Shiiiiiiiiit, or The Art of the All-Nighter

Started by eiseyrokker, Mar 05, 2008, 05:56 AM

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Even though I'm "not into the whole brevity thing", I'll work on it this time for true and aMD...

It's 5:47am. Shit.

I'm working on a paper that I've entitled "The Brain of a Genius." It's about Einstein's brain and the studies performed on it in the early 80's and on. Very interesting topic. My developmental psychology class is actually coming in handy with my ability to study this, if only for having been previously exposed to the word "myelin." I'm pretty sure I forgot it before I got into this paper and then was re-educated on it by bringing it into context. Fascinating stuff. (I'm already failing at this, aren't I?)

Anyways. This thing was due Monday. It's Wednesday now--it's due at 10:10am. I'm pretty close to finishing. I need to "wake up" at 8:15-ish. I think it'll be more a matter of "I guess I'll take a shower now" rather than actually waking up. I'm thinking sleep might actually do more harm than good in this scenario. I swear I don't like to hear myself talk as much as I might lead on in here--perhaps I can blame my long-windedness on my English major upbringing? Or maybe typing is cathartic. Screw it. True, you've stopped reading by now. I've at least put it in paragraphs for you, though!

That said, this doesn't come close to my favorite or best-employed use of the all-nighter. But, I'm fairly certain that you guys have some stories to tell on the subject. And everyone here loves a good story! (Hopefully I'm not somehow morphing my own long-winded nature into the idea that everyone here loves to read a lot, thus meaning "everyone here loves a good story." Digression. Done.)

So have at it! Use this spot to post your best or favorite stories of all-nighters!!! Happy typing!

-El Duderino

(there's no way in hell that I come close to being able to sign off with a dude-ism)
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


-El Duderino

(there's no way in hell that I come close to being able to sign off with a dude-ism)


best all nighter story: i stayed up writing five papers for four different classes. one of them was for an honors american women's history class. we had to write these papers over books about women's lives. i had spent a LONG time writing the other two, and i received a B on each. i turned them in on time and everything.

well, this last one was, like, two weeks overdue-- because i am lazy. i HAD to turn it in (the final was the next day), so i literally wrote this 5 page analytical paper in 25 minutes.

i expected a C, at most. well, i got it back, and had received an 85. the professor wrote on it: something about how this was the single best paper she'd read all semester, and it "pained" her to deduct 15 points for my turning it in late.

i heard she used it as an example the next semester.


dudeism: johnson?
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


Yes!! Those are the most ridiculous. I can't write a paper quite that fast, but I can do a hell of an all night the night before deal. Good story over here, when Paige and I started dating, we were ridiculous night owls. She came over to write a paper at like midnight one night that was due the next day. We wound up saying "screw that" and had fun doing whatever else we could find to do besides writing papers (well, not quite everything kids) until my 8am biology class. Her paper was due at 11, I think. So she went back to her room, took a shower, and then cranked the sucker out in like, less than 2 hours. Took it to class, turned it in, and got it back with a fricking 98. Unbelievable. Unfortunately, being an English major means you get graded down hard for turning in bullshit. They can smell it. I've never gotten that lucky. I do have a couple from last semester that have A's on them that I honestly can't remember writing, though.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteEven though I'm "not into the whole brevity thing", I'll work on it this time for true and aMD...

It's 5:47am. Shit.

I'm working on a paper that I've entitled "The Brain of a Genius." It's about Einstein's brain and the studies performed on it in the early 80's and on. Very interesting topic. My developmental psychology class is actually coming in handy with my ability to study this, if only for having been previously exposed to the word "myelin." I'm pretty sure I forgot it before I got into this paper and then was re-educated on it by bringing it into context. Fascinating stuff. (I'm already failing at this, aren't I?)

Anyways. This thing was due Monday. It's Wednesday now--it's due at 10:10am. I'm pretty close to finishing. I need to "wake up" at 8:15-ish. I think it'll be more a matter of "I guess I'll take a shower now" rather than actually waking up. I'm thinking sleep might actually do more harm than good in this scenario. I swear I don't like to hear myself talk as much as I might lead on in here--perhaps I can blame my long-windedness on my English major upbringing? Or maybe typing is cathartic. Screw it. True, you've stopped reading by now. I've at least put it in paragraphs for you, though!

That said, this doesn't come close to my favorite or best-employed use of the all-nighter. But, I'm fairly certain that you guys have some stories to tell on the subject. And everyone here loves a good story! (Hopefully I'm not somehow morphing my own long-winded nature into the idea that everyone here loves to read a lot, thus meaning "everyone here loves a good story." Digression. Done.)

So have at it! Use this spot to post your best or favorite stories of all-nighters!!! Happy typing!

-El Duderino

(there's no way in hell that I come close to being able to sign off with a dude-ism)

I read the whole thing Tom! LSD has led to few all-nighters. Other than that I like to get my sleep.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!