KCRW=One Big Holliday?

Started by sweatboard, Jul 05, 2004, 09:16 PM

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Does anybody know when One Big Holliday was written it seems like they were playing it as early as 2000.  I wonder if the song ties into thier performances for Morning Becomes Eclectic, I know they called Jim about performing after playing a couple ep's, and they are in Ca., and the interviewer does seem kind of scumy.  Any thoughts on why they waited so long to put it on an album?
There's Still Time.........

Sal Paradise

It must have been written end of 1999 cause they played it at shows early 2000! They probably waited for the right album which is understandable cause it fits so much better on ISM than it would have on TTF or AD.

What about 'Lil Billy'? Always loved that song so much and has been around for ages too. They stopped playing it live but I really hope it appears on the next album cause it's brilliant!!!
The sound in your mind is the first sound that you could sing