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Mad Men

Started by bbill, Jul 27, 2008, 02:12 PM

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Quoteyou always have to catch bbill on tuesdays-----so good last night----you are going to be a little shocked.

I did watch it last night, but I'm charging hard at work and can't really get into it as I'd like. The women had it rough though (that's one of the major themes of the show, really).

yeah that was the little montage they did at the end---i didn't get what happens w/joan in the next episode (from watching the preview) that priest looks so evil, too---i'm glad that peggy stood up to him

The actor who plays the priest is Tom Hanks' son! ;D
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


Quoteyou always have to catch bbill on tuesdays-----so good last night----you are going to be a little shocked.

I did watch it last night, but I'm charging hard at work and can't really get into it as I'd like. The women had it rough though (that's one of the major themes of the show, really).

yeah that was the little montage they did at the end---i didn't get what happens w/joan in the next episode (from watching the preview) that priest looks so evil, too---i'm glad that peggy stood up to him

The actor who plays the priest is Tom Hanks' son! ;D

Yeah! Colin Hanks. I really liked him in Orange County. Anyone else remember that movie?

We're going to have to wait two weeks for the next new episode because the Emmys are on next Sunday. Damn! Well not so damn, I have four shows I keep up with on Sundays (True Blood, Entourage, Skins (BBC America), and Mad Men). It'll be a nice break.


Jon Hamm (Don Draper) is going to host SNL on October 25th. Woot!

Penny Lane

Quoteyou always have to catch bbill on tuesdays-----so good last night----you are going to be a little shocked.

I did watch it last night, but I'm charging hard at work and can't really get into it as I'd like. The women had it rough though (that's one of the major themes of the show, really).

yeah that was the little montage they did at the end---i didn't get what happens w/joan in the next episode (from watching the preview) that priest looks so evil, too---i'm glad that peggy stood up to him

The actor who plays the priest is Tom Hanks' son! ;D
OHHHH i knew i'd seen him before!
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Penny Lane

QuoteJon Hamm (Don Draper) is going to host SNL on October 25th. Woot!

that's awesome---he gets hotter w/every show--slattery has moved to #2 position
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Penny Lane

what did people think of the season finale? i loved it. any predictions for next season? bbill--should we wait till tomorrow to discuss!!!??
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quotewhat did people think of the season finale? i loved it. any predictions for next season? bbill--should we wait till tomorrow to discuss!!!??

i missed it! please pm me and tell me what happened, b/c it won't be up on hulu until a week from today.

all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


Yeah, please wait!!! I'll watch it tonight (thanks for asking  :))

Actually, the previous two episodes have been AWESOME!!!

"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Penny Lane

meg i PMd you the general stuff but i would seriously wait to watch it--it's SOOOOO good. they left open so many cool stories for next season :-) bbill--tomorrow we'll talk!
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I LOVE THIS SHOW. Everything is outstanding - the acting, the writing, the direction and production. The last 3 big scenes from the season finale were just so intriguing, so gripping! First, the scene in the board room with Duck and Don coming to a stand-off. THEN, the scene in Pete's office where Peggy tells him that she had his baby...and THEN the scene in the Draper kitchen (mostly silent) where Betty tells Don that she's pregnant. The acting in all of these was just SOOOO GOOOOOOOD!

So, what next? There was a 2 year gap between seasons 1 and 2, so if season 3 puts us 2 years further down the road....who knows?!?! I think Don is going to stay at Sterling Cooper, or at least most of the characters will still be in the show....there are too many great ones that are just beginning to bloom!!! It's hard to say if Don can play the role of the good husband...his trip to California was a major turning point...he came back a humbled man, wanting to make his marriage work.

...I've got to get some work done, but I'll chime in later today. What do you think about everything Penny???

"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Penny Lane

the scene w/peggy and pete took the cake--and it made him really more likeable (these last few episodes, too) i couldn't believe she told him! i can see him pursuing them as a family next season. is peggy supposed to represent dominque francon at all? i can see it a little bit.

Betty's bar scene?? I kind of saw that coming, though--but it's good she did it w/a random person. she's smart. the last scene w/them is so telling..there has been a power shift in the relationship--i love it.

the stand off---i am torn..part of me thinks because don has no non-comp clause-that he'll leave---but you could tell they wanted to rethink their choice of pres--

i wish they would have incorporated joan more into the last few episodes but the whole merger thing is such a good premise...i also like the backdrop with the ladies discussing the bomb shelters at the salon.

yes this is the best show on tv right now--so subtle---it's haunting
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill