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Started by EC, Nov 13, 2007, 10:40 AM

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let's talk about it
subject:  why do you like music so much?  what does it do for you?  

i feel, personally, that without music, i might not have made it thus far.  dramatic?  possibly.  it's music in the wider scheme of art.

how 'bout you, little pigeons? xoxo


Music is an immediate art form and is every bit as important as film, tv, literature and art.

I love music - I believe you either have it in your soul to love and accept music or you don't. It's a character trait and not learned behaviour. I pity people that are not affected by music.

Music is one of the most important aspects of my life (outside of family). I can't imagine what I'd be like now if I didn't listen to The Beatles/Led Zeppelin/The Rolling Stones as a 5-7 year old back in the early to mid 70's. I eventually moved on to The Who at age 8 and Hendrix when I was fourteen which in-turn made me look back towards Chicago and The Mississippi. When I picked up a guitar for the first time (abondoning the trumpet when I was 18), I wanted to be Pete Townshend. Today, I'm just another at-home blues/rock guitarist and non-prolific songwriter dreaming of a gig. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Music and my memory are intertwined.  Nothing drives my memory more than hearing music from my youth.  It can bring back those feelings that get dull and faded through the years.  It's almost more pronounced than smells for me.  Like the smell of a G.I. joe or play-doh. I know it might sound goofy but thats just me.  

My first listen to MMJ was at a bachelor party in louisville for Mr. Blandford a couple of years ago. In the middle of a Indiana cornfield, playing cornhole with the rugby team alum from UK,  stars shining bright and the righteous sounds of MMJ echoing through time and space.  That nite left a huge impression on me and rekindled my passion for music and unleashed my desire to buy everything Jacket and see them 8-10 times in a 2 year span.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


QuoteMusic and my memory are intertwined.  Nothing drives my memory more than hearing music from my youth.  It can bring back those feelings that get dull and faded through the years.  It's almost more pronounced than smells for me.  Like the smell of a G.I. joe or play-doh. I know it might sound goofy but thats just me.  

I love that...
I remember vaguely of a Christmas when I was like 3 when I got a toy that had a small green light on it (no idea what that toy was) and sometimes when I see a green traffic light I can go back to that time, seeing that light, it's like, under my blood, and it's in the stuff that holds the stuff together that holds the stuff together that's holding my bones together.  :)

Music is a big event for me. Like, everyone remembers where they were when 9/11 happened, or the Challenger explosion, etc...I remember where I was the first time I heard The Byrds-8 Miles High (when David Crosby hits that first guitar lick WWOOOWWW!!!!); Dire Straits-Sultans of Swing; REM-Radio Free Europe; MMJ-At Dawn (and on and on).

But what is it about sound that elicits emotion? How does a Bach violin concerto move me to tears at times? I mean, it's just sound waves, right? And I'm not talking about it conjuring up memories (ie, everytime I hear Carol King's-Tapestry I am transported back to 10 years old and all those emotions=SAD), I am talking about the raw energy of sound!

-Like the wind high in the trees
-Rain on a rooftop
-Feet moving through leaves
-A fan on high
-Doug Martsch's opening guitar on Carry the Zero
-The final piano key fading out on A Day in the Life
-Richard Manuel's voice (that voice!) on Whispering Pines
-The first 2 beats of Like a Rolling Stone; just those first 2 get me going

it's a subconscious reaction for me

I have heard bass players talk about the pulse of the universe, and even though I never learned to play an instrument, I am starting to become aquainted with this pulse.

It's in our DNA, I guess. I also believe it's from greater forces than our minds can comprehend.

Whispering pines...

Jon T.

Tracy, what's stopping you from learning an instrument?


That's what I'VE been trying to tell him.  I need a bass player, a drummer and another guitar player.  He says he could probably play kazoo but I've already got a badass kazoo player.
There's Still Time.........


Quote why do you like music so much?

because it is my life
because some emotions can't be expressed any other way
because you can't shake your ass to a poem
because it brings me joy
because it gets me through the day
because life would suck without it


QuoteMusic and my memory are intertwined.  Nothing drives my memory more than hearing music from my youth.  It can bring back those feelings that get dull and faded through the years.  It's almost more pronounced than smells for me.  Like the smell of a G.I. joe or play-doh. I know it might sound goofy but thats just me.  

it's a subconscious reaction for me

I have heard bass players talk about the pulse of the universe, and even though I never learned to play an instrument, I am starting to become aquainted with this pulse.

It's in our DNA, I guess. I also believe it's from greater forces than our minds can comprehend.

You nailed brother.
For me, when things are not so rosy in my life I find myself reaching "subconsciously" to music to change a pattern of mindset, or on a friday commute home with the tunes jacked up,  singing out loud to the other commuters  8-), congratulating myself for another week well done. and anticipating good times to be had over a weekend.

Sometimes the silence is deafening and the tunes will just make everything go away. :)

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


QuoteTracy, what's stopping you from learning an instrument?

laziness  :(


i'm in love with this thread, now


QuoteThat's what I'VE been trying to tell him.  I need a bass player, a drummer and another guitar player.  He says he could probably play kazoo but I've already got a badass kazoo player.

Honestly, I don't want our friendship to dissolve over your jealousy when I score all the groupies and you're left with the sloppy seconds of the load out team...

Jon T.

QuoteTracy, what's stopping you from learning an instrument?

laziness  :(

Honesty is a virtue...

 When I was younger I  was talking to a buddy of mine about a move I was about to make to a small town in AL with my parents.  I was 21 or 22 and I was bummed cuz I was in my wild phase; hence the reason I had to move.  Anway, I remember saying what the hell am I going to do up there.  And he looked at me and said, "learn to play guitar".  He said it like, "What the fuck else WOULD you do".    I'll never forget that.  He made it sound so simple.  Anyway, I bought a guitar and learned to play.   I'll never be in a band and I'll  never write a song but it is the single most rewarding thing I've ever done for myself.

I'm not trying to preach and say you NEED to go learn an instrument.  I'll just never forget they day my friend suggested it to me and how simple was.  I don't mean simple as in playing is simple but to actually just do it.  




QuoteMusic and my memory are intertwined.  Nothing drives my memory more than hearing music from my youth.  It can bring back those feelings that get dull and faded through the years.  It's almost more pronounced than smells for me.  Like the smell of a G.I. joe or play-doh. I know it might sound goofy but thats just me.

I could spend hours contemplating why I love music so much, but this says it so much better then I could ever come up. Music is like friend that is always there for ya, no matter what.

And if I can learn how to play guitar (badly but thank god for the Ramones so I have songs I can play) then Tracy can certainly learn and join Brian's band, groupies and sloppies not withstanding.


If your gonna  have  ladies in your band I might be your first groupie  ;)
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


QuoteIf your gonna  have  ladies in your band I might be your first groupie  ;)

well, Brian has the kind of on stage presence that excites both sexes...  :-/


My assless chaps aside.

Taterbug, meet my Kazoo player......

This one time she did like five GIANT bumps and then played the entire Freebird solo....Backwards!!!!   :o
There's Still Time.........


She still wears full on tennis gear when she's on stage but she goes by Martinalingus word.
There's Still Time.........


uhhh, need a roadie?


Sorry, already got one.....

There's Still Time.........


I wouldn't suggest booing, or throwing pennies at our band members if you ever go to one of our shows.  It turns into a whirlwind of blood spatter and people pissing their pants REAL Quick.  
There's Still Time.........