The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff


First, Willy Wonka? Supwidat?

Goddammit Hurley.

Anyway, I'm wondering if Desmond touching Locke's hand will change Desmond in the other world.

I'm also wondering if Hurley's luck will now change

And I'm wondering if Desmond ran over Locke due to being aware of the Island or because he needs everyone at the Hospital, which makes me wonder if the Hospital is Zuul.

I'm guessing Desmond is like a Zipper and his job is to make the two ends meet.

I think it's unbelievably clear now that Locke is 100% not good

what the fuck  is zuul?!  mind still fried from being blown.



First, Willy Wonka? Supwidat?

Goddammit Hurley.

Anyway, I'm wondering if Desmond touching Locke's hand will change Desmond in the other world.

I'm also wondering if Hurley's luck will now change

And I'm wondering if Desmond ran over Locke due to being aware of the Island or because he needs everyone at the Hospital, which makes me wonder if the Hospital is Zuul.

I'm guessing Desmond is like a Zipper and his job is to make the two ends meet.

I think it's unbelievably clear now that Locke is 100% not good

what the fuck  is zuul?!  mind still fried from being blown.
From Wikipedia:
QuoteThe Ghostbusters are hired by a woman named Dana Barrett, whose apartment at 55 Central Park West is haunted by a demonic spirit called Zuul, a demigod worshiped in 6000 BC as a servant to Gozer the Gozerian, a Sumerian shape-shifting god. Venkman, who finds Dana attractive, takes a particular interest in the case, competing for her affection with her socially-inept neighbor Louis Tully. As they look into the matter, Dana is possessed by Zuul, which declares itself "The Gatekeeper". Louis is also discovered to be possessed by a similar demon called Vinz Clortho, "The Keymaster". Both demons speak of the coming of the destructive god Gozer, and the Ghostbusters decide it would be prudent to keep the two separated from each other. However, the next day, the Ghostbusters office is visited by Walter Peck of the EPA, who arrests the team and orders their ghost containment grid shut down, unleashing hundreds of ghosts onto New York City. Freed from the Ghostbusters' protective custody, Louis/Vinz begins making his way toward Dana/Zuul's apartment as the escaped ghosts create havoc throughout the city.

In other words, everyone has to gather at the Hospital where the gate keeper lies.

EDIT 2: Sorry, I mistyped in my excitement. The hospital isn't Zuul, but like in Ghostbusters, it's where the Gatekeeper will meet the Keymaster.
I'm surrounded by assholes




Next week is going to be amazing.  So.. thoughts?  John Locke's character get's completely pissed on no matter what timeline.  I literally feel bad for him.  I have never been able to truly hate any incarnation of John but damn Desmond, hitting a man in a wheel chair with a car is pretty extreme haha.

It seems like when people have their flashes of the previous timeline they remember everything of it from start to finish.  It's too simple to think Desmond hit John because MiB threw him in the well.  I believe Jack and John are each others constant.  Which is the ultimate pay off I can think of.  we all took notice and said john is going to get spinal surgery from jack.  It just wasn't on his own free will, it was desmond who gave him "a little push".  haha.  fuck man, John Locke has gotten pissed on for 6years straight and he's a totally nice dude at the heart of it.  Good fucking writing.

The Michael/People who did bad stuff on the island explanation for the whispers is interesting but it still does not explain Christian one bit.  Right now Desmond is literally sitting on a pocket of magnetic energy, I wonder if it is having an effect on his actions?

Libby only "liked" Hurley? What a loose slut.  She's hot though.   Her eye kinda looked like Thom Yorke's eye in one of the shots.  I'd still tap it.

Confirmed this episode:
-Memories Transfer to the Alternate Timeline, for the good or the bad?
-Hurley is a cold straight baller.

I almost wonder if the man in black gains energy from each person he kills.  I noticed he seemed to be making a staff with the similar attitude Eko had.  I want an Eko comeback, BAD.  but if he was seen off the island by Hurley does that mean his "soul" is trapped on the island? thus is this why Michael and Walt were not on the plane?  Because his consciousness was trapped on the island and could not transition to the next "ring" of the circle. the next doll within a doll so to speak.  

damn this shit is tight as fuck.  I want to see desmond shoot lasers or something from his hands.

I think you're right, Jack and John must be the constants. But are they gonna kiss? What is the significance of having everyone meet up? Aside from memories merging, what consequence will it have?

I wonder if people on the Island suddenly realize that in their "other life" they have everything they want if they'd make changes. For example...if Hurley knows he has Libby, would he want to make the same choices?
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff



Next week is going to be amazing.  So.. thoughts?  John Locke's character get's completely pissed on no matter what timeline.  I literally feel bad for him.  I have never been able to truly hate any incarnation of John but damn Desmond, hitting a man in a wheel chair with a car is pretty extreme haha.

It seems like when people have their flashes of the previous timeline they remember everything of it from start to finish.  It's too simple to think Desmond hit John because MiB threw him in the well.  I believe Jack and John are each others constant.  Which is the ultimate pay off I can think of.  we all took notice and said john is going to get spinal surgery from jack.  It just wasn't on his own free will, it was desmond who gave him "a little push".  haha.  fuck man, John Locke has gotten pissed on for 6years straight and he's a totally nice dude at the heart of it.  Good fucking writing.

The Michael/People who did bad stuff on the island explanation for the whispers is interesting but it still does not explain Christian one bit.  Right now Desmond is literally sitting on a pocket of magnetic energy, I wonder if it is having an effect on his actions?

Libby only "liked" Hurley? What a loose slut.  She's hot though.   Her eye kinda looked like Thom Yorke's eye in one of the shots.  I'd still tap it.

Confirmed this episode:
-Memories Transfer to the Alternate Timeline, for the good or the bad?
-Hurley is a cold straight baller.

I almost wonder if the man in black gains energy from each person he kills.  I noticed he seemed to be making a staff with the similar attitude Eko had.  I want an Eko comeback, BAD.  but if he was seen off the island by Hurley does that mean his "soul" is trapped on the island? thus is this why Michael and Walt were not on the plane?  Because his consciousness was trapped on the island and could not transition to the next "ring" of the circle. the next doll within a doll so to speak.  

damn this shit is tight as fuck.  I want to see desmond shoot lasers or something from his hands.

I think you're right, Jack and John must be the constants. But are they gonna kiss? What is the significance of having everyone meet up? Aside from memories merging, what consequence will it have?

I wonder if people on the Island suddenly realize that in their "other life" they have everything they want if they'd make changes. For example...if Hurley knows he has Libby, would he want to make the same choices?

There is def. a possibility of some J  on J action.  If Locke is having spinal surgery then he's mostly likely going to have to take off his underwear in case he poops or pees while they're operating.  maybe Jack will give his balls a quick, soft stroke - insert time flash - and then bam! an Alien busts out of John Locke's chest and it says "LOST" (end of series.)


OH, and I'm VERY upset at the writers. Golden opportunity missed!

[Locke returns to camp after tossing Desmond in the well]
Sayid: How's Desmond?
Locke: He's...WELL
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

oh and desmond would tell them it worked if he could, but he can't because locke stuck him in that stupid fucking well.  I'm waiting for the Sawyer/Sayid showdown as well.  

at first I thought maybe he killed locke because locke's body would be MiB's conduit to the other side but that's unlikely since the poon jolly MiB only has christians shoes.  He's in the form of locke but is that because he was claimed early on?

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteOH, and I'm VERY upset at the writers. Golden opportunity missed!

[Locke returns to camp after tossing Desmond in the well]
Sayid: How's Desmond?
Locke: He's...WELL



Quoteoh and desmond would tell them it worked if he could, but he can't because locke stuck him in that stupid fucking well.  I'm waiting for the Sawyer/Sayid showdown as well.  

at first I thought maybe he killed locke because locke's body would be MiB's conduit to the other side but that's unlikely since the poon jolly MiB only has christians shoes.  He's in the form of locke but is that because he was claimed early on?

You raise an interesting point. So let's say that the two worlds don't merge by people meeting their constants and having their minds combine, but instead physically leave the island. We're gonna have some duality issues when you have two people located in two locations at the same time, ya know?
I'm surrounded by assholes



In the "original world", what is going on back in the rest of the world? Usually they give us clues...they'd show us baseball clips, etc. As far as everyone was concerned, Oceanic was a tragedy and there were 6 survivors who became (undeserving) celebrities.

I know that we'd all love it if Kate Gosselin vanished one day, but at the same time, wouldn't we also be like "Where the fuck is Kate Gosselin?"
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quoteoh and desmond would tell them it worked if he could, but he can't because locke stuck him in that stupid fucking well.  I'm waiting for the Sawyer/Sayid showdown as well.  

at first I thought maybe he killed locke because locke's body would be MiB's conduit to the other side but that's unlikely since the poon jolly MiB only has christians shoes.  He's in the form of locke but is that because he was claimed early on?

You raise an interesting point. So let's say that the two worlds don't merge by people meeting their constants and having their minds combine, but instead physically leave the island. We're gonna have some duality issues when you have two people located in two locations at the same time, ya know?

I don't know if they can dopple gang bang it out with that many episodes left, can they?  I thought the reason babies couldn't exist at certain times and whatever was possibly because of time/space rules.  the consciousness can merge but there is never more than one.  So, in most cases so far people have been rewarded or seem better off in time line 2 correct?  except Charlie who is running madly looking for his blonde constant Claire.  Aaron wasn't conceived on the island and Ling Yow or whatever Sun/Jin's kid's name was.  So is that why sun got shot in the uterus?  So the baby couldn't exist? because if that baby exists the world would stop existing? or is Aaron MiB?

Rose still has cancer like a bitch in the alternate timeline and she's always been nice as fuck but has never trusted lock.  Richard said Jacob never tells them what to do.  Is This True?  I think that depends by what you consider "tell" to me.  He definitely influences the fuck out of them.  Vincent is totally Jacob.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


In the "original world", what is going on back in the rest of the world? Usually they give us clues...they'd show us baseball clips, etc. As far as everyone was concerned, Oceanic was a tragedy and there were 6 survivors who became (undeserving) celebrities.

I know that we'd all love it if Kate Gosselin vanished one day, but at the same time, wouldn't we also be like "Where the fuck is Kate Gosselin?"

Shit got reset yo and MIB won?  but like you said we aren't aware if you can travel between the two time lines.  desmond does seem like the bridge between the two universes.  Clairvoyant n shit.





QuoteI almost wonder if the man in black gains energy from each person he kills.  I noticed he seemed to be making a staff with the similar attitude Eko had.  

Good catch! That could just be some foreshadowing...

QuoteI want an Eko comeback, BAD.  
Me too, and I think it is very possible...we got Libby and Michael tonight.


I was thinking about Eko too, I think he's the only "dead" character yet to make a appearance to Hurley or I wrong?

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI was thinking about Eko too, I think he's the only "dead" character yet to make a appearance to Hurley or I wrong?

hurley was playing chess with him at the mental asylum when sayid picked him up but it wasn't visible to us, the viewer.


oh yeah, that's right.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteIn other words, everyone has to gather at the Hospital where the gate keeper lies.

EDIT 2: Sorry, I mistyped in my excitement. The hospital isn't Zuul, but like in Ghostbusters, it's where the Gatekeeper will meet the Keymaster.

DUDE! what if Locke dies again and they all go to the funeral and that's the end?  

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

oh yeah and Hume = 42 I think.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Is Hurley "Dante" from the Divine Comedy?  He talks to dead people...  ends up with his love in a heaven like scenario so far... But in order to reach Libby he has to battle his way through hell/purgatory first?  I never finished the Paradiso part of divine comedy but there are things about lost that remind me of themes from it.  Talking to dead philosophers, getting information from the souls, etc.  Maybe Michael is like Virgil or something, guiding Dante on his quest through hell?


From the article:

The audience is saying, "I hope they explain the relationship between these two stories," and that, to us, is the only answer we owe. Because at this point, the characters are not aware that there's any timeline other than the one they are in. But if they were to become aware of the parallel worlds, what might they do about it? That becomes a fundamental question.

This is very interesting
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


From the article:

The audience is saying, "I hope they explain the relationship between these two stories," and that, to us, is the only answer we owe. Because at this point, the characters are not aware that there's any timeline other than the one they are in. But if they were to become aware of the parallel worlds, what might they do about it? That becomes a fundamental question.

This is very interesting

tonight's going to be bad ass.  I hope somebody bad ass gets the axe.