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Tom Cruise

Started by ycartrob, Mar 24, 2006, 12:47 AM

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Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this guy?



i love it that you brought this up. i think tom cruise impregnated katie holmes so she'll have his biological baby, then he's gonna divorce her midwestern butt....
i read this incredible article on scientology in rolling stone a few weeks back. now, i don't believe any one religion is more legitimate than another, but i was just blown away... scientology's explanation of mankind's creation is, well, unique. and the pay-to-pray thing bothers me. can you imagine catholic priests charging for confessional services?
i think maybe he really does need some of the psychotropic drugs he rails against...
everything sucks. really.

Jon T.

I read that article too.  Those people are nuttier than squirrel shit.  I don't mean to judge but this shit is out there.  This article is long but it is pretty informative.


He's a wacko. and a very mediocre actor.
How did we let it come so far??


I don't understand why people have a problem with Cruise and his religion.He has a right to believe what he wants.This religion gets more publicity than the "peaceful" (sarcasm) religion of Islam,where murder and torture are taught.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


i don't have a problem with him believing anything, until he tries to be batshit crazy and tell women how to deal with issues in their lives. he might want to play a doctor in a movie, but he certainly isn't one.


QuoteI don't understand why people have a problem with Cruise and his religion.He has a right to believe what he wants.This religion gets more publicity than the "peaceful" (sarcasm) religion of Islam,where murder and torture are taught.

It's his odd behavior that creeps me out.

And his explanation of psychiatry is irresponsible. I understand we are over medicated (as a society) but I have friends who have benefited from psychotropic meds and I have sat with homeless people with true mental illness, not just some situation they could work out with a friend. When you're with someone who is yelling at things that aren't there, it might be time for some medicine, IMO. "Talk therapy" don't fix that shit.

It's just creepy.


you can just tell oprah is looking for her security people, mouthing "h...e...l...p...m...e..."

i don't think scientology's tenets are any stranger than christianity, judaism, islam or hinduism... it's all interpretation and it's all valid. but suppose i wanted to convert to scientology, i would have to pay hundreds of dollars for a beginner's session of auditing, and thousands of dollars to get an advanced audit. how can regular folks afford their salvation this way?
everything sucks. really.


Are murder and torture actually taught in the Quran?  I haven't read it myself, but find that a little hard to believe.  It seems to me that a lot of religions are corrupted and their teachings misused and misdirected by fanatics (and even by some that aren't seemingly fanatical).  This response is not intended to get into a debate on Islam (I'm far too uninformed on the subject to offer much in the way of debate), but just to clarify the statement that murder and torture might be included in the tenets of Islam.
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die


scientology is a religion made up by a science fiction writer who was on a bet with his friend.

hummers, bling, fancy dog clothes, ridiculous parties, scientology.  it's all very strange and weird.

tom cruise, i'm not surprised.  beck, i was very very surprised.


i think one of the reasons scientology is so laughable to most people is because the world has been able to see it form from its very existence.  if the mass media-angled world was around thousands of years ago, how many people would fucking laugh at the concept of a virgin birth and all those "miracles"?  scientology hasnt had the benefit of other religions of being around thousand of years and having its foundations twisted and re-twisted to promote its righteousness.

ill take the words of the great dan bern:

they put jesus up on the cross and left him for dead, and he almost died,
then he rallied 3 days, then died for real.
they might kill me for saying it, but mary made up the virgin birth to save her hide.
and joseph bought it, to keep his pride.
the whole damn thing's a great big lie.
jesus was a jew,
and so am i.
but a guitar.

 ;D ;D


I believe the religion of Islam is a violent religion...prove me wrong.

Scientology might be a weird religion,but they don't advocate the killing of innocent people just because they don't believe in the "Kuran"(sp?)
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


I didn't say there are not Muslims who condone the killing of innocent people, however, I think those who do condone these actions are fanatics and are not following the dictums of their religion.  There were plenty of Christians during the 15th century and beyond (e.g., in Latin America) that tortured, murdered and slaughtered in the name of Christianity to "convert" the "savage" Indians whom they encountered into Christians.  I don't think those Christian proselytizers were using instructions from the Bilble to perform their "conversions".  Of course this is only one example (glaring though it may be) in which Christianity was bastardized by a group of fanatics to justify their actions.  Again, I haven't read the Quran so I'm assuming some of what I'm saying.  However, I have friends who are Muslim and the last time I checked they weren't trying to kill or torture me, and they in fact condemned the actions of fanatical Muslims everywhere (much as I'm sure the average Muslim does).  Anyway, it all comes down to fanatics.  There are fanatics who practice every known religion, and they quite often debase their religion by using it to justify horific deeds.  Islam just happens to be a major religion that at this moment in history has a group of its followers using it in a perverted way.  I'm sure if we went back to 16th Century Latin America we might find a lot of American Indians who didn't have the nicest things to say about Christianity.  Ok, I'm off my soap box.  
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die


I see your point,and certainly all Muslims do not fall under the category of fanatics.

QuoteHowever, I have friends who are Muslim and the last time I checked they weren't trying to kill or torture me, and they in fact condemned the actions of fanatical Muslims everywhere (much as I'm sure the average Muslim does)

I would like to see/hear more muslims condemm these actions,as it is,their voices are silent,this could be the media's fault.

QuoteThere were plenty of Christians during the 15th century and beyond (e.g., in Latin America) that tortured, murdered and slaughtered in the name of Christianity to "convert" the "savage" Indians whom they encountered into Christians.  I don't think those Christian proselytizers were using instructions from the Bilble to perform their "conversions".

Yes,but this was the 15th century,I will agree we have fanatical christians today but none are threatening to kill and destroy another race of people.Remember,Muslims worlwide want to take over the world and push their religion on everyone,because in their eyes,we are the evil ones,the non believers in their religion.Also,you cannot be an Islam member if you belong to another race.This religion is hate filled and dangerous and I stand by my comments that it is a violent religion.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


I probably disagree with Jellyfish's entire premise that all Muslims want to kill and Islam is a violent religion. You can easily pull tenents of violence from the Bible (there's the whole "eye for an eye" bit mixed amongst the "love thy neighbor").

I am a Christian.

But, what I find silly is this belief that Christians are intolerant. Now, if you compare Christians to Muslims, then Christians (as a whole) are very tolerant.

Who was really put out when Muslims rioted recently to protest comic strips? Not many people, really. In fact, many of the liberal press attacked those who printed such comic strips. But remember when they had Jesus on a cross, dipped in feces and urine in a New York art gallery in the late 90's? And the liberal press called that "art"? (Comic strips are art too, ya know.) But did "intolerant" Christians riot and kill people?

I actually presented this notion to a friend of mine, and her response was that Christian's are not passionate enough about their beliefs to protest.

So we're damned for being passionate and damned for not being passionate enough.

My point is (or question), why are non-Christians more tolerant of other religions but really not so tolerant of Christianity?


To compare the violence generated in the Muslim world to the Crusades is just plain pointless--Muslims have been violent, fanatical, and intolerant through their entire history while other faiths have grown and become accepting of other's practices.  As has been said, there are over-enthusiastic people in all faiths but when did you last see a Christian suicide bomber?

P.S. who really gives a crap about what Tom Cruise is doing?  He doesn't dictate how I live my life nor do any other "celebrities"
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


I don't think it's a tenet of Islam to take over the world.  I would agree that most Muslims in predominantly Muslim countries would like Westerners and non-Muslims out of their countries, but I don't think they have any machinations to convert non-Muslims or to take over their countries.  Actually, it seems that it's Christians who are the ones more taken with the concept of conversion of all the heathen races, and with the idea of spreading their religion around the world.  I decry the actions of all terrorists, but I'm pretty sure one of the main things they're incensed about is our (American/Western European) presence and influence in their countries, and they want us out.  I don't agree with their methods; however being occupied by a foreign army would piss me off a bit I think.  Additionally, I think there are plenty of Muslims who denounce the actions of the fanatical element of their poplulation, but as you said, they don't get the media coverage they deserve.  Sensationalizing angry Muslims is more palpable and acceptable in the mainstream media.  I can't comment at length on the idea of what race you have to belong to be a Muslim, however, I'm aware of people of varying races who are in fact Muslim.  
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die


QuoteI  Additionally, I think there are plenty of Muslims who denounce the actions of the fanatical element of their poplulation, but as you said, they don't get the media coverage they deserve.  

It seems to me there are plenty of media outlets who would be more than will to cover any such denouncements yet we have failed to hear a peep.  Maybe there are everyday Muslims out there who think the fanatics are kooks and should be shut down but the ones who need to speak up (i.e. Muslim leaders) appear mum.  Why?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


It was mentioned that Muslims have been viloent and fanatical since their inception as a faith.  Without being historically knowledgeable enough towards the  Muslim faith I find this hard to believe.  It seems that most religions' histories are steeped in violence.  The statement that Christianity  as a whole has become the progenitor  in some way towards espousing tolerance of other faiths I also find a bit suspect.   Living in the Southeast I have encountered plenty of intolerant Christians, who seem to believe anyone who practices another faith is a heretic and unless converted beyond redemption.
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die


Ps- who mentioned the crusades?  Maybe I missed that reference.  I did refer to the treatment of American Indians in Latin America by Christians during the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, etc. but that has nothing to do with the crusades.  Again, maybe I missed the reference to the Crusades.
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die