The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Yep, No Place Like Home 2 & 3. It's a 2 hour monster tomorrow.


Thanks. That's great. We get them a little after you. I thought I'd missed it  [smiley=shocked.gif]


I almost forgot this was on tonight... time to change my plans! I didn't even know we had a LOST thread; I need to check the off topic more.
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I'm pumped! They are showing the last episode with new footage before the finale tonight as well.
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yeah....we get 3 hours of Lost tonight in the US!!!

man...i'm hoping for a mind bender like last year's finale's introduction of flash forwards!

i hear its coming....
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Quoteman...i'm hoping for a mind bender like last year's finale's introduction of flash forwards!
Last year's finale found me watching it 2am (I recorded it on VHS you see) and subsequently fist-pumping and jumping on my couch.  I'm hoping for something like that again.


Its fucking on like Donkey Kong



I called it (to myself).  Such a bad-ass episode.  

Jack blasting "Gouge Away" - nice.   8-)


Now we have to wait until f'n January. So, did "he" have to move the island later, hence not being on the island?

Yes, anytime the Pixies are blasting is a good time.


where the fark did the island go? Did it sink under the sea?
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Sadly, we'll have to wait until January. DAMMIT


Quotewhere the fark did the island go? Did it sink under the sea?

i think the island didn't move in space, but moved in time.  here's why:

in the orientation video when "Edward Halliwax" was about to put the bunny in the "time machine" he started to say something to the effect of "the bunny may look like it disappears, but it...."  then the tape cut off.  he was going to see the bunny moved forward 10 seconds in time.  i think the island moved forward in time, which is why it wouldn't be visible in the present (i can't explain the quantum mechanics of it, but just my thoughts).  from the little i know about time travel theory it would be near impossible to move things in space AND time (not that time travel isn't impossible either, but we are talking theoretically).

also...check out  (did you see the commerical before the last break??)

it is an official ABC/Lost alternate reality game to keep us busy this Summer/Fall.
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I missed the commercial. Good theory, I agree with you after thinking it through a bit. Maybe we can turn the the listening party into a Listening Party/LOST theory party tomorrow... ;)
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Jon T.

Quotewhere the fark did the island go? Did it sink under the sea?

i think the island didn't move in space, but moved in time.  here's why:

in the orientation video when "Edward Halliwax" was about to put the bunny in the "time machine" he started to say something to the effect of "the bunny may look like it disappears, but it...."  then the tape cut off.  he was going to see the bunny moved forward 10 seconds in time.  i think the island moved forward in time, which is why it wouldn't be visible in the present (i can't explain the quantum mechanics of it, but just my thoughts).  from the little i know about time travel theory it would be near impossible to move things in space AND time (not that time travel isn't impossible either, but we are talking theoretically).

also...check out  (did you see the commerical before the last break??)

it is an official ABC/Lost alternate reality game to keep us busy this Summer/Fall.

That's interesting.  That's fucking interesting, man.


you gotta read!

also read all of Doc Jensen's columns on Lost on  that guy is incredibly awesome!  and he gets interviews with Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof (sp?), the producers of the show.
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Great episode. A Little strange, but good.
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QuoteGreat episode. A Little strange, but good.

one thing i wasn't a fan of were the CGI for the freighter explosion and what happened right after the island disappeared.

the CGI for the remnants of the freighter explosion and it sinking weren't up to par, in my opinion.

also...when the island disappeared it left the image that it had sank or a drop of water had hit the ocean.  now...if the island moved in space then this would make sense that it would displace the water, but if it actually moved ahead in time, then would it have physically displaced the water?  that is way over my head!

anybody around here got a degree in quantum mechanics and can answer that question?
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January 21st! They are showing some new clips on the new commercial. Nothing major, but enough to get me excited!
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Yep. Cannot wait. If I rememeber, no breaks in the season either.


I wonder how they are gonna find the island? And where (when) it went?
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