NCAA Hoops 2007-2008

Started by primushead, Oct 26, 2007, 11:20 AM

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I like to play full court but I like when they play below my Mason-Dixon Line...
Louisville Rock and Roll


If they can market women's basketball then an all-white is definitely called for.  not because i'm a racist but because I think it would make a great point about "women's" basketball.

I'm off topic, I know.

Go Buckeyes (despite the rough start) Boilermakers, Cards, and Blue Devils (that's right, GGG, I like Duke!)


You mean b/c of the Imus remarks?  Or am I missing something?  I miss watching Imus in the Morning rip everyone, including himself.
Louisville Rock and Roll

bowl of soup

QuoteHe was a beast last year, so far he's struggling with his shot apparently. We definitely need him.

You from Michigan originally or something?

no, I just identify with the white point guard...

Plus, I like watching Izzo coach.

NCAA basketball rules (IMO)


oh, and I'm a racist. If it was up to me, it'd be 3-on-3 half court ball, all white players, none of them over 5'11" and all games would be played below the Mason-Dixon line.

Finally a confession.  Do you prefer the plantation owning traditional Colonel or the animated, break-dancing one?
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteHe was a beast last year, so far he's struggling with his shot apparently. We definitely need him.

You from Michigan originally or something?

no, I just identify with the white point guard...

Plus, I like watching Izzo coach.

NCAA basketball rules (IMO)


oh, and I'm a racist. If it was up to me, it'd be 3-on-3 half court ball, all white players, none of them over 5'11" and all games would be played below the Mason-Dixon line.

Finally a confession.  Do you prefer the plantation owning traditional Colonel or the animated, break-dancing one?

I prefer the original mascot: The Flood


QuoteYou mean b/c of the Imus remarks?  Or am I missing something?

bowl and I were in 'Nam together and this black guy pulled me out of a fox hole right before a missle hit. I lost a bet with him later that month, in Bien Hoa, and so let's just say I had to do some tricks with rice, a razor blade, a young donkey named Duc Tho, and Tang. So, bowl thinks I'm some sort of a racist...

it's complicated, but it's harmless.


QuoteYou mean b/c of the Imus remarks?  Or am I missing something?

bowl and I were in 'Nam together and this black guy pulled me out of a fox hole right before a missle hit. I lost a bet with him later that month, in Bien Hoa, and so let's just say I had to do some tricks with rice, a razor blade, a young donkey named Duc Tho, and Tang. So, bowl thinks I'm some sort of a racist...

it's complicated, but it's harmless.

actually they're both closet racists who like to cover up this hate by pointing fingers at other people.  What this has to do with college athletics, no one will ever know.


How about the rankings for the top 170?


I know I may be a little opiniated, but I really think Ole Miss got the shaft at being ranked #83...
We're easily in the top 70.


USC lost to Mercer!!  O.J. Mayo is OVERRATED big time IMO.  But, it's just one game, we'll see how it goes.

And Georgetown had a little trouble getting their first could be a shakey season all around.


QuoteUSC lost to Mercer!!  O.J. Mayo is OVERRATED big time IMO.

Oops.  I looked at the wrong stats in the postgame box score.  O.J. Mayo actually had a 32 point game.  I take back the above statement.  


aj mayo is from my neck of the woods.  I've been hearing about him since he was in 7th grade. however I haven't like all the things I've heard, especially about his personality.   it'll be interesting to see how his career at USC and beyond works out.

bowl of soup

QuoteYou mean b/c of the Imus remarks?  Or am I missing something?

bowl and I were in 'Nam together and this black guy pulled me out of a fox hole right before a missle hit. I lost a bet with him later that month, in Bien Hoa, and so let's just say I had to do some tricks with rice, a razor blade, a young donkey named Duc Tho, and Tang. So, bowl thinks I'm some sort of a racist...

it's complicated, but it's harmless.

actually they're both closet racists who like to cover up this hate by pointing fingers at other people.  What this has to do with college athletics, no one will ever know.

I love everyone.  Except eskimos.  Now about Duc Tho...
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Carolina tips off in a half hour!!!!!!  I CAN'T WAIT.  Bring it on Psycho T.


Louisville Rock and Roll



Getting nervous Triple G?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteGetting nervous Triple G?

::Heart starts beating again::

Honestly I knew this would be a true test for a season opener.  We had moments of brilliance, but overall Davidson played awesome defense which took us down a notch.  Seriously, I was freaking out the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half when we had like 2 points in 8 minutes or something ridiculous.  I'm not very shocked though...I thought we would've had a 10-12 point win, but when you play a NCAA tourney team with all 5 starters back, there are no surprises when they give you a run up until the final seconds.

I'm just glad this one is over.  I think it'll be valuable experience for everyone on this team, give them some perspective, and let them learn and (hopefully) blow out the next couple of teams.  Big probs to Davidson again, but I'm just glad I'll be able to go to sleep tonight. 8-)


Quotelet's go Davidson!

Fine.  I'm sorry I rooted against Ohio State. ;)


If you haven't since Derrick Rose for Memphis you need to check this freshman out! He's the real deal.


I saw him play a few games and he is amazing.  He'll be one and done I'm sure, but Memphis is a big threat for the national title this year for sure.