue (2011, UK) (
Oh dear god I hope this hasn't been posted somewhere already.... sorry if it was
Jimmy Fallon Does Jim Morrison=The Doors.. HD ..Reading Rainbow. (
Good christ I wasn't aware of this man's musical impersonations.... the Neil Young one, the Dylan one...... wow this is too much
This is made using google streetview.It amazes me what people can do sometimes.
Address Is Approximate (
This has been all over the internet today, but I just can't stop watching it. I'm laughing to hard that I'm crying!
virgin diaries (
An out of character Colbert interviews Neil De Grasse Tyson
here's one for woodnymph
Lovely Owl (
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Nov 30, 2011, 12:21 AM
here's one for woodnymph
Lovely Owl (
OH MY GOD, TRUE!!!!!!!
This video is HILARIOUS!!! ;D ;D ;D Hahahahahah that's priceless! Those faces..... I nearly peed my pants over here every time the video cuts to the little one getting petted hahahhahahah
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Nov 30, 2011, 12:21 AM
here's one for woodnymph
Lovely Owl (
I showed that video to my classes today. They loved it. It broke up all of the review we are doing for our end of course state mandated test. I really want to pet that owl.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Nov 30, 2011, 12:21 AM
here's one for woodnymph
Lovely Owl (
makes me smile again and again
How to pick up a Chick -- I like to touch butts (
Technically, this IS music, but...
My next-door neighbor, and colleague (music teacher at the high school where I teach science), Heidi W., conducted the Boston Pops Orchestra on Saturday.
Heidi conducts the Boston Pops (
Flight Assembled Architecture (
Touched by a Wild Mountain Gorilla (HD Version) (
That is amazing. Thanks for posting.
Pretty cool, Johnny.
this made me smile
Quote from: evilurges86 on Jan 10, 2012, 12:43 AM
this made me smile
Quote from: evilurges86 on Jan 10, 2012, 12:43 AM
this made me smile
That was awesome.
;D ;D ;D
So adorable!! I feel like I'm that lab when I'm listening to music too. I'm pretty sure that's the exact expression I make and the dance I do. ;D
Pizza Boomerang (
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 12, 2012, 11:28 AM
Pizza Boomerang (
This is excellent! Thanks Crispy!
Quote from: Ruckus on Jan 12, 2012, 11:37 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 12, 2012, 11:28 AM
Pizza Boomerang (
This is excellent! Thanks Crispy!
Oh. Wow. I don't even.
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 12, 2012, 11:28 AM
Pizza Boomerang (
whoa ???
Pretty sure I should not have watched this at school. But OMG!!!! All pizza commercials should be that awesome! :dankk2:
Quote from: Fully on Jan 12, 2012, 12:07 PM
Pretty sure I should not have watched this at school. But OMG!!!! All pizza commercials should be that awesome! :dankk2:
Guess I should have marked that NSFS...I just assume any video in this thread is NSFW. ::)
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 12, 2012, 12:09 PM
Quote from: Fully on Jan 12, 2012, 12:07 PM
Pretty sure I should not have watched this at school. But OMG!!!! All pizza commercials should be that awesome! :dankk2:
Guess I should have marked that NSFS...I just assume any video in this thread is NSFW. ::)
It's ok. At least I didn't put it on my projector and show my students ;D That would not have been good. They would love it, but the phone calls...oh, the phone calls.
Tower Climbers working (
JP Auclair Street Segment (
Watch out for that dog!
Extreme Skilled Downhill mountain biking in Chile - Valparaiso (
omy (oh-my-yim)....... i love this baby
Little My Morning Jacket Fan Dancing #2 (
My dog doesn't care for harmonicas.
Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule: Brule on Sushi (
Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected' (ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye) (
Douchebag Siri: the Fixed Apple iPhone Rock God Commercial (
My brother is a security supervisor who used to handle security for the glass office building in the background. He says he was doing a camera installation when he got suprised by a horse-like robot from the same company the posted the following:
Sand Flea Jumping Robot (
Here's the one that "snuck" up on him, so to speak. More a dog than a horse...
BigDog Overview (Updated March 2010) (
He's Nice With The Beats: 4-Year-Old Producer! (
This evening the giant storm and my backyard come together to bring to you the following video for your viewing pleasure!:
SNAKE! 4-17-2012 (
There's a serpent charmer
With a pair of shoes in water........
ART THOUGHTZ: How to Make an Art. ( (
Cool sound and water experiment.
I don't have sound at work so I can't tell if they are playing MMJ or not.
It's trick photography. I love reading the comments on youtube, There are some real terds out there. It really makes me appreciate the coolness of this forum. (!
Nice Johnny! Good way to start the morning going to buy some records. Wish he took a Viagra instead of a Valium. Happy RSD!
Paging the Ministry of Silly Walks. (
How the border between India and Pakistan is closed, every day.
Christopher Mintz-Plasse rocks his MMJ t-shirt talking about Kick Ass 2
( (
One of the best music videos ever so I put it here
Nekrogoblikon - No One Survives [OFFICIAL VIDEO] (
Quote from: Ruckus on Sep 07, 2012, 06:40 PM
One of the best music videos ever so I put it here
Nekrogoblikon - No One Survives [OFFICIAL VIDEO] (
That. Was. Tremendous.
The goblin is the everyman and the "normal guy" is the monster. I'm glad I watched it after my husband and I had a discussion about the origins of the letter "g". Cause now I'm really freaked out. First I find out that originally the letter 'c' had three sounds: the soft c, the hard c, and the g sound. Then the Romans decided to switch it to two separate letters with 'c' getting the hard and soft c sounds and 'g' unsurprisingly getting the g sound. And then I watch this. I'm not sure which one is blowing my mind out more. :grin:
:grin: Soblin. Koblin. Joblin.
I've watched that damn video 5x now and I'm pretty positive that it's my favorite music video of all time except for Bryan Adams doing that Robinhood video. That was something else. I digress. That song above kicks all ass.
Great interpretation Fully :grin: There are too many things to appreciate about those 4 minutes. I'm just grateful for there being a band called Nekrogoblikon for us goblinheads.
That is incredible. I don't care for the "garbling" in most metal, but the music is pretty badass.
Nice post, Ruckus! :thumbsup:
Any Fallout fans?
Mega64: FALLOUT 3 (
I'm a sucker for pet videos: (
Thought this was pretty damn funny:
First Look: iPhone 5 (
I have no idea: ( (
If Atheists Ruled the World (
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Sep 29, 2012, 09:12 AM
If Atheists Ruled the World (
I know that scenario about the atheist husband and wife happens in my house pretty much every week. I'm on my 37th abortion this year alone.i've seen this video before, but I love watching it. The ridiculous comments are hilarious. Thanks for reminding me of it's existence, Tracy.
via fully.... (
just go watch this video. its fucking hilarious.
ewind, thanks to your link I was able to find this:
Shooting Rockets Out of Your Butt: infoMania (
Quote from: iLikeBeer on Oct 03, 2012, 05:06 PM
ewind, thanks to your link I was able to find this:
Shooting Rockets Out of Your Butt: infoMania (
That is genius!
Quote from: iLikeBeer on Oct 03, 2012, 05:06 PM
ewind, thanks to your link I was able to find this:
Shooting Rockets Out of Your Butt: infoMania (
OK, now that I have THAT song stuck in my head...
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 03, 2012, 06:55 PM
Quote from: iLikeBeer on Oct 03, 2012, 05:06 PM
ewind, thanks to your link I was able to find this:
Shooting Rockets Out of Your Butt: infoMania (
OK, now that I have THAT song stuck in my head...
Your welcome... :grin: :beer:
I did, what I thought was, a lot of crazy shit in my youth, but NOTHING would have made me stick a bottle rocket in my ass and shoot it off?! :shocked:
Quote from: iLikeBeer on Oct 03, 2012, 07:04 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 03, 2012, 06:55 PM
Quote from: iLikeBeer on Oct 03, 2012, 05:06 PM
ewind, thanks to your link I was able to find this:
Shooting Rockets Out of Your Butt: infoMania (
OK, now that I have THAT song stuck in my head...
Your welcome... :grin: :beer:
I did, what I thought was, a lot of crazy shit in my youth, but NOTHING would have made me stick a bottle rocket in my ass and shoot it off?! :shocked:
but they failed to show the coup de gras
Man Attempts to Shoot Bottle Rocket out of his Ass (
The best thing thats happened at Wrigley in years. I hope he closed his mouth. The guy wearing flip flops made a poor choice. (
This isn't as awesomely gross as Taterbug's video, but it does show the power of a bunch of guys with too much time on their hands. (
Vidéo clip Transfiguration (
All I can think about is that guy really messed up his suit.
Cleveland Ohio RTA Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger (
Craziest video I've seen in a while. (
Job interview, Lie detector test (
This is all kinds of awesome and very appropriate for Halloween.
Please do not watch if offended by gratuitous claymation violence.
From the "ABC's of Death" series: T is for Toilet.
T IS FOR TOILET [The ABCs of death] ( (
This makes me feel so warm and fuzzy.
Frank Ocean - Thinking About You (Official Video) (
Put da team on ya back, doe!
Marshawn Lynch (True Meaning of Determination) ( (
There's so much to say about this. Mostly, who in their right mind would have a three-way with a guy who uploaded this video to youtube?
I like how he says very early on that a 3-way is obviously something he's never done before.
But they are going to do things nobody's ever done before. How would he know?
if you have 2 hours to spare, the full Star Wars cobbled together compiling clips of fan films. A ton of fun to watch.
Star Wars Uncut: Director's Cut (
In My Plums (
Living On a Prayer (Goat Edition) - Bon Jovi (
OK, this brings "WTF?" to a whole 'nuther level.
EESTI LAUL 2013: Winny Puhh - "Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti" (
What the everlovin' fuck? I want my IQ points back.
Ha! Crispy, I knew you would, um, like it.
Wow! Good stuff. Dog face, banjo, spinning drums, wrestling spandex. At least the guy's got a great voice.
BH, want to play find the peanus with me on that video? It's not too hard :drum: (!
Did you see that woman pick up the whole table and start swinging!!! Oh my!
Quote from: Fully on Apr 13, 2013, 02:13 PM
Did you see that woman pick up the whole table and start swinging!!! Oh my!
Dodgeball with chairs and tables! I'm in! :beer:
Reason 1,573,259 to never allow your daughter to join a sorority: ( ( (
Thanks Fully. I would have been so bewildered if I had gotten such a response from my parents on such matters.
I love all the video suggestions that come up at the end of that video. Looks like some prime additional viewing. (
Always love watching a new one.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 (
Monty Python and the Holy Grail Modern Trailer (
Quote from: johnnYYac on Sep 19, 2013, 05:18 PM (
This is hillarious on so many different levels. Thanks Yac! (
saw this in BIll Simmons' Friday column. I literally cried laughing (
The Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion made this video in response to Russia's anti-gay laws. Fracking hilarious!
Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion | Luge ( ( (
i've been watching these ALS Ice Bucket Challenges. most are pretty entertaining especially the ones with celebrities ( ( ( ( (
Quote from: johnnYYac on Sep 13, 2013, 09:58 AM
Monty Python and the Holy Grail Modern Trailer (
What an awesome tribute to one of the greatest movies ever made. It was so low budget, that that helped make it appear more authentic. Saw it by accident in 1975. One of 3 events that shaped my pop cultural tastes, along with listening to Quadrophenia on a rainy day in 1978, and the Who instantly becoming my favorite band for over 30 years, and seeing Okonokos for the first time in 2010, and MMJ fucking knocking The Who off that pedestal.