perseid meteor showers

Started by ratsprayer, Aug 12, 2007, 11:15 PM

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they're going on right now.  not too much action, but the skies here in extreme southeastern ohio are crystal fucking clear, and i'm anticipating the peak of things in about 2 hours.  go out and enjoy!


Quotethey're going on right now.  not too much action, but the skies here in extreme southeastern ohio are crystal fucking clear, and i'm anticipating the peak of things in about 2 hours.  go out and enjoy!

Thanks for the post.  I had totally forgotten about the showers and I really want to see them.  Heading out back to the soybean fields asap!
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane


A sparrowhawk flew into my window last night. It was so beautiful. We couldn't do anything but watch it die. I can't work out what it was in the house it was going after. Forgot all about the perseid shower and missed it.
How was it?


My son and I drove way out into the country about 1:30 est. and parked along some fields for about an hour.  We really didn't see anything.  It was slightly cloudy, but not so much that you couldn't see stars.  I saw specks of light that were very bright and very quick, so I don't know if that was anything or not.  Kinda disappointed.

Nothing like the aurora borealis shows that I saw as a child in Michigan.

I'm going to try again! :-/
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane


we went to a park last night in town and laid in the grass and watched from about  12:20 CST to 2:00am.  we probably saw between 25-35 meteors.  a couple were absolutely incredible and left tracers they were so long.  I talked to plenty of people that went and didn't see anything though. weird.


i looked and looked and never saw anything.  drat.


I Love Meteors (as long as they don't fall on me)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


this whole thread reminds me of Laura Viers' album Year Of Meteors.

(remember that time when i couldn't name you a single female artist I enjoyed? boy how i've grown since high school)
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


of course boston isn't the best place in the universe to see stars and all that, but i got pretty close... for city standards, anyway.

i went to the park nearby at around 11 or 12 with three friends and we lied (Grammer?) under the stars and read "(Short STories) A Celestial Omnibus" outloud to eachother and wore sweat pants and made ourselves comfortable on a giant sleeping bag and everything was great until police questioned us. he shined his giant flash light on us and made us "have a little talk" with him.  he said the park closed at 6 and we had to get out, but then he acutally looked at us and realized taht we were probably the saddest teenagers, ever, and told us to not abuse the park, our minds, or eachother and we coudl stay put.

"listen, i didn't see yah', okay? no boozin' or smokin' just be nice, okay? keep readin' and snugglin' but don't do anyhting stupid, okay?"

it was nice though... very fun... mad meteorzzzzzz


"listen, i didn't see yah', okay? no boozin' or smokin' just be nice, okay? keep readin' and snugglin' but don't do anyhting stupid, okay?"
that just made my day.  we should all just be nice keep readin' and snugglin' and not doing stupid things. :)