NBA Playoffs

Started by capt._headdy, May 19, 2009, 11:28 PM

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capt. scotty

Quotethe difference is lebron would give up the glory and put the ball in someone else's hands if it meant winning--kobe's the type of player to weigh the cost/benefits of his personal achievement for a split second before he decides

well, him doing that now just lost them the game pretty much. youre down one, and close to the rim. no need to pass outside for a 3 to win the game.

It seemed to be big shot after big shot down the stretch, but the 3 by Lewis was CLUTCH.

If the Magic lost this, it might have been demoralizing. Winning it though, in Cleveland, with LeBron going for FITTY, has to be a big boost for them and put a little fear into Clevelands heads
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quotethe difference is lebron would give up the glory and put the ball in someone else's hands if it meant winning--kobe's the type of player to weigh the cost/benefits of his personal achievement for a split second before he decides

well, him doing that now just lost them the game pretty much. youre down one, and close to the rim. no need to pass outside for a 3 to win the game.

It seemed to be big shot after big shot down the stretch, but the 3 by Lewis was CLUTCH.

If the Magic lost this, it might have been demoralizing. Winning it though, in Cleveland, with LeBron going for FITTY, has to be a big boost for them and put a little fear into Clevelands heads
I didn't see what happen but if what Headdy is posting is correct please refer back to my post ealier in the thread where I stated that lebron doesn't have the courage to put the game in his hands during the final seconds.

It's not about him being a "good team player," it's about getting paid to be the man, and stepping up when the time comes. So far in his career he has tended to shy away from the big shot at the end of games...  

Afterall it's easier to dish the ball off and if your teammate misses, "oh well, I didn't miss the shot."
Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.


Quotethe difference is lebron would give up the glory and put the ball in someone else's hands if it meant winning--kobe's the type of player to weigh the cost/benefits of his personal achievement for a split second before he decides
You say he would 'give up the glory" I would say that he is too much a coward to take the winning shot.

but I do agree about the part with Kobe.

Just wanted to quote this so I can use it against you later.
Swing and Miss

Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.


well, him doing that now just lost them the game pretty much. youre down one, and close to the rim. no need to pass outside for a 3 to win the game

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Lebron might know a little bit more about basketball than you, sitting on your couch watching, sucking cheetos dregs off your fingers, flipping to ESPN to check baseball scores, critiquing his game. Just a hunch. I'm pretty sure without his 49 there wouldn't be any need for late game big decisions. If West hits the 3, like he did 30 seconds earlier, then Lebron is a genius; If he misses, then he is a goat. People love hating on us superstars.  ;)


Quotelebron doesn't have the courage to put the game in his hands during the final seconds.

leon, you'll make a great 5th grade basketball coach one day, rallying the troops, screaming about the courage it takes to put the ball in your hands in the final seconds...


Quotelebron doesn't have the courage to put the game in his hands during the final seconds.

leon, you'll make a great 5th grade basketball coach one day, rallying the troops, screaming about the courage it takes to put the ball in your hands in the final seconds...
Right, because 5th graders and a guy making 20 mill a year are the same thing...

Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.

Penny Lane

Quotethe difference is lebron would give up the glory and put the ball in someone else's hands if it meant winning--kobe's the type of player to weigh the cost/benefits of his personal achievement for a split second before he decides

well, him doing that now just lost them the game pretty much. youre down one, and close to the rim. no need to pass outside for a 3 to win the game.

It seemed to be big shot after big shot down the stretch, but the 3 by Lewis was CLUTCH.

If the Magic lost this, it might have been demoralizing. Winning it though, in Cleveland, with LeBron going for FITTY, has to be a big boost for them and put a little fear into Clevelands heads
I didn't see what happen but if what Headdy is posting is correct please refer back to my post ealier in the thread where I stated that lebron doesn't have the courage to put the game in his hands during the final seconds.

It's not about him being a "good team player," it's about getting paid to be the man, and stepping up when the time comes. So far in his career he has tended to shy away from the big shot at the end of games...  

Afterall it's easier to dish the ball off and if your teammate misses, "oh well, I didn't miss the shot."

are you seriously saying that passing out for the 3 was so he wouldn't have to take the last shot and be responsible for the game? there's a difference between an error in judgment and what you're saying, that play was debatable (i agree w/you, mistake) but you obviously haven't been paying attention to lebron's game in the past few years. He carries that team and the city on his back (doesn't mean he's NOT a team player).
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quotethe difference is lebron would give up the glory and put the ball in someone else's hands if it meant winning--kobe's the type of player to weigh the cost/benefits of his personal achievement for a split second before he decides

well, him doing that now just lost them the game pretty much. youre down one, and close to the rim. no need to pass outside for a 3 to win the game.

It seemed to be big shot after big shot down the stretch, but the 3 by Lewis was CLUTCH.

If the Magic lost this, it might have been demoralizing. Winning it though, in Cleveland, with LeBron going for FITTY, has to be a big boost for them and put a little fear into Clevelands heads
I didn't see what happen but if what Headdy is posting is correct please refer back to my post ealier in the thread where I stated that lebron doesn't have the courage to put the game in his hands during the final seconds.

It's not about him being a "good team player," it's about getting paid to be the man, and stepping up when the time comes. So far in his career he has tended to shy away from the big shot at the end of games...  

Afterall it's easier to dish the ball off and if your teammate misses, "oh well, I didn't miss the shot."

are you seriously saying that passing out for the 3 was so he wouldn't have to take the last shot and be responsible for the game? there's a difference between an error in judgment and what you're saying, that play was debatable (i agree w/you, mistake) but you obviously haven't been paying attention to lebron's game in the past few years. He carries that team and the city on his back (doesn't mean he's NOT a team player).
I understand that what he does the rest of the game does matter. The thing with bball is the last minutes count the most as the games usually end up being close. I'mm not saying he's completely selfish either. He is a team player for the most part. I have seen many instances where he has shied  from that final shot.

I really don't care what happens. But until he man's up the comparisons to Jordan are moot.
Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.

Penny Lane

i think he needs a pippen to elevate his game
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Everybody could use a Pippin
Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.


That was a great finish.  Both teams made some plays down the stretch.  If only James had made the other free throw late.  Ya know, that last play really is a tough call to make and it's easy to play couch coach (not armchair qb).  However, as Cap. said, in the one point game with you already at the rim and Howard fouled out, you have to commit to the bucket and at least draw the contact.  In the case of passing out to West in the corner on the earlier possession, a three made more sense there.  Here, I would think a Lebron shot contested by NOT Howard has a better chance than Delonte in the corner.  But hey, the King was gassed and cramping ::), hell, he called a 20 on his own at like the 3 minute mark or a little later because he couldn't even defend or get up the court.  Has that guy always had cramping problems and respiratory deficiencies.  

Great frickin' Game 1.  I know it's unfair to Lebron but when you see the two road teams play great in the game 1's and you see how Kobe and Lebron closed out the games, he's bound to take some heat.

[smiley=beer.gif] to 2 great games to lead off the conference championships.

Some quotes from the (humble) King:

"To all the positions, I just bring the determination to win. Me being an unselfish player, I think that can carry on to my teammates. When you have one of the best players on the court being unselfish, I think that transfers to the other players."

"I've always been a leader. I've always kind of been the tallest person on the team when I was younger but always kind of the smartest. I was ahead of my time. I wasn't always the oldest, I kind of was the youngest on the team, but, I kind of knew what to do at times."

"I'm the next O.J."

"I'm like a superhero. Call me Basketball Man."

"I love sharing the ball with my teammates. I see a lot of things before my teammates see them."

::) ::) ::)
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Vadie Stark

QuoteEverybody could use a Pippin

Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.


Some quotes from the (humble) King:

"To all the positions, I just bring the determination to win. Me being an unselfish player, I think that can carry on to my teammates. When you have one of the best players on the court being unselfish, I think that transfers to the other players."

"I've always been a leader. I've always kind of been the tallest person on the team when I was younger but always kind of the smartest. I was ahead of my time. I wasn't always the oldest, I kind of was the youngest on the team, but, I kind of knew what to do at times."

"I'm the next O.J."

"I'm like a superhero. Call me Basketball Man."

"I love sharing the ball with my teammates. I see a lot of things before my teammates see them."

::) ::) ::)
Right... 'cause I'm sure he's gonna say, "I'm a ballhog, my team is nothing without me." He's not A1 for science sake.

Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.


Well, I think I'm more confident than I was in Game 1.  As many of the "experts" have already noted, the Nuggets played a hell of a game and still blew it.  I know the Lakers aren't going to get to the offensive glass as well as they did in Game 1 but the shooting % discrepancy between the two teams won't be 7-8% either.

Where were you when it mattered Carmelo?  Has anyone seen Lamar Odom?  I haven't
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

capt. scotty

well, him doing that now just lost them the game pretty much. youre down one, and close to the rim. no need to pass outside for a 3 to win the game

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Lebron might know a little bit more about basketball than you, sitting on your couch watching, sucking cheetos dregs off your fingers, flipping to ESPN to check baseball scores, critiquing his game. Just a hunch. I'm pretty sure without his 49 there wouldn't be any need for late game big decisions. If West hits the 3, like he did 30 seconds earlier, then Lebron is a genius; If he misses, then he is a goat. People love hating on us superstars.  ;)

Im sure LeBron does know more about basketball than me. That still means he can make the wrong decision though, right?

However many points he did or didnt have in the game is a moot point and has absolutely no bearing on what to do in this final shot situation, down 1 point. You think Mike Brown actually drew up a play for LeBron to take it to the hoop and dish it to an open Delonte or Mo for a 3pointer when they were down 1? Highly unlikely. And if that was the case, the King shouldve just ignored it.

QuoteThat was a great finish.  Both teams made some plays down the stretch.  If only James had made the other free throw late.  Ya know, that last play really is a tough call to make and it's easy to play couch coach (not armchair qb).  However, as Cap. said, in the one point game with you already at the rim and Howard fouled out, you have to commit to the bucket and at least draw the contact.  In the case of passing out to West in the corner on the earlier possession, a three made more sense there.  Here, I would think a Lebron shot contested by NOT Howard has a better chance than Delonte in the corner.  But hey, the King was gassed and cramping ::), hell, he called a 20 on his own at like the 3 minute mark or a little later because he couldn't even defend or get up the court.  Has that guy always had cramping problems and respiratory deficiencies.  

Great frickin' Game 1.  I know it's unfair to Lebron but when you see the two road teams play great in the game 1's and you see how Kobe and Lebron closed out the games, he's bound to take some heat.

Spot on, spot on, BDR.

Of course his cramps must have been so bad though that he needed 5 minutes of being hunched over on the court instead of just hobbling off the court and taking care of that in the locker room. More like Drama King  ::)
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

QuoteEverybody could use a Pippin


The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


dude shoots 67% in a playoff game, scores 49 points, grabs 8 rebounds, dishes 6 assists, and people are crying b/c he can't "finish".

I'm a better fan of basketball than that. I appreciate the game for what it is and how these guys are doing things on the court that I can only dream of.

Here's for more great games!  :)

and here's to The Doctooooor


well, him doing that now just lost them the game pretty much. youre down one, and close to the rim. no need to pass outside for a 3 to win the game
People love hating on us superstars.  ;)

Yup, it's our only way to reconcile our love more sports with our hatred for money and gree.  Hate the stars[smiley=bath.gif]

Now the way the way some high school and college players are treated by the fans is where I kind of draw the line.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quotedude shoots 67% in a playoff game, scores 49 points, grabs 8 rebounds, dishes 6 assists, and people are crying b/c he can't "finish".

I'm a better fan of basketball than that. I appreciate the game for what it is and how these guys are doing things on the court that I can only dream of.

Here's for more great games!  :)

and here's to The Doctooooor

I agree with you 100% Tracy.  He is the best player in the game and I don't think it's even close.  He's the best player I have ever seen PERIOD.  BUT, when you call yourself the King and(as Leon mentioned earlier) refers to his teammates as his "supporting cast", there will be some negativity.  All it will take is for him to win his 1st title, whenever that is, and all this will subside.

The same happened to Jordan.

I firmly believe that his last second decision only reinforced his reputation down the stretch as not wanting to take the last shot. It's one thing to trust your teammates and another to be scared.  He's got to want it in the last second.

Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


If he passes he's a coward, if he shoots he's a ball hog.  I love how easy it is for some to criticize a 24 year old who scored 49 in a conference finals game.  He calls himself the king because it is a nickname, I'm sure he didn't give it to myself and it's a fitting one.  He calls his teammates his supporting cast, because they are, he knows it, they know it, you know it, I know it, why should he act like he's worse than he is?
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