Flickr = Good Stuff

Started by vespachick, Feb 16, 2008, 01:53 AM

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I'm not selling anything, I'm just saying that Flickr is a helluva good website. Lots of good things to make you wonder and think about stuff, including a bunch o'MMJ ala dasmondhaschen, who has a BUNCH of MMJ shots - which, notabably have a very low visitor count. I digress. Anyway, if you have a few minutes to look at some cool photos, check out my brother's stuff, which, honestly, he and I aren't super-duper-close, though I love him dearly and I think he's super-cool, and so every now and then I check in to his site and I can't believe the goodness that oozes out of it:

My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked