Open Letter to MMJ (Health Care Reform)

Started by Nikkogino, Aug 02, 2009, 09:45 PM

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QuoteLook at history and tell me one socialist country that atually helps the people.. Just one..

A. Sweden.

B. I thought you were leaving?

whoa i just saw this. can't believe you're serious...but i'll indulge you if you are:

the US healthcare system is the most expensive in the world..(we spend about the double GDP that Euros do) and we're behind in all major categories; i'm assuming you haven't tried to visit a hospital around the NYC/NJ area (where most are bankrupt)

as of May 2007--comparitive An International Update on the Comparitive Performance of American Health Care"Six nations studied (Germany, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and the US) --the US ranks LAST....when it comes to patient safety, efficiency, equity, and access;
"the US is also lagging in adoption of information technology and nat'l policies that promote Quality Improvement"

EMR (electronic medical records) the US also lags behind Euro countries "as of 2006, fewer than 10% of American hospitals have adopted EMRs and other health information technology, less than 20% of PCPs use them"

i am not completely biased--the area where the US does the best is preventive care (and treating certain kids of cancers)

True....whenever Canada's, Sweden's, and Britain's leaders or celebs get cancer or need surgery, they hit up the U.S. of A.

That is what the song "Sec Walkin" is about....

That's so untrue it's not even funny. Sometimes a few Canadians pay for medical care in the US if they don't want to wait, but it doesn't happen very often and it certainly isn't a wise political move. Hospitals shouldn't treat patients as profit, but they certainly do in the US.

"Sometimes a few Canadians pay for medical care in the US if they don't want to wait..."

When it comes to getting Medical care, I will NEVER want to have to wait.

No one does, but every citizen in Canada is covered for all serious medical procedures and expenses. Overall, we wouldn't want it any other way and recent polls suggest neither do 90% of all Canadians. Maybe it's because we are more socialist-thinking. Anway, Canada has private clinics too, so waiting for procedures doesn't happen very often.

Maybe you are more Socialist thinking.  We are more down with the "make your own success, government butts out, seperation of my wallet and state" model of thinking....We wouldn't want it any other way either.......that's what most Americans believe anyway.  Of course, the hipster crowd and celebs are more in tune with Canada's way of thinking....they just like the weather better here.  

I have an idea for Canada....why don't you help us foot our military budget every year and we can use that money on health care reform.  It'd be only fair since you depend on us for protection.

Nikk, let me guess, you're a scared and angry white guy who has never served his country (and never will), who talks smack about the USA being #1 and is bent out of shape b/c just when you thought you were going to be "the cool guy" and turn your conservative friends on to some "radical" rock n' roll by MMJ ( to recover from your prediction in '98 that Smash Mouth was the new Beatles), you find out that MMJ is a bunch of whacked out lefty hippies who want to get rid of the good ol' USA and turn it into a communist state run by communist facist terrorist muslim communists who want to kill old people and veterans so as to save some money for the big Striesand concert at The Palladium and fly their gas guzzling Lear jets to North Beach to party with Perez Hilton and Hugo Chavez.

Am I close?


Jon T.

bear sin rug

QuoteSay, bear sin rug, you a Rush fan?

I like the band but not the radio guy; never saw the movie.

It's a bad idea

Jon T.

QuoteSay, bear sin rug, you a Rush fan?

I like the band but not the radio guy; never saw the movie.

Just checking. Good movie. You should check it out.


QuoteMaybe you are more Socialist thinking.  We are more down with the "make your own success, government butts out, seperation of my wallet and state" model of thinking....We wouldn't want it any other way either.......that's what most Americans believe anyway.  Of course, the hipster crowd and celebs are more in tune with Canada's way of thinking....they just like the weather better here.

Gosh, I didn't know that celebrities and hipsters had cornered the market on compassion for others.  I wish someone had told me.

Also, it's separation, not seperation.

I had a typo on a message board?  Damn, I should have had a few friends proof-read my post!  

So not supporting big government shows a lack of compassion?  I didn't know that there is a correlation there....just ask a bunch of dead people in Siberia.

And I cannot stand it when people accuse conservatives of not being "compassionate."  That is so played out.  I support small government.  That doesn't make me any less compassionate.  I give money to charity, I volunteer, I have worked with people with mental disabilities, etc., etc., etc.  But because I find myself just on the conservative side of the fence, I must be a racist, bible-thumping zealot.  Get a life.

Oh, and Rush rules.

bear sin rug

QuoteMaybe you are more Socialist thinking.  We are more down with the "make your own success, government butts out, seperation of my wallet and state" model of thinking....We wouldn't want it any other way either.......that's what most Americans believe anyway.  Of course, the hipster crowd and celebs are more in tune with Canada's way of thinking....they just like the weather better here.

Gosh, I didn't know that celebrities and hipsters had cornered the market on compassion for others.  I wish someone had told me.

Also, it's separation, not seperation.

I had a typo on a message board?  Damn, I should have had a few friends proof-read my post!  

So not supporting big government shows a lack of compassion?  I didn't know that there is a correlation there....just ask a bunch of dead people in Siberia.

And I cannot stand it when people accuse conservatives of not being "compassionate."  That is so played out.  I support small government.  That doesn't make me any less compassionate.  I give money to charity, I volunteer, I have worked with people with mental disabilities, etc., etc., etc.  But because I find myself just on the conservative side of the fence, I must be a racist, bible-thumping zealot.  Get a life.

Oh, and Rush rules.

come on nikko, you basically told Jim and the boys to shut the fuck up about their political beliefs and simply be good little musicians and play for us. You're not a victim here.
It's a bad idea


Quotealso this...

QuoteThe other side of the coin would be that Jim is a person who has his own voice and own opinions and he can use it any way he whatever.

My whole point is, it's cool that Jim agrees with's cool if he doesn't.  However, I don't know why I should agree with Jim linking a "Support Obama Health Care Reform" website.  I wouldn't agree if he said "Vote for his campaign"  I wouldn't agree if he said "Ban Gay Marriage...make your voice heard here."  I don't like it when bands post their political opinions on their website.  Why?  Because that's not why I go on the website.

It would be like going onto a sports team website and seeing "The Pittsburgh Steelers support Rhianna as the greatest vocalist of the year....go to her website and vote for her for the Kid's Choice Awards."

Point is, what is the point of Jim posting his PERSONAL beliefs on his BAND website?  It's not like someone is going to be listening to "Sec Walkin'" one afternoon and say, "wow, what's this about health care reform?????  I'm going to do some extensive research on the subject."  He isn't trying to raise thought on the subject....he is trying to get you to agree with his view of the subject--otherwise he'd have links to both sides.  I'm is my belief that bands posting political opinions on their website is lame.  The band's view is liberal leaning...I must be a wacko conservative since I don't like seeing political junk on the homepage.  End of story.

bear sin rug

It would be like going onto a sports team website and seeing "The Pittsburgh Steelers support Rhianna as the greatest vocalist of the year....go to her website and vote for her for the Kid's Choice Awards."

Or the Steelers playing at a stadium named after ketchup? It's Heinz Field, not Hunts Field.

The reality is, Jim is being political and will continue to speak his mind and you keep bitching and moaning about it, but it can't bother you too much cuz you're still here.

Why bother?
It's a bad idea


It would be like going onto a sports team website and seeing "The Pittsburgh Steelers support Rhianna as the greatest vocalist of the year....go to her website and vote for her for the Kid's Choice Awards."

Or the Steelers playing at a stadium named after ketchup? It's Heinz Field, not Hunts Field.

The reality is, Jim is being political and will continue to speak his mind and you keep bitching and moaning about it, but it can't bother you too much cuz you're still here.

Why bother?

I am still here because I like the MUSIC...that is the reason I come here.  Not to hear about the next Obama initiative I should support.

It's funny though because I wonder what you guys would do if Jim linked you guys to an "anti-abortion" website.  Just wondering.

Oh, and who are you?  13 of your 14 posts have been responses to me.  

bear sin rug

It's funny though because I wonder what you guys would do if Jim linked you guys to an "anti-abortion" website.  Just wondering.

what makes you think I am pro-choice? I don't adhere to the beliefs of one political party. I also don't think it's my business what other people put on [size=16]THEIR[/size] web sites.

Either you like it or don't, but quit whining. We all get your point. 6 billion web sites and you got a problem with this one and it's not even yours.  ;D

It's a bad idea



There is quite a difference between saying, "I don't agree with MMJ" and "MMJ does not have the right to talk about their views because they are musicians and musicians don't deserve to have opinions."  Meanwhile, none of the moderators have tampered with your right to come in here and speak your mind.

Interestingly enough, I came across this quote in my readings the other day, from Justice Brandeis during a decision about Communist activities in the first half of the 20th century:

QuoteIt is the function of free speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fears
I'm surrounded by assholes


QuoteI am still here because I like the MUSIC...that is the reason I come here.  Not to hear about the next Obama initiative I should support.

It's funny though because I wonder what you guys would do if Jim linked you guys to an "anti-abortion" website.  Just wondering. 

This website is pretty vast, full of loads of information.  It has 11 sections, and the news blog they run has many entries. The band's thoughts on health care take up eight lines.  Somehow, I think you could manage to find out plenty of info about the MUSIC.  Yet you took the time to write a longer than eight line missive about how the band should shut up.  It wasn't polite, it was snide and insulting.

You also ask, repeatedly, all sorts of "what would you guys do if Jim supported right wing causes?" questions. I think, 100% of the time the answer, across the board, has been, "Jim can say what he wants."

It is a small, but loud and often rude minority, who seems to think that MMJ doesn't have the right to say whatever the hell they want ON THEIR WEBSITE (or anywhere else, for that matter).

*head asplode*

There is quite a difference between saying, "I don't agree with MMJ" and "MMJ does not have the right to talk about their views because they are musicians and musicians don't deserve to have opinions."  Meanwhile, none of the moderators have tampered with your right to come in here and speak your mind.

Trust me...I do appreciate that the moderators here aren't jerks and that they allowed this thread to go on although it did stray away from MMJ a bit.  I also appreciate the fact that this board continues to have a fairly great group of people.  I have always felt that this site has one of the nicest group of boardies.  I still disagree with most of you though!   ;)

Anyway, it's been a pretty good discussion.  We've all said our piece I think.  High fives all around.  Now we can go back to being friends.  I'll even shake your hand Membors Only and Bear Sin Rug.  I ain't mad atcha.

Penny Lane

sorry one last thing and i'll let it die.

Jim IS MMJ, MMJ IS Jim James, that's his baby, personal beliefs included---music is political; Most great songs are written about love or politics...and the best music was written in politically turbulent times. so whether you agree w/MMJ or not, some of the things you've said in this thread are absurd. It doesn't mean the rest of us are whacky liberals, just that you invoke your right to post on a band's website (used for marketing the band) and criticize the band's choice to also post. this thread should end i guess but it'll continue to stick in my craw (or whatever that saying is that southerners use)  :(
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Love Dogg

So, is this stupid thread officially over now?

THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Sometimes it runs its course in a day, babe.  Sometimes it goes from night after night."


QuoteSo, is this stupid thread officially over now?

THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I kinda agree in a way.  I made the thread, went on a vacation, and when I came back it was 9 or 10 pages long.

I'll agree to disagree with Jim on this one and will mozy on over to the "music" forum to talk about some real shit.


At the risk of offending LoveDogg (begging your pardon already)  :)

Someone, a few posts ago, mentioned that no one was going to go and research the issue just b/c the band has a statement on their site.  I disagree.  I think a handful of the people who contributed to this thread probably did a little bit of digging to find out what was up and what was true.  You can get your ass handed to you fairly quickly around here for not knowing what it is that you're typing about.  (Yeah, I know on actual experience and facts is boring)
The links on the homepage have been changed to point to the actual government site for the bill and for contacting your rep.  So, this lame discussion may have actually had a positive effect.   :)


Quote (Yeah, I know on actual experience and facts is boring)

wtf?  my argument has nothing to do with health has to do with the band's website as a political forum.  Why are you going to put a jab in there about me not paying attention to facts?  Sorry, but this little side-note jab made no sense.  


QuoteAnd here I thought it was high fives all around...
Me too.  I have tried to end this thing like 5 times.  We have all agreed to disagree.  And then someone has to come on and be a smartass.  Whatever though.  Fun times guys.

bear sin rug

QuoteMe too.  I have tried to end this thing like 5 times.  We have all agreed to disagree.  And then someone has to come on and be a smartass.  Whatever though.  Fun times guys.

Well, you did start it... and keep it going.  

I'm personally amused and fascinated by this long and interesting thread.  But then I have no life.

I am wondering if Nikk has the willpower to stop posting on his own. What if he responds to every one of my posts and I post every day for the next 37 years? Will he eventually stop? Will he continue to say how tired this has all become, all the while responding to every post?
Hoping and praying it will end when all he has to do is simply not respond?

It's a bad idea


QuoteMe too.  I have tried to end this thing like 5 times.  We have all agreed to disagree.  And then someone has to come on and be a smartass.  Whatever though.  Fun times guys.

Well, you did start it... and keep it going.  

I'm personally amused and fascinated by this long and interesting thread.  But then I have no life.

I am wondering if Nikk has the willpower to stop posting on his own. What if he responds to every one of my posts and I post every day for the next 37 years? Will he eventually stop? Will he continue to say how tired this has all become, all the while responding to every post?
Hoping and praying it will end when all he has to do is simply not respond?


do you guys like weezer?