James Taylor at Jazzfest

Started by harristrensky, Apr 23, 2005, 07:44 PM

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I just got back from seeing James Taylor at Jazzfest and I have to say it was really great.  I even got teary-eyed at a few songs.  I wanna know what everyone thinks of JT...........
I was a big old bear once.


There's Still Time.........


seeing him this July in Nashville

JT is great
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


I like him pretty good.  I used to date a guy named James Taylor.  I was living in a building with a fancy concierge, and they called every time a visitor came.  Here's how many a conversation went:

"Hello, Ms. EC, you have a James Taylor here to see you."
"Okay, thanks, send him up."
"Ah...  Do you know,  has he seen fire and rain?"

I think my favourite JT songs were the ones he wrote with Carole King, even though they might be the cheesiest.  I rather dig on cheesy songs here and there. :)


Love him! Never seen him live. Will go and see him whenever he's close enough. My kids would love to go too. They sing along to his songs.


Speaking of kids and James Taylor, I just remembered this tape we had when I was a kid.  It was either Sesame Street or The Muppets, but it was adults singing kids songs...  James Taylor was on there.  I believe The Doobie Brothers were also on there.  Winkin' and Blinkin' and Nod was the name of one of the songs...

Holy shit I just found it: http://www.jr.com/JRProductPage.process?Product=3816862
Wow does that ever bring back memories of trying to squish my brother into the door with my feet.  (I was an evil older sister.  Not nice and protective at all.)

(For those who remember any of my silly posts, we used to play this tape and the Oldsmobile mixed tape with "Run for the Roses" all the time.  Seriously, ALL the time.  In the Oldsmobile.  And the back seat seemed like a little apartment.)


Not enough energy and one person who just does not like his voice.
