Weird sayings

Started by Enrump, Jun 18, 2006, 09:10 PM

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I think about this all the time - like in Sweden we have a saying when someone's in trouble:
"He/she just took a shit in the blue cupboard" WTF???!!!
Or how about  "It's raining small nails" (as in spike - not the one on your finger)
one more before I go "Now the boiled pork is being fried" (also when someone's in trouble)
Is there anyone else who has a weird saying to share?

peanut butter puddin surprise

my pappy had some weird country-isms to describe

"it's raining harder than a cow pissing on a flat rock"

"it's cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey"

"colder than a well digger's ass"

"busier than a cat on a hot tin roof trying to cover up shit"

and so on....
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


"fuck yeah, hillbilly!"


Your dad is pretty much a GENIUS


a recent favorite:


it's funny how just the name of the festival became a nice general cheer for entire length of the festival...

that and:

"got any nugs, bro?"

we had to ask a stoner what nugs were. and then we had a jolly laugh.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Cheers True, I was wondering what exactly a nugget was.
I figured it had nothing to do with chicken  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


I actually argued over this one with my sister because she thought I made it up and none of her friends had ever heard it.. I'm sure someone on here has heard it, though:

"Does the Pope shit in the woods?"


QuoteI actually argued over this one with my sister because she thought I made it up and none of her friends had ever heard it.. I'm sure someone on here has heard it, though:

"Does the Pope shit in the woods?"

That's from the Big Lebowski, it's actually two sayings slurred together by the dude when he's just been drugged by Jackie Treehorn.  The two sayings are:

"Does the Pope wear a funny hat?"
"Does a bear shit in the woods?"

As another way of saying "of coruse", of course.


When I got to college, alot of people said, "sup wiv it?"  

It means 'What's up?' and I always got a kick out of it.


today, I heard this, from my friend, on the phone with smoeone:

"Yo, me and mad heads are here rollin down beacon 'cos the po bopped the party and we're lookin' for licks and shit."

Something like that.


Also - I toko it upion myself to start saying "I'll be there in two shakes of a lambs tail"
I think that's funny.


"pinch a loaf"  I mean who pinches loaves of anything (bread, lunchmeat, etc.)?  and do you really want to associate turds with something as lovely as bread?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Weird perhaps to everyone not from Canada, but I hope every Canuck on this site is currently taking a dent out of a two-four.


"hotter than a whore on nickel night"


My friends use the term 'Port Jurvis' when they cant really find words to express a situation. Dont ask me how that got started.

And this isnt much of a weird saying, but it wasnt until I did some traveling that I realized a ton of people still say pop when referring to soda. I thought that died out in the 50's haha. I dont drink pop, I drink soda.


I had a long arguement about the whole pop vs soda thing a few years back with a coworker.  I had just moved to the Pacific Northwest  area a year prior, and I commented on how many people say pop, and that it was an antiquated word and more people say soda.  Anne, my friend, insisted on roving me wrong.  She went home and printed out charts that proved that more people in the country use the term pop than soda. Blew my mind.  I mean, she printed out several pages of info.... she must have been super high!  LOL Good times


QuoteI had a long arguement about the whole pop vs soda thing a few years back with a coworker.  I had just moved to the Pacific Northwest  area a year prior, and I commented on how many people say pop, and that it was an antiquated word and more people say soda.  Anne, my friend, insisted on roving me wrong.  She went home and printed out charts that proved that more people in the country use the term pop than soda. Blew my mind.  I mean, she printed out several pages of info.... she must have been super high!  LOL Good times

North of your border, no one in Canada uses the term soda. It's pop all the way.


pop, soda, even some people i know just use the word "coke" as a general term for all of it.  i prefer 'carbonated beverages'

peanut butter puddin surprise

how about:

couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle
couldn't hit the broadside of a barn

what, did you miss a stroke?

grind it 'till you find it

you'd fuck a snake if someone held it down for you

god bless ya John Sr...RIP  :'(
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


As long as you keep a straight face...