I Will Sing You Songs

Started by aMillionDreams, Aug 03, 2005, 10:45 AM

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this is sadness and here's what you can do with it
leave it in a dumpster for the garbage man to find
this is disappointment and here's what you can do with it
punch it in the stomach and blacked both it's eyes

and rest assured that you don't have to worry
i can face your ghost alone
turn off the telephone and close the curtains
casper's coming home

this is sadness and here's what you can do with it
tie it to a cinder block and shove it in the lake
this is disappointment and here's what you can do with it
lay it out in a casket and drop it in a grave

and rest assured that you don't have to worry
i can face your ghost alone
turn off the telephone and close the curtains
casper's coming home


a long one, but very very moving mostly because it's all true for dan.

dan bern - lithuania

I'd like to be a good American and write an elegy to the automobile
But no matter where it takes me I don't really feel any different

I've had one foot in the black and white two dimensional ghosts of
Lithuania, and one foot in sunny California where the people are all friendly
as they drive their Mercedes to the mini-malls and take a lunch
or network with you or drive past and kill you for no reason

These are my ghosts: Uncle Emmanuel, Uncle Eli, Aunt Mia, and my
grandparents, Jenny and Tobias, none of whom I've ever met

I saw some letters once that they wrote to my dad in Palestine in
1940, not too long before they all got shot

My only bridge to them is my dad, he knew them and he knew me, but now he's gone too

Sometimes I want to get next to them, sometimes I want to push them
all away, say you're not my ghosts, I live in sunny California,
I drive a 1992 Red Chevrolet, I drive fast, and I drive as far
west as anyone can drive, eight thousand miles from Lithuania and
if I could escape by driving further then I would, but it doesn't get me anyplace new

I guess if I was a true American, I could write an elegy to the
automobile, but when I jump in I can't escape the way I feel

I sometimes want to dance on Hitler's grave, and shout out,
"Groucho Marx, Lenny Bruce, Leonard Cohen, Philip Roth, Bob Dylan,
Albert Einstein, Woody Allen, Abby Hoffman, Leonard Bernstein, Harry Houdini, Sandy Kofacs!"

And then I want to scream and sing as loud as I can,
to the chandeliers that sway dangerously overhead, proclaiming
Krystalnacht is over

I say that Krystalnacht is over! The only broken glass tonight
will be from wedding glasses shattered under boot heels

We're not the ones who are in the museum, its you,
your curious mustache and your chamber of horrors

I've a friend my age whose parents met in Auschwitz on the day of
Liberation, she works for a big company now in San Francisco, and
just moved into a new house

I've a friend who lies in her hospital bed after fifteen
operations from a botched appendectomy. I go to her with a heart
heavy from the things on my mind, she cheers me up.

I saw my dad tell jokes, and teach me how to laugh, thirty years
after his parents, and brothers, sister were all shot, murdered in
the streets of Lithuania.

I see trees growing tall and the sun coming up, and the ocean
roaring home, and know I must go on I must go on! It would be
cowardly to stop, it would be an aberration to do anything else.

Amid something you tried to remember for days,
The fog suddenly lifted
The haze is gone from your mind,
And its no so much that your memory finally heeded
Just that you gave up,
Needing to need it

Hey, the fog has gone,
Hey, the fog has gone
Its time for you to come out,
There's no longer a reason to die

And something is over, something else begins
The end of the century is coming
Like a blind woman relentlessly spinning

But before its sewed shut
You wanted to scream,
"Hold on just a minute, was this just a dream?
Or is there something to learn
Besides who got the gold,
And who's been losing and winning?

But the century's a man-made process,
An attempt to stick order on chaos
We're born with ten fingers,
So we count up to ten,
But if everyone counted the cracks on the wall,
Yeah, we'd count up to three, and then it wouldn't be
The end of the century at all

Hey, the fog has gone
Hey hey, the fog has gone

It showed signs early today
I knew when I woke in my bed
That something was going on
Throw up the window,
I want to scream out your name

Hey hey, the fog has gone
Hey hey, the fog has gone

C'mon, we'll drive up the coast
Its a Tuesday and Thursday
I can't remember, and I don't care
We'll drive to Seattle
Or else Oklahoma
Or else if we wanna
A boat to Hawaii
Or maybe Japan with the kings of karaoke
Come out!
Come on out now girl, you've gotta come out!

Maybe the only thing jumping in the car and driving can get us is
an empty tank of gas

Yeah, but it sure beats sitting around here
Maybe we'll be lucky, find our own private river valley,
or at least an all-night diner where they know how to poach and egg
Maybe we'll meet some nice people along the way,
and anyway, you know
I'll never leave you

You know I'll never leave you


Impressive lyric, that one by Dan Bern

Here's the late, great Warren Zevon

Mr. Bad Example
Written By Warren Zevon & Jorge Calderon
c. 1991, Zevon Music,
administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing corp./Googolplex Music BMI

I started as an alter boy, working at the church
Learning all my holy moves, doing some research
Which led me to a cash box, labeled "Children's Fund"
I'd leave the change, and tuck the bills inside my cummerbund

I got a part-time job at my father's carpet store
Laying tackless stripping, and housewives by the score
I loaded up their furniture, and took it to Spokane
And auctioned off every last naugahyde divan

I'm very well aquainted with the seven deadly sins
I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in
I'm proud to be a glutton, and I don't have time for sloth
I'm greedy, and I'm angry, and I don't care who I cross

I'm Mr. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt
I like to have a good time, and I don't care who gets hurt
I'm Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me
I'll live to be a hundred, and go down in infamy

Of course I went to law school and took a law degree
And counseled all my clients to plead insanity
Then worked in hair replacement, swindling the bald
Where very few are chosen, and fewer still are called

Then on to Monte Carlo to play chemin de fer
I threw away the fortune I made transplanting hair
I put my last few francs down on a prostitute
Who took me up to her room to perform the flag salute

Whereupon I stole her passport and her wig
And headed for the airport and the midnight flight, you dig?
And fourteen hours later I was down in Adelaide
Looking through the want ads sipping Fosters in the shade

I opened up an agency somewhere down the line
To hire aboriginals to work the opal mines
But I attached their wages and took a whopping cut
And whisked away their workman's comp and pauperized the lot

I'm Mr. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt
I like to have a good time, and I don't care who gets hurt
I'm Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me
I'll live to be a hundred and go down in infamy

I bought a first class ticket on Malaysian Air
And landed in Sri Lanka none the worse for wear
I'm thinking of retiring from all my dirty deals
I'll see you in the next life, wake me up for meals


between Jim's version and the RTR review version I've been listening to this one a lot lately:

you're a big girl now by Bob Dylan

Our conversation was short and sweet
It nearly swept me off-a my feet.
And I'm back in the rain, oh, oh,
And you are on dry land.
You made it there somehow
You're a big girl now.

Bird on the horizon, sittin' on a fence,
He's singin' his song for me at his own expense.
And I'm just like that bird, oh, oh,
Singin' just for you.
I hope that you can hear,
Hear me singin' through these tears.

Time is a jet plane, it moves too fast
Oh, but what a shame if all we've shared can't last.
I can change, I swear, oh, oh,
See what you can do.
I can make it through,
You can make it too.

Love is so simple, to quote a phrase,
You've known it all the time, I'm learnin' it these days.
Oh, I know where I can find you, oh, oh,
In somebody's room.
It's a price I have to pay
You're a big girl all the way.

A change in the weather is known to be extreme
But what's the sense of changing horses in midstream?
I'm going out of my mind, oh, oh,
With a pain that stops and starts
Like a corkscrew to my heart
Ever since we've been apart.


I've often wondered why this thread never got moved to Other Music? Not to worry, here goes:
Roy Harper, The Same Old Rock (from Stormcock)

All along the ancient wastes the thin reflections spin
That gather all the times and tides at once we love within
That build the edges round the shrouds that cloud the setting sun
And carry us to other days and other days to one
And full the single stillness of the mirror that is made
By each and every one of all the colours in a shade
Inside each eye is sitting like the sword inside the blade
And longs for once upon a chance to open loves cascade
For here we stand hand to hand
Fighting for the promised land
And you try to tell me with consternation
That you have found me a brand new lock
Then you try to warn me that there's only one combination
One new sling the same old rock
There was a famous stragler stood on the edge of time
Who held the staff but did not feel the pain
He multiplied the mystery with utterance sublime
And crossed his heart for those who died insane
His friend a restless mouthpiece seven thousand years of age
Trends to flash a face to shape his ways
Everlasting light is burning bright inside his cage
He's only got to breathe to fan the blaze
Such a groove to have him here on board her ladyship
The man who makes his living out of bed
Such a gas to see him flying through his ceaseless lip
One day someday soon he'll lose his head
And withering in the galleries with eyes fixed on the door
Are who and you and me and thanks a lot
And those who see but cannot stand to walk on any floor
For fear that good is something bad is not
But loud and clear is the call
In black and white across your wall
And Damn it all man
Can't you see?
And you try to tell me with consternation
That you have found me a brand new lock
Then you try to warn me that there's only one combination
One new sling the same old rock

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


My absolute Favorite by Mr Cockburn:

Sunset is an angel weeping
Holding out a bloody sword
No matter how I squint I cannot
Make out what it's pointing toward
Sometimes you feel like you've lived too long
Days drip slowly on the page
You catch yourself
Pacing the cage

I've proven who I am so many times
The magnetic strip's worn thin
And each time I was someone else
And every one was taken in
Hours chatter in high places
Stir up eddies in the dust of rage
Set me to pacing the cage

I never knew what you all wanted
So I gave you everything
All that I could pillage
All the spells that I could sing
It's as if the thing were written
In the constitution of the age
Sooner or later you'll wind up
Pacing the cage

Sometimes the best map will not guide you
You can't see what's round the bend
Sometimes the road leads through dark places
Sometimes the darkness is your friend
Today these eyes scan bleached-out land
For the coming of the outbound stage
Pacing the cage
Pacing the cage

I especially like the part about the magnetic strip wearing thin... 8)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


There's so much to choose from!

This, from the brilliant Nick Drake:

Please give me a second grace
Please give me a second face
I've fallen far down
The first time around
Now I just sit on the ground in your way

Now if it's time to recompense for what's done
Come, come sit down on the fence in the sun
And the clouds will roll by
And we'll never deny
It's really too hard for to fly.

Please tell me your second name
Please play me your second game
I've fallen so far
For the people you are
I just need your star for a day.

So come, come ride in my my street-car by the bay
For now I must know how fine you are in your way
And the sea sure as I
But she won't need to cry
For it's really too hard for to fly.

And I couldn't post in a thread like this without mentioning Dylan:

She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe
"I thought you'd never say hello," she said
"You look like the silent type."
Then she opened up a book of poems
And handed it to me
Written by an Italian poet
From the thirteenth century.
And every one of them words rang true
And glowed like burnin' coal
Pourin' off of every page
Like it was written in my soul from me to you,
Tangled up in blue.

Okay, it may be a traditional choice, but, damn, how can anyone write that kind of stuff?!?
Why's it sooo soft when the cannons unload on the others?
Why're we so loud when we say it wont happen to us?


Her little daughter Siobhan
Pulled beers from dusk till down
And amongst the townfolk she was a bit of a joke
But she pulled the best beer in town

I swooped magnificent upon her
As she sat shivering in her grief
Like the Madonna painted on the church-house wall
In whale's blood and banana leaf

Her throat it crumbled in my fist
And I spun heroically around
To see Caffrey rising from his seat
I shot that mother fucker down

Mmmmmmmmmm Yeah Yeah Yeah

"I have no free will", I sang
As I flew about the murder
Mrs. Richard Holmes, she screamed
You really should have heard her

I sang and I laughed, I howled and I wept
I panted like a pup
I blew a hole in Mrs. Richard Holmes
And her husband stupidly stood up

As he screamed, "You are an evil man"
And I paused a while to wonder
"If I have no free will then how can I
Be morally culpable, I wonder"

I shot Richard Holmes in the stomach
And gingerly he sat down
And he whispered weirdly, "No offense"
And then lay upon the ground

"None taken", I replied to him
To which he gave a little cough
With blazing wings I neatly aimed
And blew his head completely off


Oh, I also like the following part of the song:

He made no attempt to resist
So fat and dull and lazy
"Did you know I lived in your street?" I said
And he looked at me as though I were crazy

"O", he said, "I had no idea"
And he grew as quiet as a mouse
And the roar of the pistol when it went off
Near blew that hat right off the house

Hmmmmmm Uh Uh

Well, I caught my eye in the mirror
And gave it a long and loving inspection
"There stands some kind of man", I roared
And there did, in the reflection

My hair combed back like a raven's wing
My muscles hard and tight
And curling from the business end of my gun
Was a query-mark of cordite

Well I spun to the left, I spun to the right
And I spun to the left again
"Fear me! Fear me! Fear me!"
But no one did cause they were dead

Huh! Hmmmmmmmmm

All from the endlessly quotable Nick Cave.


the inimitable Red Peters:
How's your whole... family?
How's your whole... family?
How's your whole... family?
How's your whole... family?

How's your whole... family? (How's your whole?)
How's your whole... family? (How's your whole?)
How's your whole... family? (How's your whole... family?)
How's your whole... family?

How's your dic-tation machine? (How's your dic-)
How's your dic-tation machine? (How's your dic-)
How's your dic-tation machine? (How's your dic-tation machine?)
How's your dic-tation machine?

Take your pants down... to the cleaners today. (ah-ooo)
Take your pants down... to the cleaners today. (ah-ooo)
Take your pants down... to the cleaners today. (ah-ooo)
Take your pants down... to the cleaners today.

Won't you do my as-trological chart? (oh won't you do his as-)
Won't you do my as-trological chart? (come on-a wanna baby won't you do his as-)
Won't you do my as-trological chart? (oh won't you do his as-trological chart?)
Won't you do my as-trological chart?

Suck on a stiff cock-tail with me. (stiff cock- ah-ooo)
Suck on a stiff cock-tail with me. (stiff cock- ah-ooo)
Suck on a stiff cock-tail with me. (stiff cock- ah-ooo)
Suck on a stiff cock-tail with me.

(musical interlude)
How's your whole... family? (How's your whole?)
How's your whole... family? (Tell me how's that great big whole)
How's your whole... family? (How's your whole... family?)
How's your whole... family?

(spoken) "Prick!"

Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



Two doors down there's a jukebox
That plays all night long
Real sad songs
All about me and you
Two doors down there's a barmaid
That serves 'em real strong
Here lately
That's how I make it through
Two doors down there's a heartache
That once was my friend
Two doors down there's a memory
That won't ever end

Two doors down there's a barstool
That knows me by name
And we sit there together
And wait for you
Two doors down there's a bottle
Where I take out my shame
And hold it up
For the whole world to view
Two doors down there's a pay phone
But no calls come in
Two doors down there's a memory
That won't ever end

From the hotel to the barroom
Is just a stumble and a fall
And sometimes when it gets bad
I've been known to crawl
Freedom from sorrow
Is just two doors away
I'll escape for a short time
But I know I can't stay

Two doors down is where they'll find me
When you're finally through
Taking what's left of my life
Two doors down is where they'll leave me
When payment comes due
For the hours I've spent there each night
Two doors down I'll be forgotten
But until then
Two doors down there's a memory
That won't ever end


It won't hurt when I fall down from this bar stool
And it won't hurt when I stumble in the street
It won't hurt 'cause this whiskey eases misery
But even whiskey cannot ease your hurting me

Today I had another bout with sorrow
You know this time I almost won
If this bottle would just hold out 'til tomorrow
I know that I'd have sorrow on the run


Your memory comes back up with each sunrise
I reach out for the bottle and find it's gone
Yeah, Lord, somewhere every night the whiskey leaves me
To face this cold, cold world on my own
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.



Grandpa pissed his pants again
He don't give a damn
Brother Billy has both guns drawn
He ain't been right since Vietnam

"Sweet home Alabama"
Play that dead band's song
Turn those speakers up full blast
Play it all night long

Daddy's doing Sister Sally
Grandma's dying of cancer now
The cattle all have brucellosis
We'll get through somehow

"Sweet home Alabama"
Play that dead band's song
Turn those speakers up full blast
Play it all night long

I'm going down to the Dew Drop Inn
See if I can drink enough
There ain't much to country living
Sweat, piss, jizz and blood

"Sweet home Alabama"
Play that dead band's song
Turn those speakers up full blast
Play it all night long


I've been singing this song all mothafuggin' week.

I went down to Houston
And I stopped in San Antone
I passed up the station for the bus
I was trying to find me something
But I wasn't sure just what
Man I ended up with pockets full of dust
So I went on to Cleveland and I ended up insane
I bought a borrowed suit and learned to dance
I was spending money like the way it likes to rain

Man I ended up with pockets full of cane
Oh my sweet Carolina
What compels me to go
Oh my sweet disposition

May you one day carry me home
I ain't never been to Vegas but I gambled up my life
Building newsprint boats I race to sewer mains
Was trying to find me something but I wasn't sure just what

Funny how they say that some things never change
Oh my sweet Carolina
What compels me to go
Oh my sweet disposition

May you one day carry me home
Up here in the city feels like things are closing in
The sunsets just my light bulb burning out
I miss Kentucky and I miss my family

All the sweetest winds they blow across the south
Oh my sweet Carolina
What compels me to go
Oh my sweet disposition
May you one day carry me home

May you one day carry me home

Angry Ewok

Seven O'Clock in the evening
Watchin somethin' stupid on TV
I'm zoned out on the sofa
When my wife comes in the room and sees me

She says "Is this 'Behind the Music'
with Lynard Skynard?"
And I say "I don't know.
Say, it's gettin' late...watcha wanna do for dinner?

She says "I kinda had a big lunch.
So I'm not super hungry."
I said "Well you know, baby, I'm not starvin' either
But I could eat."

She said "So whadya have in mind?"
I said "I don't know what about you?"
She said "I don't care, if you're hungry, let's eat."
I said "That's what we're gonna do!"

"But first you gotta tell me
What it is you're hungry for!"
And she says "Let me think...
...What's left in our refridgerator?"

I said "Well, there's tuna, I know."
She said "That went bad a week ago!"
I said "Is the chili OK?"
She said "You finished that yesterday!"

I hopped up and I said
"I don't know, do you want to get something delivered?"
She's like "Why would I want to eat liver?
I don't even like liver!"

I'm like "No, I said 'delivered'."
She's like "I heard you say liver!"
I'm like "I should know what I said..."
She's like "Whatever, I just don't want any liver!"

Well I was gonna say something
But my cell phone started to ring
Now who could be callin' me?
Well I checked my caller ID

It was just cousin Larry
Callin' for the third time today...
My wife said "Let it go to voicemail."
I said, "OK."

"Where were we? Oh, Dinner, Right
So what d'ya want to do?"
She said "Why don't you whip up somethin in the kitchen?"
"Yeah," I said, "Why don't you?"

And then she said "Baby, can't we just go out to dinner, please?"
I says "No"
She says "Yes"
I says "No"
She says "Yes"
I says "No"
She says "Yes...
...Oh, here's your keys"

I step a little bit closer
Say "OK, where ya want to go?"
She says "How about The Ivy?"
I said "Yeah, well I don't know..."

I don't feel like gettin all dressed up
And eatin' expensive food
She's says "Olive Garden?"
I say "Nah, I'm not in the mood...

...And Burrito King would make me gassy
There's no doubt"
She says "Just forget about it"
I said "No, I swear I'm gonna take you out!"

Then I get an idea
I says "I know what we'll do!"
She says "What?"
I say "Guess"
She says "What?"
I say "We're goin' to the drive-thru!"

So we head out the front door
Open the garage door
Then I open the car doors
And we get in those car doors

Put my key in the ignition
And then I turn it sideways
Then we fasten our seat belts
As we pull out the driveway

Then we drive to the drive-thru
Heading off to the drive-thru
We're approaching the drive-thru
Getting close to the drive-thru!

Almost there at the drive-thru
Now we're here at the drive thru
Here in line at the drive-thru
Did I mention the drive-thru?

Well here we are
in the drive-thru line, me and her.
Cars in front of us, cars in back of us.
All just waiting to order

There's some idiot in a Volvo
With his brights on behind me
I lean out the window and scream
"Hey, Whatcha tryin to do, blind me?"

My wife says "Maybe we should park...
...We could just go eat inside."
I said "I'm wearin' bunny slippers
So I ain't leavin' this ride..."

Now a woman on a speaker box
Is sayin' "Can I take your order, please?"
I said "Yes indeed, you certainly can
We'd like two hamburgers with onions and cheese."

Then my wife says
"Baby, hold on, I've changed my mind!
I think I'm gonna have a chicken sandwich
Instead, this time"

I said "You always get a cheeseburger!"
She says "That's not what I'm hungry for."
I put my head in my hands and screamed,
"I don't know who you are anymore!"

The voice on the speaker says
"I don't have all day!"
I said "Then, take our order,
and we'll be on our way!

I wanna get a chicken sandwich
And I want a cheeseburger, too
She's like "You want onions on that?"
I'm like "Yeah, I already said that I do...

...Plus we need curly fries
And don't you dare forget it!
And two medium root beers
No, just one, we'll split it."

Then I said "I'm guessin' that
You're probably not too bright...
So read me back my order
Let's make sure you got it right."

She says "One, you want a chicken sandwich.
Two, you want a cheeseburger
Three, curly fries, and a large root beer"
"Stop, don't go no further!"

"I never ordered a large rootbeer
I said medium, not large!"
Then she says "We're havin' a special,
I supersized you at no charge."

"Oh." And that's all
I could say, was "Oh."
And she says "Now there is somethin' else
That I really think you should know.

You can have unlimited refills
For just a quarter more..."
I say "Great, except we're in the drive thru...
So what would I want that for?"

Then she says "Wait a minute
Your voice sounds so familiar...hey, is this Paul?
And my wife is all like "No, that ain't Paul,
now tell me, who's this Paul?

She says "Oh, he's just some guy
Who goes to school with me.
I sat behind him last year
and I copied off him in Geometry.

I said "I know a guy named Paul.
He used to be my plumber
He was prematurely bald
And he moved to Pittsburgh last summer.

He also had bladder problems
and a really bad infection on his toe."
And she said "Mister, please, you can stop right there,
that's way more than I needed to know!"

And then we both were quiet
And things got real intense
Then she says "Next window please,
That'll be five dollars and eighty two cents."

So we inched ahead in line
Movin' painfully slow
I got a little bored
So I turned on the radio...

*Song plays*

*Click* Turned it off
because my wife was getting a headache
So we both just sat there quietly
For her sake.

Then I looked at her
And she looked back at me
And I said "Um,
I think you have somethin' in your teeth."

She turned away from me
And then turned back and said "Did I get it?"
I said "Yeah. Well, I mean, most of it...
But hey, ya know, don't sweat it."

Then she said "How about now?"
I said "Yeah, almost.
There's still a little bit there
but don't worry, it's probably just a piece of toast."

Now we're at the pay window
Or whatever you call it
Put my hand in my pocket
I can't believe there's no wallet!

And the lady at the window's like,
"Well, well that'll be five eighty two."
I turn around to my wife, and say
"How much have you got on you?"

She just rolls her eyes and says
"I'll pay for this, I guess."
So she reaches into her purse
and pulls out the American Express

I hand it to the lady
And she says "Oh, dear.
It's gotta be cash only
We don't take credit cards here."

I took back the card and said
"Gee, really? Well that sucks."
And that's when I found out
My wife was only carryin' three bucks.

I said "I thought you were
going to hit the ATM today"
She says "I never got around to it
So where's your wallet anyway?

And I said "Nevermind,
Just help me to find some change..."
Now the lady at the window
is lookin at me kinda strange...

And she says "Mister, please,
We gotta move this line along"
I said "Now hold your stinkin' horses lady,
We won't be long."

We looked around inside the glove-box
And check the mat beneath my feet
I found a nickel in the ashtray
And a couple pennies and a dime in the space betweent he seats

Before long I had a little pile
of coins of every sort
The lady counts it up and says
"You're still about a dollar short"

And now my woman's got this weird look
frozen on her face
She screams, "you know
I wasn't even really hungry in the first place"

And so I turned around
to the cashier again
I shrugged and said "OK
Forget the chicken sandwich then"

So I pick up my change
Pick up my reciept
And I drive to the pickup window
Man, I just can't wait to eat

And now we see this acne ridden
Kid about sixteen
Wearin' a dorky nametag that says
"Hello, my name is Eugene."

And he hands me a paper bag
I look him in the eyes
And I say to him "Hey, Eugene,
Can I get some ketchup for my fries?"

Well he looks at me
And I look at him
And he looks at me
And I look at him

And he looks at me
And I look at him
And he says "I'm sorry
What did you want again?"

I say "Ketchup!"
And he says "Oh yeah, that's right...
...I just spaced out there for a second
I'm really kind of burnt tonight."

And then he hands me the ketchup
And now we're finally drivin' away
And the food is drivin' me mad
With its intoxicating bouquet

I'm starvin' to death
by the time we pull up at the traffic light
I say "Baby, gimme that burger,
I just gotta have a bite!"

So she reaches in the bag
And pulls out the burger
And she hands me the burger
And I pick up the burger

And then I unwrap the paper
I bite into those buns
And I just can't believe it
they forgot the onions!
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I'll sing you one more before I go to bed.. this one's by my girl crush, Regina Spektor...

This is how it works
It feels a little worse
Than when we drove our hearse
Right through that screaming crowd
While laughing up a storm
Until we were just bone
Until it got so warm
That none of us could sleep
And all the styrofoam
Began to melt away
We tried to find some words
To aid in the decay
But none of them were home
Inside their catacomb
A million ancient bees
Began to sting our knees
While we were on our knees
Praying that disease
Would leave the ones we love
And never come again

On the radio
We heard November Rain
That solo's really long
But it's a pretty song
We listened to it twice
'Cause the DJ was asleep

This is how it works
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
And everyone must breathe
Until their dying breath

No, this is how it works
You peer inside yourself
You take the things you like
And try to love the things you took
And then you take that love you made
And stick it into some
Someone else's heart
Pumping someone else's blood
And walking arm in arm
You hope it don't get harmed
But even if it does
You'll just do it all again

And on the radio
You hear November Rain
That solo's awful long
But it's a good refrain
You listen to it twice
'Cause the DJ is asleep
On the radio
(oh oh oh)
On the radio
On the radio - uh oh
On the radio - uh oh
On the radio - uh oh
On the radio

Angry Ewok

And for the record... Slash's solo(s) in November Rain is fucking incredible.

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain
We've been through this
Such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain
But lovers always come
And lovers always go
And no one's really sure
Who's lettin' go today
Walking away
If we could take the time
To lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
Then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time
On your own
Do you need some time
All alone
Everybody needs some time
On their own
Don't you know you need some time
All alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time
On my own
Sometimes I need some time
All alone
Everybody needs some time
On their own
Don't you know you need some time
All alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you
Need somebody
Don't ya think that you
Need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Don't ya think that you
Need somebody
Don't ya think that you
Need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Don't ya think that you
Need somebody
Don't ya think that you
Need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Don't ya think that you
Need somebody
Don't ya think that you
Need someone
Everybody needs somebody
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


quite possibly the most fun lyrics ever:

pull up the people
pull up the poor

slang tang
that's the that m.i.a. thang
i got the bombs to make you blow
i got the beats to make you bang bang bang

yeah me got god, and me got you
everyday thinkin bout how me get through
everything i own is on i.o.u.
but i'm here bringing y'all something new

you no like the people
they no like you
then they go set it off with a big boom
every gun in a battle is a son and daughter too
why you wanna talk about who done who?
what you wanna talk about?

slang tang
that's the that m.i.a. thang
i got the bombs to make you blow
i got th ebeats to make you bang bang bang

pull up the people, pull up the poor

i'm a fighter, fighter god
i'm a soldier on that road
i'm a fighter, a nice nice fighter
i'm a soldier on that road

bring me the reaper
bring me a lawyer
i'll fight i'll take em on
you treat me like a killer
i ain't never hate ya
i'm a soldier on that road

i'm a fighter, fighter god
i'm a soldier on that road
i'm a fighter, a nice nice fighter
i'm a soldier on that road


london calling
speak the slang now
boys say wha
come on girls say what, say wha

slam, galang galang galang...
shotgun, get down
get down, get down, get down
too late, you down
ta na ta na ta na

blaze a blaze (galang a lang a lang lang)
purple haze (galang a lang a lang lang)
blaze a blaze (galang a lang a lang lang)
purple haze (galang a lang a lang lang)

[2x]who the hell is hounding you in the bmw
how the hell he find you, 147'd you
the feds gon get you
pull the strings on the hood
1 paranoid youth blazin' thru the hood

blaze a blaze (galang a lang a lang lang)
purple haze (galang a lang a lang lang)
blaze a blaze (galang a lang a lang lang)
purple haze (galang a lang a lang lang)

[2x]london calling
speak the slang now
boys say wha
come on girls say what, say wha

[2x]they say
rivers gonna run though
work is gonna save you
pray and you will pull through
suck a dick'll help you
don't let em get to you
if he's got 1 you get 2
backstab your crew
sell it i could sell you

[4x]blaze a blaze (galang a lang a lang lang)
purple haze (galang a lang a lang lang)

[size=18]i love M.I.A.[/size]



Oh there'll be time to get by
Or get dry after the swimming pool
Oh there'll be time to just cry
I wonder why it didn't work out
Oh there'll be time to fish fry
For letters by yours truly
Yours truly

Someone in my dictionary's up to no good
I never find the very special words I should

And so I have another party with a water glass
And I sit on all your actions – it's a birthing game
And I bet he needs a shower – 'cause he's just like me
But the soldiers in the painting know your secret face
Well your parrot told me just how I can make you smile
Gonna let you do your thinking if you need a while
But what I gave you made him get mad
A little bit funny how a thing like that
Could travel from one mouth in through another
The next thing you know you gotta hear it from your brother, and
But words they sting like a stump of old wasp

Do you remember when I said "go throw the rock in there"?
And we ran through the woods to our good house
You forgot about the things that he could say like:
"I don't think that I like you anymore"
Well I found new feelings at the feeling store
And I can't find you at our kissing place
When I'm scared of those new pair of eyes you have, so

I duck out and go down to find the swimming pool
Hop a fence leave the street and wet your feet to find the swimming pool
'Cause when I'm snuffed out I doubt I'll find the swimming pool
Hop a fence leave the street and wet your feet to find the swimming pool

But I don't wish that I was dead –
A very old friend of mine once said
That either way you look at it
You have your fits I have my fits but feeling's good
And confusion's not a kidney stone in my brain
But if we're miscommunicating do we feel the same?
'Cause either way you look at it
You have your fits I have my fits and feeling's good

i am absolutely in love with this band.


Young boy you done me bad I went and did ya wrong
Young boy you done me bad I went and did ya wrong
Then I got high Lord I got high and I got a bone to pick with you

And I'm sure you know its true

Oh one day when you're looking back
You were young and man you were sad
When you're young you get sad
When your young you get sad then you get high

Oh man
Young gal you done me bad and I went and did ya wrong
Young gal you done me bad so I went and did ya wrong
Then I got high
Lord I got high

Now you got a bone to pick with me but I wish you'd let me be
Oh one day when you're looking back
You were young and man you were sad
When you're young you get sad
When your young you get sad then you get high

You get high
Oh the days the rain would fall your way
Oh the days the rain would fall your way
Then you be high cause you got sad
Cause you got sad

Oh man

(I heart Ryan Adams)

Mr. T.

I'm in love with this song:

You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip,
Skip out for beer during commercials,
Because the revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be televised.
The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox
In 4 parts without commercial interruptions.
The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon
blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John
Mitchell, General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat
hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary.
The revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be brought to you by the
Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star Natalie
Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia.
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal.
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs.
The revolution will not make you look five pounds
thinner, because the revolution will not be televised, Brother.

There will be no pictures of you and Willie May
pushing that shopping cart down the block on the dead run,
or trying to slide that color television into a stolen ambulance.
NBC will not be able predict the winner at 8:32
or report from 29 districts.
The revolution will not be televised.

There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
brothers in the instant replay.
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
brothers in the instant replay.
There will be no pictures of Whitney Young being
run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process.
There will be no slow motion or still life of Roy
Wilkens strolling through Watts in a Red, Black and
Green liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
For just the proper occasion.

Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and Hooterville
Junction will no longer be so damned relevant, and
women will not care if Dick finally gets down with
Jane on Search for Tomorrow because Black people
will be in the street looking for a brighter day.
The revolution will not be televised.

There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock
news and no pictures of hairy armed women
liberationists and Jackie Onassis blowing her nose.
The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb,
Francis Scott Key, nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom
Jones, Johnny Cash, Englebert Humperdink, or the Rare Earth.
The revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be right back after a message
bbout a white tornado, white lightning, or white people.
You will not have to worry about a dove in your
bedroom, a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl.
The revolution will not go better with Coke.
The revolution will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath.
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.

The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised,
will not be televised, will not be televised.
The revolution will be no re-run brothers;
The revolution will be live.
We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times