I think it would be beneficial if everyone came up with a list of both grievances and practical solutions to give to the kind folks at Wonderful Union. In any community, there seems to be a set of rules and mores, which commonly are only known by members of that community...so why doesn't everyone list their problem, and how they think it should be solved...and give that to Allison or whomever is in charge of public relations/outreach?
*Stop closing tickets when no solution has been reached.
Quote from: CountSA on Mar 13, 2015, 11:37 AM
*Stop closing tickets when no solution has been reached.
Okay, so how about this? Prior to all pre-sales, (time to be determined), ANYONE with an active Roll Call membership should inform Wonderful Union of the number of tickets they plan on buying. This will give them an estimate of how many tickets to be released +/- a margin of error. In addition, it will give the band/promoters ideas on ticket sale trends in different areas for future reference.
- Clear, 100% communication and confirmation with each individual venue that early entry will be available and have a line/area set up for Roll Call Members to wait.
- Stick to the deadlines they set (or make it clear that something is limited by the number of items they have). They cancelled Roll Call Signups early (for the 2014/2015 membership) because they "ran out" of merch items even though they said we had until the end of the year and made no mention of "While supplies last".
- Don't make brand new Roll Call packages with exclusive merch for a year that you already had some fans sign up for. Now some people who like the vinyls/posters and need to have them are forced to sign up twice for 2015 Roll Call.
Place the laminate, poster, and t-shirt for the 2015 Roll Call package in the points store, so those of us who bought the 2014/2015 Roll Call package last year can get those items without having to re-re-up our subscriptions. I would spend all my points just to get this year's laminate. On that note, be more transparent with your products. We had no idea when we signed up for the bonus membership that we weren't getting certain items. Then there's the fact that you stopped selling those same-said memberships before the date you said you would.
Also, more campaigns and contests to accumulate points. That points system has been dead for quite sometime for those of us that have maxed out, and I think it's a pretty cool idea. Utilize it or do away with it.
And, customer service. I know business hits snags, but at my work when the customer perceives a slight (whether they're in the wrong or not) it's our policy to tell them we are sorry for their issues. Excuses aren't very becoming. It's possible to do that without saying "I fucked up" even though you probably did. If somebody from ground_(ctrl) had come into the forums and said "geez guys we're really sorry this is happening" even without admitting fault, it would have made me feel a little better about the whole thing. The people they sent into the forum either blamed browsers, user error, or told us to send our queries to their email. Eventually there was some semblance of capitulation, but it came way too late, imo.
Treat us like kings. You don't have to treat me like you're my slave, but at least act like we matter. All this blame game and closing tickets without resolving issues, and the money screw-ups...ain't nobody got time for that.
make sure the website actually works prior to a pre-sale
Quote from: subinai on Mar 13, 2015, 12:41 PM
make sure the website actually works prior to a pre-sale
Maybe there should be a limited number of " technical issue" tickets...say 30....that are available through customer support on the day of presale.
Quote from: ellisintransit on Mar 13, 2015, 12:39 PM
Place the laminate, poster, and t-shirt for the 2015 Roll Call package in the points store, so those of us who bought the 2014/2015 Roll Call package last year can get those items without having to re-re-up our subscriptions. I would spend all my points just to get this year's laminate. On that note, be more transparent with your products. We had no idea when we signed up for the bonus membership that we weren't getting certain items. Then there's the fact that you stopped selling those same-said memberships before the date you said you would.
Also, more campaigns and contests to accumulate points. That points system has been dead for quite sometime for those of us that have maxed out, and I think it's a pretty cool idea. Utilize it or do away with it.
And, customer service. I know business hits snags, but at my work when the customer perceives a slight (whether they're in the wrong or not) it's our policy to tell them we are sorry for their issues. Excuses aren't very becoming. It's possible to do that without saying "I fucked up" even though you probably did. If somebody from ground_(ctrl) had come into the fms and said "geez guys we're really sorry this is happening" even without admitting fault, it would have made me feel a little better about the whole thing. The people they sent into the forum either blamed browsers, user error, or told us to send our queries to their email. Eventually there was some semblance of capitulation, but it came way too late, imo.
Treat us like kings. You don't have to treat me like you're my slave, but at least act like we matter. All this blame game and closing tickets without resolving issues, and the money screw-ups...ain't nobody got time for that.
I think the Roll Call points and reintroducing the blogs and positive legacy attributes would be wonderful...but we have to engage them for them to work. I for one would love it if these became a real focus of the membership. That by participating in life, you are rewarded with what you love...
I suspect that the root problem is endemic to the culture at the actual office, and no amount of bitching or list making on the fan end will cure that. Probably a lot of turnover and no real training. Everybody is new and nobody earns enough money to give a fuck. Just a theory.
To alleviate any headaches with early entry, one and only one laminate should be issued. Roll Call 2015 people should get the same laminate Roll Call 2014/2015 people got.
Quote from: buymycar on Mar 13, 2015, 01:04 PM
To alleviate any headaches with early entry, one and only one laminate should be issued. Roll Call 2015 people should get the same laminate Roll Call 2014/2015 people got.
A bigger than this issue, though, is notifying the venue that early entry exists!
And why doesn't WU offer support at shows? I had an experience at Port Chester where the venue had no record of me having purchased tickets. I had confirmation in hand and was told by the box office there was nothing they could do as GC wasn't there and there was no way for them to contact them. It ended up getting resolved as I went right to the venue manager, but there should be some type of on site support (or at least telephone support) in the event of problems .
-lack of follow through with orders. Every roll call purchase we've made, I've had to follow up because something (sometimes everything) didn't get delivered.
-Wait time for customer service. They don't answer questions on the spot. If you send a text message through their website, it can take hours to get an initial response. After first contact it, there is never an answer. In my experience its taken days to resolve a simple question, usually through multiple tickets.
-like others have said, the closed call tickets without resolution. Then you have to open a new one. They lose the paper trail and start over.
-Often, the first response that I've gotten from them blames me for the mistake... "You didn't read it correctly", "You ordered wrong" etc.
-Don't sell the presales directly. Similar to livedownloads and Cloud 9, use an individual code through the ticketing agency. Email out a week in advance so if someone didn't get it, then it can be resolved before the presale.
-I like the idea of selling the posters and laminates through the Roll Call store.
-I also like the one laminate suggestion. If they do a "Bonus" membership again. Don't sell benefits that they can't offer, just sell the t-shirt, poster, laminate, vinyl at a slightly reduced price. That way everyone knows when they will have to re-up.
-One end-date for all Roll Call membership. For instance, all the 2015 memberships end on Dec. 31, 2015.
-Known deadline for signing up to get that years stuff. Keep it stocked through the deadline.
Quote from: vespachick on Mar 13, 2015, 01:02 PM
I suspect that the root problem is endemic to the culture at the actual office, and no amount of bitching or list making on the fan end will cure that. Probably a lot of turnover and no real training. Everybody is new and nobody earns enough money to give a fuck. Just a theory.
Well let's see if we can get Alison on board and get her a promotion with all these sweet ideas...!!!
My single suggestion would be to SIMPLIFY.
It's ridiculously complicated to sort through the "am I a 2014 roll call or early 2015 or deluxe or digital and can I buy here or there or which link at 10 or 10:30". They haven't proven themselves able to run a simple fan club competently, so don't build a mousetrap with all this complexity.
Great ideas so far.
If they are sticking to tiered pre-sales, my suggestion is that a day or two before any presale, ALL Roll Call members are e-mailed with whatever group they are in, when their presale starts and any other relevant presale instructions. A lot of other fan clubs do this and it makes everything a lot less stressful when you know where you stand. And if for any reason there is a discrepancy, there is time BEFORE the presale to work it out.
Quote from: mahg33ta on Mar 13, 2015, 01:43 PM
My single suggestion would be to SIMPLIFY.
It's ridiculously complicated to sort through the "am I a 2014 roll call or early 2015 or deluxe or digital and can I buy here or there or which link at 10 or 10:30". They haven't proven themselves able to run a simple fan club competently, so don't build a mousetrap with all this complexity.
I agree because I have never known my status of what I am getting. They have given me a total of 8 additional months of membership due to issues I have had. Though I dont think that means I get any of the 2015 stuff. It would just mean I can access the site. So I would have to pay more (extend again) to receive stuff for the year Im already covered for.
I actually have no idea what tier of roll call I am. I purchased the 2014-2015 combo subscription and idk if that is the good or bad one. Probably the bad one. I am less of a fan, I suppose.
I wish they would go away. Never to be heard from again, and the band turns to a company that is efficient, and helpful when it's needed.
Quote from: ericm on Mar 13, 2015, 03:41 PM
I wish they would go away. Never to be heard from again, and the band turns to a company that is efficient, and helpful when it's needed.
It's probably a lot of work to move it to a different company or start up their own thing but at this point I'd prefer it to the past few years of problems that don't show signs of improvement.
I'm available... :rolleyes:
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 13, 2015, 04:35 PM
I'm available... :rolleyes:
If you are Merlin, I will be in your roundtable any day.
I don't remember the name of the company that ran roll call before ground control did. What I do remember is that there were plenty of problems with them as well. I remember lots of problems with people not having their ticket at will call. I don't know if this is simply a case of let's get the money out of them and then not provide the service or if there is so little money to be made that they can't make a profit if they run their business correctly.
The number one thing besides ticket pre-sales and providing information about the upcoming ticket pre-sales in a timely manner that any company could do is make sure that there is someone on the tour whose job it is to take care of early entry, make sure the staff at the venue know about it, and make sure that the members know where they are supposed to go so they can get it. That's the biggest perk of being in this "fan club". If there is a ga pit, we want to get in there and get good spots. Nobody really cares about another tshirt or another poster that isn't from a show, but we really want the ticket pre-sales to work correctly, and we really want the early entry to go smoothly. Having to teach the staff at each event how roll call early entry works gets tiresome and it shouldn't be our job to do it unless someone wants to hire one of us at each show to do it. :rolleyes:
I don't recall an active fan club from when I first learned of MMJ in May '08 to when Roll Call was created.
I'd be curious to hear/read the thoughts of Roll Callers who are also members of Ten Club. Its mission statement aligns nicely with what MMJ fans seem to want.
Quote from: Woldie on Mar 13, 2015, 05:05 PM
I'd be curious to hear/read the thoughts of Roll Callers who are also members of Ten Club. Its mission statement aligns nicely with what MMJ fans seem to want.
Ten Club has gone lottery only now, avoiding many of the problems WU is going through. There seems to be less complaining come ticket time about ordering problems. But there's still complaining when people get shut out because it's behind the scenes now, leading some to believe they manipulate the ticket process. That's the problem when you take control away from people. I'm not sure if that's any better or worse.
Definitely the laminate issue....if they could have just mailed the Bonus roll call members a new one, that would have been great
This thread is a great idea, thanks everyone for contributing. I hear you, I'll compile them, and I'll talk to my team about your suggestions.
Im not sure if this was a common issue or not, but when I went
to check out, the only option I had was with PayPal. Fortunately,
I have a paypal and was able to secure tickets. I called ground control
and the guy I spoke with said i had to click up on billing to have other
payment options. I would have had no idea how to find that.
So my recommendation would be to have all payment options in a
visible location as you are prepared to check-out.
Please inform us of exactly which types of tickets will be sold in presales before they happen. So many of us operated under the assumption that 3-day pit passes would be available for Chicago, only to find no such option was available. Granted, we assumed and that was our error, but it would have been very helpful to know in advance.
I don't think Ten Club is much better. Christmas single, anyone?
Perhaps a lottery system for presales, instead of Digital vs Deluxe access? The system currently being used can't handle the load, and, even if it could, I suspect that Roll Call demand is much larger than presale supply.
I became a VIP Roll Call member because I thought that great seats to one of MMJ's concerts this summer in Minneapolis would be the perfect anniversary gift. MMJ has long been one of our favorite bands and I thought the $60 VIP Roll Call package was a little expensive but would be well worth it.
This morning I had 4 incredible seats in my cart and was in the process of checking out when the site crashed. This was not a issue on my end because all other sites were up and working as normal. I could not have been more disappointed when I finally got back into the site 7 minutes later and the seats were no longer available. It had even told me the seats would be reserved for 12 minutes during check out.
I tried to contact support at Beautiful Union and they gave me a very disappointing response of basically" you should use Chrome and better luck next time"... is this really the level of customer support you give to your biggest fans?
I hope that MMJ has enough respect for all of their fans and especially those excited and willing enough to become members of their Roll Call to rectify this situation. This has left a sour taste in my mouth on top of the fact that I paid $60 and do not have those great seats I was so excited about.
Let me know if there is anyone else I should be contacting because I'm gutted by this situation.
add this item to the wishlist
-system that does not crash under "heavy load" when you have good tickets in your basket. Had row E center stage tickets, clicked purchase and got a server error. I lost row "E" tickets and ended up with significantly worse tickets.
wishlist: a site that actually works.
I wasn't even able to get the page to load starting at 9:55am, I was getting a "website not found error." And no it was not my connection - all other sites were working fine for me. And yes, I tried from Chrome/firefox on both Mac and Windows, and could not get the site to load, so it's not a "wrong browser" issue. I had to VPN into my work computer to actually get to the website, but by that time I was already a minute late. How many users do you expect to have that type of backup available when for whatever reason the site is refusing connections from certain locations? I miraculously ended up with decent seats for Friday's show, but had no chance for Saturday.
Also, it's pretty ridiculous that WU can't even tell us whether or not we can checkout with tickets for 2 different nights in the same cart. Last I saw, someone posted they chatted with support and were told it "should work" but it is recommended to only try for one show at a time. The lack of knowledge/confidence in your own system says a lot.
1. That My Morning Jacket actually does care about their fans, the problems experienced today are resolved with actual tickets being sold to those who paid for Roll Call and, through no fault of their own, were not able to purchase the presale tickets Roll Call membership advertised.
2. That if Wonderful Union continues to refuse to take any responsibility for their ineffective service, My Morning Jacket severs ties with the company and other bands/musicians follow suit.
Todays situation is pathetic and totally unacceptable.
I wouldnt feel so burned were it not for the issues we all saw over the last presale several weeks ago and the assurances that these issues were resolved. NOTHING has been resolved, this sale was for what, 2-3 shows? And the site crashes??? To think in this day and age that a customer service rep would actually recommend after the fact that Chrome be used is appalling.
My browser of choice is indeed Chrome (for better or worse), but unfortunately my work laptop has IE (yes the latest version) and while I'm not a fan, the idea that any sight wouldnt recommend using for normal e-commerce is beyond embarrassing. "Maybe" some totally of brand, but IE??? REALLY????
I to signed up for presale specifically for the sole purpose of being able to "take advantage" of my love for the band by joining like minded people in getting better seats and prefered access (at a price) and I gladly paid it thinking it was money well spent. What a waste, as I stated in another thread, never in my wildest dreams did I think a day would come when I would look forward to using Ticket Master, I cannot stand them, but at least when I get gouged by them for fees I actually get tickets.
Quote from: Bulldog on Mar 23, 2015, 05:54 PM
Todays situation is pathetic and totally unacceptable.
I wouldnt feel so burned were it not for the issues we all saw over the last presale several weeks ago and the assurances that these issues were resolved. NOTHING has been resolved, this sale was for what, 2-3 shows? And the site crashes??? To think in this day and age that a customer service rep would actually recommend after the fact that Chrome be used is appalling.
My browser of choice is indeed Chrome (for better or worse), but unfortunately my work laptop has IE (yes the latest version) and while I'm not a fan, the idea that any sight wouldnt recommend using for normal e-commerce is beyond embarrassing. "Maybe" some totally of brand, but IE??? REALLY????
I to signed up for presale specifically for the sole purpose of being able to "take advantage" of my love for the band by joining like minded people in getting better seats and prefered access (at a price) and I gladly paid it thinking it was money well spent. What a waste, as I stated in another thread, never in my wildest dreams did I think a day would come when I would look forward to using Ticket Master, I cannot stand them, but at least when I get gouged by them for fees I actually get tickets.
Also, if browser choice/version were so important why was it not listed in the presale FAQ's?
Quote from: refundpolicy on Mar 23, 2015, 06:09 PM
Quote from: Bulldog on Mar 23, 2015, 05:54 PM
Todays situation is pathetic and totally unacceptable.
I wouldnt feel so burned were it not for the issues we all saw over the last presale several weeks ago and the assurances that these issues were resolved. NOTHING has been resolved, this sale was for what, 2-3 shows? And the site crashes??? To think in this day and age that a customer service rep would actually recommend after the fact that Chrome be used is appalling.
My browser of choice is indeed Chrome (for better or worse), but unfortunately my work laptop has IE (yes the latest version) and while I'm not a fan, the idea that any sight wouldnt recommend using for normal e-commerce is beyond embarrassing. "Maybe" some totally of brand, but IE??? REALLY????
I to signed up for presale specifically for the sole purpose of being able to "take advantage" of my love for the band by joining like minded people in getting better seats and prefered access (at a price) and I gladly paid it thinking it was money well spent. What a waste, as I stated in another thread, never in my wildest dreams did I think a day would come when I would look forward to using Ticket Master, I cannot stand them, but at least when I get gouged by them for fees I actually get tickets.
Also, if browser choice/version were so important why was it not listed in the presale FAQ's?
I was also told by them to not use a mobile device for their presales. WTF? I have used TM, and LN mobile apps, and their normal sites, and never had a problem. Why wouldn't WU's system be compatable with a mobile device?
Quote from: ericm on Mar 23, 2015, 06:15 PM
Quote from: refundpolicy on Mar 23, 2015, 06:09 PM
Also, if browser choice/version were so important why was it not listed in the presale FAQ's?
I was also told by them to not use a mobile device for their presales. WTF? I have used TM, and LN mobile apps, and their normal sites, and never had a problem. Why wouldn't WU's system be compatable with a mobile device?
Yeah, this entire issue feels like I'm dealing with my cable company or the IRS, not my favorite band. Who blames the customer after the fact for doing something they were not warned against doing beforehand?
Thought this was the icing on the cake today... I opened a ticket and they closed it marking it "solved" without any form of a response. This is worse than the cable company.
(http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/nareichert/Screenshot%202015-03-23%2016.55.02.png) (http://s41.photobucket.com/user/nareichert/media/Screenshot%202015-03-23%2016.55.02.png.html)
-Please start with respecting your customers and showing them the decency not to close their complaints as "solved" when clearly they are not.
-Answer your phones during your stated business hours or at least set up a voicemail system.
-Don't blame everything on the customers or browser errors when clearing it is the site's fault.
-Return emails and calls when you say you will instead of having the customer have to track you down through endless calls to try and remedy a situation.
-Don't offer up other presales that you have nothing to do with as a means to resolving someone's issue with WU.
-Just take some damn pride in CUSTOMER SERVICE!
Wow. This is just ridiculous lol. Sorry for all those who had issues (again). Wish Roll Call could get it's crap together and provide us with a quality service.
To tag on to my rant in the other thread for the MPLS presale.
I am STILL not satisfied, so I tried calling Blunderful Union today over my lunch, guess what?
Yep.....on a Tuesday, middle of the day, what should be an off day for presales, I sat on hold for 10 min, got to the voice recording we all know and love and was told to "call back during normal business hours"....
All I want is an explanation
Did anyone else receive emails from WU/Ground Control today? I got 2 saying they were addressing my complaint/ticket. I never opened a ticket, I'm not even in Roll Call. Totally baffled but am not shocked to see GC lives on! :wink: :tongue:
A message from Wonderful Union Fan Support
Welcome to Wonderful Union Fan Support
Please do not open a second request. Doing so may cause a delay in answering your question.
Welcome to ground(ctrl). Please follow the link below to choose a password, and we will log you in right away.
https://groundctrl.zendesk.com/verification/email/dYZZjQbVSpKOWJXgCO0fhzHzV/ (https://groundctrl.zendesk.com/verification/email/dYZZjQbVSpKOWJXgCO0fhzHzV/)
followed by a second one:
A message from Wonderful Union Fan Support
Welcome to Wonderful Union Fan Support
Please do not open a second request. Doing so may cause a delay in answering your question.
Welcome to ground(ctrl). Please follow the link below to choose a password, and we will log you in right away.
https://groundctrl.zendesk.com/verification/email/dYZZjQbVSpKOWJXgCO0fhzHzV/ (https://groundctrl.zendesk.com/verification/email/dYZZjQbVSpKOWJXgCO0fhzHzV/)
FAQ's, Toll Free Numbers, and Live Chat are available here: http://help.wonderfulunion.com/ (http://help.wonderfulunion.com/)
At this point we will be shocked when something actually goes smoothly.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 24, 2015, 02:18 PM
Did anyone else receive emails from WU/Ground Control today? I got 2 saying they were addressing my complaint/ticket. I never opened a ticket, I'm not even in Roll Call. Totally baffled but am not shocked to see GC lives on! :wink: :tongue:
A message from Wonderful Union Fan Support
Welcome to Wonderful Union Fan Support
Please do not open a second request. Doing so may cause a delay in answering your question.
Welcome to ground(ctrl). Please follow the link below to choose a password, and we will log you in right away.
https://groundctrl.zendesk.com/verification/email/dYZZjQbVSpKOWJXgCO0fhzHzV/ (https://groundctrl.zendesk.com/verification/email/dYZZjQbVSpKOWJXgCO0fhzHzV/)
followed by a second one:
A message from Wonderful Union Fan Support
Welcome to Wonderful Union Fan Support
Please do not open a second request. Doing so may cause a delay in answering your question.
Welcome to ground(ctrl). Please follow the link below to choose a password, and we will log you in right away.
https://groundctrl.zendesk.com/verification/email/dYZZjQbVSpKOWJXgCO0fhzHzV/ (https://groundctrl.zendesk.com/verification/email/dYZZjQbVSpKOWJXgCO0fhzHzV/)
FAQ's, Toll Free Numbers, and Live Chat are available here: http://help.wonderfulunion.com/ (http://help.wonderfulunion.com/)
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Same thing here penny lane. Comedy.
Maybe they opened a ticket because you aren't part of RC anymore and then immediately closed the ticket
Heres the message I have,
We are sending you this quick message to let you know that your request (#237589) has been received and is being reviewed by our fan support staff. If you wrote in with general feedback, thank you! If you submitted a question, we will do our best to answer it within 24 hours of receiving it. In the mean time feel free to browse our FAQ's on help.wonderfulunion.com. Answers to our most common questions are available there for your convenience.
If your question is urgent, please don't hesitate to call us. Our staff can be reached at 844-963-7385 (1.844.WNDRFUL) on Monday-Friday between 7am-6pm PST.
Thanks for taking the time to write in to us and we look forward to assisting you shortly.
-Wonderful Union
As I stated earlier today, I tried calling there today as many others have and was greeting by the standard hold music and the infamous 10 min wait (yes I timed it) and a roll over to the response that I "must have called aftert normal business hours" and a hang up.
From that I am supposed to feel comfortable that they are now somehow magically going to turn this around and start answering their phone? Or that I will receive a detailed explanation within 24 hours as they state above?
I wish they'd change their policy of not allowing Roll Callers to transfer tix purchased through a Roll Call presale. It would be great if they allowed us to at least transfer the tix to another Roll Call member.
The tix would still have to be picked up at Will Call but if they couldn't make a show at least the original purchaser can sell or miracle the tix to another member, and the tix wouldn't go to waste.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 24, 2015, 02:18 PM
Did anyone else receive emails from WU/Ground Control today? I got 2 saying they were addressing my complaint/ticket. I never opened a ticket, I'm not even in Roll Call. Totally baffled but am not shocked to see GC lives on! :wink: :tongue:
I received a somewhat apologetic e-mail today that made it very clear Wonderful Union was just giving lip service and had no intention of trying to right any of their wrongs. It's pointless to try and communicate with them. They have no interest in helping.
I feel like a fool for signing up for the deluxe Roll Call package after all the repeated failures.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me as many times as Wonderful Union and, as much as it hurts to have to say this, shame on MMJ.
Quote from: WonderfulUnion on Mar 13, 2015, 08:02 PM
This thread is a great idea, thanks everyone for contributing. I hear you, I'll compile them, and I'll talk to my team about your suggestions.
hilarious! they're going to talk guys!!
they dump my chats and close my "tickets" before a question/complaint is even articulated. memberships are basically meaningless without true fan access and support, and the blatant money grabs push this from simple incompetence to actual mistreatment.
Another gem:
The last roll call (the one that was supposed to last for 18 months that didn't come with 2015 merch of course) sent me a roll call poster that was significantly damaged.
I tried reaching out to them on several occaisions and could not get a response. By the time I finally got ahold of them they informed me that I exceeded the 30 day (or something) deadline for returns, and was shit out of luck.
One guy suggested I file a claim with my postal service. Not their fault. You can't make this shit up.
So what did I do? I re-upped fo this stupid deluxe roll call, knowing the service is a complete trainwreck - hoping, praying, it would get better, all to put myself in the best position for tickets, merch, early entry, etc.
So here I am with an 18 month package + new 12 month package (purchased mainly out of fear) just to cover all scenarios, because nothing surprises me anymore. I'm scared to death about early entry; we've all seen this movie before. I'm going to bring both laminates. I know a guy who ended up with better tickets than I did through a radio presale not tied to the fanclub at all. Awesome. And I know several who bought the Digital membership and they were sold out before their presale even started. Hell, at least reimburse them.
Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off with a presale password website membership and checking ebay for the merch we would be missing out on - at least the ebay sellers are required to respond to a complaint in a timely manner. No headaches and you might just score some tickets!
Maybe some of these issues have been resolved - maybe not. However, the fact that they ever occured is totally unacceptable.
Quote from: ericm on Mar 24, 2015, 09:01 PM
I wish they'd change their policy of not allowing Roll Callers to transfer tix purchased through a Roll Call presale. It would be great if they allowed us to at least transfer the tix to another Roll Call member.
The tix would still have to be picked up at Will Call but if they couldn't make a show at least the original purchaser can sell or miracle the tix to another member, and the tix wouldn't go to waste.
This really needs to happen. The biggest problem is that no tickets should go to waste. And there's no reason someone should lose money if they can't make it to a venue to pickup will call only tickets.
Quote from: michaelsatterfield on Mar 25, 2015, 01:11 PM
Quote from: ericm on Mar 24, 2015, 09:01 PM
I wish they'd change their policy of not allowing Roll Callers to transfer tix purchased through a Roll Call presale. It would be great if they allowed us to at least transfer the tix to another Roll Call member.
The tix would still have to be picked up at Will Call but if they couldn't make a show at least the original purchaser can sell or miracle the tix to another member, and the tix wouldn't go to waste.
This really needs to happen. The biggest problem is that no tickets should go to waste. And there's no reason someone should lose money if they can't make it to a venue to pickup will call only tickets.
I'd imagine the two main reasons why they do it the way they do is they want the tix to go to Roll Call members, and the other is to eliminate scalpers getting ahold of them.
Allowing the transfer to another Roll Call member would take care of the first reason,imo. The other is really dependent on each venue's policy of when you can pick up your tickets. I've picked up my tix at some venues early in the day, and had all day to sell them if I wanted. It would be very easy to line up a sale at whatever the price. Just picking up the tix at Will Call does nothing to stop a potential scalping,IMO. If scalping is really a concern they could work it out with each venue where you were required to get your tix, and immediately enter the venue. I've had to do that at shows for Bruce, the Allmans, the Stones, and a couple of others. I've got NO problem with having to do that.
Just let us transfer the tix to another RC member so they don't go to waste. If they find out a RC member is scalping and they want to suspend their membership, or not allow them to buy RC tix in the future, that's fine by me too. We're just trying to not take a loss when something comes up, and want to keep the tix in the RC family, and have someone enjoy the show. Hell, I was willing to give my tix away but they wouldn't allow anyone else to pick them up. Makes no sense to me.
Quote from: GO4IT on Mar 24, 2015, 11:20 PM
as much as it hurts to have to say this, shame on MMJ.
That's the sad part...I didn't know MMJ had become Kings of Leon or Nickelback--corporate rock bands so big they can screw over 15-20 loyal fans in each city and it won't make a difference for their bottom line.
Another note worth mentioning,
For an ever so brief moment I thought all the bitching had stirred some action. I, like "some" others got a note from Blunderful Union saying they had opened a ticket on my behalf. It went on the say they would do their best to respond within 24 hours. I understand a personal response is out of the question given the number of tickets, but I would have expected some sort of update in here mentioning they are still working on it and acknowledging its still an open issue.
I got nothing.....
Moreover, as we all know theres another presale for the MPLS tickets tomorrow, I would have expected if they were going to tag onto someone else s sale and msg us that this is happening they would at least include the password or tell us where to locate it.
The frustration mounts.....
Quote from: refundpolicy on Mar 25, 2015, 05:22 PM
Quote from: GO4IT on Mar 24, 2015, 11:20 PM
as much as it hurts to have to say this, shame on MMJ.
That's the sad part...I didn't know MMJ had become Kings of Leon or Nickelback--corporate rock bands so big they can screw over 15-20 loyal fans in each city and it won't make a difference for their bottom line.
I'm not ready to go that far just yet. These guys have proved time and time again that they are far more intimate with their fans than most bands that hit their level. This is a huge issue, but one I think they will eventually fix. It just shouldn't have taken this long, but who knows how much of this is within their realm of control.
48 hours and STILL waiting for some sort of a response on the tickets opened.....
Quote from: Bulldog on Mar 26, 2015, 08:59 PM
48 hours and STILL waiting for some sort of a response on the tickets opened.....
Maybe they are having "Browser Issues" right now.
Posted this elsewhere, as well, but thought it should appear here, too.
So spending nearly $200 on Roll Call and a Deluxe vinyl package gets me zero early downloads, while spending $11.99 on iTunes gets you two? Trying really hard not to be grumpy about this, and not finding much success.
Quote from: Woldie on Mar 31, 2015, 09:17 AM
Posted this elsewhere, as well, but thought it should appear here, too.
So spending nearly $200 on Roll Call and a Deluxe vinyl package gets me zero early downloads, while spending $11.99 on iTunes gets you two? Trying really hard not to be grumpy about this, and not finding much success.
Thanks Wonderful Union Rep for listening to our suggestions for helping to make Roll Call better and something that best suits the fans who signed up for it.
Please realize that the access to shows (pre-sales, early entry) are a very big thing that drives people to sign up, so those things going well is a big part of people being happy/satisfied with Roll Call.
On that note, here are some suggestions that I hope WU will keep in mind regarding early entry to shows.
1. Please make sure people have actually received their membership cards by the time the shows happen. The first show is in just over 6 weeks. I understand that people who sign up close to that time might not realistically be able to get their order filled, but for those of us that signed up weeks or months ago, we should really have the laminate/membership card by that time.
2. Someone should specifically communicate with each venue that will offer early entry to make sure that the venue understands that this is being offered and that they know how to do it. Please don't just assume that venues will know what to do and do it. Venues have many things going on and can't be counted on to be able to do this themselves. If a WU representative is on the tour, they should clearly communicate with the venue to know how the early entry will happen, and then that information should be clearly communicated to Roll Call members. If a WU person is not on tour, then WU should delegate this responsibility to someone who works for the band who is on the tour.
3. Try to make sure Roll Call members have an ability to pick up tickets from Will Call before the early entry happens. It is really hard if both of these things happen simultaneously, and creates lots of unneeded chaos (such as in Port Chester). Check the time that the box office opens at venues and if it is the same (or after) the time that early entry would happen, have a special window at the box office where Roll Call members can pick up tickets before the early entry time.
These suggestions would go a long way to ensuring that the early entry service that is offered as part of Roll Call actually goes as it is intended to. Thanks for listening.
That and maybe, just maybe....Follow up on open tickets in a timely manner.
It was a week ago today that a ticket was opened on my behalf by Blunderful indicating they would try and respond within 24 hours. Since that time they have gone totally radio silent leaving me to believe nothing has been resolved and that they are NOT working to improve anything rather hope that as time goes by people will forget and move on.
If you procrastinate long enough the problems will take care of themselves. Your welcome :lipsrsealed:
Quote from: Bulldog on Mar 31, 2015, 12:10 PM
That and maybe, just maybe....Follow up on open tickets in a timely manner.
It was a week ago today that a ticket was opened on my behalf by Blunderful indicating they would try and respond within 24 hours. Since that time they have gone totally radio silent leaving me to believe nothing has been resolved and that they are NOT working to improve anything rather hope that as time goes by people will forget and move on.
I'm telling you, it's internet browser issues on their end.
Quote from: Woldie on Mar 31, 2015, 09:17 AM
Posted this elsewhere, as well, but thought it should appear here, too.
So spending nearly $200 on Roll Call and a Deluxe vinyl package gets me zero early downloads, while spending $11.99 on iTunes gets you two? Trying really hard not to be grumpy about this, and not finding much success.
This. All of this.
Quote from: MrWhippy on Mar 31, 2015, 11:21 AM
Thanks Wonderful Union Rep for listening to our suggestions for helping to make Roll Call better and something that best suits the fans who signed up for it.
Please realize that the access to shows (pre-sales, early entry) are a very big thing that drives people to sign up, so those things going well is a big part of people being happy/satisfied with Roll Call.
On that note, here are some suggestions that I hope WU will keep in mind regarding early entry to shows.
1. Please make sure people have actually received their membership cards by the time the shows happen. The first show is in just over 6 weeks. I understand that people who sign up close to that time might not realistically be able to get their order filled, but for those of us that signed up weeks or months ago, we should really have the laminate/membership card by that time.
2. Someone should specifically communicate with each venue that will offer early entry to make sure that the venue understands that this is being offered and that they know how to do it. Please don't just assume that venues will know what to do and do it. Venues have many things going on and can't be counted on to be able to do this themselves. If a WU representative is on the tour, they should clearly communicate with the venue to know how the early entry will happen, and then that information should be clearly communicated to Roll Call members. If a WU person is not on tour, then WU should delegate this responsibility to someone who works for the band who is on the tour PENNY LANE, because she cares about your fan club and will get shit done. She is not afraid to bully entitled, slothy, full of slack venue employees.
3. Try to make sure Roll Call members have an ability to pick up tickets from Will Call before the early entry happens. It is really hard if both of these things happen simultaneously, and creates lots of unneeded chaos (such as in Port Chester). Check the time that the box office opens at venues and if it is the same (or after) the time that early entry would happen, have a special window at the box office where Roll Call members can pick up tickets before the early entry time.
These suggestions would go a long way to ensuring that the early entry service that is offered as part of Roll Call actually goes as it is intended to. Thanks for listening.
Penny Lane, I think you and I should partner up and create a business plan to take over the MMJ fan club. We'll split the early entry duties. :thumbsup:
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 31, 2015, 06:40 PM
Penny Lane, I think you and I should partner up and create a business plan to take over the MMJ fan club. We'll split the early entry duties. :thumbsup:
You two have the longevity, seniority, and know-how, and I think a few of us (myself included, as humbly as possible) could contribute some ideas to make this a really enticing and fun reality.
I wouldn't wish running a fan club on anybody. Seems like a lot of work without much reward.
Quote from: buymycar on Apr 01, 2015, 12:26 AM
I wouldn't wish running a fan club on anybody. Seems like a lot of work without much reward.
that's a really good point, too
Not to buzz kill all the positive energy around the roll shows and album dropping, but....
I so stupidly had hoped when they opened a ticket for me, that they would eventually respond with some words indicating something had changed. Maybe they were "exploring other options for software to facilitate the presales or some lame ass BS to shut me up.
Instead they closed my ticket without a word, soooo I being of a rather stubborn sort reopened it with a comment asking them to simply respond as to whats changed. They again closed it...So I again reopened it, came home today, hoping as I always do for a simple response saying we screwed to pooch or whatever to find they suspended my account for reopening the ticket they opened on my behalf to many times.....
So, Wounderful Union, KISS MY FUCKING ASS.....all I wanted was a simple response indicating things were being done to resolve the issue, its that really to much to ask?
Quote from: Bulldog on Apr 08, 2015, 07:58 PM
Not to buzz kill all the positive energy around the roll shows and album dropping, but....
I so stupidly had hoped when they opened a ticket for me, that they would eventually respond with some words indicating something had changed. Maybe they were "exploring other options for software to facilitate the presales or some lame ass BS to shut me up.
Instead they closed my ticket without a word, soooo I being of a rather stubborn sort reopened it with a comment asking them to simply respond as to whats changed. They again closed it...So I again reopened it, came home today, hoping as I always do for a simple response saying we screwed to pooch or whatever to find they suspended my account for reopening the ticket they opened on my behalf to many times.....
So, Wounderful Union, KISS MY FUCKING ASS.....all I wanted was a simple response indicating things were being done to resolve the issue, its that really to much to ask?
Great way to treat the loyal, hardcore fans. So frustrating...sorry you have to deal with that. I've dealt with bullshit customer service (from Roll Call and from other fan/music things) and it's just so frustrating when you want to support a band but can't get what you signed up for. A little help goes a long way.
Is there ANYTHING that can be done to really bring attention to MMJ that the service through Roll Call is terrible? Or are we too small of a minority to matter in the big picture?
Quote from: Bulldog on Apr 08, 2015, 07:58 PM
Not to buzz kill all the positive energy around the roll shows and album dropping, but....
I so stupidly had hoped when they opened a ticket for me, that they would eventually respond with some words indicating something had changed. Maybe they were "exploring other options for software to facilitate the presales or some lame ass BS to shut me up.
Instead they closed my ticket without a word, soooo I being of a rather stubborn sort reopened it with a comment asking them to simply respond as to whats changed. They again closed it...So I again reopened it, came home today, hoping as I always do for a simple response saying we screwed to pooch or whatever to find they suspended my account for reopening the ticket they opened on my behalf to many times.....
So, Wounderful Union, KISS MY FUCKING ASS.....all I wanted was a simple response indicating things were being done to resolve the issue, its that really to much to ask?
WOW, they have stooped to new lows. I have seen this in places I have worked before, if you just dont answer someone long enough, hopefully they stop asking.
Ground Control is pretty pathetic as far as companies go. But this is really bad. They essentially have robbed you since you have paid for a service they are now denying you off.
Quote from: justbcuzido on Apr 09, 2015, 11:45 AM
Quote from: Bulldog on Apr 08, 2015, 07:58 PM
Not to buzz kill all the positive energy around the roll shows and album dropping, but....
I so stupidly had hoped when they opened a ticket for me, that they would eventually respond with some words indicating something had changed. Maybe they were "exploring other options for software to facilitate the presales or some lame ass BS to shut me up.
Instead they closed my ticket without a word, soooo I being of a rather stubborn sort reopened it with a comment asking them to simply respond as to whats changed. They again closed it...So I again reopened it, came home today, hoping as I always do for a simple response saying we screwed to pooch or whatever to find they suspended my account for reopening the ticket they opened on my behalf to many times.....
So, Wounderful Union, KISS MY FUCKING ASS.....all I wanted was a simple response indicating things were being done to resolve the issue, its that really to much to ask?
WOW, they have stooped to new lows. I have seen this in places I have worked before, if you just dont answer someone long enough, hopefully they stop asking.
Ground Control is pretty pathetic as far as companies go. But this is really bad. They essentially have robbed you since you have paid for a service they are now denying you off.
This seems to be their M.O.
Get paid on the contract > Botch the job > Disappear and let the heat die down > Show up agian to get paid > Repeat the bullshit
Is wonderful Union the new name for ground control? Or are they separate companies?
Quote from: Fully on Apr 09, 2015, 02:55 PM
Is wonderful Union the new name for ground control? Or are they separate companies?
New name
Quote from: walterfredo on Apr 09, 2015, 03:05 PM
Quote from: Fully on Apr 09, 2015, 02:55 PM
Is wonderful Union the new name for ground control? Or are they separate companies?
New name
and same results :cry:
Quote from: manonthemoon on Apr 09, 2015, 03:26 PM
Quote from: walterfredo on Apr 09, 2015, 03:05 PM
Quote from: Fully on Apr 09, 2015, 02:55 PM
Is wonderful Union the new name for ground control? Or are they separate companies?
New name
and same results :cry:
To be honest, it sounds like they are getting worse.
Quote from: Fully on Apr 09, 2015, 04:00 PM
Quote from: manonthemoon on Apr 09, 2015, 03:26 PM
Quote from: walterfredo on Apr 09, 2015, 03:05 PM
Quote from: Fully on Apr 09, 2015, 02:55 PM
Is wonderful Union the new name for ground control? Or are they separate companies?
New name
and same results :cry:
To be honest, it sounds like they are getting worse.
Yea, this is still pre-tour. Let's wait and see how things are handled once the band is actually playing shows.
From here on out, I'm going to assume the benefit of Roll Call is the chance to get into the special things (e.g. listening party in LA, Waterfall rehearsal shows). Obtaining the best seats and ease of ordering tickets is no longer on my list of Roll Call benefits.
After Monday night, they don't owe me a thing.
Quote from: millerjustin on Apr 09, 2015, 05:14 PM
After Monday night, they don't owe me a thing.
^ Floating on a cloud... And rightfully so! :beer:
If my early entry goes smoothly in Athens, I might lighten up a little too.
Quote from: easy way on Apr 09, 2015, 06:02 PM
Quote from: millerjustin on Apr 09, 2015, 05:14 PM
After Monday night, they don't owe me a thing.
^ Floating on a cloud... And rightfully so! :beer:
If my early entry goes smoothly in Athens, I might lighten up a little too.
That's really a big thing for me too, if that actually works correctly then I'll be pretty satisfied.
Quote from: manonthemoon on Apr 09, 2015, 07:56 PM
Quote from: easy way on Apr 09, 2015, 06:02 PM
Quote from: millerjustin on Apr 09, 2015, 05:14 PM
After Monday night, they don't owe me a thing.
^ Floating on a cloud... And rightfully so! :beer:
If my early entry goes smoothly in Athens, I might lighten up a little too.
That's really a big thing for me too, if that actually works correctly then I'll be pretty satisfied.
Early entry has not been confirmed as a Roll Call benefit, has it?
If I thought I was depressed about Blunderful Union before.
I made the mistake of calling them today and getting through, I asked why my account was suspended and after looking for like 10 min was hung up on....
Nice service, soooo my wife mentioned going onto the BBB and I did tonight. This is NOT what I would call a reputable company in any way shape or form. Glancing through their complainants, is like a whos who of different bands with the same issues we have.
I especially liked a complaint where they responded with "its not their fault" as the software used for purchasing tickets is a 3rd party not theirs.
Morale of this story for me? I wont ever consider doing business with these guys again, I'm amazed they still have the bands they do signed up with them based on all the complaints.
What a shame, I'm sure the boys are busy with the new album promotions (as they should be), my hope is that they have a contact with Blunderful and when it expires they get a Ma and Pa type company that represents them in a far more honorable manner with customer service being the top priority.
So why did they hang up on you?
Now THAT is the million dollar question.....I have no idea, but they wouldnt answer when I called back after, suddenly it became "after hours" and rolled over to the voice message.
what a shit company.
Hey Wonderful Union, you still lurking around here reading all these comments? Disgraceful. I'm happy with winning the show contest too, but my injustice meter has been maxed out seeing all these fans getting treated like crap.
Quote from: ellisintransitI'm happy with winning the show contest too, but my injustice meter has been maxed out seeing all these fans getting treated like crap.
Refreshing post. 👍
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: BigHerm on Apr 10, 2015, 10:46 AM
Quote from: ellisintransitI'm happy with winning the show contest too, but my injustice meter has been maxed out seeing all these fans getting treated like crap.
Refreshing post. 👍
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. It's great that a lot of people won tickets and had an amazing experience. But a lot of people who had bad experiences with ticket sales also probably didn't win the lottery for the special shows and are still upset about both.
try googling 'Ground Control, Wonderful Union' and you get to their main page (which says Ground Control) and click on Ticketing Policy--the page LITERALLY says this:
404 Page Not Found
•Contact Support
It looks like this page doesn't exist. Don't worry, there are some pages that do exist! Head back to the homepage to check 'em out.
•Contact Support
These people stem from the same places as Amway or the Church of Scientology, ....or worse, that movie BOILER ROOM.
There's even a facebook page dedicated to them sucking.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ground-ctrl-complaints/204192202951332 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ground-ctrl-complaints/204192202951332)
And if you care to read BBB complaints on them, they all sound quite familiar to the recent presale debacle MMJ fans had to deal with.
http://www.bbb.org/northeast-california/business-reviews/ticket-sales-events/wonderful-union-llc-in-sacramento-ca-47008691/complaints#breakdown (http://www.bbb.org/northeast-california/business-reviews/ticket-sales-events/wonderful-union-llc-in-sacramento-ca-47008691/complaints#breakdown)
I'm really not sure how a business can continue to operate like this for so long.
Quote from: sb_gli on Apr 10, 2015, 03:56 PM
There's even a facebook page dedicated to them sucking.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ground-ctrl-complaints/204192202951332 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ground-ctrl-complaints/204192202951332)
And if you care to read BBB complaints on them, they all sound quite familiar to the recent presale debacle MMJ fans had to deal with.
http://www.bbb.org/northeast-california/business-reviews/ticket-sales-events/wonderful-union-llc-in-sacramento-ca-47008691/complaints#breakdown (http://www.bbb.org/northeast-california/business-reviews/ticket-sales-events/wonderful-union-llc-in-sacramento-ca-47008691/complaints#breakdown)
I'm really not sure how a business can continue to operate like this for so long.
Cause suckers like us keep supporting them.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Apr 10, 2015, 01:40 PM
try googling 'Ground Control, Wonderful Union' and you get to their main page (which says Ground Control) and click on Ticketing Policy--the page LITERALLY says this:
404 Page Not Found
•Contact Support
It looks like this page doesn't exist. Don't worry, there are some pages that do exist! Head back to the homepage to check 'em out.
•Contact Support
These people stem from the same places as Amway or the Church of Scientology, ....or worse, that movie BOILER ROOM.
Amway and Church Of Scientology.....OMG thats to good. I really cant think of anything more insulting than being named in a sentence with those two it them.
Quote from: Mr. White on Apr 10, 2015, 06:53 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Apr 10, 2015, 01:40 PM
try googling 'Ground Control, Wonderful Union' and you get to their main page (which says Ground Control) and click on Ticketing Policy--the page LITERALLY says this:
404 Page Not Found
•Contact Support
It looks like this page doesn't exist. Don't worry, there are some pages that do exist! Head back to the homepage to check 'em out.
•Contact Support
These people stem from the same places as Amway or the Church of Scientology, ....or worse, that movie BOILER ROOM.
http://groundctrl.com/ (http://groundctrl.com/)
"ground(ctrl) is now Wonderful Union
2015 brings some very exciting changes for our company. Since launching ground(ctrl) 7 years ago, our company and vision have grown into something uniquely wonderful. We have established ourselves as a unifying element between artists and fans, and this purpose has redefined us.
Moving forward, ground(ctrl) will be known as Wonderful Union. We are proud of who we are and what we do, but we have always operated behind the scenes. Wonderful Union is about all of us. It's about how we unite fans with the artists they love, and together, we are all Wonderful Union. Thank you for being with us for these first seven years, and we hope you'll be with us for many years to come.
Thank you from all of us here in Sacramento, Nashville, Tokyo and beyond!
Wonderful Union"
Philip Morris>Altria
Nice new name, but still killing people
So I just typed forums.mymorningjacket.com in my web brower, hit enter and was like noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
It directed me to http://www.groundctrl.com/ (http://www.groundctrl.com/)
I thought it was some sort for cruel joke.
then I realized it's "forum" not "forums"
True story right there.