acting like an adult

Started by eiseyrokker, Apr 27, 2006, 08:25 AM

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so i just worked out my schedule for next semester....

and i have to take an 8 o'clock biology class on MWF. any advice on waking up that early? poptarts? hard liquor? turtle blood? xl depends?

any help is appreciated. really.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Oh, you'll get used to it. You don't have the things facing me that I had when I was in college. I had to work until midnight most nights, then I had some adult beverages before bed. That's my fault and I know that, but it still kept me from going to class quite a bit.
If I can do it under those circumstances, you can do it.

peanut butter puddin surprise

here's the thing;  you'll only be in college so long, and it's SO worth it to finish and all that.  i'm sure you know that, of course-take it from someone who partied entirely too much and didn't take his own damn advice.  it's tough to go back once you've gotten out and got married, got a job, etc.  

as they used to say in the Army:  Suck it up and drive on!  ;)  you can do it!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


haha, you guys are so serious this early. 8 am's won't be any problem, it just means i have to start ging to bed at a halfway reasonable hour. like before one.

when do old people start getting reasonable bedtimes? i feel like they're kind of innapropriate when you're 18.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Quotewhen do old people start getting reasonable bedtimes? i feel like they're kind of innapropriate when you're 18.
ummmm, what do you mean by old?  like 60+, or me?

i've never in my entire life had a normal schedule.  maybe when you have kids, and once they're 6 or 7, then you have a reasonable bedtime because you've waited for it for so long...  or something...

my mother is in bed by 8pm.  no lies.


I have a 6 year old and typically go to bed between 10 and midnight because we get up around 6:30. Although I think I went to bed shortly after 9:00 last night.... still didn't get much sleep though.  :(

I still stay up well past midnight at least once a week though. Just so I don't feel like such a fogey.


It's been over the past 2 years that I have really felt it when I do not get 7 1/2 hours of sleep. I used to could do real well with only 5, but these days I really feel it.

Hey, but on my late days to work (1 PM) I will stay up till 2 in the morning. I am a creature of the night.

HOWEVER, I have found it very beneficial to get up early, let'
s say 8, on a Saturday. You can get a lot done. (if you got a lot to do).

peanut butter puddin surprise

man, these days, i'm in by 10 for sure.  the little alarm clock in the next room is going off by 5:30...

but i concur with corey:  i try to stay up until midnight at least once a week.....
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Getting up for 8:00 bio might be difficult at first, but you are young so you can do it. When I was a freshman I went out ALL the time. Somehow I pulled my shit together by senior year and graduated. I recommend trying to go to bed halfway early, but when you are 18 you only need like five hours of sleep. I feel like a granny now. I need at least 7 to 8 hours a night otherwise I am non-functioning the next day. So just remember, you think 8:00 is early, wait seven years and then try and be to work at 7:30 everyday. Fun!


I've seen some of the times of your late nite posts. Get to bed earlier! (sorry I just had to sound like a dad since I am old enough to be your father).
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


try a really obnoxious alarm clock tied to the ceiling
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Dude freshman year and 8:00 am classes. My advice would to just stay up all night then roll to class. ;D  I got a c+ in an anthrapology class that was at 8:00, probably the worst most boring class ever.


maybe if you learn to spell anthropology you can bring that grade up to a B...  ;)

tom... acting like an adult is overrated. i worked 40 hours a week while going to school full time, waking up at 4:45AM five days a week to open the coffee shop at 6AM then go to my afternoon class or went to my morning classes and worked the night shift.
i seriously missed out on the college experience, not that getting faced and making out with random people is necessarily a positive experience.
the good news is that if you're an ace student, you can sleep through half your class and get away with it.
there's always coffee...
everything sucks. really.


the only thing i know is you will hate getting up that early and miss a few classes for sure.  After my freshman year i never took a class that early. i would oversleep 10 and even 11am classes!  if i absolutely had to take an early class, i never did well.

I still have nightmares about missing or forgetting classes sometimes hahaah!

adults are overrated! :D


chief... ohmygod... i have the same nightmares! i have had these recurring nightmares that started after i graduated from college. i dream that i signed up for 6 ccourses but for some reason skipped the first class of the 6th course and then forgot about the course completely until the end of the year and realized that i hadn't been to that class, didn't do any of the work and was going to fail it.
but in reality i never missed a class i didn't skip on purpose and graduted with a 4.1 but 3 years later i still have that dream about once a month and it's just as scary. i have to remind myself that it's not true, it's not true...
everything sucks. really.


My advice is do the bare minimum necessary to graduate with good enough grades to get the job you want and spend every other conceivable second screwing off, getting drunk, chasing girls, partying, and listening to My Morning Jacket!  You'll have plenty of time to go to bed at a resonable hours!  I have a good job, a huge house, and a lovely wife now but I often long for the days when I would wake up on some beer soaked carpet with cigarette ash in my hair, half a burrito next to me, and wonder what they fuck happened.
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women


I heard a wise man once say, "College is a place where you pay people to let you read".


yeah... keeping in line with tracy's comments...

here's a dirty, dirty secret for ya, it's much like the "permanent record" myth they used to scare you with in high school. no employer is ever going to ask for your grades, your transcript, your attendance record, or any of that shit. employers want to see initiative, experience, spunk, creativity... i know this sounds cliche but you will see "college degree eequired" on some job ads, but you won't see "minimum 3.5 GPA required"...

i didn't skip class because the university was nice enough to give me scholarships i never asked for, and i felt like it was throwing their money in the potty and i felt too guilty. plus, i really liked learning stuff.

you *do* get used to waking up early, though. i never thought i'd be able to wake up at 430am, and i did it and i was fine. your body will just need to adjust.
everything sucks. really.


weeeelllllll..... actually, you gotta be careful about stuff like grades.  you might decide to go back to school for something else when you're older, and grades count.

two of my best friends decided they wanted to go back to school, and these dudes are taking highschool courses over again because they hadn't done well the first time around.  these are people with university degrees already.

just be careful.  :)


Quoteweeeelllllll..... actually, you gotta be careful about stuff like grades.  you might decide to go back to school for something else when you're older, and grades count.

two of my best friends decided they wanted to go back to school, and these dudes are taking highschool courses over again because they hadn't done well the first time around.  these are people with university degrees already.

just be careful.  :)

I am walking, living proof that if you go to college right out of high school, do a bunch of acid, fail out with a 0.00, come back to same college 13 years later, be on academic probation for first 2 semesters b/c making 3.7's sure doesn't pull your 0.00 up too much, that when you do graduate with a 2.6 b/c of your 0.00, masters programs you are applying for do look at that 2.6 and ask questions...and I had to do me some explainin'  :)