Quick ways to make money

Started by eiseyrokker, Aug 13, 2006, 10:55 PM

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Okay, so being the college student that I am, I worked all summer to make some good money so that I could pay off my housing upgrade to on-campus apartment. I realized that I had done relatively well financially with all the saving and whatnot, so I thought to myself, "Hell! Might as well be broke!" so I went off and purchased a beautiful Telecaster for $300.

I didn't really think I would be broke, but then I remembered that I've only bought half my books. And I went ahead and bought the ones I did because they were the cheap ones.

So now I have a little over $300 worth of books to buy, and about $306 to my name.

Any advice?

Seriously, and here's my predicament. I can sell this Tele, but it's beautiful and perfect. I can sell the Les Paul that I assembled, because even though I put some hard work and time into getting it to play wonderfully...a) I don't love the tone, and b) I can probably eke more money out of it, but c) my dad would probably kill me, or be very "disappointed" which is almost worse. No, it is worse.

So I've got that option? If it even is one?

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I don't know about in the states but in the UK talented musicians can 'earn a few bob' busking.
& you Sir, are a talented musician...anywhere you can busk?
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


how about you sell me that telecaster.  I've been wanting a telecaster for a while. i don't really have any suggestions for you, except next time you might want to think through your purchases a little more.

Oh, I know, you could set up one of those websites where you threaten to kill a small animal unless you get a bunch of money donated to you.  It's pretty close to extortion, and probably immoral, but hey, you'll have your telecaster and your school books.


t - don't sell your guitars.  they will be more use to you one day than university text books.  (belieeeeeve me.)  

i would sell some of your cds that you don't listen to before selling your guitars.  
there are never any quick ways to make money, sadly.

don't sell your guitars.


haha, i just might have to go busking. i know where i can do it. i mean hell, i live in Nashville. i don't knwo if anyone'll pay. and i hate to just pour out my soul to deaf ears. if that makes sense. the only way i'd get money is to just let it out of me. and if nobody's listening, i can't do it. but to get em to listen, i have to do it. shit, maybe this is where i learn to just give it hell and figure out how to get famous.

that said, the Tele is relatively new, and I can probably make a hundred bucks off of it, because the guy who was selling it to me lowered his price by a hundred bucks, and it was completely worth the $400. So i could make my money back and then some. And then just buy one later.

OR, i have this ridiculous pile of old tubes that I can sell off. And then a bunch of high dollar shirts that my friend got for free from his uncle and gave to me. I can sell a bunch of those.

Daaaaaammmmmit. I need a job fast.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


sell weed....

or are you looking for legal ways to make money??

I could probably use that myself
and the pump don't work cause the vandal took the handle


Tom-maybe a little late for this summer, but I think you would be a great tutor! There is plenty of $ to be made in the Nashville area from rich kids who need a little extra help. I have seen how you are with people, and basically that is all that it takes.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


I'm a college student trying to save $$ as well. Books are a bitch. I havent purchased any of mine yet, I'm gonna try and get as many used ones as possible. Last semester my friend and I each bought only half of the books, and then just shared with each other to make up the difference. That saves money but if your buddy isnt around when you need to use the book then you're screwed.

Another friend of mine came up with an idea for a new business this summer but it never really took off. We were gonna deliver pre-filled water balloons to birthday parties and such. We would have cool shirts and charge extra if they wanted us to pick up the little bits of rubber. So far all we have is a bunch of empty balloons sitting in the basement.

Seriously though, I would just try and save money by buying the cheapest books possible. . . .maybe sell any old ones you have sitting around??


Get  a part-time job.  :)


Thanks Corey. I'm workin on that one the hardest. Do you have any idea what's a good resource to look for job opportunities through? I've been mainly on craigslist, and came accross a couple good lookin ones. Got a response form one already about a maye with a catering company.

So here's prayin for a solid daily afternoon job.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Jobs do most definitely suck, but it's the best way to make more money without selling stuff that you may want later. I've gotten rid of CDs before that i later regretted. I've been certain that I would never listen to certain things again, but I always find myself wishing I still had certain discs...

I'm not sure about the Nashville area, but I would suggest hitting up your favorite places to see if they need part-time help (bookstores, CD stores, etc...). It's always nice to get a discount in a place where you're likely to spend some money if you have it to spend.  :)


tom, you should try to get a job at grimey's.
that would be very awesome.

tutoring guitar is another great idea.


Grimey's! Hell yes!

I will try my very hardest. I'll tell em I know Meg. They'll know what the deal is then.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Ok, Tom.

Just don't buy books.

Seriously, I haven't bought a book in a year because basically all of my tests in those classes come straight from the notes.

And if there's stuff in the books I need, I borrow it from a classmate.

There's my 2 step program.


Haha, well it's for French and Biology.

So the French book is an absolute must. I actually wanna rock the hell out of my French learning experience, so I need that one. And biology, I'm gonna be in over my head if I don't get the book.

So damn.

Anybody need a Tele?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Play on the street corner.  I played outside the diner at my college with a friend, we arnt great we were just playing covers we knew and for about 1.5-2 hours we collectly made like 15 bucks.  just find a good place and sing your heart out.

 find a place near drunks too, they are generous.
Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes,
He can taste his blood,
An' blood never lies,
Pale face die. - Kiedis


cut your feet off and wheel around on a mechanics dolly. use your knuckles only when pushing, so they bleed.
 Sympathy = Money
wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into a dream - pink floyd


Quotecut your feet off and wheel around on a mechanics dolly. use your knuckles only when pushing, so they bleed.
Sympathy = Money


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteGrimey's! Hell yes!

I will try my very hardest. I'll tell em I know Meg. They'll know what the deal is then.

bah ha ha ha.  now if you went to spun for a job, that would be a different story... ;)


tom you would rake in the cash if you did some busking (if those lovely songs on your myspace are anything to go by)!!!

if you have a second-hand bookshop associated with your uni, that's always a great way to go. so much cheaper!

now i know this is a tricky question, but if needs be, would you sell some cds if you're really strapped?

either that or set up a tom-text-book fund and smile nicely at all your friends around the world?  ;)
love a song for the way it makes you feel