College Football!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by sweatboard, Aug 31, 2006, 02:29 PM

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QuoteEverybody is gonna feel real stupid when Alabama kicks LSU's ass tonight.


You are a good fan.
There's Still Time.........


QuoteYou are a good fan.

We kind of have to be this year.

We did a pretty good job tonight. We looked good for most of the game.

Also, TN was getting \he shit stomped out of them the last time that I saw the score.

(i stopped keeping up when the whiskey kicked in(


I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away

Angry Ewok

Alabama did a good show, no matter what the circumstances were coming into the game. That onsides kick that Alabama pulled off was beautiful, and the airtime those passes were getting were equally magnificient. To have just lost to Mississippi State been robbed at home, the Tide was pretty impressive against the supposed #1 defense in the NCAA.

This week has proven to be a week of upsets, Alabama losing to LSU included. On the bright side, it was a good game and I enjoyed it... and let's be real, I'm so glad Georgia pwned Auburn.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteTo have just lost to Mississippi State been robbed at home, the Tide was pretty impressive against the supposed #1 defense in the NCAA.

you know you're REALLY reaching when you:   say you were ROBBED when you lost to Mississippi State at home.

Just face it, Bama sux this year.


What an upset Kansas State pulled on Texas.

Yeah, Colt McCoy was out for almost all of it, but Texas just wasn't looking good overall.

I bet Mack Brown is pissed.


lots of upsets this weekend.  i wish SC could have taken out Florida.  If these one loss teams keep losing that's probably going to mean that OSU will be in the natioanl title game even if michigan somehow does beat them.  Go Buckeyes!

Angry Ewok

QuoteJust face it, Bama sux this year.

We're bowl eligible and I hope we face someone like Michigan so that we can just clean house and shut everyone up.

But first things first. Making fools out of Auburn (2nd week in a row) at the Iron Bowl.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Angry Ewok

The more we lose, the harder we'll be to beat.

You'll see.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


But first things first. Making fools out of Auburn (2nd week in a row) at the Iron Bowl.

I will say I root hard for Bama to beat Auburn. I had no real cheering reference in the Bama-LSU game, but watching Auburn get there heads handed to them by Georgia was a lot of fun!


I'm as big an Alabama fan as the next, but AE talks an awful lot of shit that we haven't been able to back up this year.  ;)

That said, we had a pretty decent game, all things considered. Didn't they say last night that we racked up more yards than anyone so far against LSU this year? Not bad against the best defense in the nation.


and old junior there playing QB is going to do real well if he can stay healthy for 4 years.

Angry Ewok

See, that's why I feel sorry for whoever we face for our bowl game. Alot of people have been talking shit about Alabama, and that shall not go unpunished. And all of my talk shitting for Alabama is more like prophecy.... except I've only been wrong about whose ass we're going to beat.

See, as the season goes on, it becomes more obvious as to who is going to get their asses handed to them.

The next couple of games are going to be brutal and I think Mike Shula is going to be getting alot of fruit trays and stuff.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


people made a huge deal of the Miami/FIU brawl in October. I ain't saying Miami ain't a bunch of thugs, but check out this video of a brawl between USC/Notre Dame in 1971. Looks pretty familiar...


I agree. If JP Wilson can stay healthy, he's gonna be a helluva QB. He's pretty damn confident already. Also, our 2 best receivers are only Juniors, so we'll have them again next year.


You mean Jon Parker Wilson?  why do they always call him by all three names? only assassins should be call by three names.


Yeah, that's him. I've wondered about that as well. I guess John Parker is kinda like someone being called Mary Beth or something like that.


Texas losing means OU now has a chance to win the Big 12 South.  If only we hadn't got  fucked over big time at Oregon,  I'm sorry I still don't see how they could've made that call, we would be a one loss team looking to sneak into the championship game.   8)
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


Great games this weekend. It just keeps on getting better! Go OSU next weekend!
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


I am so tired of the talking heads of ESPN talking about IF Ohio St played Florida or IF Michigan played Arkansas or IF USC was in the SEC.....
Enough already!  Get a fucking playoff going and settle it on the field! Tired of this bullshit.
Bring on March Madness!!!!