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Started by eiseyrokker, Apr 03, 2006, 01:12 AM

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Okey dokey, so i went bowling the other night and saw this guy with this amazing beard. We asked him how long he'd been growing it, and he told us it was only five months. So i decided, well heck, I can do that.

So I shaved yesterday, and I'm determined to make it to September 1st without touching it. I'm gonna have my parent's lock up my razor and beard-trimmer when i go home for easter, and I'm gonna go all summer, get a ridiculous beard-tan, and see what i've got when it's all done. I'm gonna chronicle with a picutre every two weeks on my xanga, too.

I figure  this is a quest into manhood, or something, whatever, I have no clue. But yeah, figured I'd let y'all know.

Anybody else done somethin like this? Any beard growing tips or anything?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


i have never tried to grow a beard, tom.  but my brother did.  and he has the fullest beard of anybody i've ever met.  he's lucky it stops around his eyes.  ;)

grow your beard.  why not.  i bet it'll be pretty hot in the summer, though.  plus your girlfriend might have issues with it...  ;)


haha, see that's why it workks over the summer, though. she works at a ranch in colorado for 12 weeks so she'll be gone for most of it. she just gets the second half of august with my thicket, but she's all up for it, from what support it sounds like she's given me. or it might be sarcasm. either way, it'll be gone or seriously reduced on september 1st, i just wanna see how 'uge it'll get.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

Mr. T.

I've heard somewhere MUSTARD does the thing. Put some around the chin & cheeks, and it should grow like hell. I don't know if it really works though, it might be something of an urban legend...

Here's a great beard, Robert Fischer from Willard Grant Conspiracy (I don't know if there's mustard involved)

We are young despite the years,
we are concern,
we are hope despite the times


mustard?  :)

he´s got a nice one:


i have the ultimate patch beard.  i get two nice ovals of completely smooth skin where no hair will go.  i still let it go 2 or 3 weeks at a time in hopes one day the hair will start to grow there.  do you think i need higher quality mustard to help?   ;)


dude, go grey poupon.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


My friend Ryan challenged me to a beard growing contest...I started friday night, and I'm gonna try and go a month....never done it before, so It'll be interesting.


I'm 28, damn near 29, and still can't grow a beard. The shit that grows on my chin is very dense and funny looking. I've let it got for about a week and you might can see it if you get close enough.  :)


I'd wait till next winter. Beard sweat sounds as bad as it is.


you may have a point there, but my idiocy is stronger than reason, and the process has already begun.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Dammit. Meg, here ya go.

Beforehand: (7 weeks and a day)

The aftermath:


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Quotemustard?  :)

he´s got a nice one:

Hey!  Rogue Wave!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Tom Eisenbraun, I salute you.  Few men can sport the stache, the soul patch AND the skynard all in one fell swoop, and yet there you go, young and breezy, telling us all to screw ourselves with our silly, silly notions.

You look terrific.  I hope your girlfriend likes it. :)


and here I thought I was the only one on this board with balls enough to wear a Skynard Shirt.  I have a Hilarious story about my skynard shirt.........if you ever see me wearing it ask me about it.
There's Still Time.........


I had a nice patchy beard going, but I had to shave it for a job interview. Since then, i have been growing it back out. Gregg, we should totally be The Bearded Gonzos and always have beards for the rest of our human existance.