Cheney takes a nap

Started by rccola71, Oct 25, 2007, 11:25 AM

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I believe there are better options than our current administration on both sides.
Mccain, Biden, Obama, Paul, Huckabee, Richardson. I got no love for Hillary.

Is fark like drudge ? I must check it out.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Liz...definitely no hard feelings :D
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


The options might be a bit better than whats in there now, but jeesh - I got no love for any of 'em - on a scale of 1-10 its like going from 1 to 2.  We're a long way from an ideal candidate - Now maybe if we could combine a few of them together it could work, but individually, not so good.

Yeah - fark is a lot like drudge - definitely check it out - you'll find all types round there - its the fastest forum I've ever posted on & probably some of the most random viewpoints I've ever heard.


QuoteLiz...definitely no hard feelings :D

COOL!!!   ;D      :)


nothing is better than a good debate that ends with no hard feelings...too bad countries and nations can't take the same approach
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry

bowl of soup

Quotenothing is better than a good debate that ends with no hard feelings...too bad countries and nations can't take the same approach

Amen.  Just make sure that you don't take any swipes at Bear Bryant's peeps and we'll all be o.k.

Man, I think I fell asleep once during a Church concert in Miami.  Or was that a drug overdose?  Lower the curtain down in memphis, Lower the curtain down all right. I got no time for private consultation, Under the milky way tonight.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


I think Cheney has a little more responsibility to stay awake than your average person. Considering he's like 2nd in command of the most powerful country in the history of civilization...

and Liz, if you hate politics so much, then maybe how about you don't talk about politics? Seems like a touchy subject for you.

Personally, I think Cheney should have one of those eye-lid-holder-uppers that they gave Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange and Cheney would be forced to watch endless loops of grieving soldiers' families, Katrina victims, Southern California fire victims, and Notre Dame football...



Notre Dame Football.


There's Still Time.........


 Around election time I seem to find myself crossed with the same dilemma.  Is it better to vote for the strongest democrat or an Independent Party.  I would like to vote for an Independent party but I obviously know there aren't enough people out there YET that feel the same, so in some aspects it's like an empty vote.  If I vote for a democrat it's at least more likely to have the possibility of getting us going in a better direction.  On the other hand how will we ever know how many people are interested in voteing outside of the Democrat and Rebublican system if they never vote otherwise.  
There's Still Time.........


QuoteLike I said - so he fell asleep - Big Deal - does that change the outcome of the California fires?

I also said - if you want to crucify somebody - whatever - but at least present good reasons because there are plenty of them, whining gets kinda old

Here's a good reason. He's the VICE PRESIDENT! He shouldn't be falling asleep in that situation.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Quote I would like to vote for an Independent party but I obviously know there aren't enough people out there YET that feel the same, so in some aspects it's like an empty vote.  

Indeed, yours is a two party system.
"An independent candidate? You might as well throw your vote away, hahaha"

It's either Kang or Kodos for you.


QuoteAround election time I seem to find myself crossed with the same dilemma.  Is it better to vote for the strongest democrat or an Independent Party.  I would like to vote for an Independent party but I obviously know there aren't enough people out there YET that feel the same, so in some aspects it's like an empty vote.  If I vote for a democrat it's at least more likely to have the possibility of getting us going in a better direction.  On the other hand how will we ever know how many people are interested in voteing outside of the Democrat and Rebublican system if they never vote otherwise.  

Thank you - you understand the point I was trying to make.

BTW- Tracy - I wont be talking politics in here again trust me.


here it is

I see why ol' Dick fell asleep now. First of all, a massive fire in California is little benefit at all to Haliburton. Second, just listen to Bush ramble on, that would put anyone to sleep. At 30 seconds he starts wishing he could control the wind, then explains that high winds feed fires. I did not know that. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


doin' heck of a job Brownie ;)
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry

bowl of soup

Quotedoin' heck of a job Brownie ;)

Finally somebody thinking what I'm thinking.  Isn't the contrast between this situation and Katrina delicious?  I know some folks in N.O. that would've liked at least a sleeping Cheney to show up - but all of those black people?  Yucky!!!!  
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Quotedoin' heck of a job Brownie ;)

Finally somebody thinking what I'm thinking.  Isn't the contrast between this situation and Katrina delicious?  I know some folks in N.O. that would've liked at least a sleeping Cheney to show up - but all of those black people?  Yucky!!!!  

jeeez soup, is anyone not racist in your book?

bowl of soup

Quotedoin' heck of a job Brownie ;)

Finally somebody thinking what I'm thinking.  Isn't the contrast between this situation and Katrina delicious?  I know some folks in N.O. that would've liked at least a sleeping Cheney to show up - but all of those black people?  Yucky!!!!  

jeeez soup, is anyone not racist in your book?

Lots of 'em.  Don't think you are as far as I can tell.  Cheney probably isn't either - just indifferent to the plight of people at the lower spectrums of society and that puts him in the same boat as most of our fearless leaders.  You just can't deny the contrast between the reaction to Katrina and the reaction here.  Or can you?
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Quotedoin' heck of a job Brownie ;)

Finally somebody thinking what I'm thinking.  Isn't the contrast between this situation and Katrina delicious?  I know some folks in N.O. that would've liked at least a sleeping Cheney to show up - but all of those black people?  Yucky!!!!  

jeeez soup, is anyone not racist in your book?

Lots of 'em.  Don't think you are as far as I can tell.  Cheney probably isn't either - just indifferent to the plight of people at the lower spectrums of society and that puts him in the same boat as most of our fearless leaders.  You just can't deny the contrast between the reaction to Katrina and the reaction here.  Or can you?

Well, there's just a tad contrast in the scopes of Katrina compared to the fires in San Diego. Let's look at some numbers, shall we?

In California the fires affected 765 square miles and damage estimates are around 1 billion dollars and caused 14 deaths.

Katrina effected 90,000 square miles, caused over 80 billion in damages, and caused 1,800 deaths.

That's 117x greater in square miles, 80x the size in damage, and 128x greater in casualties.
A tad bit of difference between the scopes of the 2 disasters, don't you think?

comparing Katrina to the fires in California is like comparing, it's like, ummm, what is that saying...

bowl of soup

Both disasters have displaced over 200,000 people, both are using large stadiums to house refugees (WHOOPS!!!!! I mean residents), and both are serious tests of our ability to cope with natural diasasters while most of the National Guard continues on it's important hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  People start chucking out statistics to cover inherent weaknesses in arguments.  What the fuck does the geographic size of the disaster have to do with how our government responds to crisis?

Your point about the number of dead makes my point.  Very few have died in these fires while 1,800 or so died in N.O.  Why?  It's easier to predict a hurricane than a wildfire (allthough as someone who has lived through 10 hurricanes or so through the years, I'm not so sure about this).  And yes, local government response (or lack thereof) is as big a culprit if not bigger than George and company, but perception is important to people and Georgie knows this more than anyone ("Mission Accomplished" anyone?)

The real test will be in the rebuilding.  There was great debate as to whether N.O. should even be rebult - we will hear no such argument about San Diego.  Much of N.O. is still a wasteland - my bet is that San Diego plus 2 years will look much different.

So maybe oranges to tangerines.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


My use of statistics is to show the difference in the disasters, and why comparing responses between the 2 is a waste of time. If you cannot grasp the fact that a disaster that happens over a 90,000 square mile area is different than a disaster that occurs over a 765 square mile area, then I just can't explain it to you.

Do rich people get preferential treatment over poor people? Yes. (you didn't need 2 disasters to occur at different ends of the nation, both economically and racially, to figure this out, did you?).

Part of this sounds like you're a little pissed about the slow response to Katrina (damned if you don't) and you're a little pissed about the quick response to the disaster that happened on 1/127th the scale (damned if you do).

petunias to begonias

(seriously though, does your anger have anything to do with the refs that were paid off at the Rutgers/USF game?)