
Started by EC, Apr 20, 2005, 08:02 AM

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QuoteHOUSTON (AP) - With an assault weapon in each hand, rocker and gun rights advocate Ted Nugent urged National Rifle Association members to be "hardcore, radical extremists demanding the right to self defense."

Speaking at the NRA's annual convention Saturday, Nugent said each NRA member should try to enroll 10 new members over the next year and associate only with other members.

"Let's next year sit here and say, 'Holy smokes, the NRA has 40 million members now,'" he said. "No one is allowed at our barbecues unless they are an NRA member. Do that in your life."

Nugent sang and played a guitar painted with red and white stripes for the crowd at Houston's downtown convention center.

He drew the most cheers when he told gun owners they should never give up their right to bear arms and should use their guns to protect themselves if needed.

"Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em!" he screamed to applause. "To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em."

peanut butter puddin surprise

When will Ted Nugent stop freebasing and start making sense?  What a nin-cow-poop.  Hey, I know-let's get cracking on just eliminating people.  Oh yeah.  Instead of jails being filled to the brim with the criminals he derides, we'll fill it with vigilantes.  Death Wish, anyone?

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quote"No one is allowed at our barbecues unless they are an NRA member. Do that in your life."

My favourite part about this quote is twofold - 1. Does he really think that people would WANT to go to their barbecues?  Are people going to be so sad that they're not invited to "NRA Members Only" barbecues that they go and sign up?  And then, 2. "Do that in your life."  Ha ha ha, can't you just see him saying that?  Okay.  Somebody needs to make a guitar "say" that through nugent-simulation.  That would be really funny.

Maybe some people should start acting as double agents in the NRA.  Start little rumours about each other, leave little death notes on their doorsteps...  If they're only inviting other NRA members to their barbecues, then we need not worry.  If only NRA members are visiting each other, everyone else is okay.  We'll just get them all so scared that they just...

... you know what I'm gonna say.  

(I also don't really mean it, like in a for real way where I would want ANYBODY dead.  But these NRA people need some PR people.  They are NOT representing themselves very well.)

(Or maybe I should shut up and let them go as they do...)

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteOr maybe I should shut up and let them go as they do...)

now yer gettin' the hang of it...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Political issues aside, Stranglehold is the greatest rock and roll song ever written.


Contrary to popular belief (yes I was shocked to hear this too) Stranglehold is actually NOT the greatest rock and roll song ever. That title belongs to Boston's "Foreplay/Long Time".

That said, I think the Nuge is a bit extreme, but I think that  he does have some validity in his points there. The thing about having citizens protect themselves with arms - if rapists and child molesters had to fear being shot dead on the spot for getting caught in the act, don't you think our problems woudl decrease? I think a big part of why we have so many crimes taking advantage of those who can't protect themselves agains full grown men is the fact that our country has left the common man out of the punishing. In older civilizations, this stuff was handled by the common man, you didnt sit around waiting for a trial, instead, everyone in town knew about it and the guy was either completely shamed or killed. Heck, in the reign of Genghis Kahn, it was said a woman could walk safely from the edge of the Pacific to Turkey or and not fear at all, because if a man was so much as accused for a crime involving a woman, he was killed. How many sex offenders do you think they had back then? If all it took was someone pointing a finger, you'd be damn sure to not even get close to being in a situation where that could happen.

So I think Ted has a valid point there - put justice back in the hands of the people affected. Yes, there will be people who will abuse this, thats guaranteed no matter what, but I bet that if you were considering raping a woman or molesting a child, and you knew that, rather than jail, you would have to face the wrong end of a grevious father or husband's shotgun, you'd be a little less likely to do it. Even though a lot of these crimes don't get reported, that's just to the authority, and you can be damn sure that people know when this shit goes down.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Sorry to disagree,but there is no way Nugent could write the greatest RnR song of all time...his lyrics are juvenile at best,I mean come on,"Cat scratch Fever","Wang Dang know the rest...the lyrics to those songs are atrocious.
Stranglehold is one of his better songs and anything from that debut album is good stuff,but lyrics still not up to par with the greats.
That being said I think he is one kick ass guitar player and his right wing rants crack me way you take this guy seriously.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


a-MER-ica, A-MER-ica God shed His Grace on Thee!...


Stranglehold = Greatest Guitar Solo Of All Time.
There's Still Time.........


(three away!!)

Okay, fuck it, I'm only gonna say this:  Eisey, people who generally walk in the direction of murder and rape are not usually mentally okay people.  They're also not incredibly rational people.  They're usually not counting on getting caught.  "Hey, I shouldn't rape this girl because her Dad might shoot me" is not the kind of thought that is crossing their mind at the time.  I think I'd personally rather get shot by someone right away than get my ass fucked in prison.  IF I was weighing my options, that is...

I will stop now.

Back to it...

Stranglehold is okay.  I guess.  ;)


I have to throw my two cents in and say that Stranglehold is indeed a pretty kickass tune.

This quote didn't quite sit right, though:
QuoteThe thing about having citizens protect themselves with arms - if rapists and child molesters had to fear being shot dead on the spot for getting caught in the act, don't you think our problems woudl decrease?

This sounds like a reasonable idea, but if it were true the murder rate in states with capital punishment would reflect it, and they don't. I find it confusing. If I were a psycho, criminal-minded murderer, I certainly wouldn't get my kicks in, say, Texas. Plenty do, though - enough to show that the threat of lethal injection doesn't actually curb the murder rate.

This quote also got me thinking:
sweatboard said:
QuoteStranglehold = Greatest Guitar Solo Of All Time.
But...but...what about Freebird??


QuoteWhen will Ted Nugent stop freebasing and start making sense?  What a nin-cow-poop.  Hey, I know-let's get cracking on just eliminating people.  Oh yeah.  Instead of jails being filled to the brim with the criminals he derides, we'll fill it with vigilantes.  Death Wish, anyone?

And now, coming up on the late night movie, it's Death Wish 9.  "I wish I was dead...oy".  Simpsons anyone?


QuoteThis sounds like a reasonable idea, but if it were true the murder rate in states with capital punishment would reflect it, and they don't. I find it confusing. If I were a psycho, criminal-minded murderer, I certainly wouldn't get my kicks in, say, Texas. Plenty do, though - enough to show that the threat of lethal injection doesn't actually curb the murder rate.

Haha, I just about always wind up getting myself in trouble in here, don't I?

What I'm saying, rather than captial punishment, if you knew  that, instead of going through trials and prison, that you'd be shot dead on the spot for commiting a crime, don't you think you'd be a little less apt to do it? Capital punishment takes some time to get around to it, and a lot of states don't use it, but an angry dad with a rifle sure isn't going to hold much of a trial.

Just my two cents. I know, it's probbaly not the best idea, but I have a feeling it'd be pretty effective.

Megan, about the people who aren't mentally stable, it's normally because of people who are commiting crimes that would get them shot, were the Nuge's ideal society in effect - i.e. child molestation, child abuse, so on.

And yes, it is pretty harsh, but I think a little fear could do the seedier corners of america some good.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteMegan, about the people who aren't mentally stable, it's normally because of people who are commiting crimes that would get them shot, were the Nuge's ideal society in effect - i.e. child molestation, child abuse, so on.
I've read that a couple of times and my brain might be friend from trying to make taxes work (and it's HARD), but could you explain what you mean there?

QuoteAnd yes, it is pretty harsh, but I think a little fear could do the seedier corners of america some good.
I believe that there is a lot of fear in the "seedier corners" of America, but I don't think it's the same kind of fear that you're talking about.  There is possibly also a lot of fear amongst the peeps who are members of the NRA.  Don't forget Eisey, that by your system, the "seedier corners" of America are now allowed the guns, too.  

[size=10]I'm tiiiiiiiiiired.  I HATE taxes.[/size]

peanut butter puddin surprise

what, should we strike up the Spaghetti Western theme music and pretend the whole world is so black and white ala Fist Full of Dollars or even the Dirty Harry stories?  Wow, that's heavy.

The Nuge seems to be trying to recreate the Wild West, you know the one-Indians dying everywhere, buffalo being slaughtered, diseases being spread by blankets, and "law n order" via NRA crackpots with crank habits and itchy trigger fingers.  Give me a break.  Crime (as defined by "street" crime) has been falling for thirty years now. I am confused as to what kind of utter paranoia does one have to be a victim of to subscribe to "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality?  we live in a free society, sorry Mister Nugent.  Go ahead and start pulling triggers and playing God.  Good.  Good stuff.  

The price we pay for living in a free society is that crime will happen.  Having nutjobs like Ted roaming about armed to the teeth is NOT the answer to crime, education is.  And if we're so worried about street crime, then we should be throwing the book at white collar criminals as well...don't hear anyone offering to pop a cap in the ass of Enron, Tyco, etc.

I say we form a different organization that doesn't subscribe to this point of view and taunt their NRA sponsored BBQ's...kinda like antiabortion protests at the clinics.

Finally, this is a SAD, pathetic attempt at some spotlight hogging that this old turd can't muster anymore.  What a moron...I don't put out music anymore, so look at me, I'm "controversial"!  Give it up, Ted!  That's not cereal...that's cat litter!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


The best argument against Terrible Ted's point of view is that there are plenty of locales on this planet where vigilante justice is the prevailing justice system and you won't see Ted or any other NRA members volunteering to relocate to those hell-holes. And human history is full of examples for them if they would bother to learn from it.

Anarchy and violent chaos are not part of a civilized society, and society has the unfortunate obligation to protect simpletons like the NRA and Ted from themselves.
Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway


QuoteAnd human history is full of examples for them if they would bother to learn from it.

This is completely off subject, but I heard Condoleeza Rice the other day explaining why and how she became a lifelong Republican.  She said something like "Growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, I witnessed the Democrats violating my father's right to vote for many years.  As soon as I left, I joined the Republican Party" showing how absolutely ignorant of American political history this woman is.  The Democratic Party (which I am in no way a huge fan of; John Conaway and I had a nice debate last year over Nader vs. Kerry.  You might be able to find it somewhere in the archives of these threads) was not blocking her father's right to vote.  The Democratic Party was split in Congress during those years; there were the Northern Democrats, and the Dixiecrats (Southerners had generally refused to be associated with the Republican Party since Reconstruction.  General James Longstreet was the exception and he was pariahed for it. It was the party of Lincoln after all).  A coalition of Dixiecrats and REPUBLICANS, CONDOLEEZA were the main impediments to any civil rights legislature.  When in 1964, Lyndon Baines Johnson (a Democrat) finally shoved through the Civil Rights Act, he told an aide, "We've lost the Solid South."  He would be proven quite correct.
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home

peanut butter puddin surprise

well, ya gotta consider the source.  ms. rice ain't exactly the world's greatest diplomat, but holds the highest diplomatic job in the country, if not the world...aye carumba.

the nuge is a has-been, plain and simple, trying to get our attention.  bah.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Should I worry about Ted when I'm down there?  He's in Texas, right?  Okay.  I'm not going to Texas.

And John, I think you're right.  He gets caught up in the "crowd" buzz, and says REALLY fucked up things in the moment.  He probably says some pretty moronic things in the quiet times, too.

And he cries.  Because the times are quiet.  

Ooooooooh mean.


QuoteShould I worry about Ted when I'm down there? ÊHe's in Texas, right? ÊOkay. ÊI'm not going to Texas.

EC, please still come! i can assure you that there are people in texas who think the nuge is a moron, and also a certain president who used to be governor here.