Arguin' and Controversy

Started by ycartrob, Aug 02, 2006, 12:35 AM

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How 'bout some arguin' and controversy? Im a little pissed that it's 85 degrees at 11:30 pm...

Somebody say something that I can disagree with.

Rats? aMD? Danko?

Bring it!


MMJ sucks. Bitch.

Bring it.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I'm pissed at the weather too. It was over 100 (37 Celcius) in Toronto today, but including the humidity, it went to nearly 120 (48 Celcius)! Fuck Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the anti-global warming activists. I'll take the cold any day.


The annoying puppets at Bonnaroo '05 sucked ass.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


QuoteThe annoying puppets at Bonnaroo '05 sucked ass.

oh my god.  like jaimoe, i am literally melting in my chair.  my chair is uncomfortable, my hair refuses to dry, i'm hungover and stressed out.  it is so hot here that people are finding it hard to breathe, and the air quality is very bad, and the smog keeps the humidity and heat at this inhuman level.  

but god fucking damn, i disagree with you teo.  i loved those puppets so much.  i loved the idea of them, i loved the big dude behind patrick, the giraffe, the whole thing.  i felt like people actually cared about shit when i saw the puppets (ie, going beyond the usual way of doing a show, and trying to do something different and fun.)

let's see.  i'm not sure i got it in me to be controversial today.  i'll think about it, though.


it's over 100F in fayetteville too, my hair won't behave, i can't even get 100 feet out of my house without sweating. NOT SEXY!!!!!!
our electric bill will be high because the A/C has been on non-stop for two months...
i'm a cold-weather girl. i love sweaters and down vests and scarves and boots and mittens and hats...

it's too hot for controversy.
everything sucks. really.


Quotemy hair won't behave
okaaaay dokes.  i am NOT trying to say that i know what your hair is like, but...
you haven't seen misbehaving hair until you've seen mine.

there was bonnaroo, and now there is the present.
i have never in my entire life been so bewildered by my hair.  the teenage years?  nothin' on this.  my 9 months in vancouver?  zerio.

we are talking huge and we are talking unruly.
the end.  

Angry Ewok

Most of this seems to be more along the lines of bitching, than actual arguing or controversy.

Relationships are awesome... except when they fail, horribly, slow, painful ends.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Oo! I like this! somebody say something really controversal that tracy and I can get into a fight about!  :D


Bob Dyaln sux. He's a Woody Guthrie clone, wannabee, poser...



pfft --
how bout something i'd acutally BELIEVE.



The Red Sox suck ever since they traded Nomar


that's true.
baseball sucks, anyway.

okay okay, lets start a real debate

Do you believe that it is important for people to read novels, mostly fiction, as part of an english cirriculum?



The Red Sox suck ever since they traded Nomar

Actuially I believe you meant to say the polar opposite--has he even played a full season since he left?  "Oww my ankle hurts"
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



Actuially I believe you meant to say the polar opposite--has he even played a full season since he left?  "Oww my ankle hurts"

No, I said it the way I meant it. The Red Sox suck for trading Nomar. I could care less about the World Series. They screwed around and tried to get A-Rod, Nomar said screw you idiots (as well he should have) and he quit playing. The older I get, the less and less I like pro sports. Haven't watched 1 baseball game this year...


Quotethat's true.
baseball sucks, anyway.

okay okay, lets start a real debate

Do you believe that it is important for people to read novels, mostly fiction, as part of an english cirriculum?

yes, why not?


i want an answer, assholes!

Do you think it's important for students to read novels, mostly fiction, as part of the standard english cirriculum?!

this is actually a question i've been wondering about for awhile and i have ideas, but i really just want other peoples input or opinions...



whoa, that was weird, we both posted at the same time...

so mine was supposed to be before yours.

(also, that was post 300 for me. ha.)



yes, why not?

but why do YOU think that?! i dont think it's important. i mean, don't get me wrong, i love reading, but what are stories teaching us?


stories teach us to expand our minds

stories teach us how to relate to humans, nature, UFO's, etc...

stories teach us to trust the hard times

stories teach us that we're not alone

stories teach us that life is tragic

stories teach us that dreams come true

stories teach us that life is ugly and hard and unkind and hopeful and beautiful

stories teach us that you can captivate people by making shit up

stories of the greater things... fill your heart and soul with  tears

stories of the greater years... what's in here won't disappear