Started by rccola71, Aug 04, 2008, 07:41 AM

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Quoteoh and the fucking ASSHOLE that I work with >:(

What line of work are you in ?  
Dock builder....I know it sounds like fun...especially at the ripe old age of 37. I was only bitching a little bit. Things could always be much worse....I could be practicing law ;D ;D ;D ;D ;DJK Soup...beers this week
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


Could be worse John. You could be working for a large European conglomerate (from a country know for fabulous cheeses and Heidi) that has turned it's employees all into backstabbing, mindless automatons....except me of course but that's why I'm hated with the fury of a 1000 white hot suns by many. Fight the Power!

Angry Ewok

I'll just say I'm micromanaged, underpaid, and rarely paid on time.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Penny Lane

when life takes away a hand, it gives you a really cool hook--!! c'mon people, cheer up! stop feeling sorry for yourselves! ;-)

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


5 more years and then I can:

*eat when I am hungry
*bathe when I am dirty
*sleep when I am tired

I heard a millionaire say this a few years back about the advantages of having $$$ and freedom and that just seems to be stuck in my head. Just think about how often we succumb to someone else's schedule to indulge in said mundane activities. I try to keep away from schedules as much as I can outside of work and that seems to help me.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


...I hate my job right now too, I am going for an interview to work at a local hospital this Monday, hopefully it comes through...

listen to vinyl


Quotewhen life takes away a hand, it gives you a really cool hook--!! c'mon people, cheer up! stop feeling sorry for yourselves! ;-)

Not feeling sorry for myself...just hate my fucking job. Get back to knitting a sweater vest for JT

the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


Quoteoh and the fucking ASSHOLE that I work with >:(

I know how you feel bro! I used to be mgr for 1 of the largest  companies in the world. I dedicated 8 yrs of my life to their b.s.  They kept making false promises and kept increase workload w/o any $$ in return.So one beautiful day in Sept about 3 years ago I walked in and told myself that I had enough of this.
So on my way of walking out I came across my supervisor who came up to me with stuff he wanted me to work on. I told him to go "F " himself. The look on his face was priceless. On the way out I couldn't stop smiling.
I left and went to straight to the golf course and played a round.

"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"


I hear ya cola. My current job is a pile of piles of poo. I have an interview coming up soon, to be a CAD specialist, which I would totally kick ass at. But yeah, at least there are the weekends.

And Mr. Crosby... good luck with the hospital job. I work in one now. Haha I just bashed my job but I think working in a hospital is pretty nifty, it's like a little city in a building. I'm not in the medical field, but I still see my fair share of crazy.


What sucks is being in a workplace with people who love you and a great atmosphere doing work that wears you down. I work for Borders and really enjoyed working the café side of things, making coffee for the regulars. Somewhere I guess I asked to work on the books side of things, so they gave me rushed minimal training and put me over there, standing behind the register or reshelving books and getting pissed at people for being inconsiderate jerks and leaving their crap all over the place. It's easier when you're on the cafe side and you've got limited space to have to worry about, but when you've got a whole bookstore, it looks more and more like a sore back and feet.

I can NOT stand working for a corporate business. It means that, when I lost my paycheck the other week, instead of talking to my boss, having him cancel the check for me and write a new one, I had to have my boss go to his boss and payroll and have them cancel the check, and then mail a new one back to our store in order to get it to me. And this is two months after they were supposed to initiate direct deposit. Just little gripes, I know, but it all adds up to making me feel pretty insignificant. I've always worked for small business where I knew my boss and I knew what they expected out of me personally, but when you're underneath corporate, there's all of this "numbers" bullshit to worry about, and it makes you feel like, even if you're working hard and doing well and your customers love you, you may still be sucking it hard in their eyes by not having enough people use their Borders Rewards cards when they check out, or by not passing the mystery shopper test, or something else like that. I'm currently under the 70% target range for Borders Rewards numbers, so that's always something to worry about, but my customers love me. And situations where shit goes weird and you didn't realize you had to work and can't come in? A situation most kind hearted bosses would sympathize with--you get one of those and you're automatically let go next time it happens. This is a whole lot of fun when they change the schedule on you weekly, even sometimes in the middle of the week.

I'm done. I really don't enjoy my job there, but I know it could be much worse. The hard part is when it wears me the hell out and I know I'm going to have a seriously tough year as a senior and I don't want to spend the whole thing worn out by both school and work. Thing is, Borders now has my health insurance, so I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't...

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Quoteoh and the fucking ASSHOLE that I work with >:(

I know how you feel bro! I used to be mgr for 1 of the largest  companies in the world. I dedicated 8 yrs of my life to their b.s.  They kept making false promises and kept increase workload w/o any $$ in return.So one beautiful day in Sept about 3 years ago I walked in and told myself that I had enough of this.
So on my way of walking out I came across my supervisor who came up to me with stuff he wanted me to work on. I told him to go "F " himself. The look on his face was priceless. On the way out I couldn't stop smiling.
I left and went to straight to the golf course and played a round.

That's a cool story. :)
How loud can silence get?


QuoteI hear ya cola. My current job is a pile of piles of poo. I have an interview coming up soon, to be a CAD specialist, which I would totally kick ass at. But yeah, at least there are the weekends.

And Mr. Crosby... good luck with the hospital job. I work in one now. Haha I just bashed my job but I think working in a hospital is pretty nifty, it's like a little city in a building. I'm not in the medical field, but I still see my fair share of crazy.

listen to vinyl


You guys are going to hate me, but I love my job. I have always loved what I'm doing weather it was my first job (age 14) picking corn, building stone walls, cutting down trees, or my current job being an intern architect. I have been lucky with all my jobs and the great people I've worked for and with. But I think I've been so happy with my occupation because I was given some great advice from my father. He worked in the insurance industry for 40 years, and he has regrets. He made good money, but he didn't always love what he did. His told me if he could go back he would have chosen an occupation doing something that he loved, instead of staying with a job he hated because it paid well. DON'T WORK FOR THE MONEY. Even for that "millionaire" who said freedom comes with money I wonder how many years he worked at something he hated. Life is too short to hate your job. If you pick an occupation that you enjoy and work hard at it, than the money will come. There are many millionaires out there who made their fortune by doing what they love to do. Tiger Woods loves his job and he loved it before he had the millions..


...which is why I'm considering luthier school and doing an apprenticeship with Lie-Nielson...
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Quoteoh and the fucking ASSHOLE that I work with >:(

I know how you feel bro! I used to be mgr for 1 of the largest  companies in the world. I dedicated 8 yrs of my life to their b.s.  They kept making false promises and kept increase workload w/o any $$ in return.So one beautiful day in Sept about 3 years ago I walked in and told myself that I had enough of this.
So on my way of walking out I came across my supervisor who came up to me with stuff he wanted me to work on. I told him to go "F " himself. The look on his face was priceless. On the way out I couldn't stop smiling.
I left and went to straight to the golf course and played a round.

That's a cool story. :)
YOU ROCK. Yesterday my son of a bitch told me that no one was holding a gun to my head. After a few minutes of silence the shithead realized that he might have stepped out of bounds and became SO friendly. IT only pissed me off more. Attention all RUDE people: YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN POLITE,CARING PEOPLE. YOUR THOUGHT ARE NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN OTHERS. YOU ARE NOT GODS GIFT TO THE REST OF US. TAKE A LONG LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND CHECK YOURSELVES
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


Quoteoh and the fucking ASSHOLE that I work with >:(

I felt the same way, so I quit mine in june and things have never been better! how much better? I almost need a new handle! I have spent the summer pouring wine in the finger lakes. my eyes no longer burn at night because I am not staring at a monitor all day- plus I am never on the internet anymore. I got an actual fucking tan this year, my office ass is going away, and I never got that weird kennel cough-esque wheeze from nasty recycled AC air. oh, and I am saving on gas, big time.

also, I realized that I could live just as well on less. it has forced me to cut back on pointless expenses like 'professional' clothing, lunches out, happy hours with unhappy people, speeding tickets, and colombian exports...plus, austerity budgeting is an art form these days.

now's the time. figure out what you really want to do.

too heavy for the hippies