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Started by red, Oct 24, 2008, 04:39 PM

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i don't like to but recently it's been a lot of fuck's and a lot of shitheads.
i don't really like it, it does dumb things down a little.
people make fun of me for saying "son of a biscuit" all the time, but WHATEVER. jerks.


The Wire's influence on me runs deep, it's even affected my cursing...



Sen. Clay Davis' Shiiiiiyeeeeeeeeeet!!! is classic  ;D
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Gotta love the many uses of Fuck....
(thanks Monty Python  ;))

Evening Rebel

Nuff' said Wiz. Fucking on point.


Gotta love the many uses of Fuck....
(thanks Monty Python  ;))

;D ;D
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


George Carlin, the king of 'cursing.'
That was a great tribute to him the other night on TV, anyone else see it?
I love cursing. I actually curse a lot in daily conversation (apparently a masculine way of speech, what BULLSHIT--my favorite curseword). I even curse when speaking with my parents and I don't care because if they ever had a problem with it, I would just recall every time they said those words when I was a kid, and I would also quote some Tom Tom Club: "What are words worth?..." I mean, really, what's in a fucking name? Signifiers are just signifiers, nothing more or less.
But my parents are super-cool, and they never care when I curse. My mom loves Shakespeare, and my dad loves nihilism and absurdity, so curse-words are pretty great things to them.....
"Yeah, it's chaos, it's clocks, it's watermelons, it's everything."


  I currently only curse when I'm super-pissed, but I used to like it was my job.  Now I have a two-year old and a ten month old... good thing I gave it up.  They repeat and remember everything (although the baby can't speak yet; she pays very close attention and is obviously filing things away for later use)!

 I also used to smoke cigs and now the smell is so bad to me.  Now I see cursing in a similar light...

 I now prefer 'What the french, toast!?'



Jesus Fucking Christ is one of my favs

st. john


dream and cool parents. whatever next ? sock it to em.


Can't control it, never could, never will.

Fuck it.  [smiley=evil.gif]
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


Quotei don't like to but recently it's been a lot of fuck's and a lot of shitheads.
i don't really like it, it does dumb things down a little.
people make fun of me for saying "son of a biscuit" all the time, but WHATEVER. jerks.

I looove "son of a biscuit".     ;D

I don't use it often, but I think a well-placed f-bomb can be pretty effective.  You need to know your audience, though.

I like the Christ variants - Christ on a bike, Christ on a cracker, etc.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


I curse.  I worked in a factory for about 9 years with some individuals that were not really intelligent.  I sometimes had to cuss to speak their language.  don't get me wrong, that was two years ago and I still let them fly all the time
Hooked on four like one, two, three


I also think that it 'dumbs it down a bit'.  I especially dislike hearing a girl with an excessive potty-mouth. I mean, guys are just generally the crude ones...


WHAT IN THE FUCKING GOD-DAMN HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!??? I wouldn't even think of fucking cursing...
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


woohoo for girls with potty-mouths! that's what i am. i don't give a flying fucking SHIT.
shit fuck piss cunt dickhead motherfucking bitch asshole bullshit.
"Yeah, it's chaos, it's clocks, it's watermelons, it's everything."


Quotewoohoo for girls with potty-mouths! that's what i am. i don't give a flying fucking SHIT.
shit fuck piss cunt dickhead motherfucking bitch asshole bullshit.

I'm pretty much a vulgarian, but my former Director at work makes me blush. She curses worse then a sailor. Scary actually.

Paulie Walnuts

Quotewoohoo for girls with potty-mouths! that's what i am. i don't give a flying fucking SHIT.
shit fuck piss cunt dickhead motherfucking bitch asshole bullshit.

I think that has to be pretty much my favourite post of all time  ;D

I really don't understand how some people can say that they don't have a problem with swearing, except for the word "cunt". Why? They are all just words, and all words have their uses in the right context.

Me and my colleagues call each other cunts all the's almost a term of endearment!

And it's bullshit when men frown upon women using the word as if it should be reserved for male company. Cunts!

I work with a girl who uses it and she's hilarious. All Deadwood fans will know that it was a word used much more frequently in those days by men and women. Bring it back I say!
"A problem a problem two people have got."