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Small World

Started by Andrew, Mar 30, 2005, 12:13 PM

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The Boar

So, I was at work today (I do work/study in an administrative office of Saint Louis University) and saw a fellow student and casual acquaintance who needed help operating the fax. We talked for a few minutes, and then she noticed my shirt and asked me about it (I'm wearing the black MMJ shirt with the cool sun design). It turns out she is good friends with Jim's younger sister, and knows the Olliges family from growing up around there. She said that they are all good people (of course) and that there is rumors afloat that the new album is progressing well.

What a small world. I never had any idea this girl was even from Louisville, let alone knew the boys of MMJ and those around them. Crazy. Thought I'd share.


That's pretty neat, Boar.  

Hey, how on earth do y'all pronounce Olliges anyhow?

(here we go with more phonetics from EC):

Is it ah-li-jes
or ooooohhh-lijjj (soft j, silent s)
or oohh-li-jes

or probably a different pronounciation that I can't think of?  My gut feeling is that the g is soft and the s is silent.  

And, of course, listen everyone, this is MASSIVELY important, so please answer me right away!

(Please know that I'm kidding.  I'm also off sick for the 2nd day in a row, so I'm a little ... edgy.  It's beautiful outside and it aint no fun to feel like someone is crushing your chest in a big c clamp.)



yeah very cool story Boar, that merits a SHAZAM!.  EC I think ya nailed with the soft G sound.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

neal johnson

QuoteThat's pretty neat, Boar.  

Hey, how on earth do y'all pronounce Olliges anyhow?

(here we go with more phonetics from EC):

Is it ah-li-jes
or ooooohhh-lijjj (soft j, silent s)
or oohh-li-jes

or probably a different pronounciation that I can't think of?  My gut feeling is that the g is soft and the s is silent.  

And, of course, listen everyone, this is MASSIVELY important, so please answer me right away!

(Please know that I'm kidding.  I'm also off sick for the 2nd day in a row, so I'm a little ... edgy.  It's beautiful outside and it aint no fun to feel like someone is crushing your chest in a big c clamp.)


you must be from a distant planet.



you must be from a distant planet.

She is.

We all are.

Didn't you know?

The Boar

EC, hope you feel better soon. I went through the same thing about 2 months ago.

I'm TRYING to remember if and how this girl pronounced the Olliges name. I believe she said it similar to your Theory #1. I could be wrong on that however, and maybe some of the members who are of a higher echelon and knowledge could help us out (JC, Riny, etc.)? Even a word from ConnJohnway?  :D


My guess is:

The first part 'oli' as in oligarchy

The second part 'jeez' as in  ...erm jeez  :-/

So many permutations  8)

Yeah, get better soon, EC. Take care  :)


Well, you've gotta put a little southern spin on it.


The Boar

Yes, I believe that was it. Exactly. Thanks tundra.


Okay, word.  Thanks, guys.  :)

(Thanks for your well-wishes, too.)

The Boar

UPDATE (in case you guys aren't sick of this thread, sorry):

I saw Jessica at the bar again tonight and she said that Jim's name is indeed pronounced "Ahl-uh-jess" as tundra has suggested. ("oll" as in "oligarchy", "i" as in "ill", and "ges" as in "jester").

Jim apparently has twin sisters (I only know the name of one, but I won't post it to keep her privacy secure), one of which my friend Jessica knows. Pretty cool, though, that he has twin sisters.

AND, finally, PLEASE: Jim, Tommy, Patrick, Carl, and Bo, you have to play St. Louis in the very near future, because Jessica and I would attend your show, and she said she could perhaps get me behind the stage (since she knows Jim's sister and we are both stand-up people) to actually meet you guys! It would be awesome, we could hang out, have a drink or two, and be ridiculously sweet. Think it over. We graduate in May. And remember my offer about the back deck being available for a summer show.   ;D


somehow...and somewhere, i'm a friend of the fam.

it's pronounced olli-guess.

booya. :D


Is it not pronounced Ulysses?



QuoteIs it not pronounced Ulysses?

Hey Boar, thank you for your double verification.  


The Boar


QuoteAND, finally, PLEASE: Jim, Tommy, Patrick, Carl, and Bo, you have to play St. Louis in the very near future, because Jessica and I would attend your show, and she said she could perhaps get me behind the stage (since she knows Jim's sister and we are both stand-up people) to actually meet you guys! It would be awesome, we could hang out, have a drink or two, and be ridiculously sweet. Think it over. We graduate in May. And remember my offer about the back deck being available for a summer show.   ;D

Were you at the show at Mississippi Nights last may? It was awesome. And yes, we desperately want them to return.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

The Boar


I was indeed. Front row, in fact. I felt the sweat-fling of Jim's spinning hair and witnessed the interplay of his fingers on the frets. Awesome.


We must have been standing right behind you! I stuck out my hand at the end and Jim gave me a five. I love it when he played "One Big Holiday" right in our faces.

The Boar

(i've been waiting to use this, and now i believe is the opportune moment)
