What I Would Change About America

Started by ycartrob, Aug 25, 2006, 08:48 AM

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I saw a political cartoon this week that showed flag draped coffins of US soldiers being assembly-lined off a plane and from each coffin there were those little streams of thought bubbles that said, "Who is Jon Benet Ramsey?"

Why don't we treat each fallen soldier with the same interest, love, and compassion as we show one little beauty pagaent queen? I mean, one little girl gets more coverage (I would say an exponential amount of more coverage) than all our dead soldiers combined. COMBINED!

And typing this, I begin to think of the Iraqui's that have been killed. Jon Benet Ramsey is more important than all the combined deaths of the war in Iraq? I swear there are some days when I am so disgusted with our media and their maggot mentality (sorry maggots, that might be an insult) and their drive to tell us what is important. Makes me just shake my head. I feel powerless...

See how we are?


It's been a big deal here because John Mark Karr was a student-teacher at the school where my little boy goes. He wasn't there back then (that was around 5 years ago), but the school has been in the news a bunch.

Yeah, it really is crazy how much press that case is getting.


The Scott and Lacy Peterson thing pissed me off.  Just becuase they were wealthy, attractive and from California, the media ate that shit up.  This kind of thing happens a thousand times and you never hardly even hear about it.  If they were african american and lived in the hood it would have been a blip on the back page.  I guess it goes back to what sells.  Whatever looks good on the front of the trash rags at the grocery store.  (Speaking of, can't I get a gallon of milk without looking at a picture of a celebrity on their worst day?)
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Yep the American press pretty much sucks rotting moose dick for the most part.  There are a few quality correspondents who actually have given the whole Ramsey resurrection very minimal coverage and stuck with the hard news items--but like I said few... >:(
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.