The 'Anyone Else Drinkin'?' Thread...

Started by dragonboy, Aug 24, 2006, 11:27 AM

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Have a good evening DB.

I'm just finishing up a Saturday morning at work  :( but then it's down to the pub for some quality time with the newspaper and some Fullers London Pride.  Might go mad and have a pint of ESB.  Or even switch to Guinness.  Mmmmm.  I love beer.

Saturday afternoons while the wife's at work?  What else is a man supposed to do!
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Quote...but then it's down to the pub for some quality time with the newspaper and some Fullers London Pride.  Might go mad and have a pint of ESB.  Or even switch to Guinness.
Way to make me very jealous Mark!  >:( ;)
What I wouldn't give for a proper pint of any of those!

I fell in love with Badger Beer when I was home last Sept (& was lucky enough to bump into your good self on the way to the toilet!!!) Can't wait for this Xmas, home for 2 weeks hopefully...keep an eye on the gigs nearer the time for me so we can hook up for a couple of jars!
Have a good one Sir!  :)

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Quote...but then it's down to the pub for some quality time with the newspaper and some Fullers London Pride.  Might go mad and have a pint of ESB.  Or even switch to Guinness.
Way to make me very jealous Mark!  >:( ;)
What I wouldn't give for a proper pint of any of those!

I fell in love with Badger Beer when I was home last Sept (& was lucky enough to bump into your good self on the way to the toilet!!!) Can't wait for this Xmas, home for 2 weeks hopefully...keep an eye on the gigs nearer the time for me so we can hook up for a couple of jars!
Have a good one Sir!  :)

still waiting on word for a visit to the states...

we can hook up for a couple of jars and something the locals call "meigs county gold"
(hint:  it's not beer)    ;) ;)


I'm planning to make it to the mainland US again in either Spring or Summer 2008.
Seems like a long way away but let's make it happen!
Miki wants to go to Vegas, I want to go to Graceland again  ;)

Joking aside though, I'd really love to see some of the american countryside...downtown Memphis & Nashiville scared the shit out of me!  :-[
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Quote...but then it's down to the pub for some quality time with the newspaper and some Fullers London Pride.  Might go mad and have a pint of ESB.  Or even switch to Guinness.
Way to make me very jealous Mark!  >:( ;)
What I wouldn't give for a proper pint of any of those!

I fell in love with Badger Beer when I was home last Sept (& was lucky enough to bump into your good self on the way to the toilet!!!) Can't wait for this Xmas, home for 2 weeks hopefully...keep an eye on the gigs nearer the time for me so we can hook up for a couple of jars!
Have a good one Sir!  :)

still waiting on word for a visit to the states...

we can hook up for a couple of jars and something the locals call "meigs county gold"
(hint:  it's not beer)    ;) ;)

hell, rats, I may have to visit you.  I tried some of that shit when I lived in Dayton, but I've never seen it in Louisville (or anything like it these days)  :(

db, happy drinking, I'd join you but it's 10 in the morning here and that seems a little early.


God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


repost, since db started a new page right behind me.

hell, rats, I may have to visit you.  I tried some of that shit when I lived in Dayton, but I've never seen it in Louisville (or anything like it these days)  Sad

db, happy drinking, I'd join you but it's 10 in the morning here and that seems a little early.

I love boddingtons!


aMD, Rats, Capt, Red & anyone else who know's me...

Cheers!  [smiley=beer.gif]

Hmm...not too happy about those bags under my eyes.
I shall put those down to the fact that it's 12.30ish here & I've been drinking for a few hours rather than the fact that I'll turn 34 this year & that is life is rapidly catching up with me  :-/
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


In honour of db, I had Fuller's London Pride, ESB and Guinness this afternoon.  hic.

Now on red wine.

Which is nice.

ps - db, we should definitely hook up around xmas if you're in the UK.  Bound to be some good gigs in London.  BTW, a pub in the nearby village does lovely badger (for those of you who are not British, this is not a sexual reference, merely a fine ale).
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Quotehell, rats, I may have to visit you.  I tried some of that shit when I lived in Dayton, but I've never seen it in Louisville (or anything like it these days)  :(

visit any time you'd like.  i'm in athens county, just one county north of the "gold" mine.  that's pretty much what you find around here on average.    :)

also, just cracked open my first newcastle of the night.  just after 6 now, so the evening can only get better.  cheers everyone!


rolling rock. not sure how it got in my fridge but it reminds me of high school.
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.


Cheers Colleen!
Rolling Rock reminds me of summer holidays with my friends.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


I'm just drinking my usual Crown and Coke before I join some old friends I haven't seen in a little while.  Should be a great evening.  I wish you all the same!

Great pic db.  Alcohol and headphones, a match made in heaven.


just got done with work, stayed to have a few cc and cokes afterwards.
but in other words, i'm feeling alright outtasite, sunday night.

now i'm going to play some chumps in madden.
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


today started out as one of my worst days ever.... o boy i felt like a sack of poo...... but then being honest to those who are truly close to me made the day so much better.

in an unrelated story, i am now drinking and i feel fantastic. :)


One of my fav reds (other than my good buddy here on the forum!)
2001 is apparently the year to look out for, my 2003 wasn't cheap!

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


I love the label of that wine, db. I'm wearing a shirt with owls on it today, and seeing that seems like good luck.
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.


QuoteI'm wearing a shirt with owls on it today, and seeing that seems like good luck.
Owl buddies!  :D
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


A bottle of very expensive Champagne we've had in the fridge for ages (my wife just got promoted
(with a pay raise, of course!))  :D :) :D :)

EDIT: Does anybody actually like champagne?!!  :P  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


i seen this was creeping into the second page. so i did have a couple of cocktails after work. cc and cokes my favorite. anybody else at least have one?
Much Greater Than Science Fiction