Started by mickeyreds, May 19, 2005, 02:35 PM

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As long as you keep a straight face...


Guinness is good for you! Have you tried those relatively new cans. It's like getting a perfect pint. Genius. Also fond of Chimay and Duvel.


It depends on the situation.  Best overall beer, Keiths in a bottle.  Best warm weather, outdoor, relaxing beer, PBR in a can.  In Ireland, Guiness for sure.  In England, Old Speckled Hen.  If I'm feeling fancy, La Maudite.  

But for rizzo, I can drink just about any beer and it's fine with me.  :)


I didn't believe it when somebody told me that Guinness tastes different in Ireland... but it's true!  It's even better.

I like to drink local beers, wherever I am.  but overall faves include Guinness and Young's Ram Rod. My budget requires moderation, though, so Miller High Life, Busch Light (can, not bottle), or whatever's on sale at Schreck's Liquor store on Newburg Rd is more likely to be found in my fridge.


I'll jump on the Guinness bandwagon. Love it.  Had one while I was planting the garden yesterday.  Named my dog Guinness.

There once was a beer I held in the same esteem, but it has been unavailable for about 7 or 8 years; Dortmunder Union Dark.  Very complex flavor, lots of malt. Wish I could still get that one.
Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway


I too am a Guiness man, but since getting a kegerator I usually drink domestic at home these days....
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women


QuoteI didn't believe it when somebody told me that Guinness tastes different in Ireland... but it's true!  It's even better.
I had one in the Guinness Factory.  Highly delicious.


Sam Adams...especially the Summer Ale that should be back any day now!


Stella Artois and Harps are some of my faves. Also there's a local brew in Chicago called Honker's, it's good stuff!

But seein you feels good, and its always understood.
That anything much sweeter would make me die.


Don't do the Guinness....come on let's get back to some old favorites.  Rolling Rock, Mickey Big Mouths, Country Club, Lowenbrau, Moosehead, St. Pauli Girl and the classic 11 oz. stubbie of Rainer.


peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteBest warm weather, outdoor, relaxing beer, PBR in a can

Y'all fancy hipster types drinkin' some PBR just amaze me to no end...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.  If the marketing gurus at Lowenbrau or Keystone were overrun with 20somethings wearing trucker ball caps, we'd hear all about them as the "cool" beer.  No bad vibes, naturally-it's just that I'm old enough to remember when PBR was .40 a quart and it was what you got when you couldn't afford better beer.

Some of my favorites (none marketed by fancy twentysomethings in trucker ball caps  :)...that I know of!)

-New Castle Brown Ale
-Gennessee Cream Ale
-whatever my homebrewin' friend Rich has cooked up...he makes a Belgian Wheat Ale that will blow you away
-Lablatt Blue
-Bass Ale
-Darkstar Porter from BBC

I favor a darker, heavier beer.  Bud and Miller can take a piss.  

Boubon blows ALL of them away, IMHO... :)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteY'all fancy hipster types drinkin' some PBR just amaze me to no end.
Heh.  Believe me when I tell you that I am neither fancy, nor a hipster.  Or a twenty-something, for that matter.  ;)  

And what's funny is that I had written a whole big thing about my choice of PBR, and erased it.  It basically talked about how I think the PBR, for me, is more psychological.  I mean, I don't actually mind the taste of it, but I have a few good memories with it, and so it takes me back there...  Does that make sense?

peanut butter puddin surprise

Heh.  Believe me when I tell you that I am neither fancy, nor a hipster.  Or a twenty-something, for that matter.  ;)  

And what's funny is that I had written a whole big thing about my choice of PBR, and erased it.  It basically talked about how I think the PBR, for me, is more psychological.  I mean, I don't actually mind the taste of it, but I have a few good memories with it, and so it takes me back there...  Does that make sense?

Oh yeah.  Genny Cream isn't one of my favs because of the taste, that's fer sure!  All those countless beer bongs and the beer bong inspired antics afterwards are what I remember...not the dry heaves, thankfully.

And don't sell yourself short, oh fancy, hipster one!  Does this mean we share a decade?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I don't drink,but if I did:
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


QuoteDoes this mean we share a decade?

I think so...  I think I'm at the beginning, and you're closer to the end...  (Does your decade start with 3? ;))


When you're out West....Fat Tire

When you're in Kentucky....Falls City

When you're in Iowa or Wisconsin.....Old Style


Because U Deserve What Every Individual Should Enjoy Regulurly...Besides that I go with Newcastle and Bass.


It's the little differences...

Would love to get me a taste of those american beers though...


I'll admit, I'm pretty hip.  But I don't wear trucker ballcaps, or vintage t-shirts (though I did the first time, when Beck made it cool in 1994).  I do, on the other hand, drink the PBR.  The best beer out there, hands down.  What other beer do you know has the cahonnes to boast of winning the award for "America's Best in 1893" right. on. the. can.  That's badass in my book.  And the beer we used to drink when you didn't have any money was Schlitz Blue Bull.  

Let me take a moment to say that if Milwaukee's Best is the "best" they can do, they need to get out of the beer brewing process.

I've tried Guinness before, and all I can say is:  I like to drink my beer, not eat it.

Sam Adams is good if you're eating something with it, not just drinking to have a good time.  Heineken is probably best for that situation.

//definitely not a beer snob.  In fact, quite white trash.  
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


though its not my favorite beer by a long shot, only the brand i drink when i'm poor which is all the time, budweiser does proclaim to be


right on the can.

blows pbr out o the water. wait, pbr IS water.

okay sorry had to say that. i respect everyones choice. not a beer fanatic or academic. like the fat tire do.

peace out