Drive-Thru revelations and memories

Started by ycartrob, Jul 08, 2006, 03:49 PM

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I was just tellin' Tom on another thread that I think of "Space Age Love Song" by Flock of Seagulls sometimes when I am at the Wendy's drive-thru b/c I went through the Wendy's drive through right after I bought that album in like 1984.

Has anyone else used the time in the drive-thru for contemplative meditation? Made me think of other drive-thru revelations and memories:

-McDonalds drive-thru, 1980. Just bought Pink Floyd-The Wall and got high and had to have one of those sundaes. My buddy and I were sitting waiting for our munchies when we spotted one of our buddies inside, eating dinner with his grand parents (you know one of those surreal moments when you are 16 and you see one of your stoner buds having a perfectly straight and normal experience?). So, we parked and grabbed The Wall and snuck up to the window and held up the album up above the bricks so he could see it and we remained out of sight. Then when we knew we had their attention, we jumped up and went "BBBBllllleeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!" and ran off. He pretended he didn't know who we were.

-Wendy's drive-thru in like 1991, listening to "Good Times, Bad Times" Led Zeppelin and for the first time getting the play on words for the first line "In the days (daze?) of my youth" and thinking I was really dumb.

-Wendy's drive-thru, like 1994. The day I got my Altec Lansing car stereo speakers. The best and loudest sound I ever had. Listening to "Rearviewmirror" by Pearl Jam, on 11. Chill bumps still.

-Krystal's drive-thru, 1981 4 AM(do I need to even say we were wasted?). My buddy Frank was in the back seat and we had been drinking beer all day and felt it would be a good move to load up some bong hits while we were in that long line. Well, we used to call him "1 hit Frank" cuz that's all it took. So, we're sitting in line and all of a sudden Frank gets real quiet and his cheeks are swollen up like a chipmunks b/c he just puked, yet, had the common courtesy not to puke in my car. The pinch plate we had was a tin plate about the size of an album with about a quarter inch lip all aorund it. So, Frank carefully pukes in the plate and it's all that 7 hour old runny beer puke and he's trying to keep it on the plate and I am going forward and stopping fast and he is laughing and pisses his pants, but never spilled a drop...

-Wendy's drive-thru, 1995. I was dating a woman named Tonya and she pointed at my digital clock b/c it was 3:33 and she said, "Make a wish". I always think of her when I see 3:33.

-Wendy's drive-thru, 1986, wondering if it was a good idea that I spent my last 40 bucks (to my name) on a keg when all my friends were ordering food and were going to help me drink the beer and I had not eaten solid food in 3 days.

-and of course, being too wasted to order. Could have been anytime between 1978 and 1989.

Anyone else?


peanut butter puddin surprise

taking a TAXI through a Taco Bell drive through...circa 1992...3 a.m.  drunk, hungry, and out of money by the time I got home.  the driver was so cool, I think I was like $4 short on the fare, and he just smiled and said "no worries dude, catch me on the flip side".
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


i ordered 2 dozen won tons at a drive thru once.
"[Adrien Brody] is a big hip-hop fan and plans on becoming a producer. He is being mentored by RZA."


that was good.

you got some fucking memory.

May 20th, 2006 1:28 am

3 young whipper snappers in front of me at  the Jack and the Box drive thru ordered 58 tacos.  i know because he was kind enough to get out of his car, walk back and let me know.  and that we we might want to go to mcdonalds.  me and my copilot waited for our godamn ultimate cheeseburgers and egg roles.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


awesome stories tracy... i only remember one, it was fun and free back then, but super-lame in retrospect. isn't that the way it works sometimes?

drive through at mcdonald's, 1998... went to a college basketball game to spy on my uber-crush with a bunch of girlfriends and on the way back, we were listening to Usher's "U remind me" and singing along at the top of our lungs like a bunch of dorks. i ordered a vanilla milkshake and pined for Adrian, point guard, tall, blond, blue-eyed, sharp as a marble, but... aaaah... i took a no-credit class just to stare at him for 2 hours, twice a week.

i'm sure my husband has a quadrillion stoner-drive-thru memories much like tracy's. i'm gonna tell him to post.
everything sucks. really.


KFC drive thru:  I didn't want anything but my buddy did so I backed the car through so the window attendant could deal directly with him.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


fanatic, i've done that, too.

all my experiences are from Wendy's, too...why is that?

we had four different orders, and i'm assuming we all needed to use debit cards or some dumb modern crap like that, and they could only do three tickets, and we had four men. so i went through four times, with four different windows, for our four different orders.

a different time, me and four other guys decided to walk through the drive-through. but the drive through is pressure sensitive, so we carefully timed out a big jump so that we could talk to the drive thru guy for a quarter second while the jump pressure lasted.

and then another time there was a group of people at the outdoor tables so five of us sat in the back of my jeep cherokee. and then my friend came along in his cherokee, so we backed the two together and made a party out of it. then my friend busted out his plastic alligator and we lit up a cigarette (and i think this thing is meant as a pool toy, because it can take in water, and then spit it out through this little hole in his mouth) so we're smoking a cigarette and my friend inhales the smoke into the alligator, and then squeezes it out of him, and we now have a smoking alligator. it was pretty cool.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.



we had four different orders, and i'm assuming we all needed to use debit cards or some dumb modern crap like that, and they could only do three tickets, and we had four men. so i went through four times, with four different windows, for our four different orders.

LOL like a freakin' merry-go-round!
 I had a funny memory that all this fast food talk refreshed, I remember going to Burger King with my Mom and her sneaking in a beer to consume with her burger, of course the apple didn't fall far from that tree errrm....
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.