feelin' lonely

Started by megisnotreal, Aug 29, 2006, 12:53 PM

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Have any of your friends ever given you shit about liking MMJ so much?

You know, the whole, "They aren't that great" shit?

To each his/her own I guess, but I don't get how someone can not love every single aspect of this band.


I should make new friends.


Well now you have!!
Hi Megisnotreal  :)

I saw them in Glasgow recently, and, when we got to the hotel the receptionist said "Are you here for the concert?" and of course I said yes. She said that almost everyone in the hotel was going to the show and asked if I wanted her to book a taxi. I was a bit confused because the gig was in the next street. After a slightly surreal conversation I realised that everyone else was going to see The Rolling Stones. I honestly couldn't get my head round going to see them when you could be seeing the Jacket. No accounting for taste, I suppose  :)

Hello again, and welcome.


I have been reading your posts and it's funny how often new people arrive here with the same story.  Including myself.  I have never joined a forum before, but this band made me want to talk to others about them, and for some reason, my friends are slow to catch on.  Welcome.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.



haha, they might come around. but i think it's something that catches you at a certain place, and it's something you have to realize.

was it Steam Engine that did it?

when i was a junior in high school, had just gotten my driver's license, and decided to go meet some girl who i thought would be my promoter and make me famous (since the music i was writing at that point in my life was so incredible...:-/) so i met her and her friends and wind up driving halfway towards the middle of nowehre to go get white castle with them. and then i realize, i've been driving for a week. i have no clue how to get home from here, so they mapquest directions, and i'm freaking out because my curfew is midnight, but i have no cell phone to call my mom and tell her i'll be late. so i'm already screwed, and i go to try and use these mapquest directions, and they're either wrong, or i'm an idiot. and i can't figure out how to get on this highway to get me safely home. i felt like crying, pulled over behind a cop and asked him where to go. i finally had directions and got on the road.

i remember the moonlight on the snow by the sides of the highway. how cold it was in my jeep, and the feeling of heart and my stomach trying to occupy the same lump in my throat all at once while eyeing the clock with vicious intent, damn sure that it didn't want to be telling me that it really was 12:15. and right around then, in the middle of some of the worst angst I had ever felt in my short teenage life, somehow something worked out so that my copy of It Still Moves rolled on over to track 11.

and my life changed.

i understood the desolation of "Steam Engine". The loneliness and the complete utterly empty feeling. it was all right there. i left out a lot of the details of the night, but it had basically just kind of frustrated me by being thrust into a crowd of people i quickly realized i didn't want anything to do with. that and they got me lost. but you know "Steam Engine" it builds and builds and builds and builds and the fact that my heart is beating is all the proof you neeeeeeeeed and I understood it.

I understood why Jim James writes music. And it was a beautiful thing. And because of where I was at that point in time, "One In The Same" became one of the most beautiful songs I had ever heard. I don't care what you say Corey, it has a specific in my musical history, and it will never be stripped of that.

All the way back home
How long did it seeeeem?
3 days or 4
snow glazed all the treees
my mother held me
like a motorcycle
so warm
we sang melody

and when I came home, my mom was still up. and instead of coming down on me with righteous anger, she loved me with that grace only a mother can, because i was alive. as worried as i was, I can't imagine her fears. i learned a thing about love that night. something about love, something about fear, and something about music. and it's why My Morning Jacket isn't something that mainstream radio will ever be abble to digest. their is a kind of musical spirituality behind Jim's writing, not in the way that it channels God or replaces Him, but that he connects with listeners souls (the lucky ones, at least) in such a way that the statement is understood far beneath the expressible layer of human perception. it is something coming from a place so in tune with all of us here in some wavelength or another, that we resonate perfectly. Jim puts into words that which our own heads cannot. and sometimes it's not even words. it's just the way that he sings...

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

Easy Morning Rebel

QuoteHave any of your friends ever given you shit about liking MMJ so much?

You know, the whole, "They aren't that great" shit?

To each his/her own I guess, but I don't get how someone can not love every single aspect of this band.


I should make new friends.

The same here. I'm all alone among my friends in liking... No, wait!, in worship MMJ. It's so sad. If MMJ ever will come touring in Scandinavia (again) I'm most likely have to go to the show alone. But what the fuck, sometimes it's better going alone if your friends not appreciate it as much as you do.

Even cowgirls get the blues

Angry Ewok

Quote...sometimes it's better going alone if your friends not appreciate it as much as you do.

Exactly... but hey, if they give you a hard time about being obsessed about My Morning Jacket, the least they can do is come to the show and sit in the back and embrace the Gospel, while you rock out up front!

I know it's silly, but I'm actually slightly annoyed when people that I consider folks with relatively good taste end up not liking MMJ... My initial response is like Scooby, "BARRROOOOO!?" What the fuck, how can you not love this?

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Quotetheir is a kind of musical spirituality behind Jim's writing, not in the way that it channels God or replaces Him, but that he connects with listeners souls (the lucky ones, at least) in such a way that the statement is understood far beneath the expressible layer of human perception. it is something coming from a place so in tune with all of us here in some wavelength or another, that we resonate perfectly. Jim puts into words that which our own heads cannot. and sometimes it's not even words. it's just the way that he sings...  

Couldn't have said it any better myself.

...and the first time I heard Steam Engine, I thought my heart was going to burst.

I think I watch this at least once a month...


So far I've convinced one of my friends. I made him a mix and he really enjoys it, loves One Big Holiday.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Hey Deanna, would you mind putting those Rolling Stone files and the video of I Think I'm Going To Hell back up on your savefile page? Or are they still up?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Can someone please turn the rolling stone steam engine into an audio mp3.  Is it possible? PLEEEEEEEEEAAAASE!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteHave any of your friends ever given you shit about liking MMJ so much?

You know, the whole, "They aren't that great" shit?

To each his/her own I guess, but I don't get how someone can not love every single aspect of this band.


I should make new friends.

I'm on a mission to make every single person I know obsessed with them.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


I have a really cynical friend who only likes run thru due to its "cool riff" which I could undertstand, but he won't give them a chance becasue he hates Jim's voice??? Crazy.. I know...
...And Some Are Angels...


Tom, i don't think i've ever heard anyone state the way they feel about mmj better than you just did.  Seemed like that came out of a really cool magazine.  I as well am the only one of my friends who are obsessed with the jacket, find it really hard to believe as well.  But's their loss, maybe one day they will all turn around. ;)
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


I think I converted someone this girl I am seeing to the Jacket faithful the other night...we were just sitting in her apartment late at night, slightly drunk (we just saw "Beerfest" and had to go down a few) and since she doesn't have a TV (or a living room light for that matter) we decided to light some candles and listen to some tunes...I wasn't sure she would like the Jacket, but she caught me humming "Dream a Little Dream" so I threw on the covers compilation CD (thanks again, aMD)...needless to say she absolutely loved Jim's voice!!  And the reverb!!  So we listened to a few more of the covers and then I put on Chocolate & Ice followed by Split...she loved it all!!  Finally a girl with good taste in music ;) ...present company excluded of course...Something about the candelight and it being really late and being a little buzzed just made it really awesome...sorry, kinda rambling but I'm so excited to have just introduced this great band to someone new!!!  It had been awhile since I'd been able to accomplish that  :-/
We could.


Quotehe won't give them a chance becasue he hates Jim's voice

A friend of mine said the same thing. I just don't see how it's possible.

QuoteI put on Chocolate & Ice

Good call. That first part of Cobra is like... the sexiest audio ever.


GREAT GREAT GREAT Story and post. thank you, that was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!  

Quotehaha, they might come around. but i think it's something that catches you at a certain place, and it's something you have to realize.

was it Steam Engine that did it?

when i was a junior in high school, had just gotten my driver's license, and decided to go meet some girl who i thought would be my promoter and make me famous (since the music i was writing at that point in my life was so incredible...:-/) so i met her and her friends and wind up driving halfway towards the middle of nowehre to go get white castle with them. and then i realize, i've been driving for a week. i have no clue how to get home from here, so they mapquest directions, and i'm freaking out because my curfew is midnight, but i have no cell phone to call my mom and tell her i'll be late. so i'm already screwed, and i go to try and use these mapquest directions, and they're either wrong, or i'm an idiot. and i can't figure out how to get on this highway to get me safely home. i felt like crying, pulled over behind a cop and asked him where to go. i finally had directions and got on the road.

i remember the moonlight on the snow by the sides of the highway. how cold it was in my jeep, and the feeling of heart and my stomach trying to occupy the same lump in my throat all at once while eyeing the clock with vicious intent, damn sure that it didn't want to be telling me that it really was 12:15. and right around then, in the middle of some of the worst angst I had ever felt in my short teenage life, somehow something worked out so that my copy of It Still Moves rolled on over to track 11.

and my life changed.

i understood the desolation of "Steam Engine". The loneliness and the complete utterly empty feeling. it was all right there. i left out a lot of the details of the night, but it had basically just kind of frustrated me by being thrust into a crowd of people i quickly realized i didn't want anything to do with. that and they got me lost. but you know "Steam Engine" it builds and builds and builds and builds and the fact that my heart is beating is all the proof you neeeeeeeeed and I understood it.

I understood why Jim James writes music. And it was a beautiful thing. And because of where I was at that point in time, "One In The Same" became one of the most beautiful songs I had ever heard. I don't care what you say Corey, it has a specific in my musical history, and it will never be stripped of that.

All the way back home
How long did it seeeeem?
3 days or 4
snow glazed all the treees
my mother held me
like a motorcycle
so warm
we sang melody

and when I came home, my mom was still up. and instead of coming down on me with righteous anger, she loved me with that grace only a mother can, because i was alive. as worried as i was, I can't imagine her fears. i learned a thing about love that night. something about love, something about fear, and something about music. and it's why My Morning Jacket isn't something that mainstream radio will ever be abble to digest. their is a kind of musical spirituality behind Jim's writing, not in the way that it channels God or replaces Him, but that he connects with listeners souls (the lucky ones, at least) in such a way that the statement is understood far beneath the expressible layer of human perception. it is something coming from a place so in tune with all of us here in some wavelength or another, that we resonate perfectly. Jim puts into words that which our own heads cannot. and sometimes it's not even words. it's just the way that he sings...



not really. i have some cool friends.. but even if that were to happen , i wouldn't care.  I and the ones i love most do get it and that is all that matters!!!   ;D

QuoteHave any of your friends ever given you shit about liking MMJ so much?

You know, the whole, "They aren't that great" shit?

To each his/her own I guess, but I don't get how someone can not love every single aspect of this band.


I should make new friends.


QuoteI have been reading your posts and it's funny how often new people arrive here with the same story.  Including myself.  I have never joined a forum before, but this band made me want to talk to others about them, and for some reason, my friends are slow to catch on.

Same here!
You Are Everything
