Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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Quotebbill that sounds warm, cozy, and sweet bliss!!

My current joy is hearing back from the herb school in Asheville that they received my application and will be sending me out a confirmation packet in early January!! Woohoo!  :o

1)  Very nice Bbill.  I've got some Celebration Ale in the fridge too!
2)  Woodynymph - Asheville, NC right?  Question:  do people know how to drive in the snow there?  Our company has an office in Marietta, OH and Asheville, NC.  Asheville can get hardly any snow and their work is cancelled or they get let out early (with pay) or they get gift cards to stay and work.  Marietta today has received at least 3-4 inches (not a lot by what I'm used to in Iowa) and it's still coming down and nothing.  One morning they were 2 degrees colder than here and had a 2 hour delay due to cold.  Just an insane number of double standards between the two facilities.  Congrats tho Woody!

Current Joys:  my Christmas tree, a jukebox loaded with Christmas 45's, eggnog, apple butter (homemade and delicious), no dart-league tonight...time to cuddle up with a special someone instead :)
We could.


Quotebbill that sounds warm, cozy, and sweet bliss!!

My current joy is hearing back from the herb school in Asheville that they received my application and will be sending me out a confirmation packet in early January!! Woohoo!  :o

1)  Very nice Bbill.  I've got some Celebration Ale in the fridge too!
2)  Woodynymph - Asheville, NC right?  Question:  do people know how to drive in the snow there?  Our company has an office in Marietta, OH and Asheville, NC.  Asheville can get hardly any snow and their work is cancelled or they get let out early (with pay) or they get gift cards to stay and work.  Marietta today has received at least 3-4 inches (not a lot by what I'm used to in Iowa) and it's still coming down and nothing.  One morning they were 2 degrees colder than here and had a 2 hour delay due to cold.  Just an insane number of double standards between the two facilities.  Congrats tho Woody!

Current Joys:  my Christmas tree, a jukebox loaded with Christmas 45's, eggnog, apple butter (homemade and delicious), no dart-league tonight...time to cuddle up with a special someone instead :)
Hahahahah I may or may not be able to answer that! If I'm accepted to the school, it won't be until March, and those minor flurries may be long gone! We don't usually get a whole ton of snow in Pittsburgh (minus last February  :-X :-X) But I feel living here all my life has taught me a thing or two about handling my car! I feel quite a bit more prepared for snow driving this year too, what with my new(to me) Forester! (tho I've failed to launch her with snow tires thus far...) So if they're still struggling by March, maybe I can help set 'em straight. Sounds like you might need to move there too for such winter perks!  :P

I like your current joys too, Hawk! That's what I call a good day!!!
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


I have successfully made it through week one of quitting cigarettes.  I have not been too surly, but damn!  Cigarettes keep trying to call my name.  But the tobacco industry will not win this battle with me.  This time it is for keeps and that realization brings me great joy.


Quote from: T5 wizzard on Dec 23, 2010, 11:40 PM
I have successfully made it through week one of quitting cigarettes.  I have not been too surly, but damn!  Cigarettes keep trying to call my name.  But the tobacco industry will not win this battle with me.  This time it is for keeps and that realization brings me great joy.
You are not alone.  I fell off the wagon in April, but am weening off to be cigarette free in a few days.  I was thinking of starting a support thread and see if we could get others to quit (misery loves company).  Good luck.  You'll do it.  I'll join ya!
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Officially on Christmas holidays! Beer is in hand, the sun is out. Hacienda on the stereo. Joy!
At my house, we call them uh-ohs.


Just wanted to copy and paste from the old forum, it was the last posts I made and probably got overlooked.

Quote from: 37323D303A3D340C3F3C272620530 link=1156263777/5190#5199 date=1293084209
Quote from: 03252232570 link=1156263777/5190#5198 date=1293080964So I was taking a drive on some back roads and saw a baby owl standing in the middle of the road. I drove past and then turned around to get a better look. I got out of my car and got like 2 feet from him! His head was turned at the time and when he looked at me he flew away before I could get a picture. I hear owls all the time at night but never see them, so it was cool to get that close to one.
Oh WOW! I'd love to know where you were around the 'burgh when you spotted it!!! On my way to watch the eclipse the other night, I was driving my friend Em to the overlook, and she says "WHOA, A BIG BIRD!" But it was 2am, and it was a real curvy road, and I didn't see a thing... but at 2am I would imagine it was an owl! She just saw it swoop into the woods, but couldn't make out for sure what it was. I can honestly say I've never seen one in the Wild. That is SO NEAT it let you get so CLOSE!!! What did he look like?! Wow what a powerful thing.. I feel owls are so symbolic.

[size=9]P.S. did you put him in your pocket?  :)[/size]

I live outside the burgh near Greensburg PA in Westmoreland County. There's some woodsy areas and farmland here. I was on some back roads after work on a smoke ride. He was small, almost twice the size of the one in the pic below. He must've been just old enough to be on his own. I had my headlights shining right on him, so I got a great look at him. His head was twisted away at a crazy angle, so he must've not known I was so close. When he turned around he looked me right in the eyes for a second, and then took off quickly. It was surreal.
[size=9]"The owls are not what they seem"[/size]

That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Dec 24, 2010, 03:11 PM
I live outside the burgh near Greensburg PA in Westmoreland County. There's some woodsy areas and farmland here. I was on some back roads after work on a smoke ride. He was small, almost twice the size of the one in the pic below. He must've been just old enough to be on his own. I had my headlights shining right on him, so I got a great look at him. His head was twisted away at a crazy angle, so he must've not known I was so close. When he turned around he looked me right in the eyes for a second, and then took off quickly. It was surreal.
[size=9]"The owls are not what they seem"[/size]

That....... is fantastic!!!
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 23, 2010, 11:51 PM
You are not alone.
This really helped out today.  I am serious.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 23, 2010, 11:51 PMI was thinking of starting a support thread and see if we could get others to quit (misery loves company).  Good luck.  You'll do it.  I'll join ya!
Yes, yes and yes!  A support thread would be great!

joe v

Quote from: T5 wizzard on Dec 23, 2010, 11:40 PM
I have successfully made it through week one of quitting cigarettes.  I have not been too surly, but damn!  Cigarettes keep trying to call my name.  But the tobacco industry will not win this battle with me.  This time it is for keeps and that realization brings me great joy.
The hardest thing I have ever done was trying to stop smoking (cigarettes only ;D). Never could get through 1 damn day without giving in. I finally won the battle 14 years ago. Good luck Wiz! Remember, you will now live a much healthier & energetic life 8).
My Perfect Day = Snowboarding on a powder day in the trees & listening to my favorite music.


Quote from: joe v on Dec 27, 2010, 05:49 PM
Quote from: T5 wizzard on Dec 23, 2010, 11:40 PM
I have successfully made it through week one of quitting cigarettes.  I have not been too surly, but damn!  Cigarettes keep trying to call my name.  But the tobacco industry will not win this battle with me.  This time it is for keeps and that realization brings me great joy.
The hardest thing I have ever done was trying to stop smoking (cigarettes only ;D). Never could get through 1 damn day without giving in. I finally won the battle 14 years ago. Good luck Wiz! Remember, you will now live a much healthier & energetic life 8).

11 days in and I still wake up thinking about having a smoke.  Haven't though: sounds gross, smells gross, and will definitely taste gross.  But all those chemical additives are nasty, nasty, nasty.  I hate the g*d damn tobacco industry.  >:(


on the forum at work ;D
sticking it to the man
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


How loud can silence get?


After one month of practice, 4am feedings are a downright breeze. Wide awake at 5am and looking for something to do. Things they are a changing! :o
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


PS: you make my sleigh fly. ::)
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked

capt. scotty

was able to swing only working a half shift today and am getting out at 7...Cant wait for the Winter Classic!!  :)
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


I met a girl and its all really new, but I think we like each other. Exciting!
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on Jan 02, 2011, 01:09 AM
I met a girl and its all really new, but I think we like each other. Exciting!

AAhhh... Young love! Hope it goes well Ghosts!

Currently sitting in the sun, drinking Coopers Pale Ale listening to Hi Fi Way by You Am I with Mrs Ralph (old love!!!). Sometimes it's just the little things...
At my house, we call them uh-ohs.


The Tennessee Fire + At Dawn + Xmas Fiasco Style + Ch 1 and 2 + At Dawn and Tennessee Fire Demos Package just got added to Spotify! Woop, wooop, thanks whoever made it happen! ♥ :D
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket


I just wannnnted to sayyyyeeeee.....

I didn't see the new years thread, I suck!!! >>>moving my previous-posted 'current joy' over to the new years section so it fits, sorry!!

But I *am* currently joyful of my plans to move to Asheville to go to herbology school working out!! I'm already started to 'prep' for it and plan on what to take for the few months I'll be down there, and I've looked up OODLES of awesome national parks and trails etc to explore... and the Asheville Arboretum! What! It's gonna be a nuts experience, can't wait!!
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time

Penny Lane

--hanging with Mr. Ruckus on Saturday in Philly
--3 DBT shows, exhausted, slightly deaf
--the holidays are over

PS congrats Woodnymph!! I may be seeing you in Asheville at some point!
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill