the Hipster Scene

Started by wolof7, Nov 19, 2010, 09:06 AM

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QuoteHipsters really hate it when you know and understand what they are talking, especially when you add to the conversation. And they really don't like it if you know more about certain hipster topics than they do.  
That feeling is wonderful
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


QuoteHipsters really hate it when you know and understand what they are talking, especially when you add to the conversation. And they really don't like it if you know more about certain hipster topics than they do.  
That feeling is wonderful

I KNOW!! My friend and his girlfriend like to think they are hipsters (both pushing 40), but I call him out all the time and he hates it, but there's little he can do because we both know I could break him in half. He assumes a lot about me but really doesn't know what makes me tick. I love his unease. It smells like... victory.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteEmo's are a spin off of Goth kids, they dress stupid but have emotions, unlike the dark gothic stranglings..

Hipster's are a spin off of Emo kinds, only instead of being sad they are angry and pretentious.  They are essentially pretentious art kids,  well actually, I'd say 10percent are art kids and the other 90percent are posers.  they are 100percent lame tho.  
This is is a little off topic but I saw some goth kidd wearing a shirt the other day that said "you laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because your all the same" haha it was halarious.

Ps- hipsters suck

yeah, I never understood the anti conformity but conform to each other down to the spike bracelet they wear thing.  It's a gigantic hypocrisy that all Goth, Hipsters, and Emo's share.  Their desperate attempt to separate themselves from the true nature of things.  

Unless they're out protesting or making a difference all they're doing is bitching like the rest of us.  the only difference is they wear fancy costumes and have technicolored hair.

"we're like making a statement conformist".  it's laughable.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteHipsters really hate it when you know and understand what they are talking, especially when you add to the conversation. And they really don't like it if you know more about certain hipster topics than they do.  

hipsters have also trapped themselves in to listening to genre music, which seems slightly conformist to me.  

in high school I was pretty cool with most everybody in a sense, to me it almost seems like they all love the band the "misfits".  but then again I'm talking about kids 10years ago when they were less commercialized.  it's become a demographic that can be marketed too now.  they are conformists to the max degree.

you can breakdown their argument down to arrogance every time.  it's irrational.  if they don't want to be walking advertisements with abercombie and fitch logos on their shirts, cool, but don't go shop at Hot Topic right after you bitch about it, ya know?