A Letter From BluntMaster

Started by OnePoppedCherry, Jun 23, 2008, 10:33 PM

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The point is, I don't want to be on my way out.  I want this place to change for the better so that I can feel at home here as you obviously do with the protection of Riny.  I was being sarcastic when I said this is the internet because that is what everyone says around here when things get heated.  Just like Jenny said to me not 10 posts ago in this very thread.  I don't feel great about having to put on a mask, but as Tracy would say, it is what it is.


i was sayin' that 'cos that's what ol' horko used to say. it was sorta ironic.  :)

plus things dont' need to get hostile to the point where people actually can't stand to be here, including you. it's scary. and weird.

that's all.


QuoteThe point is, I don't want to be on my way out.  I want this place to change for the better so that I can feel at home here as you obviously do with the protection of Riny.  I was being sarcastic when I said this is the internet because that is what everyone says around here when things get heated.  Just like Jenny said to me not 10 posts ago in this very thread.  I don't feel great about having to put on a mask, but as Tracy would say, it is what it is.

Why do you feel the need to put on a mask? We can put all this BS behind us if you show yourself.
In another time, in another place, in another face


QuoteThe point is, I don't want to be on my way out.  I want this place to change for the better so that I can feel at home here as you obviously do with the protection of Riny.  I was being sarcastic when I said this is the internet because that is what everyone says around here when things get heated.  Just like Jenny said to me not 10 posts ago in this very thread.  I don't feel great about having to put on a mask, but as Tracy would say, it is what it is.

Why do you feel the need to put on a mask? We can put all this BS behind us if you show yourself.

Seriously. Like I offered:

Let's talk it out. No reason for you to be anonymous, man. If I offended you personally, send me a PM and tell me how and why and where and more importantly who you are so I can make an apology to you and figure out how best to coexist. I'm not an asshole, I swear. And I'd really love if you gave me the chance to actually make things right with you, rather than some mask. And hell, it'll probably turn out that I'll be a lot more moved if you were to send me a PM letting me know who you are. Chances are I haven't realized I've offended you, and, believe it or not, it matters a lot to me when I do that by accident. I', getting the feeling that I probably didn't know that I'd said something to offend you. Either that or this is still hanging over from me sort of freaking out about the leak. Either way, let's talk this out man to man (or hell, woman, if it turns out to be so) so that we can both kiss, make up and get cool with each other. I'm not digging this hostile mask garbage too much, and I'm going to stop taking it seriously if you keep it up for too long.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

capt. scotty

If Cherry Poppin Daddy or Noobitron is wearin a mask, y'all must be in the 2nd grade and still believin in Santy Claus

Its becoming somewhat apparent to me that most dont mind Bluntmaster speaking his mind, so if I was Condeleeza Rice or something, Id start some vote for reinstatement or whatever our republicanovernment does these days

Focker out!
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Sleazy Rider

Does anybody know if this Tracy chick is hot? :-?
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.


QuoteSorry, cant help myself.

I agree with Bluntmaster.  If he's going to be banned, then Tracy should be and Tom as well.  Tom is guilty of personal attacks and offensive language. Tracy is guilty of egging people on, starting stupid threads, and some say a lot more.  In other words, what has Bluntmaster done that Tom or Tracy has not?

The only difference I see is that Tom and Tracy are friends with Riny. So Bluntmaster gets banned for going after Tracy.  Just like Goatboy was banned for upsetting EC (another friend 0f Riny) and Dylan was "shamed" and once banned for attacks on John Conaway (another friend of Riny).  I see a pattern here.  You can say what you want as long as you don't piss off one of Riny's friends.  Is that the rule?  Because its never been explained why these people were banned or what exactly IS out-of-bounds now.

I was hoping having a new mod would add some objectivity to the "moderating" that takes place here.  Maybe Fran can turn this place around and it can be a welcome place for EVERYONE as so many claim it already is.

Sorry to keep harping on this stuff but if people are going to be banned we should at least know why.  If personal attacks and offensive language are not allowed they should not be allowed for ANYONE!

So i'm the bad guy now? You shouldn't assume all this stuff, it's ridiculous. Really, nobody is getting special protection around here. I'm friends with Tracy now? I never met the guy man, only 'know' him from this board, like I 'know' all of you. Yes, Conaway is a friend but come on man, I didn't ban Dylan because of that. He started making really offensive remarks about his wife, who isn't even a member of this forum. If you do that shit I have no problems with shaming and banning you. No matter how big a fan you are. I even was so nice to let him back after a few weeks. I'm such a bad guy.

Threads or reactions from other members don't influence the decision to ban someone. We decide and nobody else. You may look around his postings and see nothing that warrants a ban but that's because the worst shit gets deleted asap. As most of you know, it takes a lot to actually get banned around here. Always give people the benefit of the doubt and plenty of time to change their act but if you decide to purposely stir shit up again and again you leave me no choice. I think I can count the people I banned in the last 5 years on one hand, it's not something i do easily so you really don't have to worry. You'll have to trust my judgment and if you still think i'm making a mistake send me an e-mail or something cause i don't even know who i'm talking to right now.


C'mon now, this is all so retarded. The mods are doing their level best to keep this place nice.  Is that really so bad? To keep people chatting and exchanging knowledge?  Really?!? Blunt was ocassionally entertaining, but mostly he was just pushing buttons.  Whatever, that may be cool to some of you but I don't miss that shite one bit.  I don't know Tracy, nor do I know Tom Eisenbraun, nor Conaway, EC, etc.  But I can say I did enjoy this Board a whole lot more when there was peace love and understanding. If I want to smoke a bowl, I'll smoke a bowl.  I don't need some nudge to tell me when to do it.  

In other news: "Gonzo" will be playing on a big screen near me soon.  I can't wait. 8-)
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


Hey Vespa! Hang on just a day or two longer, this crap is pretty much gone by now. I think all the crap is on its way out.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteHey Vespa! Hang on just a day or two longer, this crap is pretty much gone by now. I think all the crap is on its way out.

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
;) ;)
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


So am I right to understand that an opinion that the majority of this board doesn't agree with (people keep talking about people not liking the new album. I thought it was meh, but not terrible in the least. Just not their best work) is grounds for being banned and bitched at by old time board members?

Angry Ewok

QuoteSo am I right to understand that an opinion that the majority of this board doesn't agree with is grounds for being banned and bitched at by old time board members?

How many times do we have to tell you... this place isn't a democracy. We didn't elect the people who govern over us.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.



How many times do we have to tell you... this place isn't a democracy. We didn't elect the people who govern over us.

I understand what you're saying, but you can still nip truly offensive stuff while still allowing debate of ideas and opinions. I'm not saying everything should go, but it seems as if much of the bad blood here stems from established members hearing things they don't want to hear, no matter how trivial those things are.


QuoteSorry, cant help myself.

I agree with Bluntmaster.  If he's going to be banned, then Tracy should be and Tom as well.  Tom is guilty of personal attacks and offensive language. Tracy is guilty of egging people on, starting stupid threads, and some say a lot more.  In other words, what has Bluntmaster done that Tom or Tracy has not?

The only difference I see is that Tom and Tracy are friends with Riny. So Bluntmaster gets banned for going after Tracy.  Just like Goatboy was banned for upsetting EC (another friend 0f Riny) and Dylan was "shamed" and once banned for attacks on John Conaway (another friend of Riny).  I see a pattern here.  You can say what you want as long as you don't piss off one of Riny's friends.  Is that the rule?  Because its never been explained why these people were banned or what exactly IS out-of-bounds now.

I was hoping having a new mod would add some objectivity to the "moderating" that takes place here.  Maybe Fran can turn this place around and it can be a welcome place for EVERYONE as so many claim it already is.

Sorry to keep harping on this stuff but if people are going to be banned we should at least know why.  If personal attacks and offensive language are not allowed they should not be allowed for ANYONE!

So i'm the bad guy now? You shouldn't assume all this stuff, it's ridiculous. Really, nobody is getting special protection around here. I'm friends with Tracy now? I never met the guy man, only 'know' him from this board, like I 'know' all of you. Yes, Conaway is a friend but come on man, I didn't ban Dylan because of that. He started making really offensive remarks about his wife, who isn't even a member of this forum. If you do that shit I have no problems with shaming and banning you. No matter how big a fan you are. I even was so nice to let him back after a few weeks. I'm such a bad guy.

Threads or reactions from other members don't influence the decision to ban someone. We decide and nobody else. You may look around his postings and see nothing that warrants a ban but that's because the worst shit gets deleted asap. As most of you know, it takes a lot to actually get banned around here. Always give people the benefit of the doubt and plenty of time to change their act but if you decide to purposely stir shit up again and again you leave me no choice. I think I can count the people I banned in the last 5 years on one hand, it's not something i do easily so you really don't have to worry. You'll have to trust my judgment and if you still think i'm making a mistake send me an e-mail or something cause i don't even know who i'm talking to right now.

I don't think you're a bad guy, I just don't think you're the fairest moderator in the world.  I think you do your best, but you make decisions based on who you like and don't like.  You said Dylan was banned for saying offensive things about someone who wasn't a member here.  Tom did the same thing when he called Dylan a motherfucker and attacked his character when he's no longer a member. This was around the same time you banned goatboy for attacking EC who WAS a member at the time.  Tom didn't get shamed or banned like Dylan or Goatboy, though. So that argument doesn't really hold water. You implied that Bluntmaster was banned because he "purposely stirred shit up again and again".  That's Tracy's mantra on this board, right?  What's he on now the 50,000,005th time?  Why is that okay?

I know people would really like me to drop it and move on.  I believe a month ago I would have had a lot of people agreeing with me but most of those people have already moved on (as in off the boards).  I just want a reasoned explanation (not an emotional response) for why some people have been banned while Tom and Tracy get to put their feet up and stay awhile.  

P.S. Thanks for not deleting my previous post and leaving my criticisms of you for all to read.  That's how I know you're not a bad guy.  So please do the right thing and either ban Tom and Tracy, bring back goatboy and bluntmaster, or give us some guidelines to follow that show tom and tracy's actions as being okay and goat's and BM's actions as being over-the-line.  If one of these things happen I will most certainly drop it!


QuoteSorry, cant help myself.

I agree with Bluntmaster.  If he's going to be banned, then Tracy should be and Tom as well.  Tom is guilty of personal attacks and offensive language. Tracy is guilty of egging people on, starting stupid threads, and some say a lot more.  In other words, what has Bluntmaster done that Tom or Tracy has not?

The only difference I see is that Tom and Tracy are friends with Riny. So Bluntmaster gets banned for going after Tracy.  Just like Goatboy was banned for upsetting EC (another friend 0f Riny) and Dylan was "shamed" and once banned for attacks on John Conaway (another friend of Riny).  I see a pattern here.  You can say what you want as long as you don't piss off one of Riny's friends.  Is that the rule?  Because its never been explained why these people were banned or what exactly IS out-of-bounds now.

I was hoping having a new mod would add some objectivity to the "moderating" that takes place here.  Maybe Fran can turn this place around and it can be a welcome place for EVERYONE as so many claim it already is.

Sorry to keep harping on this stuff but if people are going to be banned we should at least know why.  If personal attacks and offensive language are not allowed they should not be allowed for ANYONE!

So i'm the bad guy now? You shouldn't assume all this stuff, it's ridiculous. Really, nobody is getting special protection around here. I'm friends with Tracy now? I never met the guy man, only 'know' him from this board, like I 'know' all of you. Yes, Conaway is a friend but come on man, I didn't ban Dylan because of that. He started making really offensive remarks about his wife, who isn't even a member of this forum. If you do that shit I have no problems with shaming and banning you. No matter how big a fan you are. I even was so nice to let him back after a few weeks. I'm such a bad guy.

Threads or reactions from other members don't influence the decision to ban someone. We decide and nobody else. You may look around his postings and see nothing that warrants a ban but that's because the worst shit gets deleted asap. As most of you know, it takes a lot to actually get banned around here. Always give people the benefit of the doubt and plenty of time to change their act but if you decide to purposely stir shit up again and again you leave me no choice. I think I can count the people I banned in the last 5 years on one hand, it's not something i do easily so you really don't have to worry. You'll have to trust my judgment and if you still think i'm making a mistake send me an e-mail or something cause i don't even know who i'm talking to right now.

I don't think you're a bad guy, I just don't think you're the fairest moderator in the world.  I think you do your best, but you make decisions based on who you like and don't like.  You said Dylan was banned for saying offensive things about someone who wasn't a member here.  Tom did the same thing when he called Dylan a motherfucker and attacked his character when he's no longer a member. This was around the same time you banned goatboy for attacking EC who WAS a member at the time.  Tom didn't get shamed or banned like Dylan or Goatboy, though. So that argument doesn't really hold water. You implied that Bluntmaster was banned because he "purposely stirred shit up again and again".  That's Tracy's mantra on this board, right?  What's he on now the 50,000,005th time?  Why is that okay?

I know people would really like me to drop it and move on.  I believe a month ago I would have had a lot of people agreeing with me but most of those people have already moved on (as in off the boards).  I just want a reasoned explanation (not an emotional response) for why some people have been banned while Tom and Tracy get to put their feet up and stay awhile.  

P.S. Thanks for not deleting my previous post and leaving my criticisms of you for all to read.  That's how I know you're not a bad guy.  So please do the right thing and either ban Tom and Tracy, bring back goatboy and bluntmaster, or give us some guidelines to follow that show tom and tracy's actions as being okay and goat's and BM's actions as being over-the-line.  If one of these things happen I will most certainly drop it!

anonymous sr poster, seriously, you're beating a dead horse.

You got a handful of people who hate me and others here, you don't like how CC does things, MMJ is blowing up, so go start your new board.  :o  It's the perfect time, people can leave here and go join yours, you can moderate it (anonymously) and you don't have to put up with me and others, and everyone is happy!

Seriously, you can set up your own forum, the band is big enough and it's time to branch out, have an alternative forum where people can be more of the ways you think are acceptable. Seriously, I think it's time and you have enough people, someone has to know how to set one of those things up, right? Can I help you set up an alternative forum?

You're going to have to get over all this (and this is a suggestion from me, not an invitation for discussion. If you honestly don't see the difference in me telling people they're being uncool to blunt telling people to suck his dick, the I don't think you're capable of seeing the bigger picture on anything).


Noobitron, uhhh, I disagree with you. I'm sorry, but i'm really not gonna explain every single moderation action to some stranger who doesn't know all the facts.


Truly, what does noobitron think this board is all you do 24/7?  NEWS FLASH EVERYONE:  RINY AND FRAN HAVE LIVES TOO!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteNoobitron, uhhh, I disagree with you. I'm sorry, but i'm really not gonna explain every single moderation action to some stranger who doesn't know all the facts.

hey everybody, first time poster, long time lurker.  I have been reading the boards for quite sometime and as a "new member" who has been a fan for years it seems closed-minded to automatically assume other my morning jacket fans who come here are stupid just because they have a low post count.  not to beat a dead horse.

bluntmaster has evidence and facts he's presenting.  why don't you just explain the reasoning behind exactly what it was?  everyone is avoiding answering any actual questions.  it seems like your only answer is "all the evidence is deleted".  I read through some of his posts, they're really not that bad.  plus, he's uploaded on a couple different occasions shows in mp3 for people to download who needed them still.  that inspiration post seems completely harmless and actually is exactly what this board needs.  so I guess CC I'm confused why some people get to slide on by time after time and others always have to walk on eggshells?



Hello TJ, I never said he was stupid, did I? Just saying that people don't know everything we had to delete because it was rude, offensive, etc... since you're a long time lurker i'm sure you must have seen at least some of it. Ofcourse there's nothing wrong with the posts that are still up.

The so called evidence and (skewed) facts have nothing to do with his banning. When you're consistently rude and offensive and are not willing to change that you eventually run out of credit. I know he had some cool posts too but that doesn't give you a pass to stir shit on the side.

n00bitron5000 deleted his own account. wasn't me  :-/

Angry Ewok

Honestly, never in a million years did I expect to hear criticisms on Riny's performance as a moderator. I'm having a hard time taking all of this seriously because of that.

Regarding bluntmaster... I wonder if his IP is banned, or just the account? I happen to know that on a couple of occasions, Riny has turned a blind eye to people with banned accounts opening up new accounts under the same IP. He's always been cool with giving people chances to redeem themselves, and I'm the same.

Maybe bluntmaster can return as bluntcommander? New name, new bowl, new beginning?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.