It Still Moves was released on this date 10 years ago, September 9, 2003.
Debate will continue on what is the best My Morning Jacket album thus far, sure to get interesting once the new album is out early next year (or whenever). At Dawn and Z often get top billing on folks' top album lists, but It Still Moves remains for many one of the top 3. For me, it is their best studio release, closely followed by At Dawn, then Z.
All songs written by Jim James.
1. Mahgeetah
2. Dancefloors
3. Golden
4. Master Plan
5. One Big Holiday
6. I Will Sing You Songs
7. Easy Morning Rebel
8. Run Thru
9. Rollin' Back
10. Just One Thing
11. Steam Engine
12. One in the Same ( ( ( ( (
My Morning Jacket - It Still Moves EPK (
My Morning Jacket Bonnaroo 2004 (
My Morning Jacket -- Dancefloors -- Live at Terminal 5, NYC -- Oct 21, 2010 (
My Morning Jacket - *Golden* - Red Rocks (August 4, 2012) (
Jim James, Master Plan (
Bonnaroo Classics: My Morning Jacket - One Big Holiday (
My Morning Jacket @ KCRW - I Will Sing You Songs (
Easy Morning Rebel - My Morning Jacket *soundboard audio* (
My Morning Jacket Run Thru Okonokos DVD 13 (
My Morning Jacket - Rollin' Back (
My Morning Jacket - Just One Thing (
My Morning Jacket - Steam Engine (6/3/03) (
One In The Same - My Morning Jacket - Terminal 5 NYC 10-21-2010 (
Excellent JY! Thank you for the reminder and for the videos. :thumbsup: Such a beautiful collection of songs and it's definitely going to get interesting to see the discussion once the new album arrives. :smiley:
thanks, JY!
just took a nice 2 hour distraction from work to watch...*sigh*...magic album...
This album change my life forever :evil: :beer: :drum:
My Morning Jacket - Grab a Body (
....please more hidden gems like this one!
Quote from: wolof7 on Sep 09, 2013, 06:23 PM
This album change my life forever :evil: :beer: :drum:
The first MMJ album I purchased, which was in 2004 sometime.
Funny to think back now on when it was new to me and the impact of it was just starting to sink in.
Thanks Yac for the very cool video collection.
Quote from: Crispy on Sep 09, 2013, 07:33 PM
Quote from: wolof7 on Sep 09, 2013, 06:23 PM
This album change my life forever :evil: :beer: :drum:
I am going to also agree with this sentiment. I came to the party late (2010), but this was the first album I listened to of theirs and was just blown away.
Thanks JY for all the videos. I still wish Rollin' Back & One in the Same got my play live.
this thread made me so happy
Tracy and I were talking about that last night...really cool how one of my buddies got ISM right when it came out and the band came to town a few months Didnt change my life at the time definitely has since the...In my opinion it will forever the best MMJ album
Y'all got any disco ball back there?
The most perfect summer album.
My favorite MMJ album and probably my favorite album of all time.
I had Okonoks for a long time before picking up any other MMJ albums. I didn't hear It Still Moves in full until probably '08. I doubt I'll ever forget listening to it for the first time in my kitchen while reading the lyrics that came with the CD and thinking how wrong I was in deciphering the words in Mahgeeta...and how much better the real lyrics are and really throughout the album.
I look forward to checking out those videos when I have time tonight. Thanks YYac.
The first MMJ CD I bought besides Okonokos. I thought I was getting the album with the Bear on it lol
This is where it all began for me. Bought this right when it came out, on a whim. My first exposure to MMJ. It's crazy to think that all the fun adventures I've been on with you folks might not have happened if I had bought something else that day.
First MMJ record I purchased (@ 2004) and probably my favorite. :thumbsup:
Here's one for you: Best song on the album and why?
wow john, this is fab!
i remember the first time i heard a mmj. it was a song from ISM. i was walking through my living room and heard a song that made me stop and lean toward the radio: "I Will Sing You Songs".
when i went to bonnaroo that summer i told my pal suzie, "i want to check out this band." she stayed napping under a tree, i went to the show.
and here we are. :beer:
Quote from: Mahgeetah34 on Sep 12, 2013, 08:41 PM
Here's one for you: Best song on the album and why?
The only answer for that is Steam Engine!
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Oct 05, 2013, 07:33 PM
Quote from: Mahgeetah34 on Sep 12, 2013, 08:41 PM
Here's one for you: Best song on the album and why?
The only answer for that is Steam Engine!
I recently met a girl and she had never really listened to MMJ. Despite this glaring hole in her resume, I decided to pursue her because she is very intelligent and pretty. I did make her listen to MMJ and a week later, when I asked her what she thought, the first song she mentioned as Steam Engine. She wanted to know what I thought it meant. I gave some b.s. answers that placated her but I haven't been able to stop thinking about the lyrics for the past two weeks. It has led to research about Romanticism/Transcedentalism/New Thought a long overdue re-visiting of Thoreau and the discovery of the legend that Galileo--upon his release--looked at the sky and the ground and uttered Epper si muove, or in English, still it moves.
I suppose that was a very long way of giving my reason why Steam Engine is my favorite song--but the song moves my mind, body and spirit on levels no other song has ever done.
A year later, and this album must still rank high in the minds of fans. I'm getting ready to spin one of the 5 versions of vinyl I own (probably the numbered UK pressing) to celebrate ISM's birthday. With the band is doing their thing, now is a great time to dig in and experience this album.
Was some shakin and some record playin...
hell yea I've been rockin out to Mahgeetah and Dancefloors lately :drum:
I think this is my most favorite album by them, but it's so hard to choose.
When I first heard it, I played it over and over so much that I have purchased at least 7 albums :grin:
I can't pick a me they all belong and are all just as important to the whole album and can stand along just fine by T5 One in the Same fit just as well at the end as Mags does to open it...dancefloors and EMR will always have a special place in my heart though
I'd have to agree with Scosby on this one. Can't pick a favorite... Probably cuz this is possibly one of the rarest birds of all..."A Perfect Album"...?
I remember the long night drive back to my hometown my first year of college when I first really discovered this album. Steam Engine really hit me...goddamn those shaky knees, the fact that my hearts beating is all the proof you need!
My favorite MMJ album and top 1 or top 3 or top 5 (depending on the day) of all time favorite albums by any artist.