Ashlee Simpson Sucks

Started by Joe_Kickass, Feb 23, 2006, 12:32 PM

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nice to have you back, wellfleet!  i agree with what youre saying, if it speaks to you, thats all that matters.  i think bitter old people or clever kids want to try to criticise the cred of peoples opinions, but thats because they have nothing better to do.  you know i can disagree with someone and think their musical taste is comical or downright ridiculous, but kudos to them.  you like what you like, and if youre not buying it just for the hell of it, youre being true to yourself.  a lot of people really feel ashlee simpson speaks to them, that dave matthews is the greatest musician ever.  those statements might make me chuckle, but if someone is honest to themselves and really believes that, who is anyone to take that away?  

of course, these people who are music cops are pure entertainment.  hate a band, talk about why you think that, but fof fuck's sake, why attack someone for what they think is right and good?  


Everyone's fav Simpson family!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


It's about integrity to me and Ashlee Simpson represents this mindless, heartless, corporate money making machine that is compromising the integrity of just about everything.

It's about integrity.

And when the Beatles lip synched, everyone knew it and they didn't pawn it off as really singing. It was a show and they and you and I knew it. The Ashlee Simpson's of the world want to "trick" you into believeing something that isn't real.

It's about integrity and with her and the likes, I don't see much, and that makes me sad for our world, angry with corporations, and longing for the old days when everything wasn't for sale.

wellfleet, you ever think you'd see My Morning Jacket on SNL, lip synching their songs, get caught lip synching, then Jim comes out and blames the band for playing the wrong song? Do you actually not see the difference? Do you have any idea why that would never happen?

And you should take responsibility for your own feelings; saying that  "I make you feel bad" and "Imake you feel like you need to apologoze" is giving me way, way too much power here, don't you think? I can make you feel certain ways just from posting on a message board? Wow, something I am saying must really hit home.

It's all fun and games folks.  ;)


i will also go on record and say that it's so, like, totally cliche to make fun of the way she allegedly speaks and of the lip-synch fiasco and of her music. let's give her a break, folks. .

Her music is for pedophiles...................
Fuck the level!


youre shfiting the focus of everything here.  youre concentrating on the lip syching incident instead of the fact you attack people for choosing to like ashlee's music. youre very good at deviating from whats really being talked about, though.  in your working with teenagers and helping them, would you criticise and degrade them for liking her music?  


Fuck the level!


Quotenice to have you back, wellfleet!  i agree with what youre saying, if it speaks to you, thats all that matters.  i think bitter old people or clever kids want to try to criticise the cred of peoples opinions, but thats because they have nothing better to do.  you know i can disagree with someone and think their musical taste is comical or downright ridiculous, but kudos to them.  you like what you like, and if youre not buying it just for the hell of it, youre being true to yourself.  a lot of people really feel ashlee simpson speaks to them, that dave matthews is the greatest musician ever.  those statements might make me chuckle, but if someone is honest to themselves and really believes that, who is anyone to take that away?  

of course, these people who are music cops are pure entertainment.  hate a band, talk about why you think that, but fof fuck's sake, why attack someone for what they think is right and good?  

gee rats, should I open the what about those people who love George Bush, Bill O'Reilley, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney can of worms and how you really hate people who defend those folks? Mr "Open Minded". :o

 It's about integrity

I never had you pegged as someone so open to the corporate wholesale of our nation. Never had you pegged as someone who was so quick to defend the corporate man, the money making machine. Never had you pegged as letting people off the hook who don't agree with you.

the new ratsprayer; open and forgiving, willing to embrace your point of view if he doesn't agree with it; throwing a life line to other's opinions; willing to see your side of things; comfortable with the whoring out of America and the slow drone of the corporate machines.

I'll have to get you those Tracy masks ASAP!


sorry, it was mainly directed at my good friend ycarrotjarretferretetcetc, but if you have the same viewpoints about someone being less of a person for the musical choices they make, youve peaked my curiosity...


Quoteyoure shfiting the focus of everything here.  youre concentrating on the lip syching incident instead of the fact you attack people for choosing to like ashlee's music. youre very good at deviating from whats really being talked about, though.  in your working with teenagers and helping them, would you criticise and degrade them for liking her music?  

I'm not at work here. And I thought you guys could see this for what it is, fun and games. It amazes me how sensitive people are here.

Good grief.



I'm not at work here. And I thought you guys could see this for what it is, fun and games. It amazes me how sensitive people are here.

Good grief.

you always say that, yet numerous people on this board, in fact nearly everyone, cant ever seem to discern that from your posts.  i guess we're not on your level or something.  give me the answer to this.  i love a challenge, and this fun and games you talk about seem like something id love to conquer!  explain away!   ;)


no i just think she is shameless. i respect other musicians, and she is not a  musician nor anything in my life, jus' a small opinion. anyhoo, talking bout' people who like her music, i really don't care what anbody has to say about music except for people who play.
Fuck the level!


im just confused about the scope of where ashlee simpson is evil. is it mainly the lip synching?  lets take the strokes for example, they all come from well to do backgrounds and didnt have to struggle for any record deal or mega heaps of press before they albums hit shelves.  why not cry foul over them?  is it because they present themselves to a different demographic?  yes most indie, classic rock, etc etc minded adults arent going to pay any kids music attention.  like i said, i cant stand jessica or ashlee for numerous reasons, but there are other bands and artsists out there with the same sort of situation surrounding them.  


I was jus' talking bout her singing or lip moving, thats all she does, oh yeah, and makes horrible horrible videos and she dances bad .......... i don't have problem with the strokes etc etc, i just miss the good ol' days of when lip-synching musicians committed suicide dammit.
Fuck the level!


QuoteI was jus' talking bout her singing or lip moving, thats all she does, oh yeah, and makes horrible horrible videos and she dances bad .......... i don't have problem with the strokes etc etc, i just miss the good ol' days of when lip-synching musicians committed suicide dammit.

at least a near death experience...


mmmm hmmm
and how.
anyhoo when she came to Canada, eh, she went to mcdonalds, and made a huge fuss that no one cared about her, so she got up on the counter and started dancing, then she flipped out, and when a some kid asked her for an autograph she told the kid to kiss her feet. how punk rock is that???? she is punk to the core, everytime she wears her pink punk t-shirt , i think Joey Ramone has the shits in his grave.
Fuck the level!


i just saw that video the other day.  priceless.  see this spoiled brat does have some entertainment value, lets not forget that.


Quoteim just confused about the scope of where ashlee simpson is evil. is it mainly the lip synching?  lets take the strokes for example, they all come from well to do backgrounds and didnt have to struggle for any record deal or mega heaps of press before they albums hit shelves.  why not cry foul over them?  is it because they present themselves to a different demographic?  yes most indie, classic rock, etc etc minded adults arent going to pay any kids music attention.  like i said, i cant stand jessica or ashlee for numerous reasons, but there are other bands and artsists out there with the same sort of situation surrounding them.  

I was just commenting on the thread title, Ashlee Simpson Sucks.

Welfleet published her Ashlee Simpson manifesto and equated her with every band who ever made it and how brave she is, and how her and Neil Young are similiar, so I thought I'd reply. I don't think I care about this as much as welfleet and that's where some of the disconnect happens. I get the feeling she thinks I am passionate about this and I'm just having fun with it.

I'd never start a thread about another band sucking. I've commented about other bands I don't like (rarely), but when you start comparing Ashlee Simpson to those who have come before her, then I have to step up. It's a matter of national security and all that rocks.


Fuck yeah, ycartrob. that shits so sacrilegious. the best thing to do is compare her to milli vanilli, they should do a show together.
Fuck the level!


all right then that makes a bit more sense.  i would definitely agree shes not a torchbearer for bravery.  if she likes what shes doing, all the better.  if someone digs her music, it may be hard to understand, but thats not my place.  


Fuck The Level!!!!!!!!!
I'm bored.
Fuck the level!