ATTENTION NYC Fan Forum Members

Started by CC, Feb 16, 2011, 01:07 AM

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Quote from: br00ke on Feb 17, 2011, 12:56 PM
just got my confirmation  :D :D :D

you go to more MMJ events than MMJ. congrats though glad some forum members will get in
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: twofingers on Feb 17, 2011, 04:05 PM
That pisses me off.

Don't tell me I'm not the type of fan you're looking for Mr. Gotham Casting c*cksucker.

Sorry duder, but this is making me giggle.

I really hope that's not the rejection email!  Ouch.  Should I have said I'm 25 and hot?
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Is there a doctor in the house tonight?


welp. i guess there is still hope


Quote from: ALady on Feb 17, 2011, 04:21 PM
Quote from: twofingers on Feb 17, 2011, 04:05 PM
That pisses me off.

Don't tell me I'm not the type of fan you're looking for Mr. Gotham Casting c*cksucker.

Sorry duder, but this is making me giggle.

I really hope that's not the rejection email!  Ouch.  Should I have said I'm 25 and hot?

I couldnt have hurt...  :)


Quote from: ALady on Feb 17, 2011, 04:21 PM
Quote from: twofingers on Feb 17, 2011, 04:05 PM
That pisses me off.

Don't tell me I'm not the type of fan you're looking for Mr. Gotham Casting c*cksucker.

Sorry duder, but this is making me giggle.

I really hope that's not the rejection email!  Ouch.  Should I have said I'm 25 and hot?

Haha, I'm glad I can lift some spirits.


Eh, I don't believe anonymous Brooklyn Vegan commenters.

I shall hold on to hope.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quote from: ALady on Feb 17, 2011, 04:40 PM
Eh, I don't believe anonymous Brooklyn Vegan commenters.

I shall hold on to hope.

Me too. I'm not stopping until I get the "You're not good enough" email.


but Kyyyyyyyyyyy ... you ARE 25 and hot. le duh !!  8)

bowl of soup

Seems to me that everyone's approach is all wrong here.  We, the mighty forum family, were given an advanced warning of this so they obviously would like forum related questions.  I live in Florida, and allthough it often feels like New York I am in fact many miles away and must send my regrets.  Questions that will do the trick include:

1.  How does it feel in a band with someone you used to date Jim and Patrick?
2.  Did you know that Tracy was wounded at the battle of Nom-doc in 'Nam?
3.  Did you ever receive that macaroni-art tribute?
4.  Forum members for $800 Alex, "This Forum member 'is Music'"  Who is...???
5.  Bigger forum dust-up, Alabama football or the Beijing Olympics?
6.  Who is the biggest asshole in rock?  Biggest douche?  Can you be an asshole and a douche?
7.  Biggest forum loss; Ratsprayer, K, or MJK?

Shit I forgot one:

When are you chicken-shits going to play the forum all-star basketball team?  And will you at least take on Explosions in the Sky at Bonnaroo?  I've seen their website and they've been balling.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Quote from: ALady on Feb 17, 2011, 04:40 PM
Eh, I don't believe anonymous Brooklyn Vegan commenters.

I shall hold on to hope.


if it looks like a duck....
Is there a doctor in the house tonight?


Quote from: br00ke on Feb 17, 2011, 04:54 PM
but Kyyyyyyyyyyy ... you ARE 25 and hot. le duh !!  8)

Ky is...I'm not.   ;D 

I'm 34 and hot.   ;)
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


d'oh! i meant to say:

but maggggggieeeee you ARE 25 and hot, DUH !  8) we can all pretend we are 25 again right? fake it 'till we make it! ;) anywhoo0o0o, i need you to get a ticket so you can come back to NYC. this past weekend we were wishing you were with us ...per my drunken text :-*


I was gonna say. I am so not hot. Maggie on the other hand.... ;)

Steam made me laugh real hard with this rejection "email": "sorry, you're not a big enough fan BUT enjoy this coupon for one Shamrock shake"

Seriously still laughing about that...
Cow temperature.


Quote from: bowl of soup on Feb 17, 2011, 04:58 PM
Seems to me that everyone's approach is all wrong here.  We, the mighty forum family, were given an advanced warning of this so they obviously would like forum related questions.  I live in Florida, and allthough it often feels like New York I am in fact many miles away and must send my regrets.  Questions that will do the trick include:

1.  How does it feel in a band with someone you used to date Jim and Patrick?
2.  Did you know that Tracy was wounded at the battle of Nom-doc in 'Nam?
3.  Did you ever receive that macaroni-art tribute?
4.  Forum members for $800 Alex, "This Forum member 'is Music'"  Who is...???
5.  Bigger forum dust-up, Alabama football or the Beijing Olympics?
6.  Who is the biggest asshole in rock?  Biggest douche?  Can you be an asshole and a douche?
7.  Biggest forum loss; Ratsprayer, K, or MJK?

Shit I forgot one:

When are you chicken-shits going to play the forum all-star basketball team?  And will you at least take on Explosions in the Sky at Bonnaroo?  I've seen their website and they've been balling.

I call DIBS on this.  I can still ball a little bit.  I don't think I could handle P-Hal down low, and Tommy seems like he might have some quicks...but I think I can take him.  MMJ Forum:  Where Amazing Happens.

Good luck everyone!  Was debating on entering but need to conserve the PTO...
We could.



Pfffft.  Ky, you're the hottest one here.   :-*

If this Storytellers thing doesn't work out...  :-\  ...I'll be back in NY in May for another round of Phos.  Hope to see y'all!
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Hey guys,
we want you to be aware that we would never associate with a company that would write the kind of email that is rumored to have been sent. Here is an official statement from Gotham Casting:

"Gotham Casting became aware of a rumor being started regarding "Rejection Letters" to MMJ Fans  for their upcoming Storytellers. We would like to make it very clear that NO such email ever went out, as we have NOT sent "Rejection Emails", and never have in the history of our company. Our company has been in charge of coordinating audiences for Storytellers and Unplugged for years and we pride ourselves on doing everything in our power to make sure the hardcore fans are represented. We have been working very closely this past week with MMJ's management to make sure that we got as many NYC hardcore fans in as we possibly could, hence why it was put on the Forum first. We are trying our best to get as many fans in as possible, but there is unfortunately a number of seats that we are allotted. However, as people cancel, and more seats are added, we add more people. This is why we would NEVER send a rejection letter, because there is always a chance of getting in, and we wouldn't exclude anyone so quickly. Not to mention that we would never reject someone because they are "not the type of fan we are looking for", because there are no "types" in specials like this. Our job is get the word out and make sure we have the biggest fans that are going to be the best audience for the band. MMJ and their management have been so helpful with this process and we would NEVER send an email that so rudely disrespects their fans. We hope to see as many of you as possible on February 24th, and we apologize for any inconvenience or anger this rumor may have caused, but hopefully you understand that this is something our company would never do."


Well that makes me feel better.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


well that is reassuring.

"So you're telling me there's a chance..."