Tales Of My Morning Jacket

Started by Bigsky, Jun 06, 2008, 11:21 PM

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In June 2004 my friend Brandon and I got to go backstage before the show at Bogart's in Cincinnati and meet the band.Prior to going to the show my friend and I consumed waaayyyy too much blow and thus talked waaayyyy too much upon meeting the band.First Jim comes up to me and I'm telling him how much we love their music and what a talented man he is and how I keep my Jacket cd's in front of my cd case and what a talented writer he is and how we first saw them at Jillian's and how I love his angelic voice and how much we're looking forward to the show and and and and........................................and then I look over and my friend Brandon is doing the exact same thing to poor Tommy about ten feet away and Tommy's just standing there with this big ass grin on his face like he's thinking "MAN this guy just did waaayyy too much blow".I can somewhat remember Jim nodding and smiling and somehow slipping in a polite thank you.Then amidst our ranting Patrick,Carl,and Bo come out of a little side room where they'd been playing cards and Jim and Tommy looked at them like run for your lives guys or we'll never make it on stage by show time.The bottom line was I hadn't done coke in twenty years before that night and I haven't done it again since.After making complete fools of ourselves in front of our favorite band we decided it's better to enjoy the guys after a beer or two and maybe a little of the local shrubbery.The worst part is I'll always wonder if the guys actually knew we were wired or if they thought we were simply dumbasses who didn't know when to shut the f*c& up. :-[
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me.