I don't want to take sides here.

Started by FarmerYoda, Feb 08, 2006, 08:09 PM

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Now, I don't want to take sides or anything but remember how a lot of you were talking about banning the "clique" if you will?  Now, have you noticed how most of them have gone away?

Of course, I'm referring to Horko, Half, Alligator Gar, Waxy etc.

...Now, have you also noticed how much lamer this forum has gotten? Theres nothing to laugh about. Theres no more "rambling".

Just a simple observation.

I don't want to start a jumble (...or maybe I do)


peanut butter puddin surprise

My pap's smear came back negative.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteNow, I don't want to take sides or anything but remember how a lot of you were talking about banning the "clique" if you will?  Now, have you noticed how most of them have gone away?

Of course, I'm referring to Horko, Half, Alligator Gar, Waxy etc.

...Now, have you also noticed how much lamer this forum has gotten? Theres nothing to laugh about. Theres no more "rambling".

Just a simple observation.

I don't want to start a jumble (...or maybe I do)

Just stick to the Red Mosquito if you don't like it here.  This is just an entirely different kind of message board.  What they have going on over at RM is a part of that forum that was attempted to be transplanted onto this one.  Over here it just was "TO MUCH", if our forum was bigger and more active it might have gone over better.  It's much like when you try and transplant a liver.......sometimes the body rejects it.  As much as those guys were posting it almost seemed more like the Horko Lad and Waxy show than the My Morning Jacket forum.  I have nothing against those guys and I found alot of what they said to be very entertaining, again "It Was Just To Much"!!!!!!!!!!!!      
There's Still Time.........


I agree...nothing against them, but seeing 4 new threads every 5 minutes kinda got to me. :-/


I don't think I ever laughed at their threads, just their extreme need to be noticed. To each his own, but I'm glad I don't have to scroll through their incessant posts.


I always thought Horko wasn't wearing pants. He had that head shot in his Michigan helmet, but I got the feeling he wasn't wearing pants.

Made me real nervous. Like, whenever I saw his avitar, I had to sort of check behind me, make sure no one one standing behind me...

And I didn't think he was funny.

Besides all that, the fact that I didn't think he was wearing pants (ever), he made me feel nervous, didn't think he was funny, after all that, I'd have to say I thought the guy was a real dick.

Plus, I thought he was a real dick.


QuoteI always thought Horko wasn't wearing pants. He had that head shot in his Michigan helmet, but I got the feeling he wasn't wearing pants.

Made me real nervous. Like, whenever I saw his avitar, I had to sort of check behind me, make sure no one one standing behind me...

And I didn't think he was funny.

Besides all that, the fact that I didn't think he was wearing pants (ever), he made me feel nervous, didn't think he was funny, after all that, I'd have to say I thought the guy was a real dick.

Plus, I thought he was a real dick.

Here's a quote from your disclaimer Ycarrot:
"I'll try not to get personal or nasty"
I would say that your last post was A. pretty personal & B. pretty nasty.
Fair enough, the comment about the trousers was pretty funny but "I thought he was a real dick" ?!! Come on man...

Horko still posts here from time to time & you know that post is going to get back to him.
I think Sweatboard said it perfectly without getting personal or nasty.
It's childish & unpleasant posts like that have kept me away from other internet forums. Why do you have to be like that?

I didn't care for the vast majority of Horko & his gangs posts but I'm not about to single anyone out & call them a dick.
I'm not really too sure why Farmer Yoda started this post. Like Sweatboard said, if you don't like it here post somewhere else.

Horko & his gang are what, in their late teens? Early 20's?
You're 42 years old right?
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.



Here's a quote from your disclaimer Ycarrot:
"I'll try not to get personal or nasty"
I would say that your last post was A. pretty personal & B. pretty nasty.
Fair enough, the comment about the trousers was pretty funny but "I thought he was a real dick" ?!! Come on man...

Horko still posts here from time to time & you know that post is going to get back to him.
I think Sweatboard said it perfectly without getting personal or nasty.
It's childish & unpleasant posts like that have kept me away from other internet forums. Why do you have to be like that?

I didn't care for the vast majority of Horko & his gangs posts but I'm not about to single anyone out & call them a dick.
I'm not really too sure why Farmer Yoda started this post. Like Sweatboard said, if you don't like it here post somewhere else.

Horko & his gang are what, in their late teens? Early 20's?
You're 42 years old right?

jeeez dragon, I get the feeling you were just waiting in the shadows, waiting for me to get nasty...

Horko started a thread, showing pictures of elderly people in various, disgusting and humiliating poses. That's why I said he was a dick.

I said he was a dick when he started that thread, CC zapped it, and I still say he's a dick for posting that thread.

Who gives a zippity doo dah how old I am?

I apologize if I do not act mature enough for you; most people my age don't still hang on the edge of the stage at rock and roll shows either, I guess I am immature.

But I still love you... ;D


No man - I wasn't waiting in the shadows! :)

You're quite right about the old people thread I remember it & I too thought it was in bad taste.
What I did find funny was that an old peoples thread was considered in bad taste & yet a camel toe thread wasn't?
No offence to Sweatboard - I posted in the camel toe thread!
I just can't help but wonder if that wasn't a case of double standards because the camel thread was started by a popular, well repsected & long standing member of the forum. Anyway, that's not the issue here...

My point with regards to age is that maybe Horko & his gang don't know any better? He did openly apologise for the old peoples thread.
I'm pretty sure I was a dick at that age (I'm not saying Horko & his gang are dicks!)

My point is this, sometimes I look at other fourms & I see kids fighting & name calling & such like & it makes me sick so I stay away.
Calling someone "a real dick" straight out just like that...i don't know. We don't need that here do we?
There's a big difference between saying 'he was a dick 4 starting that thread' & 'I thought he was a real dick'

Sorry dude - late for work & gotta run. I would send you a PM to check that we're cool but you'd probably ignore it like before ;) ;) ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteSorry dude - late for work & gotta run. I would send you a PM to check that we're cool but you'd probably ignore it like before

I don't ignore PM's. Sometimes they sit in my box for a week before I notice them, but it ain't intentional.

The camel toe thread was light hearted and not mean spirited(IMO).

I worked at a Veteran's Home once, so I am sensitive towards the plight of the elderly.


I don't ignore PM's. Sometimes they sit in my box for a week before I notice them, but it ain't intentional.
The camel toe thread was light hearted and not mean spirited(IMO).
I worked at a Veteran's Home once, so I am sensitive towards the plight of the elderly.

Chief, I sent you 2 PMs after openly apologizing to you regarding the John Lennon thing. You never responded to either. How can you say you don't ignore PMs?

I also thought that the Camel Toe Thread was light hearted & not mean spirited. I posted a couple of pictures there.
I just think that if we're going to have a moral majority that looks to censor the forum from time to time we should avoid threads with semi pornographic images of the womens vaginas. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that some people were offended by that thread but didn't have the courage to say anything.

Like I said I also found the old peoples thread to be offensive & didn't post there.
We're on the same team here.

I just think we should all refrain from name calling of any kind.

How's about we lock this one down & start a Wes Anderson/ Bottlerocket thread?
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteHow's about we lock this one down & start a Wes Anderson/ Bottlerocket thread?

What a GREAT idea.  

peanut butter puddin surprise

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



Chief, I sent you 2 PMs after openly apologizing to you regarding the John Lennon thing. You never responded to either. How can you say you don't ignore PMs?

I also thought that the Camel Toe Thread was light hearted & not mean spirited. I posted a couple of pictures there.
I just think that if we're going to have a moral majority that looks to censor the forum from time to time we should avoid threads with semi pornographic images of the womens vaginas. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that some people were offended by that thread but didn't have the courage to say anything.

Like I said I also found the old peoples thread to be offensive & didn't post there.
We're on the same team here.

I just think we should all refrain from name calling of any kind.

How's about we lock this one down & start a Wes Anderson/ Bottlerocket thread?


I truly don't recall getting PM's from you, Tonto.

I have my moments where I don't look at my PM ticker.

If I read your PM, I guess I felt like I didn't need to respnd. I remember thinking it was over from the thread.

It's odd you participated in the camel toe thread when you thought someone might be offended. Why someone would not have the courage to say they are offended on a message board is strange to me. How will we know? Who will decide what is offensive if no one speaks up?

That's why I said something about Horko's thread.

But you feel like we should avoid threads like the camel toe, yet you posted pictures to that thread....interesting.

Sounds like next time you might need speak your mind.

Have a good one and here's a link to a Wes Anderson, Owen Wilson, et al board:


Have a good one!  ;D

Mr V Ulva


semi pornographic images of the womens vaginas. I

Technicaly they were vulvas.  ;)


Not to be confused with uvulas, which hang at the back of your throat and jiggle when you sing.

hm.  I don't think vulva plural has an 's'.  I think vulva is already plural.  Just to get technical.

Whyyyyyyy is everybody on each other's backs these days?  Hey?  Can't we just get along and talk about stupid shit like Jim's hair and coffee and poison's guitar players?  huh?  It's all love, isn't it?  

Isn't it?   :-/

hey?   :-[


love, ec. xoxo


There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he

And then one day
A magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return"


(Oh and I think vulva is singular, lets discuss  ;))


you are correct.  vulvae is the plural.  but that involves more than one woman, as vulva indicates an area, not a specific part.   ::)


somewhat going with the flow here, but then again not...

the plural of dildo is dildos or dildoes.

ive always thought dild-i sounds better.  
