5 Star Dodgeball

Started by sweatboard, Feb 12, 2005, 02:06 PM

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Doesn't that Douchebag glitch piss you off?

Damn...the "D's" were supposed to be emoticons...



Doesn't that Douchebag glitch piss you off?

Definitely not Dandy, is it?   :-/



Definitely not Dandy, is it?   :-/



Okaaayyy, so D on it's own is fine.
D with another letter, like o, so Do is whatever just happened
D with something before it, like a period and then a D looks like .D



dragonboyzzzinthehood, seeing as you're in Japan and all, I think your job should be to teach us karate (pronounce ka-ra-tay) moves to incorporate into our technique.  Do you think you could come up with a routine?

I hear ya EZ - check the new picture!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


It's a D poltergeist.  It's just mad because it isn't a Z.  Just ignore it.



I hear ya EZ - check the new picture!
Dude, that couldn't be more perfect if we tried.  Great!

What do we call you?  Sunzei?


Wait, found a better one!
That's Elvis in the picture, not me.
(my belt is leather & rather tight these days!)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteWait, found a better one!
That's Elvis in the picture, not me.
(my belt is leather & rather tight these days!)
Thanks for clarifying that it's Elvis. ;)  His belt's lookin' a little tight, too.

What the hell is that, anyhow?  Do you think Elvis could've managed a karate chop between fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches and m&amphetamines?


I think you're wrong EC!
Elvis really was a black belt in Karate just like he was a real FBI agent.

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteI think you're wrong EC!
Um, who are you talking to?  >:(


just kidding.

Maybe Elvis was/is an FBI agent, and he's not actually dead, but instead he had to change his identity...  hm...


Um, who are you talking to?  >:(

Shit, sorry EZ!

Elvis does that to me, I get all excited & forget everything else around me!

Fuck, too much fun - I've gotta get some work done  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.



Maybe Elvis was/is an FBI agent, and he's not actually dead, but instead he had to change his identity...  hm...

UUh Huh!
Thank you, thank you much!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.



UUh Huh!
Thank you, thank you much!
hahahaha!!  Is that the Japanese translation?  ;)


Due to the massive influx of five stars we (Me) have decided to switch from dodgeball to XFL Football (I Know It No Longer Exists But Just Think..........We Should all be able to get some playing time and, We Should Make The Playoffs Every Year).  Also, I've got some good ideas for rule changes and special promotions.  Before you know it the ZFL will be the hottest new league sport on the planet.  

Rule changes include...................

1. Instead of regular football helmets we all wear those hard hats with two drink containers on each side and straws protruding directly to our mouths filled with our beverage of choice (pina colada's).

2. Instead of moving around and tackling people and shit we just sit in lawn chairs and listen to music.

3. The National Anthem shall me replaced with "One Big Holliday" played live by the band at each half-time show.  

O.K. as commish I now leave it to my other five stars to recomend any rule changes they would like to see me have implemented into the league.    
There's Still Time.........



Rule changes include...................

1. Instead of regular football helmets we all wear those hard hats with two drink containers on each side and straws protruding directly to our mouths filled with our beverage of choice (pina colada's).

Elvis sunglasses to be worn as part of the team strip
A) to impress & dazzle the other teams & B) to lessen the effect of the night before's drinking!
(C cos they're so fucking cool!)

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Here are some of my changes:


I don't actually think I have any.  You guys did a good job.  Sit around and listen to music and drink pina coladas.  check.  Wear Elvis sunglasses. check.  Watch the dudes play One Big Holiday. check.

That's badass.  [smiley=pimp.gif]


That's a good team manual you thought up there sweat.  All I ask is that oranges  be served as a light snack between plays.  And I mean EVERY play.  To meet this unusual demand, we shall require 300 oranges per game.  Conaway will be in charge of purchasing the oranges.  Oh, do we have a team name yet?


QuoteThat's a good team manual you thought up there sweat.  All I ask is that oranges  be served as a light snack between plays.  And I mean EVERY play.  To meet this unusual demand, we shall require 300 oranges per game.  Conaway will be in charge of purchasing the oranges.  Oh, do we have a team name yet?
Team Z?  (Like Team Zissou?)
