Tell Me Your Fears...

Started by PhriendlyMMJPhan, May 24, 2010, 11:38 PM

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QuoteT\s could invade Australia: UFO experts

2010-05-27 13:10:00
Last Updated: 2010-05-27 16:01:48

Melbourne: Experts in Australia have expressed their fears that a full-scale alien invasion of the Northern Territory is about to take place.

Though astronomers and police say the flares seen across a 360km-long stretch of the Top End coast were probably caused by a meteor shower.

But highly qualified UFO-ologists said they believed the bright lights were space ships on a pre-attack scouting mission, and Darwin-based UFO expert Alan Ferguson said the flares were obviously aliens.

"This all sounds like UFO activity," the Daily Telegraph quoted him as saying.

"Meteors usually just flash across the sky and leave a tail. But UFOs will stay in the same spot and wobble up and down and side to side. Fast movements.

"That's how they work," he explained.

Related story: We should thank aliens for our computer screens: Expert

Ferguson said UFOs nearly always came to the Top End during the dry season.

"It may be just that there are less clouds and we can see better. Or it maybe that we're outside more during the Dry," he said.

"Or maybe the UFOs are interested in our military activity. There are always more of them about during (Operation) Pitch Black," he stated.

Superintendent Bruce Porter said police received many calls about the flares at about 9pm on May 25, and even launched a search when they feared a boat was in distress.

More reading: Stay home ET. UK scientist: Aliens may pose risks

"We took this seriously, but the indications are that nobody is missing," they said.

Just last month the NT News reported on how one Territory town's invasion by UFOs had been recorded in the world's most famous museum for extraterrestrial life.

But Superintendent Porter believes the flares were probably a meteor shower.
I'm sure we'll get along with the aliens just fine.  ;)
How loud can silence get?

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

are you kidding weenie? stephan hawking said if aliens ever came to earth it would mostly like be for our resources.  they'd destroy our planet in a heart beat do not doubt it.  aliens are nothing to fuck with. dcdub knows whats up with aliens.  they'll fucking take your dna and clone you.  

capt. scotty

Quoteare you kidding weenie? stephan hawking said if aliens ever came to earth it would mostly like be for our resources.  they'd destroy our planet in a heart beat do not doubt it.  aliens are nothing to fuck with. dcdub knows whats up with aliens.  they'll fucking take your dna and clone you.  

if she's hot, Id let an alien take my dna in the face
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quoteare you kidding weenie? stephan hawking said if aliens ever came to earth it would mostly like be for our resources.  they'd destroy our planet in a heart beat do not doubt it.  aliens are nothing to fuck with. dcdub knows whats up with aliens.  they'll fucking take your dna and clone you.  
Damn straight. To say they'll take your dna is putting it lightly. More than likely they'll rip all of your skin off to start with. Who knows what they're capable of. If anyone knows, it's Stephen Hawking for sure
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


Quoteare you kidding weenie? stephan hawking said if aliens ever came to earth it would mostly like be for our resources.  they'd destroy our planet in a heart beat do not doubt it.  aliens are nothing to fuck with. dcdub knows whats up with aliens.  they'll fucking take your dna and clone you.  
Trust me, I woudn't mess with an alien.
By getting along I meant that if they land in the Norhern Territory of all places, some bogan would probably invite them in for a cup of tea and pavlova. If their spaceship broke down we'd probably try to help them fix it. ;)
How loud can silence get?

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quoteare you kidding weenie? stephan hawking said if aliens ever came to earth it would mostly like be for our resources.  they'd destroy our planet in a heart beat do not doubt it.  aliens are nothing to fuck with. dcdub knows whats up with aliens.  they'll fucking take your dna and clone you.  
Trust me, I woudn't mess with an alien.
By getting along I meant that if they land in the Norhern Territory of all places, some bogan would probably invite them in for a cup of tea and pavlova. If their spaceship broke down we'd probably try to help them fix it. ;)

but what if they were aliens like in district 9?  they'd be all buggin' and you wouldn't know what they were saying.  For all we know they could be made of methane and explode once their skin touches our atmosphere.  they could be made up of weird shit, infinite, unimaginable possibilities.  

It'd be kinda awesome if aliens made contact but in the end they'd probably use us as food for their wizzle wozzles.


Quotefalling thru a manhole/those basement doors in sidewalks - i don't step on them if it can be avoided.  i prefer to go around them.  not really sure why apart from knowing it'd really fucking hurt!

Whilst working there years ago, a colleague of mine fell down a manhole in Bangkok during the rainy season.  It was the middle of a downpour, roads and pavements flooded and down he went.  Broke his leg, but managed to stop himself from going down completely by putting his arms out.  You really don't want to drown in a Thai sewer.  It freaked him (and all of us) out.  Plus, when it rained like that, there were all sorts of snakes swimming around as they were washed out of their holes...

My fear is to fall through ice and drown trying to find a way back up.

crazy story about your friend. mark!  hope he is ok & not too traumatized - especially w/ snakes in the water.  holy smokes that must've been awful, awful, awful.

falling thu ice & drowning trying to find your way back up would be a terrible way to go.  i don't even want to think about that...
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


this thread scares me.  I think Sticky is turning into the Scarecrow from Batman... beware BEWARRRREEEEEEE!!!!
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quotethis thread scares me.  I think Sticky is turning into the Scarecrow from Batman... beware BEWARRRREEEEEEE!!!!

I'll dose you if you're not careful.


Quotethis thread scares me.  I think Sticky is turning into the Scarecrow from Batman... beware BEWARRRREEEEEEE!!!!

I'll dose you if you're not careful.
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


You'll get a wicked case of the munchies if Sticky doses you, could be very dangerous
Shooting in the dark as to what's best